Trump Approval at 51% after 3 days of Democratic Convention

Don’t candidates usually get a boost after their conventions?

They do if there is some positivity in what they have to say. They do if their performance is even slightly interesting.

I don't go by polls because for one, questions are asked with a desired outcome. Two, polls mean nothing several months before an election. A major event could make those polls do a 180 overnight. Three, polls are only as good as the honestly of the participants.

But the message is what needs to be focused on here, and many people do not know Biden's message, and won't until the debates when Trump brings them up.

Biden wants to destroy the suburbs. If you are a suburbanite and vote for Biden, you are ignorant of his plans for you, or completely stupid. There is no reason any sane person would support a candidate that wants to cut their property value in half while at the same time, drastically increase crime in their area.

While the Democrats are starting to backpedal on this issue, Biden wants to kill our energy supply to replace it with much more costly and much less unreliable green energy. Look at what's going on in CA with the rolling blackouts.

We need jobs more than ever and will in the future. Biden promises to burden job creators with higher taxes thus limiting that job creating ability. Plus he wants to resuscitate Obama Care making coverage for employees mandated, or they get fined.

Then there are issues like closing down the country until Covid goes away which would kill tens of thousands of businesses giving us limited access to products we need.

So these poll numbers may not look good for Biden, but it will be tenfold if Biden and Trump have their first debate.
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll sponsored by Liberty Nation for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove."



Three days of the Democrat/Bolshevik Convention has run The Donald up to 51%!! Ahead, by the way of what Iran-Lover Barack Obama was scoring at the same time in his presidency.

I think the break-down really is this:

48% per cent of the Country has Trump Derangement Syndrome. And 51% of the Country is sick to death of the people with Trump Derangement Syndrome.


I know the elementary, child-like responses are to attack Rasmussen, but I have shown many times before that Rasmussen was one of the two most reliable polls from 2016--last time The Donald took out a Democratic candidate. In 2016, he beat Depravity. Now the Democrats are trying Dementia.

51% to 48%

Hey ignoramus, public opinion polling lags events by a week or so.
What part of "Daily tracking" confuses you?

No part. What you don't udnerstand is that public opinion always takes some time to internalize the events.

You can see opinions move, but there is always a lagging factor.
You may be so slow it takes you a week to figure out the Dimsocialist Convention has been an America-hatefest debacle, but thinking people saw it from the start.

You are seriously ignorant and arrogant. Stop running your mouth once in a while and listen.
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll sponsored by Liberty Nation for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove."



Three days of the Democrat/Bolshevik Convention has run The Donald up to 51%!! Ahead, by the way of what Iran-Lover Barack Obama was scoring at the same time in his presidency.

I think the break-down really is this:

48% per cent of the Country has Trump Derangement Syndrome. And 51% of the Country is sick to death of the people with Trump Derangement Syndrome.


I know the elementary, child-like responses are to attack Rasmussen, but I have shown many times before that Rasmussen was one of the two most reliable polls from 2016--last time The Donald took out a Democratic candidate. In 2016, he beat Depravity. Now the Democrats are trying Dementia.

51% to 48%
The Poll of Polls have Little Donald Trump underwater by 10.5%.
And Rasmussen is not the most accurate poll.
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll sponsored by Liberty Nation for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove."



Three days of the Democrat/Bolshevik Convention has run The Donald up to 51%!! Ahead, by the way of what Iran-Lover Barack Obama was scoring at the same time in his presidency.

I think the break-down really is this:

48% per cent of the Country has Trump Derangement Syndrome. And 51% of the Country is sick to death of the people with Trump Derangement Syndrome.


I know the elementary, child-like responses are to attack Rasmussen, but I have shown many times before that Rasmussen was one of the two most reliable polls from 2016--last time The Donald took out a Democratic candidate. In 2016, he beat Depravity. Now the Democrats are trying Dementia.

51% to 48%

Hey ignoramus, public opinion polling lags events by a week or so.
What part of "Daily tracking" confuses you?

No part. What you don't udnerstand is that public opinion always takes some time to internalize the events.

You can see opinions move, but there is always a lagging factor.
You may be so slow it takes you a week to figure out the Dimsocialist Convention has been an America-hatefest debacle, but thinking people saw it from the start.

You are seriously ignorant and arrogant. Stop running your mouth once in a while and listen.
No thanks. I don't listen to single digit IQ simpletons who don't comprehend a daily tracking poll.
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll sponsored by Liberty Nation for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove."



Three days of the Democrat/Bolshevik Convention has run The Donald up to 51%!! Ahead, by the way of what Iran-Lover Barack Obama was scoring at the same time in his presidency.

I think the break-down really is this:

48% per cent of the Country has Trump Derangement Syndrome. And 51% of the Country is sick to death of the people with Trump Derangement Syndrome.


I know the elementary, child-like responses are to attack Rasmussen, but I have shown many times before that Rasmussen was one of the two most reliable polls from 2016--last time The Donald took out a Democratic candidate. In 2016, he beat Depravity. Now the Democrats are trying Dementia.

51% to 48%

Sorry Rasmussen polls are bullshit.
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll sponsored by Liberty Nation for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove."



Three days of the Democrat/Bolshevik Convention has run The Donald up to 51%!! Ahead, by the way of what Iran-Lover Barack Obama was scoring at the same time in his presidency.

I think the break-down really is this:

48% per cent of the Country has Trump Derangement Syndrome. And 51% of the Country is sick to death of the people with Trump Derangement Syndrome.


I know the elementary, child-like responses are to attack Rasmussen, but I have shown many times before that Rasmussen was one of the two most reliable polls from 2016--last time The Donald took out a Democratic candidate. In 2016, he beat Depravity. Now the Democrats are trying Dementia.

