Trump argues like a five year old

I'm gonna love to see how Hillary reacts to the 5 year old.

With a spanking and leaving him in the corner, probably.
He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

You think he can take Hillary?
Care to make it interesting?

Time to Separate the Men From the Boys. Lets have some fun!!!
Hillary has way to much baggage. Trump would devestate her in a debate.

Trump does not have the level of understanding of the issues that Hillary does

Hillary just has to make sure she does not allow Trump to get her down in the mud like the Republicans did. Just make it clear she is above that level of politics
You mean the type of understanding to let four Americans die, when it could've been prevented?
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse

Trump has a net worth in the billions, you? lol

What a child like retort

Being a billionaire is an excuse for childlike behavior?

As expected, you don't own your own jet airplane or run a multi-billion dollar empire.

Probably didn't inherit hundreds of millions either.
Anderson Cooper tells Donald Trump he argues like 'a five-year-old'

Cooper asked Trump about his ongoing feud with rival Ted Cruz, which started after an anti-Trump super PAC circulated a racy image of Trump's wife, Melania. Trump later retweeted an image of Melania next to Cruz's wife, Heidi, in what Cooper called an "unflattering" pose. Trump said he thought the photo of Heidi was "nice," and when pressed by Cooper, said, "I didn't start it."

Cooper responded by telling the Republican frontrunner "with all due respect, that's the argument of a five-year-old,

I saw that last night. I quickly realized why there were none of his “loyalty battalions” on here defending it. About 5 minutes later he said that healthcare was a function of the Federal government…which is exactly what these losers have been bitching about for the past 8 years or so.
Sonny Clark pro universal healthcare now? Youuuuu betchya!
I'm 110% pro "affordable healthcare" for every single U.S. citizen, without exception. We're presently forced to concede to, and abide by, the corrupt healthcare industry, which includes pharmaceuticals, hospitals, labs, clinics, doctors, health insurance companies, and medical technicians. We have no choice other than to seek medical treatment or die.

The necessities of life are food, water, shelter, clothing, and proper healthcare. ( ** transportation has become a necessity when looking at the big picture )

Without exception, the major issue in the healthcare industry is "Price Gouging". It's beyond sensible reasoning to expect the general public to pay $1,800 a day for a tiny filthy hospital room. Hospitals charge $5.00 for a single aspirin. A ten minute conversation with a doctor cost $350, and is considered to be a mere "follow up" office visit, nothing more. A simple blood test consist of 20 or more different tests, and can cost upwards of $2,000. And most of the test are unnecessary. Most of the cost of proper healthcare is nothing more than a scam, a con, and legalized theft.

Regardless of the avenues that must be taken, we need "affordable healthcare", or else continuing down the present path will lead to a national crisis. The government can not afford to continue paying astronomical charges incurred through the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Both programs are infested with fraud and corruption. And, John Q. Public can not continue to pay a major portion of their income for healthcare. Something has to give, and it is vital that it happens sooner rather than later.
You coulda just said "yupp, got me, im not conservative on the issue of healthcare," and saved the walloftext for anyone who is also gullible enough to vote for don king for president of the united states......and might get some knowledge out of the wall.
Well, excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me.

Just curious, do you have a problem with explanations when you ask a question, or make a statement about someone?
Yes, I do support Trump, but do not support Don King. Don King is a salesman, promoter, and con artist. He also has ridiculous hair.
When the explainations are from the previously brainwashed, theyve nothing to offer my reality....

I mean really. You support a child.

For the Oval Office.

Nuffin more to talk about Politically, I cant learn from ya. I can only bust your balls about it. :dunno:
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse

Trump has a net worth in the billions, you? lol

What a child like retort

Being a billionaire is an excuse for childlike behavior?

As expected, you don't own your own jet airplane or run a multi-billion dollar empire.

Probably didn't inherit hundreds of millions either.

