Trump arrest watch

There is certainly fear. Fear the the psychopathice demagogue will again ascend to a position of power and flout the rule of law and the entire constitution. Fear that he will again disregard the path of office- the pledge to protect and abide by the constitution and to serve the American people will again be disregarded and made a mockery of. Yest there is also hate. Hate of everything that he stands for, but the bigotry is all his

There's never been any doubt that we have a mentally ill, unfit individual in the oval office.
The occasional lucid moments mixed with incoherent babbling are sure signs that Joey Xi Bai Dung's dementia is becoming worse, while the lies he spews become larger,
Time for the countdown. Three weeks in a few days and more baloney got laid on the American people today with the blacked out page after page “affadavidt”
They broke in on a feeling generated from anonymous sources (no where near probable cause) and after they say they found what they were illegally searching for they declare all is well and that their paperwork reasoning is best not revealed to us dumbass Americans. It was also a big screw you to the judge.

So, the countdown begins towards an FBI/SS showdowns which libs are rooting for so that things can go horribly wrong.

Do you really want these classified and top secret documents released to the public?
Time for the countdown. Three weeks in a few days and more baloney got laid on the American people today with the blacked out page after page “affadavidt”
They broke in on a feeling generated from anonymous sources (no where near probable cause) and after they say they found what they were illegally searching for they declare all is well and that their paperwork reasoning is best not revealed to us dumbass Americans. It was also a big screw you to the judge.

So, the countdown begins towards an FBI/SS showdowns which libs are rooting for so that things can go horribly wrong.
Wow. You guys really want the douchebag in an orange jumpsuit, eh? I don't blame you. The loser is really messing up your party, isn't he?

But patience. All in good time. See, that's the difference between Republicans who chant "LOCK HER UP" and then nary an indictment, let alone an arrest.

Dems on the other hand, don't chant. We Just Do. First, the FBI search. Next the case in court and if your orange douchebag is found guilty, he goes to prison.

So, patience, grasshopper, patience. :itsok:
Wow. You guys really want the douchebag in an orange jumpsuit, eh? I don't blame you. The loser is really messing up your party, isn't he?

But patience. All in good time. See, that's the difference between Republicans who chant "LOCK HER UP" and then nary an indictment, let alone an arrest.

Dems on the other hand, don't chant. We just do. First, the FBI search. Next the case in court and if your orange douchebag is found guilty, he goes to prison.

So, patience, grasshopper, patience. :itsok:
You remain a douche.

You’re such a tard you equate the FBI behavior with the “doing something” nature of the Dims. :itsok:

You do know that the FBI isn’t supposed to be politically partisan, don’t you, Minimus?
You remain a douche.

You’re such a tard you equate the FBI behavior with the “doing something” nature of the Dims. :itsok:

You do know that the FBI isn’t supposed to be politically partisan, don’t you, Minimus?
LOL. How were you retards planning to "Lock Her Up"? Using the federal agencies or calling out your right-wing thugs?

Again, that's the difference between you retards and the Dems. We don't arrest due to political differences. You do the crime. You do the time.

Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:
Aww... did you get triggered? Awww :itsok:
No ma’am. Why do you stupid libtards always assume that having your ignorance highlighted requires that any of us must necessarily have been “triggered?”

Lol. Frankly, I think it’s a pleasant diversion to note when you assholes have shit all over you. You are here strictly as a form of amusement. 😂🤣

Yeah. You’re an asshole. But do you not see that thinking people never take you seriously, Minimus? 😂😂😂😂😂
LOL. How were you retards planning to "Lock Her Up"? Using the federal agencies or calling out your right-wing thugs?

Again, that's the difference between you retards and the Dems. We don't arrest due to political differences. You do the crime. You do the time.

Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:
Feel obligated to highlight anyplace where I said “lock her up?” I do think she deserved to be prosecuted. But the politicized deep state corrupted Mueller recommended against it. 🙄

You still don’t see that you’re the one who is confused. You poor retard. 😂
Feel obligated to highlight anyplace where I said “lock her up?” I do think she deserved to be prosecuted. But the politicized deep state corrupted Mueller recommended against it. 🙄

You still don’t see that you’re the one who is confused. You poor retard. 😂
So, you're saying your side never chanted the slogan "Lock Her Up"?

Retards and their short memory attention span. :itsok:

But, talking about short memory span... you never answered my question. How was your side planning to "Lock Her Up"? Using your right-wing death squads or something else?
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