Trump and his support explained, conservative pundits clueless..


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Trump and his support among the conservative base is explained in this article. why are George Will and Charles Krauthammer against him but Rush, Hannity, Mark Levine and Mike Savage not going after him......

Articles: Why Conservative Pundits Despise Trump

It was Burke who first identified the ideological insanity of the French Revolution, when fantasy-prone intellectuals grabbed absolute power to destroy a whole social class through the Terror, fully intending to keep killing until all the enemies of the Revolution were dead. The same kind of murderous ideologues have been pursuing total Revolution ever since, under the heading of Marxism and now Islamofascism, which also seeks to revolutionize the world by hook or by crook. Obama grew up in that part of the left.

Against the French Revolution Burke placed his faith in the moral intuitions of ordinary people. Well, you can't get more ordinary-sounding than Donald Trump. That's what seems to bug the intellectual right. It's a sort of class snobbery. But it's also a failure to see how cleverly Trump is playing the game.


conservative writers like Will and Krauthammer. But on Trump they have forgotten their basic Edmund Burke. More successfully than anyone else, Donald Trump is tapping into a deep popular unease about the moral and intellectual sleaziness of the ruling Left. The Left has been turned the country into a daily freak show, with Obama and Hillary smashing the constitutional furniture just because they feel like it. They are a national disaster.

Worse than that, Alinskyites like Obama and Hillary are extremely dangerous, as Obama's surrender to a nuclear Iran shows. Historically American statesmen aim for stability: Obama opts for revolution -- like the "Arab Spring" that was supposed to bring the fascist Muslim Brotherhood to power in Egypt. Today, Obama is pulling another revolutionary move by flipping American support to the fanatical priests of Tehran. Nobody believes Obama's barefaced lies anymore, except the U.S. media and their mind-numbed voters.

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The reason there is little support for Trump with those who analyze politics seriously is because there is nothing to explain the "how".
....It was Burke who first identified the ideological insanity of the French Revolution, when fantasy-prone intellectuals grabbed absolute power to destroy a whole social class through the Terror, fully intending to keep killing until all the enemies of the Revolution were dead. The same kind of murderous ideologues have been pursuing total Revolution ever since, under the heading of Marxism and now Islamofascism, which also seeks to revolutionize the world by hook or by crook. Obama grew up in that part of the left.

Whenever I read analysis and assumed nonsense like the bit quoted above, I know I am in stupid land. One can only shake their head. You know the author knows no history and only writes for a choir of the partisan believers. Travel back two hundred years and read into it your biases, now apply them to today with broad sweeps of applied nonsense. It may make the right wing fearful ideologues happy in their bubble, but it doesn't contain a morsel of commonsense or reality. You'd think the author could move to today and the republican party for the past forty years or more to explain the appeal of Trump. 'The ruling left' you gotta be kidding me.

Causes of the French Revolution
The reason there is little support for Trump with those who analyze politics seriously is because there is nothing to explain the "how".

the problem with that....Trump actually has a record of the "how". His record of the "how" stands in most major cities in is country and places overseas....he actually knows how to organize people to get things done....,,,his buildings show this...You can't build what he builds without knowing the important aspects of the "how."

A radio caller on one of the shows pointed out...Odds are Trump knows nothing about soil conditions in Florida......but he had to hire someone who did to get the permits to build his buildings...and he obviously picked someone very good...and he picked them over and over again....

On that line....does Trump know how to wire a sky scraper for electricity? does he know how to build dining room tables for his Restaurants? does he know all the building codes in all of the countries where he has built buildings? does he know how to plant the grass at his golf courses?


But...he knows "how" to get all those things the real world and he has actually done them. He has managed 10s of thousands of employees, in multiple countries to build everything he has built...over and over again...right?

so he pretty much has demonstrated he knows something about the "how" things are done.

Now take the politicians...we gave them majorities in both houses of congress on the pledge that hey would know the "how" of getting things done to reverse Obama ......and what do they say? we need to win another election...or...we don't have the votes.......and so they don't know "how" to get it done.

Trump knows the "how" of some very difficult thinking that he means it when he says he will get things done is not a big stretch of the imagination....
Those who support Trump support progressivism statism, period.

The ideologue conservatives can't support that, so they go to Carson or Paul.
Trump knows the "how" of some very difficult thinking that he means it when he says he will get things done is not a big stretch of the imagination.... is a post from another thread from another Trump supporter. I got into his short-bus and dove him to school with my response. To which, he started calling me names and basically tucked his tail between his legs and ran away. But, you, another loyal supporter of your new Messiah Trump now has the opportunity to pick up the battle flag and explain to all of us for the first time (the candidate won't do it) the "how"

Here is what
the_human_being said:

Let's reflect upon the reason(s) you are opposed to a Donald Trump presidency: Is/are your reason(s) one or more of the following?

