Trump asks Bibi if he REALLY wants peace. yahoo!!!

Every rocket launched from Gaza’istan is an act of war.

That may come as a shock to you as apparently you believe Islamics have an entitlement to such acts without consequence.
Yeah but a hundred years into the war is hardly a "start."

Islamic terrorism knows no geographic boundaries or passage of time.

And yes, it is correct that every rocket launched by your Islamic terrorist heroes is an act of war.

Why do whine and moan when Israel responds to those acts of war?
Those rockets are a response to Israel's acts of war.

Another lie.
Every rocket launched from Gaza’istan is an act of war.

That may come as a shock to you as apparently you believe Islamics have an entitlement to such acts without consequence.
Yeah but a hundred years into the war is hardly a "start."

Islamic terrorism knows no geographic boundaries or passage of time.

And yes, it is correct that every rocket launched by your Islamic terrorist heroes is an act of war.

Why do whine and moan when Israel responds to those acts of war?
Those rockets are a response to Israel's acts of war.

Another lie. In 2005 when Israel withdrew from Gaza there were more then 12 Rocket attacks. There were even more in 2006
And the occupation started in 1967.

After the Arabs initiated War to Occupy Israel. Nasser clearly stated the goal was the “ eradication of Israel” Oops! Forgot.., That isn’t against “ International Law” Just proves that “Law” isn’t worth the piece of paper it’s written on.
Last edited:
I do not think Netanyahu really wants peace. He has done nothing towards that end and instead engaged in provocative acts that indicate the opposite. Instead of but but but the Palestinians look at at what Netanyahu has or has not done, look at his words.

I think both Trump and Netanyahu realize that Arab Palestinians will not, at this time, move toward peace. So what they are both doing is cementing Israel. Creating facts on ground that will dig in and be reality. Unilateral action.

There is nothing else to do without a peace partner.

What has Netanyahu actually done to indicate he's interested in "peace"? Without talking about the Palestinians and what they have or have not done?

He has made a number of inflammatory and downright untruthful statements designed to demonize the Palestinians. For example:

Netanyahu's controversial comments
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been criticised for saying a Palestinian leader persuaded the Nazis to carry out the Holocaust.

Mr Netanyahu insisted Adolf Hitler had only wanted to expel Jews from Europe, but that Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini told him: "Burn them."

Netanyahu Says No to Statehood for Palestinians
JERUSALEM — Under pressure on the eve of a surprisingly close election, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel on Monday doubled down on his appeal to right-wing voters, declaring definitively that if he was returned to office he would never establish a Palestinian state.

Now you can argue that there are conditions that make the establishment of a Palestinian state problematic to Israel's security - BUT - Netanyahu offered NO ALTERNATIVES.

The unilateral decision on Jerusalum.

His rejection of a peace deal put forth by Kerry (and keep in mind - the Palestinians get hammered for rejecting peace deals).

Most interestingly...I think the answer lies in the answers given in Quora here (I know this isn't exactly a reputable source but I found it interesting: sure doesn't take long for a thread to go off topic here. Let's get on topic please.
I do not think Netanyahu really wants peace. He has done nothing towards that end and instead engaged in provocative acts that indicate the opposite. Instead of but but but the Palestinians look at at what Netanyahu has or has not done, look at his words.

I think both Trump and Netanyahu realize that Arab Palestinians will not, at this time, move toward peace. So what they are both doing is cementing Israel. Creating facts on ground that will dig in and be reality. Unilateral action.

There is nothing else to do without a peace partner.

What has Netanyahu actually done to indicate he's interested in "peace"? Without talking about the Palestinians and what they have or have not done?

He has made a number of inflammatory and downright untruthful statements designed to demonize the Palestinians. For example:

Netanyahu's controversial comments
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been criticised for saying a Palestinian leader persuaded the Nazis to carry out the Holocaust.

Mr Netanyahu insisted Adolf Hitler had only wanted to expel Jews from Europe, but that Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini told him: "Burn them."

Netanyahu Says No to Statehood for Palestinians
JERUSALEM — Under pressure on the eve of a surprisingly close election, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel on Monday doubled down on his appeal to right-wing voters, declaring definitively that if he was returned to office he would never establish a Palestinian state.

Now you can argue that there are conditions that make the establishment of a Palestinian state problematic to Israel's security - BUT - Netanyahu offered NO ALTERNATIVES.

The unilateral decision on Jerusalum.

His rejection of a peace deal put forth by Kerry (and keep in mind - the Palestinians get hammered for rejecting peace deals).

