Trump and Putin Perform a Kabuki Dance in Syria


VIP Member
Feb 7, 2017
We spend $95 million blowing a deserted airfield to smithereens, Moscow makes a grand show of being seriously butthurt, the rubes hoot and holler for more, and the MCI slips out the back with the kitty.


claims are, 9 were killed, including 4 children.
The weapons were already paid for "vlad_hombre" you retarded idiot. :p What is cool is the President of China was partying with The Donald after the strikes. With China and Russia on board we just might be able to stop the madness! Obama, where you at, you faggot douchebag!
The weapons were already paid for "vlad_hombre" you retarded idiot. :p What is cool is the President of China was partying with The Donald after the strikes. With China and Russia on board we just might be able to stop the madness! Obama, where you at, you faggot douchebag!

Xi isn't at Mar-a-Lago to party, moron.

He's there to fuck Putin's bitch in the ass.

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