51% to 48%

Sorry Rasmussen polls are bullshit.
Most accurate poll in 2016.

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll sponsored by Liberty Nation for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove."



Three days of the Democrat/Bolshevik Convention has run The Donald up to 51%!! Ahead, by the way of what Iran-Lover Barack Obama was scoring at the same time in his presidency.

I think the break-down really is this:

48% per cent of the Country has Trump Derangement Syndrome. And 51% of the Country is sick to death of the people with Trump Derangement Syndrome.


I know the elementary, child-like responses are to attack Rasmussen, but I have shown many times before that Rasmussen was one of the two most reliable polls from 2016--last time The Donald took out a Democratic candidate. In 2016, he beat Depravity. Now the Democrats are trying Dementia.

51% to 48%

Sorry Rasmussen polls are bullshit.

They all are.
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll sponsored by Liberty Nation for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove."



Three days of the Democrat/Bolshevik Convention has run The Donald up to 51%!! Ahead, by the way of what Iran-Lover Barack Obama was scoring at the same time in his presidency.

I think the break-down really is this:

48% per cent of the Country has Trump Derangement Syndrome. And 51% of the Country is sick to death of the people with Trump Derangement Syndrome.


I know the elementary, child-like responses are to attack Rasmussen, but I have shown many times before that Rasmussen was one of the two most reliable polls from 2016--last time The Donald took out a Democratic candidate. In 2016, he beat Depravity. Now the Democrats are trying Dementia.

51% to 48%

I thought you fuckers didn't pay attention to the polls....2016...Hillary...yada yada yada.
Can't have it both ways, azzhat.
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll sponsored by Liberty Nation for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove."



Three days of the Democrat/Bolshevik Convention has run The Donald up to 51%!! Ahead, by the way of what Iran-Lover Barack Obama was scoring at the same time in his presidency.

I think the break-down really is this:

48% per cent of the Country has Trump Derangement Syndrome. And 51% of the Country is sick to death of the people with Trump Derangement Syndrome.


I know the elementary, child-like responses are to attack Rasmussen, but I have shown many times before that Rasmussen was one of the two most reliable polls from 2016--last time The Donald took out a Democratic candidate. In 2016, he beat Depravity. Now the Democrats are trying Dementia.

51% to 48%

I thought you fuckers didn't pay attention to the polls....2016...Hillary...yada yada yada.
Can't have it both ways, azzhat.
So does that mean you approve of this poll because you approved of the polls in 2016 that had Hitlery winning big?
Trump at 51% again today (8/21) but opposition drops from 48% to 47%.

If the Democrats would keep on with their Convention for another week----keep trotting out Idiots and Bolsheviks---Trump might hit 60% Approval!
I bet 10x more people watch the Republican convention then the Democrat's convention

Well, I'm guessing the Republicans won't have to cut-and-paste pictures of the spectators over and over to make it look like there are more people watching, the way the Democrats did.
Trump is stronger than he was in 2016

Biden is weaker than Hillary was in 2016

The only people who think Biden is going to win and win big are the shills.
I've seen many many boats with Trump flags - so that tells me that his approval rating is closer to 79%

I also believe Trump will win at least 82% of the black vote.....I predict a Trump victory of at least 400 electoral votes...
Absolutely!! With Russia at his back, how can he lose?
I've seen many many boats with Trump flags - so that tells me that his approval rating is closer to 79%

I also believe Trump will win at least 82% of the black vote.....I predict a Trump victory of at least 400 electoral votes...
Absolutely!! With Russia at his back, how can he lose?
How exactly are the Russians helping trump?
I refuse to look at singular polls. I try and look at aggregate polls with balance from both sides.

There has been NO BOUNCE for Biden. NONE! In fact he has lost a point. That is sending shock waves through the democrat party. Trump has gained a point this week and next is the republican convention. We know the people didn't buy into the Democrat BS and the violence in democrat cities is dragging democrats into the toilet.

When Trump starts comparing jobs done, promises kept and the economy continues to rebound its not going to be pretty for democrats.

I'm looking forward to next week to see how well the Republicans messages are received.
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll sponsored by Liberty Nation for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove."



Three days of the Democrat/Bolshevik Convention has run The Donald up to 51%!! Ahead, by the way of what Iran-Lover Barack Obama was scoring at the same time in his presidency.

I think the break-down really is this:

48% per cent of the Country has Trump Derangement Syndrome. And 51% of the Country is sick to death of the people with Trump Derangement Syndrome.


I know the elementary, child-like responses are to attack Rasmussen, but I have shown many times before that Rasmussen was one of the two most reliable polls from 2016--last time The Donald took out a Democratic candidate. In 2016, he beat Depravity. Now the Democrats are trying Dementia.

51% to 48%
Rasmussen is heavily sympathetic to Trump. You can't rely on that poll, however with Russia at his back, the election is Trump's to lose.

You can’t rely on any poll. It will be a close election. Biden has China.
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll sponsored by Liberty Nation for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove."



Three days of the Democrat/Bolshevik Convention has run The Donald up to 51%!! Ahead, by the way of what Iran-Lover Barack Obama was scoring at the same time in his presidency.

I think the break-down really is this:

48% per cent of the Country has Trump Derangement Syndrome. And 51% of the Country is sick to death of the people with Trump Derangement Syndrome.


I know the elementary, child-like responses are to attack Rasmussen, but I have shown many times before that Rasmussen was one of the two most reliable polls from 2016--last time The Donald took out a Democratic candidate. In 2016, he beat Depravity. Now the Democrats are trying Dementia.

51% to 48%

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!

SAY IT AIN'T SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Find a more shall we shall independent source before posting your downright, outright Conservative Bull Shit.

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