Most interestingly...I think the answer lies in the answers given in Quora here (I know this isn't exactly a reputable source but I found it interesting:

Yes. I agree with that first Quora post. Namely:

Netanyahu is not opposed to a durable peace.

The Arab Palestinians currently lack the government institutions, internal political legitimacy and cultural will to make peace.

Peace requires the acceptance of the larger Arab community which is advancing due to Netanyahu's efforts but has not been accomplished.

Shedding too much power to the Arab Palestinians without an iron clad agreement will result in another Gaza.

Israel's security, sovereignty and the preservation of her demographics are the required foundations of real peace.

Bottom line: None of the conditions for peace exist. There is no motivation for Israel to make peace as she can hold the status quo indefinitely. There are serious repercussions for Israel to make peace now.

Netanyahu is just being practical. And his methods are working for Israel. Many countries are beginning to have a heightened awareness of antisemitism locally and internationally. Many countries are moving to support Israel in various ways. And many Arab countries (notably Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt) are moving to support and accept and rnormalize Israel.
I think both Trump and Netanyahu realize that Arab Palestinians will not, at this time, move toward peace. So what they are both doing is cementing Israel. Creating facts on ground that will dig in and be reality. Unilateral action.

There is nothing else to do without a peace partner.

What has Netanyahu actually done to indicate he's interested in "peace"? Without talking about the Palestinians and what they have or have not done?

He has made a number of inflammatory and downright untruthful statements designed to demonize the Palestinians. For example:

Netanyahu's controversial comments
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been criticised for saying a Palestinian leader persuaded the Nazis to carry out the Holocaust.

Mr Netanyahu insisted Adolf Hitler had only wanted to expel Jews from Europe, but that Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini told him: "Burn them."

Netanyahu Says No to Statehood for Palestinians
JERUSALEM — Under pressure on the eve of a surprisingly close election, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel on Monday doubled down on his appeal to right-wing voters, declaring definitively that if he was returned to office he would never establish a Palestinian state.

Now you can argue that there are conditions that make the establishment of a Palestinian state problematic to Israel's security - BUT - Netanyahu offered NO ALTERNATIVES.

The unilateral decision on Jerusalum.

His rejection of a peace deal put forth by Kerry (and keep in mind - the Palestinians get hammered for rejecting peace deals).

Most interestingly...I think the answer lies in the answers given in Quora here (I know this isn't exactly a reputable source but I found it interesting:

In the past the Israelis have offered to give up MOST of E. Jerusalem and the W. Bank which was rejected. If the Palestinians don’t get all of E. Jerusalem, W. Bank, and “ Right of Return” they will not even consider it. Just recently they came out with a statement that the Israelis were not entitled to the Western Wall. ( There is a link I put in on this topic) So my question is; do the Palestinians want peace and what have they done to try to achieve it?
Why wasn’t Olmert’s offer even considered?
RE: Trump asks Bibi if he REALLY wants peace. yahoo!!!
※→ ILOVEISRAEL, et al,
■ SUBTOPIC: Why wasn’t Olmert’s offer even considered?​

I think it was considered, → and considered very carefully. But (I think) that Chairman/President Mahmoud Abbas (AKA: Abu Mazen) was too afraid that his control over the territories would break down and that any peace accord would turn-out to be broken by radical elements. The end result would be an unsuccessful peacemaking effort blamed on the Arab Palestinians.

In the past the Israelis have offered to give up MOST of E. Jerusalem and the W. Bank which was rejected. If the Palestinians don’t get all of E. Jerusalem, W. Bank, and “ Right of Return” they will not even consider it. Just recently they came out with a statement that the Israelis were not entitled to the Western Wall. ( There is a link I put in on this topic) So my question is; do the Palestinians want peace and what have they done to try to achieve it?
Why wasn’t Olmert’s offer even considered?
EXCLUSIVE: Olmert: I'm still waiting for Abbas to call said:
“I know all of their arguments,” said Olmert. “They say that Abu Mazen agreed with Bush that Erekat would meet with Turjeman in early January in Washington, but that was a few days before Bush left the White House and we received no such invitation. They claim that it was because I was finished politically, so he hesitated. But that is an excuse after the fact. They [the Palestinians] were very worried. Abu Mazen is not a big hero. They were afraid. Erekat was worried. In the end, they thought that maybe after the American elections they would get more from President Obama.”

