Trump arrest watch

No ma’am. Why do you stupid libtards always assume that having your ignorance highlighted requires that any of us must necessarily have been “triggered?”

Lol. Frankly, I think it’s a pleasant diversion to note when you assholes have shit all over you. You are here strictly as a form of amusement. 😂🤣

Yeah. You’re an asshole. But do you not see that thinking people never take you seriously, Minimus? 😂😂😂😂😂
That's my boy. Let it all out. Have a good cry. It will all be over soon. Your orange douchebag will go to prison and you can put it all behind you.

Till then, suck it up. Ok, big boy? :itsok:
That's my boy. Let it all out. Have a good cry. It will all be over soon. Your orange douchebag will go to prison and you can put it all behind you.

Till then, suck it up. Ok, big boy? :itsok:

Big bombshell today. We found out that Ashley Biden's diary, in which she credibly accuses her father Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her when she was a child, is authentic.

You voted for an incestuous pedophile rapist.
I'd say it will happen in the next 2-3 weeks. The left is whipped up into a frenzy of hate, fear, and bigotry, and the DNC/FBI will want to capitalize on that. Also, there's no good economic news on the horizon and we just found out that Ashley Biden's diary detailing her sexual abuse at the hands of Joe was just authenticated.
It's time the republican's begin to fight for their political live's, because if they think that joining the Democrat's in order to destroy Trump is somehow not going to work to destroy them also, then I got some beach front property for sale in AZ.
Big bombshell today. We found out that Ashley Biden's diary, in which she credibly accuses her father Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her when she was a child, is authentic.

You voted for an incestuous pedophile rapist.
Somehow at this point I don't think they would give a damn.

Get Trump, get Trump, get Trump, get Trump is all they can think about anymore, and this regardless of the giant log in their own eye.

It's really pathetic, and if the republican's don't rally around their former President, then they are part of the bull crap themselves. One wonder's what does the Democrat's have on them, that they would actually then side with a party on any issue after that party has afforded them and their base no quarter's what so ever, and for whose goal in life is to completely destroy the republican's and their power ??
There is certainly fear. Fear the the psychopathice demagogue will again ascend to a position of power and flout the rule of law and the entire constitution. Fear that he will again disregard the path of office- the pledge to protect and abide by the constitution and to serve the American people will again be disregarded and made a mockery of. Yest there is also hate. Hate of everything that he stands for, but the bigotry is all his
You're describing the pedophile Biden and his followers, like you!
There is certainly fear. Fear the the psychopathice demagogue will again ascend to a position of power and flout the rule of law and the entire constitution. Fear that he will again disregard the path of office- the pledge to protect and abide by the constitution and to serve the American people will again be disregarded and made a mockery of. Yest there is also hate. Hate of everything that he stands for, but the bigotry is all his

I see no risk of that.

Obama has already had two terms as President, and is not eligible for another term.

And it is dubious whether Biden will last out his current term; he certainly will not be up for a second.
They ain't got jack on Trump.

If the documents were of any importance they wouldn't have waited a year and a half to get them.

I'm still wondering if Trump didn't set this whole thing up as a trap (which has not been fully played out yet).
so very true indeed.
Time for the countdown. Three weeks in a few days and more baloney got laid on the American people today with the blacked out page after page “affadavidt”
They broke in on a feeling generated from anonymous sources (no where near probable cause) and after they say they found what they were illegally searching for they declare all is well and that their paperwork reasoning is best not revealed to us dumbass Americans. It was also a big screw you to the judge.

So, the countdown begins towards an FBI/SS showdowns which libs are rooting for so that things can go horribly wrong.
laughing hilariously.jpg
Big bombshell today. We found out that Ashley Biden's diary, in which she credibly accuses her father Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her when she was a child, is authentic.

You voted for an incestuous pedophile rapist.
LOL. Ashley credibly accuses her father of of sexually assaulting her? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:

Prove it, retard.

I'll bet you won't. Because you are a lying retard who worships the orange sexual deviant. But, hey, prove me wrong. Go.
so very true indeed.

Liberals are easy to read.

1. if they accuse others of it...They themselves are guilty of it.

2. If they scream "EVERYBODY ELSE DID IT" then almost nobody did it (why would they be in such a panic to push the clot shot if 70% had taken it?)

3. With their extreme TDS...if they haven't arrested Trump...they have NOTHING to arrest him on. Believe me...if they could, they would!

4. Every word they speak is a lie...even "and" & "the".
So, you're saying your side never chanted the slogan "Lock Her Up"?
I never made that claim. You make shit up as you go along, Minimus.
Retards and their short memory attention span. :itsok:
Libtards and their endless reliance on lying. :fu:
But, talking about short memory span... you never answered my question. How was your side planning to "Lock Her Up"?
Chanting “lock her up” doesn’t mean anyone has planned to do so. You dolt.
Using your right-wing death squads or something else?
I don’t have any or know of any right wing death squads. Neither do you. You do like to lie, though. Minimus, you’re a complete stanky ass clown. Go fuck yourself.

