Trump Approval at 51% after 3 days of Democratic Convention

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll sponsored by Liberty Nation for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove."



Three days of the Democrat/Bolshevik Convention has run The Donald up to 51%!! Ahead, by the way of what Iran-Lover Barack Obama was scoring at the same time in his presidency.

I think the break-down really is this:

48% per cent of the Country has Trump Derangement Syndrome. And 51% of the Country is sick to death of the people with Trump Derangement Syndrome.


I know the elementary, child-like responses are to attack Rasmussen, but I have shown many times before that Rasmussen was one of the two most reliable polls from 2016--last time The Donald took out a Democratic candidate. In 2016, he beat Depravity. Now the Democrats are trying Dementia.

51% to 48%

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!

SAY IT AIN'T SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Find a more shall we shall independent source before posting your downright, outright Conservative Bull Shit.
Most accurate poll in 2016.

Biden will lose in a landslide

Don't get too cocky, make sure you get out to vote, make sure everyone you can influence gets out to vote for anyone except a democrook. I don't care if they're green retards, "libertarians" or whatever else. Voting democrook in this election is slitting your own throat.
Biden will lose in a landslide

Don't get too cocky, make sure you get out to vote, make sure everyone you can influence gets out to vote for anyone except a democrook. I don't care if they're green retards, "libertarians" or whatever else. Voting democrook in this election is slitting your own throat.
Not cocky at all...Rasmussen is the only legitimate poll around so you can count on the trends you see being close to accurate. I will stand in line and vote, don't need a mail-in. Funny how some people can riot but not get out to vote.....
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll sponsored by Liberty Nation for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove."



Three days of the Democrat/Bolshevik Convention has run The Donald up to 51%!! Ahead, by the way of what Iran-Lover Barack Obama was scoring at the same time in his presidency.

I think the break-down really is this:

48% per cent of the Country has Trump Derangement Syndrome. And 51% of the Country is sick to death of the people with Trump Derangement Syndrome.


I know the elementary, child-like responses are to attack Rasmussen, but I have shown many times before that Rasmussen was one of the two most reliable polls from 2016--last time The Donald took out a Democratic candidate. In 2016, he beat Depravity. Now the Democrats are trying Dementia.

51% to 48%

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!

SAY IT AIN'T SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Find a more shall we shall independent source before posting your downright, outright Conservative Bull Shit.

No such thing as a non-biased polling organization. They are either left or right.
Biden will lose in a landslide

Don't get too cocky, make sure you get out to vote, make sure everyone you can influence gets out to vote for anyone except a democrook. I don't care if they're green retards, "libertarians" or whatever else. Voting democrook in this election is slitting your own throat.
Trump is only half of it. We need to sweep the house and senate. Everyone needs to vote like this is the last election, because it could be.
I've seen many many boats with Trump flags - so that tells me that his approval rating is closer to 79%

I also believe Trump will win at least 82% of the black vote.....I predict a Trump victory of at least 400 electoral votes...
Absolutely!! With Russia at his back, how can he lose?
How exactly are the Russians helping trump?

Easy. The Democrats told them the Russians are helping Trump. That's all it takes for them to believe it.
I've seen many many boats with Trump flags - so that tells me that his approval rating is closer to 79%

I also believe Trump will win at least 82% of the black vote.....I predict a Trump victory of at least 400 electoral votes...
Absolutely!! With Russia at his back, how can he lose?
How exactly are the Russians helping trump?

Easy. The Democrats told them the Russians are helping Trump. That's all it takes for them to believe it.
I know that. I was just wondering how. Is putin in the Kremlin making memes and posting them on Facebook again?
I've seen many many boats with Trump flags - so that tells me that his approval rating is closer to 79%

I also believe Trump will win at least 82% of the black vote.....I predict a Trump victory of at least 400 electoral votes...
Absolutely!! With Russia at his back, how can he lose?
How exactly are the Russians helping trump?

Easy. The Democrats told them the Russians are helping Trump. That's all it takes for them to believe it.
I know that. I was just wondering how. Is putin in the Kremlin making memes and posting them on Facebook again?

No, he's not doing anything. Putin could care less to be quite honest.

The party has to tell their constituents that they never lose elections, only get cheated out of them. When was the last time the Democrats said they lost fair and square? If it's not punch card ballots it's Diebold machines. If it's not Diebold machines it's gerrymandering. If it's not gerrymandering, it's Voter-ID. If it's not Voter-ID, it's the Supreme Court. If it's not the Supreme Court, it's the FBI director.........

They need to lie to their puppets to keep them coming back to vote next election. If they ever told them the truth, it would knock the wind out of their sails and they'd give up on voting.
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll sponsored by Liberty Nation for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove."



Three days of the Democrat/Bolshevik Convention has run The Donald up to 51%!! Ahead, by the way of what Iran-Lover Barack Obama was scoring at the same time in his presidency.

I think the break-down really is this:

48% per cent of the Country has Trump Derangement Syndrome. And 51% of the Country is sick to death of the people with Trump Derangement Syndrome.


I know the elementary, child-like responses are to attack Rasmussen, but I have shown many times before that Rasmussen was one of the two most reliable polls from 2016--last time The Donald took out a Democratic candidate. In 2016, he beat Depravity. Now the Democrats are trying Dementia.

51% to 48%
Rasmussen is heavily sympathetic to Trump. You can't rely on that poll, however with Russia at his back, the election is Trump's to lose.

So Comrade thinks the bump UP in the polls, isn't due to COMMIEcrats incompetency at their convention, but due to Dems funneling money to RUSSIA again, like they did in 2016, via HilLIEry's lawyer Marc Elias and Fusion?

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