It was not about the monetary compensation or the matter of who would retain what and what trades there would be. Nor was it about the consensus as to the number of Arab Palestinian would be allowed to return. It is about the ability to control and disarm the many insurgents in the territories. And would the Chairman/President being able to restrain the armed factions and hold the peace together.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Trump asks Bibi if he REALLY wants peace. yahoo!!!
※→ ILOVEISRAEL, et al,
■ SUBTOPIC: Why wasn’t Olmert’s offer even considered?​

I think it was considered, → and considered very carefully. But (I think) that Chairman/President Mahmoud Abbas (AKA: Abu Mazen) was too afraid that his control over the territories would break down and that any peace accord would turn-out to be broken by radical elements. The end result would be an unsuccessful peacemaking effort blamed on the Arab Palestinians.

In the past the Israelis have offered to give up MOST of E. Jerusalem and the W. Bank which was rejected. If the Palestinians don’t get all of E. Jerusalem, W. Bank, and “ Right of Return” they will not even consider it. Just recently they came out with a statement that the Israelis were not entitled to the Western Wall. ( There is a link I put in on this topic) So my question is; do the Palestinians want peace and what have they done to try to achieve it?
Why wasn’t Olmert’s offer even considered?
EXCLUSIVE: Olmert: I'm still waiting for Abbas to call said:
“I know all of their arguments,” said Olmert. “They say that Abu Mazen agreed with Bush that Erekat would meet with Turjeman in early January in Washington, but that was a few days before Bush left the White House and we received no such invitation. They claim that it was because I was finished politically, so he hesitated. But that is an excuse after the fact. They [the Palestinians] were very worried. Abu Mazen is not a big hero. They were afraid. Erekat was worried. In the end, they thought that maybe after the American elections they would get more from President Obama.”

It was not about the monetary compensation or the matter of who would retain what and what trades there would be. Nor was it about the consensus as to the number of Arab Palestinian would be allowed to return. It is about the ability to control and disarm the many insurgents in the territories. And would the Chairman/President being able to restrain the armed factions and hold the peace together.

Most Respectfully,

So in effect; ANY deal the Palestinians might make make with Israel is out the window!! If this is realized why should Israel even bother to consider it? It’s a fair question
RE: Trump asks Bibi if he REALLY wants peace. yahoo!!!
※→ ILOVEISRAEL, et al,
■ SUBTOPIC: Why wasn’t Olmert’s offer even considered?​

I think it was considered, → and considered very carefully. But (I think) that Chairman/President Mahmoud Abbas (AKA: Abu Mazen) was too afraid that his control over the territories would break down and that any peace accord would turn-out to be broken by radical elements. The end result would be an unsuccessful peacemaking effort blamed on the Arab Palestinians.

In the past the Israelis have offered to give up MOST of E. Jerusalem and the W. Bank which was rejected. If the Palestinians don’t get all of E. Jerusalem, W. Bank, and “ Right of Return” they will not even consider it. Just recently they came out with a statement that the Israelis were not entitled to the Western Wall. ( There is a link I put in on this topic) So my question is; do the Palestinians want peace and what have they done to try to achieve it?
Why wasn’t Olmert’s offer even considered?
EXCLUSIVE: Olmert: I'm still waiting for Abbas to call said:
“I know all of their arguments,” said Olmert. “They say that Abu Mazen agreed with Bush that Erekat would meet with Turjeman in early January in Washington, but that was a few days before Bush left the White House and we received no such invitation. They claim that it was because I was finished politically, so he hesitated. But that is an excuse after the fact. They [the Palestinians] were very worried. Abu Mazen is not a big hero. They were afraid. Erekat was worried. In the end, they thought that maybe after the American elections they would get more from President Obama.”

It was not about the monetary compensation or the matter of who would retain what and what trades there would be. Nor was it about the consensus as to the number of Arab Palestinian would be allowed to return. It is about the ability to control and disarm the many insurgents in the territories. And would the Chairman/President being able to restrain the armed factions and hold the peace together.

Most Respectfully,

So ANY deal Israel would make with the Palestinians would be a waste of time. Why bother?
RE: Trump asks Bibi if he REALLY wants peace. yahoo!!!
※→ ILOVEISRAEL, et al,
■ SUBTOPIC: Why wasn’t Olmert’s offer even considered?​

I think it was considered, → and considered very carefully. But (I think) that Chairman/President Mahmoud Abbas (AKA: Abu Mazen) was too afraid that his control over the territories would break down and that any peace accord would turn-out to be broken by radical elements. The end result would be an unsuccessful peacemaking effort blamed on the Arab Palestinians.

