trump and children must honor subpoena for NY AG judge rules

Not a wise move.For some Radical Black New Yorker woman to get
so high on her pony.

lol ... 'radical'. why is she radical? 'cause she thinks donny shouldn't have used his foundation as a personal piggy bank?

haaaaaaaaaaaaa........... she got him to admit to 19 counts of fraud.

Trump is a legend in New York city.

new yorkers hate donny. they always have. he knows it & that's why he hardly spends any time there. or pays any taxes.

dun dun DUN!

New Yorkers
never agreed on any one person.They are melting pot of too many
nuts in a bag of candy corn.

donny's screwed.
Not a wise move.For some Radical Black New Yorker woman to get
so high on her pony.Trump is a legend in New York city.New Yorkers
never agreed on any one person.They are melting pot of too many
nuts in a bag of candy corn.
If the mentally orange pile of shit never goes back to New York City, there will be a huge party. He is despised there.
donny settles ALL the time. although he lied about never settling.
Um it may depend on what the definition of Settling is.
I guess Trump could forgo running in 2024 and take up acting.
Like playing some early settler back in the Pioneering days.
With just one demand.He's gotta keep his locks.No other
hairdo will pass muster with The Don.
Plus of course NO smoking.Not even some little corncob pipe.
lol ... 'radical'. why is she radical? 'cause she thinks donny shouldn't have used his foundation as a personal piggy bank?

haaaaaaaaaaaaa........... she got him to admit to 19 counts of fraud.

new yorkers hate donny. they always have. he knows it & that's why he hardly spends any time there. or pays any taxes.

dun dun DUN!

donny's screwed.
Probably the same reason Kamala Harris was never thunk of as
a Radical.Nor Obama.He was advertised in 2008 by Chicago Commie
David Axelrod as a Moderate.
The Left Lies.It's their stock in trade.
Probably the same reason Kamala Harris was never thunk of as
a Radical.Nor Obama.He was advertised in 2008 by Chicago Commie
David Axelrod as a Moderate.
The Left Lies.It's their stock in trade.

deflection denied.jpg

Chiefly, Mr. Trump admits to personally misusing funds at the Trump Foundation

The third stipulation includes 19 paragraphs of factual admissions by Mr. Trump and the Foundation of illegal activity.
in donny's case, it means if it goes to trial, he's screwed.
If WHAT Goes to Trial.A busload of innuendo and provable
lies like Quid Pro Quo { basis for his Impeachment } and Russian
Collusion.get a grip man.These lefties live for this kind of bunk.
There need be an entire Unit in the NYPD for a special BUNCO
If WHAT Goes to Trial.

it means he NEVER goes to trial, for any lawsuit he's been involved in. why? why you ask?

'cause then he knows he would loooooooooose.....

A busload of innuendo and provable
lies like Quid Pro Quo { basis for his Impeachment } and Russian
Collusion.get a grip man.These lefties live for this kind of bunk.
There need be an entire Unit in the NYPD for a special BUNCO

^^^ what pablum ^^^
That lying sack of shit Traitor will perjure himself within 10-Minutes.
You're all absolutely terrified! You're all running around in circles yapping at one another like Pomeranians on crack, terrified of what is eventually going to happen to your cult.

Keep it up. We love it.
You're all absolutely terrified! You're all running around in circles yapping at one another like Pomeranians on crack, terrified of what is eventually going to happen to your cult.

Sock troll thinks accusing everyone else of the things of which he is most guilty is effective..

Because, duh, or something
you can take the 5th during a civil case.

HOWEVER - the difference being: in a criminal case, taking the 5th cannot be used against you & a jury will be instructed to not use that right as a measure of guilt or innocence.

but in a civil case - a jury CAN use that as an inference of guilt
Thanks for the clarification.
More nothing burger stuff. What you should be looking at is the walls closing in on Hillary. That jail cell will have close walls for sure. You also commented on the Communist News Network which is always fake news.
Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...

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