trump and children must honor subpoena for NY AG judge rules

The walls close in tighter!
More nothing burger stuff. What you should be looking at is the walls closing in on Hillary. That jail cell will have close walls for sure. You also commented on the Communist News Network which is always fake news.
More nothing burger stuff. What you should be looking at is the walls closing in on Hillary. That jail cell will have close walls for sure. You also commented on the Communist News Network which is always fake news.

Should we make a wager on which one gets charged with a crime first?

So basically, the judge is saying that trump is NOT King and his children are NOT Royal.
This will go no where. New York judges, Ag's, Governors and Mayors are all communist hacks. The U.S. Supreme Court will eventually decide this and it will go away.
you can take the 5th during a civil case.

HOWEVER - the difference being: in a criminal case, taking the 5th cannot be used against you & a jury will be instructed to not use that right as a measure of guilt or innocence.

but in a civil case - a jury CAN use that as an inference of guilt
What specifically has Trump Criminally done.Whats the Charge.
This will go no where. New York judges, Ag's, Governors and Mayors are all communist hacks. The U.S. Supreme Court will eventually decide this and it will go away.

When was the last civil case that made it to the SCOTUS?
That will be Hillary. The Russia hoax is over and there is nothing else. Now, Biden should also be in jail for his dealings with China, Russia and the Ukraine deals through Hunter.

So, you willing to wager on that? Or are you just all talk?
Aced his Congnition test.The one Biden hides from.
OK, but never been big on controlling his tendency to run off at the mouth or shut up when it is in his best interests or anybody else's even if they are on his side. Seems prone to throwing other people under the bus in his place, too, and this is a family legal situation.
OK, but never been big on controlling his tendency to run off at the mouth or shut up when it is in his best interests or anybody else's even if they are on his side. Seems prone to throwing other people under the bus in his place, too, and this is a family legal situation.
I don't remember Trump telling anyone he'd take them to behind the shed and beat the crap out of them like Biden did to Trump. Biden has as big of trap as Trump as well.

Judge rules Trump, children must comply with NY AG's subpoena for testimony

BY HARPER NEIDIG - 02/17/22 03:18 PM EST

He ordered Trump to comply with the subpoena within 14 days. Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump have 21 days to sit for a deposition.
Judge rules Trump, children must comply with NY AG's subpoena for testimony

Definition of must

(Entry 1 of 4)
auxiliary verb
1a: be commanded or requested toyou must stop
b: be urged to : ought by all means toyou must read that book

Definition of comply

intransitive verb
1: to conform, submit, or adapt (as to a regulation or to another's wishes) as required or requestedcomply with federal lawthe devices comply with industry standards
~ merriam webster

Wasn't it SOP for a subpoena to be served In Person.Like the way a
signature is required for most documents.Again ... Trump does not
Cop Out from most anything.This Biden big mouth chickenshit boy of a man
hid from the public when running for Potus.Now he's hiding from even being
asked about a Cognition test.
The last thing Trump wants to do is be deposed. You have to be honest at those things. Wild, self-centered, self-promoting hyperbole and bullshit don't go over well.

This could be interesting.

If forced to show, he'll plead the 5th which will confirm his guilt.
letitia james is going after him civilly. but make no mistake, she is working in tandem with SDNY.

bank fraud, insurance fraud, & tax evasion ....

she's gonna nail him financially, just like she did with his sham of a 'charity' - where he ADMITTED to NINETEEN counts of fraud.

Not a wise move.For some Radical Black New Yorker woman to get
so high on her pony.Trump is a legend in New York city.New Yorkers
never agreed on any one person.They are melting pot of too many
nuts in a bag of candy corn.

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