In the past the Israelis have offered to give up MOST of E. Jerusalem and the W. Bank which was rejected. If the Palestinians don’t get all of E. Jerusalem, W. Bank, and “ Right of Return” they will not even consider it. Just recently they came out with a statement that the Israelis were not entitled to the Western Wall. ( There is a link I put in on this topic) So my question is; do the Palestinians want peace and what have they done to try to achieve it?
Why wasn’t Olmert’s offer even considered?
EXCLUSIVE: Olmert: I'm still waiting for Abbas to call said:
“I know all of their arguments,” said Olmert. “They say that Abu Mazen agreed with Bush that Erekat would meet with Turjeman in early January in Washington, but that was a few days before Bush left the White House and we received no such invitation. They claim that it was because I was finished politically, so he hesitated. But that is an excuse after the fact. They [the Palestinians] were very worried. Abu Mazen is not a big hero. They were afraid. Erekat was worried. In the end, they thought that maybe after the American elections they would get more from President Obama.”

It was not about the monetary compensation or the matter of who would retain what and what trades there would be. Nor was it about the consensus as to the number of Arab Palestinian would be allowed to return. It is about the ability to control and disarm the many insurgents in the territories. And would the Chairman/President being able to restrain the armed factions and hold the peace together.

Most Respectfully,

So ANY deal Israel would make with the Palestinians would be a waste of time. Why bother?

What is the point of even trying for a Two State Solution?
I do not think Netanyahu really wants peace. He has done nothing towards that end and instead engaged in provocative acts that indicate the opposite. Instead of but but but the Palestinians look at at what Netanyahu has or has not done, look at his words.

I think both Trump and Netanyahu realize that Arab Palestinians will not, at this time, move toward peace. So what they are both doing is cementing Israel. Creating facts on ground that will dig in and be reality. Unilateral action.

There is nothing else to do without a peace partner.

What has Netanyahu actually done to indicate he's interested in "peace"? Without talking about the Palestinians and what they have or have not done?

He has made a number of inflammatory and downright untruthful statements designed to demonize the Palestinians. For example:

Netanyahu's controversial comments
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been criticised for saying a Palestinian leader persuaded the Nazis to carry out the Holocaust.

Mr Netanyahu insisted Adolf Hitler had only wanted to expel Jews from Europe, but that Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini told him: "Burn them."

Netanyahu Says No to Statehood for Palestinians
JERUSALEM — Under pressure on the eve of a surprisingly close election, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel on Monday doubled down on his appeal to right-wing voters, declaring definitively that if he was returned to office he would never establish a Palestinian state.

Now you can argue that there are conditions that make the establishment of a Palestinian state problematic to Israel's security - BUT - Netanyahu offered NO ALTERNATIVES.

The unilateral decision on Jerusalum.

His rejection of a peace deal put forth by Kerry (and keep in mind - the Palestinians get hammered for rejecting peace deals).

Most interestingly...I think the answer lies in the answers given in Quora here (I know this isn't exactly a reputable source but I found it interesting:

Yes. I agree with that first Quora post. Namely:

Netanyahu is not opposed to a durable peace.

The Arab Palestinians currently lack the government institutions, internal political legitimacy and cultural will to make peace.

Peace requires the acceptance of the larger Arab community which is advancing due to Netanyahu's efforts but has not been accomplished.

Shedding too much power to the Arab Palestinians without an iron clad agreement will result in another Gaza.

Israel's security, sovereignty and the preservation of her demographics are the required foundations of real peace.

Bottom line: None of the conditions for peace exist. There is no motivation for Israel to make peace as she can hold the status quo indefinitely. There are serious repercussions for Israel to make peace now.

Netanyahu is just being practical. And his methods are working for Israel. Many countries are beginning to have a heightened awareness of antisemitism locally and internationally. Many countries are moving to support Israel in various ways. And many Arab countries (notably Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt) are moving to support and accept and rnormalize Israel.
What has Netanyahu done or said that indicates an interest in peace?

What are Netanyahu’s plans for the future of the Palestinians?
I do not think Netanyahu really wants peace. He has done nothing towards that end and instead engaged in provocative acts that indicate the opposite. Instead of but but but the Palestinians look at at what Netanyahu has or has not done, look at his words.

I think both Trump and Netanyahu realize that Arab Palestinians will not, at this time, move toward peace. So what they are both doing is cementing Israel. Creating facts on ground that will dig in and be reality. Unilateral action.

There is nothing else to do without a peace partner.

What has Netanyahu actually done to indicate he's interested in "peace"? Without talking about the Palestinians and what they have or have not done?

