Trump appoints global warming skeptic to head EPA transition

Next, That Piece Of Shit trump will appoint Wendel Witch Doctor as Surgeon General because why would you need someone that knows something about their field? Preposterous.
Trump Picks Top Climate Skeptic to Lead EPA Transition
Choosing Myron Ebell means Trump plans to drastically reshape climate policies

Trump Picks Top Climate Skeptic to Lead EPA Transition


Good for Trump

America does not trust scientists
Not when they fudge the data.

All those scientists around the world are conspiring to fudge the data just to piss off Republicans and decrease oil revenue
You were wrong about the outcome of this election and that the next Republican President hasn't been born yet. What makes you think you aren't wrong about climate change too?
My opinion is we MUST do what's right for the environment. Sure you do an HONEST analysis and choose the best options. Global warming business aside, if you think what we put into the air and water doesn't and won't produce negative results, then you need your head examined. Personally, I think mother nature deserves more respect than we do. She warrants it. It's humans that are corrupt. Especially liberals, of course.
The Moron Tribe believes if you just close your eyes and wish real hard the monster will go away.

Funny, We don't see a monster... But you seem to see it. Are you a child shaking in fear from monsters coming out of your closet?
Next, That Piece Of Shit trump will appoint Wendel Witch Doctor as Surgeon General because why would you need someone that knows something about their field? Preposterous.
I love it...

*Pulling all subsidies for wind and solar...

*Opening up Coal mines and Coal fired plants with upgrades on particulate matter sequester (clean Coal)...

* using all of our energy sources responsibly...

And putting to rest the CO2 lie...

That Piece Of Shit trump appoints a lobbyist Attorney General because who needs someone that knows about the law. Pssht.
Trump Picks Top Climate Skeptic to Lead EPA Transition
Choosing Myron Ebell means Trump plans to drastically reshape climate policies

Trump Picks Top Climate Skeptic to Lead EPA Transition


Good for Trump

America does not trust scientists

There are plenty of scientists that think global warming is in fact, a perfectly natural occurrence.
My opinion is we MUST do what's right for the environment. Sure you do an HONEST analysis and choose the best options. Global warming business aside, if you think what we put into the air and water doesn't and won't produce negative results, then you need your head examined. Personally, I think mother nature deserves more respect than we do. She warrants it. It's humans that are corrupt. Especially liberals, of course.

I agree with you, certain pollutants are bad. But natural gases? Use your head man.

So you want to regulate the gas that animals exhale? Does that sound like a sane policy? You're for making a natural gas that you exhale into an EPA list of pollutants. Is that the kind of power you wish to give the government? Letting the international cabal of elites tax your ability to breath? Really?

Why not just give the government the power to make plants illegal too?!?

ah, er. . . wait a minute. ..

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