It wasn't hundreds of millions why do you lie? Even so do you know the difference between hundreds of millions and 10 billion lmao.
I saw that last night. I quickly realized why there were none of his “loyalty battalions” on here defending it. About 5 minutes later he said that healthcare was a function of the Federal government…which is exactly what these losers have been bitching about for the past 8 years or so.
Sonny Clark pro universal healthcare now? Youuuuu betchya!
I'm 110% pro "affordable healthcare" for every single U.S. citizen, without exception. We're presently forced to concede to, and abide by, the corrupt healthcare industry, which includes pharmaceuticals, hospitals, labs, clinics, doctors, health insurance companies, and medical technicians. We have no choice other than to seek medical treatment or die.

The necessities of life are food, water, shelter, clothing, and proper healthcare. ( ** transportation has become a necessity when looking at the big picture )

Without exception, the major issue in the healthcare industry is "Price Gouging". It's beyond sensible reasoning to expect the general public to pay $1,800 a day for a tiny filthy hospital room. Hospitals charge $5.00 for a single aspirin. A ten minute conversation with a doctor cost $350, and is considered to be a mere "follow up" office visit, nothing more. A simple blood test consist of 20 or more different tests, and can cost upwards of $2,000. And most of the test are unnecessary. Most of the cost of proper healthcare is nothing more than a scam, a con, and legalized theft.

Regardless of the avenues that must be taken, we need "affordable healthcare", or else continuing down the present path will lead to a national crisis. The government can not afford to continue paying astronomical charges incurred through the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Both programs are infested with fraud and corruption. And, John Q. Public can not continue to pay a major portion of their income for healthcare. Something has to give, and it is vital that it happens sooner rather than later.
You coulda just said "yupp, got me, im not conservative on the issue of healthcare," and saved the walloftext for anyone who is also gullible enough to vote for don king for president of the united states......and might get some knowledge out of the wall.
Well, excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me.

Just curious, do you have a problem with explanations when you ask a question, or make a statement about someone?
Yes, I do support Trump, but do not support Don King. Don King is a salesman, promoter, and con artist. He also has ridiculous hair.
When the explainations are from the previously brainwashed, theyve nothing to offer my reality....

I mean really. You support a child.

For the Oval Office.

Nuffin more to talk about Politically, I cant learn from ya. I can only bust your balls about it. :dunno:
So be it.
Lets see how actual kids react to Trump

Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse

Trump has a net worth in the billions, you? lol

What a child like retort

Being a billionaire is an excuse for childlike behavior?

As expected, you don't own your own jet airplane or run a multi-billion dollar empire.

Probably didn't inherit hundreds of millions either.

It wasn't hundreds of millions why do you lie? Even so do you know the difference between hundreds of millions and 10 billion lmao.

Does he really have 10 billion? He obviously isn't very honest. Romney is unimpressed. Where are his taxes?
Anderson Cooper tells Donald Trump he argues like 'a five-year-old'

Cooper asked Trump about his ongoing feud with rival Ted Cruz, which started after an anti-Trump super PAC circulated a racy image of Trump's wife, Melania. Trump later retweeted an image of Melania next to Cruz's wife, Heidi, in what Cooper called an "unflattering" pose. Trump said he thought the photo of Heidi was "nice," and when pressed by Cooper, said, "I didn't start it."

Cooper responded by telling the Republican frontrunner "with all due respect, that's the argument of a five-year-old,
Of course......That’s what everyone is saying. In concert no less. But then again......everyone gets the same response from Hillary and Obama when they're caught doing something wrong. It's always somebody else did it first.

Ummmm.......Trump reacted with you have an ugly wife, my wife is prettier than yours

Stop comparing him to Obama and Hillary, he is not in their league
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse

Trump has a net worth in the billions, you? lol

What a child like retort

Being a billionaire is an excuse for childlike behavior?

As expected, you don't own your own jet airplane or run a multi-billion dollar empire.

Probably didn't inherit hundreds of millions either.

It wasn't hundreds of millions why do you lie? Even so do you know the difference between hundreds of millions and 10 billion lmao.

Trump Worth $10 Billion Less Than If He’d Simply Invested in Index Funds
Trump has a net worth in the billions, you? lol

What a child like retort

Being a billionaire is an excuse for childlike behavior?

As expected, you don't own your own jet airplane or run a multi-billion dollar empire.