He has made a number of inflammatory and downright untruthful statements designed to demonize the Palestinians. For example:

Netanyahu's controversial comments
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been criticised for saying a Palestinian leader persuaded the Nazis to carry out the Holocaust.

Mr Netanyahu insisted Adolf Hitler had only wanted to expel Jews from Europe, but that Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini told him: "Burn them."

Netanyahu Says No to Statehood for Palestinians
JERUSALEM — Under pressure on the eve of a surprisingly close election, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel on Monday doubled down on his appeal to right-wing voters, declaring definitively that if he was returned to office he would never establish a Palestinian state.

Now you can argue that there are conditions that make the establishment of a Palestinian state problematic to Israel's security - BUT - Netanyahu offered NO ALTERNATIVES.

The unilateral decision on Jerusalum.

His rejection of a peace deal put forth by Kerry (and keep in mind - the Palestinians get hammered for rejecting peace deals).

Most interestingly...I think the answer lies in the answers given in Quora here (I know this isn't exactly a reputable source but I found it interesting:

Yes. I agree with that first Quora post. Namely:

Netanyahu is not opposed to a durable peace.

The Arab Palestinians currently lack the government institutions, internal political legitimacy and cultural will to make peace.

Peace requires the acceptance of the larger Arab community which is advancing due to Netanyahu's efforts but has not been accomplished.

Shedding too much power to the Arab Palestinians without an iron clad agreement will result in another Gaza.

Israel's security, sovereignty and the preservation of her demographics are the required foundations of real peace.

Bottom line: None of the conditions for peace exist. There is no motivation for Israel to make peace as she can hold the status quo indefinitely. There are serious repercussions for Israel to make peace now.

Netanyahu is just being practical. And his methods are working for Israel. Many countries are beginning to have a heightened awareness of antisemitism locally and internationally. Many countries are moving to support Israel in various ways. And many Arab countries (notably Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt) are moving to support and accept and rnormalize Israel.
I agree with what you say about conditions, but not about Netanyahu given things he has said and done.
I do not think Netanyahu really wants peace. He has done nothing towards that end and instead engaged in provocative acts that indicate the opposite. Instead of but but but the Palestinians look at at what Netanyahu has or has not done, look at his words.

I think both Trump and Netanyahu realize that Arab Palestinians will not, at this time, move toward peace. So what they are both doing is cementing Israel. Creating facts on ground that will dig in and be reality. Unilateral action.

There is nothing else to do without a peace partner.

What has Netanyahu actually done to indicate he's interested in "peace"? Without talking about the Palestinians and what they have or have not done?

He has made a number of inflammatory and downright untruthful statements designed to demonize the Palestinians. For example:

Netanyahu's controversial comments
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been criticised for saying a Palestinian leader persuaded the Nazis to carry out the Holocaust.

Mr Netanyahu insisted Adolf Hitler had only wanted to expel Jews from Europe, but that Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini told him: "Burn them."

Netanyahu Says No to Statehood for Palestinians
JERUSALEM — Under pressure on the eve of a surprisingly close election, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel on Monday doubled down on his appeal to right-wing voters, declaring definitively that if he was returned to office he would never establish a Palestinian state.

Now you can argue that there are conditions that make the establishment of a Palestinian state problematic to Israel's security - BUT - Netanyahu offered NO ALTERNATIVES.

The unilateral decision on Jerusalum.

His rejection of a peace deal put forth by Kerry (and keep in mind - the Palestinians get hammered for rejecting peace deals).

Most interestingly...I think the answer lies in the answers given in Quora here (I know this isn't exactly a reputable source but I found it interesting:

Yes. I agree with that first Quora post. Namely:

Netanyahu is not opposed to a durable peace.

The Arab Palestinians currently lack the government institutions, internal political legitimacy and cultural will to make peace.

Peace requires the acceptance of the larger Arab community which is advancing due to Netanyahu's efforts but has not been accomplished.

Shedding too much power to the Arab Palestinians without an iron clad agreement will result in another Gaza.

Israel's security, sovereignty and the preservation of her demographics are the required foundations of real peace.

Bottom line: None of the conditions for peace exist. There is no motivation for Israel to make peace as she can hold the status quo indefinitely. There are serious repercussions for Israel to make peace now.

Netanyahu is just being practical. And his methods are working for Israel. Many countries are beginning to have a heightened awareness of antisemitism locally and internationally. Many countries are moving to support Israel in various ways. And many Arab countries (notably Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt) are moving to support and accept and rnormalize Israel.
What has Netanyahu done or said that indicates an interest in peace?