  1. Mr. Trump has proposed securing our southern border.
  2. He has pledged to deport illegal aliens. ILLEGAL aliens!
  3. He will strip anchor babies of their citizenship....
  4. He will have Japan and other nation provide funding necessary for their own military protection.
  5. He will seize the oilfields in Iraq to recoup any costs in defending Iraq militarily.
  6. He will impose tariffs on products manufactured outside the United States.
  7. He will reduce regulations that are unfriendly to small businesses.
  8. He will reduce the tax burden upon the American taxpayer.
  9. He will create incentives to keep companies from moving their operations abroad.
  10. He will build the strongest and most powerful military in the world.
  11. He will take care of our veterans instead of taking care of illegal aliens.
  12. He will be the best friend Christians have ever had in a position of power.
  13. He will stop the abortions and sales of dismembered murdered unborn and just born children by Planned Parenthood.
  14. He will not accept contributions from lobbyists or special interest groups.
  15. He will work as our President for $1.00 a year and will accept no pension when he leaves office.
  16. He will support law enforcement and restore law and order to our cities.
Here are my responses:

1: This much I agree with. However, when he characterizes it as stopping illegal immigration, it's simply not true. What it will do that is valuable is restrict the payloads illegals can bring across the border. In this age, that alone makes building the wall worth it.

2. I oppose this on two fronts.

Front 1: Its cost prohibitive. And no, the costs will NOT be offset by the supposed savings. In the first place, Illegals pay taxes in the form of sales taxes alone; let alone other taxes and fees they may encounter--just as you and I would. Secondly, the "savings" will quickly evaporate after we add in the costs of the wall, the maintenance on the wall, the costs of the new "jackbooted thugs", their training, incarceration costs, detainment costs, the costs of hearings, etc...So, lets say that you could locate every illegal alien and get rid of them? What happens to the infrastructure you sat up? You still have that cost.
Front 2: It will give everyone from hiring managers to leasing agents cause to discriminate. If there is a question about hiring some one who is illegal vs an equally qualified candidate who is anglo (the equal is Hispanic), there is little question (or blame) that they will opt to hire the Anglo when there is the matter of their business or themselves being fined.

Expanding a bit. I do support deportation of illegal aliens. The wholesale round-up notion is a fallacy tantamount to getting toothpaste back into the tube. It isn't going to happen cleanly or cheaply and the logistics of doing it make the cure worse than the supposed disease. To put it into a toothless hick ease; it would be like trying to get urine out of a swimming pool. It is better to try to assimilate those willing to become citizens into the nation than to break out the hatchets and battering rams and round people up.

3. This violates a covenant we've always had in this nation. Most persons who are Americans are only able to justif y their status by being born here. If you or I or most people on this board had to take an immigration exam, there is a very good chance that we would flunk and not pass. I am grateful that the 14th Amendment paves the way.

4, 6.
Yeah. What he doesn't tell you is that the countries exporting items to the US own our debt. If they start selling their T-Bills, inflation will take off as the money supply dries up. You try that with Japan (and China) and you'll see runaway inflation, the price of cars skyrocket (Detroit will have to raise prices too by the way because a lot of those components are made over there). Even cars made here will skyrocket. It will hurt American consumers the most as all costs will be passed along to us.

5. We spent 10 years fighting in Iraq for zero reason. Unless his plans are to give us a 51st state with American settlers, American infrastructure, American style republican government , etc... it's an idiotic idea that will do nothing other than get a lot of men and women killed.

7. Well, he will force small businesses to e-verify all of their employees. This will drive up the costs of doing business and the inevitable re-training costs. Not sure about his other ideas.

8. How?

9. Such as?

10. We already have that several dozen times over. FDR Beat him to it.

11. So, he is proposing reducing taxes, building a stronger military, and increasing spending on veterans?

Any idea where the money will come from?

There is more at the thread:
Explain Why You Oppose A Donald Trump Presidency

Anyway, if you wish to address "the how" some of what your Messiah is proposing feel free. You'll be the first in the Trump camp to do so.

And no, "He'll figure it out" isn't a valid answer.
Trump and his support among the conservative base is explained in this article. why are George Will and Charles Krauthammer against him but Rush, Hannity, Mark Levine and Mike Savage not going after him......

Articles: Why Conservative Pundits Despise Trump

It was Burke who first identified the ideological insanity of the French Revolution, when fantasy-prone intellectuals grabbed absolute power to destroy a whole social class through the Terror, fully intending to keep killing until all the enemies of the Revolution were dead. The same kind of murderous ideologues have been pursuing total Revolution ever since, under the heading of Marxism and now Islamofascism, which also seeks to revolutionize the world by hook or by crook. Obama grew up in that part of the left.

Against the French Revolution Burke placed his faith in the moral intuitions of ordinary people. Well, you can't get more ordinary-sounding than Donald Trump. That's what seems to bug the intellectual right. It's a sort of class snobbery. But it's also a failure to see how cleverly Trump is playing the game.


conservative writers like Will and Krauthammer. But on Trump they have forgotten their basic Edmund Burke. More successfully than anyone else, Donald Trump is tapping into a deep popular unease about the moral and intellectual sleaziness of the ruling Left. The Left has been turned the country into a daily freak show, with Obama and Hillary smashing the constitutional furniture just because they feel like it. They are a national disaster.

Worse than that, Alinskyites like Obama and Hillary are extremely dangerous, as Obama's surrender to a nuclear Iran shows. Historically American statesmen aim for stability: Obama opts for revolution -- like the "Arab Spring" that was supposed to bring the fascist Muslim Brotherhood to power in Egypt. Today, Obama is pulling another revolutionary move by flipping American support to the fanatical priests of Tehran. Nobody believes Obama's barefaced lies anymore, except the U.S. media and their mind-numbed voters.

Trump is supported by people like you because he's a professional salesman and marketer and image manufacturer...

...and you've fallen for it.

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