Next time you try to post, maybe stop and give honesty a try. Best of luck, ya scumbag.
That's my boy. Let it all out. Have a good cry. It will all be over soon. Your orange douchebag will go to prison and you can put it all behind you.

Till then, suck it up. Ok, big boy? :itsok:
More lies ^ from Minimus Dickus.

You’re a pussy, Minimus. :fu:

Now, back on topic (since troll-quiff Minimus can’t seem to handle even that):

There is zero illegality (here in the real world) with President Trump’s physical possession of the records.

There is zero credible evidence that the documents were still classified when recovered.

There is no viable showing that the DOJ even could prosecute the former President for the US Codes the FBI referenced in their slimey search warrant and affidavit.

All this talk of arresting the President requires us, therefore, to accept that our highly politicized DOJ will seek to charge him with crimes which they already damn well know aren’t valid.

Brandon has no integrity. And Garland is a filthy scumbag. So, it is possible. But it would just be another terrible miscalculation by our demented President, Joe Potatohead Brandon. IF someone therefore talks sense into Brandon’s handlers, maybe they will yet make the proper decision and knock it off with this bullshit. Then Brandon will read their decision (poorly) off of the TOTUS.
There is zero credible evidence that the documents were still classified when recovered.

There is no viable showing that the DOJ even could prosecute the former President for the US Codes the FBI referenced in their slimey search warrant and affidavit.
Those statues do not require classification. Only the subject of the documents is needed to qualify for a violation.
How about Trump promising that if he was elected president, Hillary would be in jail.

Presidential Debate - DT: Bc you'd be in jail!

He underestimated how partisan, how criminal, and how treasonous the NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ, & Democrats were / are.
I never made that claim. You make shit up as you go along, Minimus.

Libtards and their endless reliance on lying. :fu:

Chanting “lock her up” doesn’t mean anyone has planned to do so. You dolt.

I don’t have any or know of any right wing death squads. Neither do you. You do like to lie, though. Minimus, you’re a complete stanky ass clown. Go fuck yourself.

Next time you try to post, maybe stop and give honesty a try. Best of luck, ya scumbag

Poor retard. Trying to twist my words. This is what I said: How were you retards planning to "Lock Her Up"? Using the federal agencies or calling out your right-wing thugs?

Now show me where I said you specifically said it. Go ahead. Prove it.

Now, retard, back to my question. When your side said "Lock Her Up", how were your pals the retards going to lock her up? By using the authorities or by your right-wing retard death squad?

Did you really think that I am going to let you off that easy? Answer the question, retard or agree that you are a stinking coward. Your choice.
More lies ^ from Minimus Dickus.

You’re a pussy, Minimus. :fu:

Now, back on topic (since troll-quiff Minimus can’t seem to handle even that):

There is zero illegality (here in the real world) with President Trump’s physical possession of the records.

There is zero credible evidence that the documents were still classified when recovered.

There is no viable showing that the DOJ even could prosecute the former President for the US Codes the FBI referenced in their slimey search warrant and affidavit.

All this talk of arresting the President requires us, therefore, to accept that our highly politicized DOJ will seek to charge him with crimes which they already damn well know aren’t valid.

Brandon has no integrity. And Garland is a filthy scumbag. So, it is possible. But it would just be another terrible miscalculation by our demented President, Joe Potatohead Brandon. IF someone therefore talks sense into Brandon’s handlers, maybe they will yet make the proper decision and knock it off with this bullshit. Then Brandon will read their decision (poorly) off of the TOTUS.
Blah Blah Blah.

Sorry, retard. You didn't answer my question. One more time...

How was your side planning to "Lock Her Up"? Your side said it. We have it on tape. Come on. Man up. I'll bet you won't because you are a lying stinking piece of shit.

But hey, prove me wrong. Go.
Magnus said:

A typically strong start from the retarded asshole, Minimus. 😂
Poor retard.
Yes you are.
Trying to twist my words.
No. I quoted your words, you dishonest tear. 😂😂
This is what I said: How were you retards planning to "Lock Her Up"? Using the federal agencies or calling out your right-wing thugs?
Yes. That was your utterly retarded question. The answer is that I’m not associated with retards. I’m not a liberal.

I also noted that the chant of “lock her up” was NOT a call to action. Are you ever coherent, ya bitch? 😂
Now show me where I said you specifically said it. Go ahead. Prove it.
You included me in “you retards” you stupid twat! 😂🤣
Now, retard, back to my question.
Talking to yourself?
When your side said "Lock Her Up", how were your pals the retards going to lock her up?

Already answered, you asshole. 😂
By using the authorities or by your right-wing retard death squad?

Again. It was rhetorical, you pathetic rancid test. 😂😂. And so far as I know your imagination is the only place where there are right wing death squads, you utterly pathetic rancid twat 😂😂😂😂
Did you really think that I am going to let you off that easy?

Do you ever actually think at alll? There’s no evidence for it. 🤪😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
Answer the question, retard or agree that you are a stinking coward. Your choice.
I already did answer your retarded faux question, you twat.

Now, fuck yourself or get back down on Brandon’s asshole. Your choice


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