What are Netanyahu’s plans for the future of the Palestinians?

One can ask the same question about the Palestinians . What have they ever offered?
I think both Trump and Netanyahu realize that Arab Palestinians will not, at this time, move toward peace. So what they are both doing is cementing Israel. Creating facts on ground that will dig in and be reality. Unilateral action.

There is nothing else to do without a peace partner.

What has Netanyahu actually done to indicate he's interested in "peace"? Without talking about the Palestinians and what they have or have not done?

He has made a number of inflammatory and downright untruthful statements designed to demonize the Palestinians. For example:

Netanyahu's controversial comments
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been criticised for saying a Palestinian leader persuaded the Nazis to carry out the Holocaust.

Mr Netanyahu insisted Adolf Hitler had only wanted to expel Jews from Europe, but that Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini told him: "Burn them."

Netanyahu Says No to Statehood for Palestinians
JERUSALEM — Under pressure on the eve of a surprisingly close election, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel on Monday doubled down on his appeal to right-wing voters, declaring definitively that if he was returned to office he would never establish a Palestinian state.

Now you can argue that there are conditions that make the establishment of a Palestinian state problematic to Israel's security - BUT - Netanyahu offered NO ALTERNATIVES.

The unilateral decision on Jerusalum.

His rejection of a peace deal put forth by Kerry (and keep in mind - the Palestinians get hammered for rejecting peace deals).

Most interestingly...I think the answer lies in the answers given in Quora here (I know this isn't exactly a reputable source but I found it interesting:

In the past the Israelis have offered to give up MOST of E. Jerusalem and the W. Bank which was rejected. If the Palestinians don’t get all of E. Jerusalem, W. Bank, and “ Right of Return” they will not even consider it. Just recently they came out with a statement that the Israelis were not entitled to the Western Wall. ( There is a link I put in on this topic) So my question is; do the Palestinians want peace and what have they done to try to achieve it?
Why wasn’t Olmert’s offer even considered?

Let’s just keep this on Netanyahu and not deflect to what the Palestinians have or have not done. I realize there are problems with the Palestinian side and both sides have apparently rejected peace offers at various times.

What has Netanyahu done that shows an interest in peace?
RE: Trump asks Bibi if he REALLY wants peace. yahoo!!!
※→ ILOVEISRAEL, et al,
■ SUBTOPIC: Why wasn’t Olmert’s offer even considered?​

I think it was considered, → and considered very carefully. But (I think) that Chairman/President Mahmoud Abbas (AKA: Abu Mazen) was too afraid that his control over the territories would break down and that any peace accord would turn-out to be broken by radical elements. The end result would be an unsuccessful peacemaking effort blamed on the Arab Palestinians.

In the past the Israelis have offered to give up MOST of E. Jerusalem and the W. Bank which was rejected. If the Palestinians don’t get all of E. Jerusalem, W. Bank, and “ Right of Return” they will not even consider it. Just recently they came out with a statement that the Israelis were not entitled to the Western Wall. ( There is a link I put in on this topic) So my question is; do the Palestinians want peace and what have they done to try to achieve it?
Why wasn’t Olmert’s offer even considered?
EXCLUSIVE: Olmert: I'm still waiting for Abbas to call said:
“I know all of their arguments,” said Olmert. “They say that Abu Mazen agreed with Bush that Erekat would meet with Turjeman in early January in Washington, but that was a few days before Bush left the White House and we received no such invitation. They claim that it was because I was finished politically, so he hesitated. But that is an excuse after the fact. They [the Palestinians] were very worried. Abu Mazen is not a big hero. They were afraid. Erekat was worried. In the end, they thought that maybe after the American elections they would get more from President Obama.”

It was not about the monetary compensation or the matter of who would retain what and what trades there would be. Nor was it about the consensus as to the number of Arab Palestinian would be allowed to return. It is about the ability to control and disarm the many insurgents in the territories. And would the Chairman/President being able to restrain the armed factions and hold the peace together.

Most Respectfully,

So ANY deal Israel would make with the Palestinians would be a waste of time. Why bother?

What is the point of even trying for a Two State Solution?
Maybe there are other solutions but none are being offered.
RE: Trump asks Bibi if he REALLY wants peace. yahoo!!!
※→ ILOVEISRAEL, et al,
■ SUBTOPIC: Why wasn’t Olmert’s offer even considered?​

I think it was considered, → and considered very carefully. But (I think) that Chairman/President Mahmoud Abbas (AKA: Abu Mazen) was too afraid that his control over the territories would break down and that any peace accord would turn-out to be broken by radical elements. The end result would be an unsuccessful peacemaking effort blamed on the Arab Palestinians.

