trump and Pompeo surrendered control of Afghanistan last year

He and Pompeo were so anxious to get out of Afghanistan they surrendered to the Taliban. They freed 5,000 fighter to go back and join the Taliban. They did not even allow the Afghan government sit at the table with the Taliban. Treasonous SOBs.
Still not working.
The repub party is trying to use it as a dividing stick. We should have been out years ago. trump left Biden and unwinnable situation.
Why didn’t Barry do something? This is all Barry Hussein’s fault!
The repub party is trying to use it as a dividing stick. We should have been out years ago. trump left Biden and unwinnable situation.
In hindsight it was indeed unwinnable. W and O continued it, Trump started the withdrawal and Biden completely fucked it up.
it up.

Withdrawal to Trump; execution to Biden,
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A lame attack (complete with the usual unflattering picture) on the former president by something called "Politusa" is intended to justify the mess that Biden created? Don't make me laugh.

Multiple former officials in the former regime have come forward and said they tried to stop the release of 5,000 fighters from prison and they disagreed with not having the current Afghan government in the room...but trump and Pompeo needed the agreement to help trump win they signed the surrender.

Now we are all seeing the results of a politically motivated decision.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
When trump took the troop level down to just 2500 on Jan 15, 2021, he left America with two options. Surrender Afghanistan to the Taliban or send more our sons and daughter to fight the Taliban.
When trump took the troop level down to just 2500 on Jan 15, 2021, he left America with two options. Surrender Afghanistan to the Taliban or send more our sons and daughter to fight the Taliban.
Those are not the only two options, But Clusterfuck Joe certainly chose to surrender. You got that part right.
When trump took the troop level down to just 2500 on Jan 15, 2021, he left America with two options. Surrender Afghanistan to the Taliban or send more our sons and daughter to fight the Taliban.
No, he did not. This is squarely on Biden. Sorry, there is no other argument without going into ridiculous conjecture.
Trump was working on a deal while democrats were attacking him on all sides. What the hell was Biden working on?
Trump was working on a deal while democrats were attacking him on all sides. What the hell was Biden working on?
Right. Who could forget Trump’s idea to bring the Taliban to Camp David.

I give credit for Trump acknowledging that a deal with the Taliban was necessary. That’s something Obama wouldn’t do.

But in the end, a deal with the Taliban is pretty much worthless.

Multiple former officials in the former regime have come forward and said they tried to stop the release of 5,000 fighters from prison and they disagreed with not having the current Afghan government in the room...but trump and Pompeo needed the agreement to help trump win they signed the surrender.

Now we are all seeing the results of a politically motivated decision.

I will add trump pressured Pakistan to release the following taliban terrorist Obama found and had put in prison in Pakistan. He's now back in Afghanistan and is expected to be the leader of the nation.

Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar

Baradar is the Taliban’s deputy chief for political affairs and one of the group’s co-founders. He also fled to Pakistan in 2001 and in 2010 he was arrested in the city of Karachi in a joint raid by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and Pakistani counterterrorism forces. As the administration of former U.S. president Donald Trump pursued peace talks with the Taliban in 2018, it persuaded Pakistan to release Baradar. He went on to oversee the group’s negotiation team during talks in Doha, Qatar, and met with then-U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in September 2020.

Baradar flew to the city of Kandahar on Tuesday, returning to Afghanistan for the first time in 20 years.

trump also removed sanctions on the taliban.
Right. Who could forget Trump’s idea to bring the Taliban to Camp David.

I give credit for Trump acknowledging that a deal with the Taliban was necessary. That’s something Obama wouldn’t do.

But in the end, a deal with the Taliban is pretty much worthless.
The surrender was Biden's, and the execution.

That is indefensible.

Multiple former officials in the former regime have come forward and said they tried to stop the release of 5,000 fighters from prison and they disagreed with not having the current Afghan government in the room...but trump and Pompeo needed the agreement to help trump win they signed the surrender.

Now we are all seeing the results of a politically motivated decision.

And yet no one fell to their death from an airplane, women weren't being beaten and raped in the streets, and thousands of American citizens weren't Taliban hostages until your president fucked everything because because he has dementia.
The surrender was Biden's, and the execution.

That is indefensible.
Trump's deal with the Taliban was basically, don't shoot at us and we will give you Afghanistan in about a year.

I don't agree with the term "surrender" but whether it was Trump or Biden, we handed the Taliban the keys to the house.

Multiple former officials in the former regime have come forward and said they tried to stop the release of 5,000 fighters from prison and they disagreed with not having the current Afghan government in the room...but trump and Pompeo needed the agreement to help trump win they signed the surrender.

Now we are all seeing the results of a politically motivated decision.

Why don't you people ever grow up? You act like fucking 4 year olds denying they stole the fudge even with a face full of it.

I don't give a yaks furry ass what Trump did regarding this horrible catastrophe, it's BIDEN'S responsibility now

and his fuck up.

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