Probably didn't inherit hundreds of millions either.

It wasn't hundreds of millions why do you lie? Even so do you know the difference between hundreds of millions and 10 billion lmao.

Does he really have 10 billion? He obviously isn't very honest. Romney is unimpressed. Where are his taxes?

Romney is a joke in comparison wealth wise. :laugh:
Trump has a net worth in the billions, you? lol

What a child like retort

Being a billionaire is an excuse for childlike behavior?

As expected, you don't own your own jet airplane or run a multi-billion dollar empire.

Probably didn't inherit hundreds of millions either.

It wasn't hundreds of millions why do you lie? Even so do you know the difference between hundreds of millions and 10 billion lmao.

Trump Worth $10 Billion Less Than If He’d Simply Invested in Index Funds

^^^ Possibly the dumbest post and link this week. You really know nothing about business like the author.
With a spanking and leaving him in the corner, probably.
He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

You think he can take Hillary?
Care to make it interesting?

Time to Separate the Men From the Boys. Lets have some fun!!!
Hillary has way to much baggage. Trump would devestate her in a debate.

Trump does not have the level of understanding of the issues that Hillary does

Hillary just has to make sure she does not allow Trump to get her down in the mud like the Republicans did. Just make it clear she is above that level of politics
You mean the type of understanding to let four Americans die, when it could've been prevented?

Sure it could...and Bush could have prevented 3000 deaths on 9-11
What a child like retort

Being a billionaire is an excuse for childlike behavior?

As expected, you don't own your own jet airplane or run a multi-billion dollar empire.

Probably didn't inherit hundreds of millions either.

It wasn't hundreds of millions why do you lie? Even so do you know the difference between hundreds of millions and 10 billion lmao.

Does he really have 10 billion? He obviously isn't very honest. Romney is unimpressed. Where are his taxes?

Romney is a joke in comparison wealth wise. :laugh:

He inherited much less. And we haven't seen the taxes yet. Most think trump is worth much less than he claims.
Trump argues like a five year old...

Watch me make up funny names

Ted Cruz: I'm going to call him Lying Ted
Marco Rubio: I'm going to call him Little Marco because he is so small

Leading candidate of the Republican Party
Yeah that is a bit childish.

Like Obama's name calling of Romney, Boehner, Netanyahu, Putin, gun owners, Christians, Fox News, etc...................Yes?

Here he is referring to his opponents as CRAZIES....
“It’s hard for me to express how much I love Harry Reid,” Obama said, according to the pool report from the evening. “We were doing a little reminiscing and then figuring out how we’re going to deal with the crazies in terms of managing some problems.”

His second inaugural was full of insults and name calling. He is an expert at it, but you are blind to it...because you are a dupe.
Obama Rips 'Name-Calling,' Inaugural Full of Name-Calling - Breitbart

I know... I know....when your side does it, it is right and just.

Duped AGAIN!!!
What a child like retort

Being a billionaire is an excuse for childlike behavior?

As expected, you don't own your own jet airplane or run a multi-billion dollar empire.

Probably didn't inherit hundreds of millions either.

It wasn't hundreds of millions why do you lie? Even so do you know the difference between hundreds of millions and 10 billion lmao.

Trump Worth $10 Billion Less Than If He’d Simply Invested in Index Funds

^^^ Possibly the dumbest post and link this week. You really know nothing about business like the author.

Really? Explain.
Trump argues like a five year old

I don't like what that reporter said....Did you ever see how funny looking he is?

As expected, you don't own your own jet airplane or run a multi-billion dollar empire.

Probably didn't inherit hundreds of millions either.

It wasn't hundreds of millions why do you lie? Even so do you know the difference between hundreds of millions and 10 billion lmao.

Does he really have 10 billion? He obviously isn't very honest. Romney is unimpressed. Where are his taxes?

Romney is a joke in comparison wealth wise. :laugh:

He inherited much less. And we haven't seen the taxes yet. Most think trump is worth much less than he claims.

His taxes are none of your business, never mind Trump has already explained why he's undergoing an IRS audit. The IRS audits him every year. Wow you are quickly running out of nonsense for me to debunk.

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