In the past the Israelis have offered to give up MOST of E. Jerusalem and the W. Bank which was rejected. If the Palestinians don’t get all of E. Jerusalem, W. Bank, and “ Right of Return” they will not even consider it. Just recently they came out with a statement that the Israelis were not entitled to the Western Wall. ( There is a link I put in on this topic) So my question is; do the Palestinians want peace and what have they done to try to achieve it?
Why wasn’t Olmert’s offer even considered?
EXCLUSIVE: Olmert: I'm still waiting for Abbas to call said:
“I know all of their arguments,” said Olmert. “They say that Abu Mazen agreed with Bush that Erekat would meet with Turjeman in early January in Washington, but that was a few days before Bush left the White House and we received no such invitation. They claim that it was because I was finished politically, so he hesitated. But that is an excuse after the fact. They [the Palestinians] were very worried. Abu Mazen is not a big hero. They were afraid. Erekat was worried. In the end, they thought that maybe after the American elections they would get more from President Obama.”

It was not about the monetary compensation or the matter of who would retain what and what trades there would be. Nor was it about the consensus as to the number of Arab Palestinian would be allowed to return. It is about the ability to control and disarm the many insurgents in the territories. And would the Chairman/President being able to restrain the armed factions and hold the peace together.

Most Respectfully,
Interesting...I did not realize that.
I think both Trump and Netanyahu realize that Arab Palestinians will not, at this time, move toward peace. So what they are both doing is cementing Israel. Creating facts on ground that will dig in and be reality. Unilateral action.

There is nothing else to do without a peace partner.

What has Netanyahu actually done to indicate he's interested in "peace"? Without talking about the Palestinians and what they have or have not done?

He has made a number of inflammatory and downright untruthful statements designed to demonize the Palestinians. For example:

Netanyahu's controversial comments
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been criticised for saying a Palestinian leader persuaded the Nazis to carry out the Holocaust.

Mr Netanyahu insisted Adolf Hitler had only wanted to expel Jews from Europe, but that Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini told him: "Burn them."

Netanyahu Says No to Statehood for Palestinians
JERUSALEM — Under pressure on the eve of a surprisingly close election, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel on Monday doubled down on his appeal to right-wing voters, declaring definitively that if he was returned to office he would never establish a Palestinian state.

Now you can argue that there are conditions that make the establishment of a Palestinian state problematic to Israel's security - BUT - Netanyahu offered NO ALTERNATIVES.

The unilateral decision on Jerusalum.

His rejection of a peace deal put forth by Kerry (and keep in mind - the Palestinians get hammered for rejecting peace deals).

Most interestingly...I think the answer lies in the answers given in Quora here (I know this isn't exactly a reputable source but I found it interesting:

In the past the Israelis have offered to give up MOST of E. Jerusalem and the W. Bank which was rejected. If the Palestinians don’t get all of E. Jerusalem, W. Bank, and “ Right of Return” they will not even consider it. Just recently they came out with a statement that the Israelis were not entitled to the Western Wall. ( There is a link I put in on this topic) So my question is; do the Palestinians want peace and what have they done to try to achieve it?
Why wasn’t Olmert’s offer even considered?

Let’s just keep this on Netanyahu and not deflect to what the Palestinians have or have not done. I realize there are problems with the Palestinian side and both sides have apparently rejected peace offers at various times.

What has Netanyahu done that shows an interest in peace?

I realize we are to stay on topic but in order to have this discussion in a FAIR and IMPARTIAL way, BOTH parties have to be looked at .
I think both Trump and Netanyahu realize that Arab Palestinians will not, at this time, move toward peace. So what they are both doing is cementing Israel. Creating facts on ground that will dig in and be reality. Unilateral action.

There is nothing else to do without a peace partner.

What has Netanyahu actually done to indicate he's interested in "peace"? Without talking about the Palestinians and what they have or have not done?

He has made a number of inflammatory and downright untruthful statements designed to demonize the Palestinians. For example:

Netanyahu's controversial comments
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been criticised for saying a Palestinian leader persuaded the Nazis to carry out the Holocaust.

Mr Netanyahu insisted Adolf Hitler had only wanted to expel Jews from Europe, but that Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini told him: "Burn them."

Netanyahu Says No to Statehood for Palestinians
JERUSALEM — Under pressure on the eve of a surprisingly close election, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel on Monday doubled down on his appeal to right-wing voters, declaring definitively that if he was returned to office he would never establish a Palestinian state.

Now you can argue that there are conditions that make the establishment of a Palestinian state problematic to Israel's security - BUT - Netanyahu offered NO ALTERNATIVES.

The unilateral decision on Jerusalum.

His rejection of a peace deal put forth by Kerry (and keep in mind - the Palestinians get hammered for rejecting peace deals).

Most interestingly...I think the answer lies in the answers given in Quora here (I know this isn't exactly a reputable source but I found it interesting:

In the past the Israelis have offered to give up MOST of E. Jerusalem and the W. Bank which was rejected. If the Palestinians don’t get all of E. Jerusalem, W. Bank, and “ Right of Return” they will not even consider it. Just recently they came out with a statement that the Israelis were not entitled to the Western Wall. ( There is a link I put in on this topic) So my question is; do the Palestinians want peace and what have they done to try to achieve it?
Why wasn’t Olmert’s offer even considered?

Let’s just keep this on Netanyahu and not deflect to what the Palestinians have or have not done. I realize there are problems with the Palestinian side and both sides have apparently rejected peace offers at various times.

What has Netanyahu done that shows an interest in peace?

I realize we are to stay on topic but in order to have this discussion in a FAIR and IMPARTIAL way, BOTH parties have to be looked at .
It’s understood by everybody that the Palestinians will accept nothing less then Borders that were never recognized before and “ Right of Return” The Palestinians RECENTLY just declared the Western Wall of limits to the Israelis. While this might be “ off topic” it does have to do with their sincerity in the “ Two State Solution”

What should Netanyahu offer that had not been offered before and rejected? That’s a fair question
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I do not think Netanyahu really wants peace. He has done nothing towards that end and instead engaged in provocative acts that indicate the opposite. Instead of but but but the Palestinians look at at what Netanyahu has or has not done, look at his words.

I think both Trump and Netanyahu realize that Arab Palestinians will not, at this time, move toward peace. So what they are both doing is cementing Israel. Creating facts on ground that will dig in and be reality. Unilateral action.

There is nothing else to do without a peace partner.
He has made a number of inflammatory and downright untruthful statements designed to demonize the Palestinians.
Netanyahu doesn't need to demonize Palestinians. They perfectly do it themselves by their rhetoric and their actions.
Netanyahu's controversial comments
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been criticised for saying a Palestinian leader persuaded the Nazis to carry out the Holocaust.

Mr Netanyahu insisted Adolf Hitler had only wanted to expel Jews from Europe, but that Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini told him: "Burn them."
It was a stupid statement of Netanyahu. Not the first and probably not the last. Netanyahu lately corrected this nonsense. And it was not said about all Palestinians, but only about mufti al-Husseini, who was known as supporter of Hitler and a hater of Jews.
From the other hand Palestinians don't have a problem to use Nazi symbols and Nazi rethoric.
Netanyahu Says No to Statehood for Palestinians
JERUSALEM — Under pressure on the eve of a surprisingly close election, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel on Monday doubled down on his appeal to right-wing voters, declaring definitively that if he was returned to office he would never establish a Palestinian state.
From the article:
"I think that anyone who is going to establish a Palestinian state today and evacuate lands is giving attack grounds to the radical Islam against the state of Israel"
I suppose there is a difference between "today" and "never"? :cool-45:
Anyway, is it really so important what Netanyahu says "Under pressure on the eve of a surprisingly close election"?
His rejection of a peace deal put forth by Kerry (and keep in mind - the Palestinians get hammered for rejecting peace deals).
What deal?
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What has Netanyahu done or said that indicates an interest in peace?

What are Netanyahu’s plans for the future of the Palestinians?

I think it is the wrong question.

The right questions are:

What are the conditions necessary for peace?

Is it possible for Israel to unilaterally bring about these conditions?

The conditions for peace are Arab Palestinian governmental infrastructure, internal legitimacy and cultural will leading to security for Israel, widespread Arab recognition of Israel and the preservation of demographics.

Can Israel bring about Arab Palestinian government institutions? Can Israel bring about internal legitimacy of Palestine's governing group? Can Israel create the cultural will to stop the resistance? Can Israel create security for itself? Can Israel induce Arab recognition?

No and no and no and no and no.

Netanyahu can not make peace in a vacuum. The conditions for peace have to exist. And they just don't.
See the problem continues to be addressed as, "If the Jews just did something different ..."

It's the wrong approach.

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