Trump attacks US Businesses

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Trump attacks Amazon., His latest attack on US businesses. The President is not supposed to do this.
Certainly if the President or White House is not permitted to hawk products for private companies, certainly he can't pick out US companies to slur & attack in public.

Trump hates the Washington Post is not slurring Bezos & Amazon.

This is not the first time.

When will the Republicans say enough?
When the left live and die honestly from their own bullshit lies and slander.

In other words never.
Who has ever claimed that Trump is conservative?
I love it how you conservatives elect one & then claim he isn't one.


The conservatives rejected all those running in 2016 w& went with a non conservative.

Yes, we rejected all the conservatives, and "conservatives" running and went with the pragmatic nationalist, instead.

What part of this is confusing to you?

Don't you mean the racist, misogynist, white nationalist? Because that's who you elected.

Please shove your race baiting up your ass.

Republicans complained that Obama wasn't properly "vetted", well Trump had numerous federal charges, law suits, fines, 7 bankruptcies, such that US banks refused to lend to him, and a long record of exaggerating the truth, lying bullying, stiffing subtrades, and generally behaving like a jackass. All of which we've seen in spades since the election.

So why wasn't Trump vetted?

The need for a leader that would put American interest FUCKING FIRST, to coin a term, TRUMPED all of that, even the parts that are true.

Please shove your defending a racist fuck up your ass.

Then you openly admit you knew Trump was a piece of shit & were duped into thinking he was a leader. I have news, being a liar & bully is NOT leadership.

1. ONly an asshole would call Trump a racist.

2. I was not duped, you asshole. I voted based on campaign platforms, and I made the only reasonable choice there was.

3. Your whining about character or personality, did you vote for Bill or Hillary?
Yes, we rejected all the conservatives, and "conservatives" running and went with the pragmatic nationalist, instead.

What part of this is confusing to you?

Don't you mean the racist, misogynist, white nationalist? Because that's who you elected.

Please shove your race baiting up your ass.

Republicans complained that Obama wasn't properly "vetted", well Trump had numerous federal charges, law suits, fines, 7 bankruptcies, such that US banks refused to lend to him, and a long record of exaggerating the truth, lying bullying, stiffing subtrades, and generally behaving like a jackass. All of which we've seen in spades since the election.

So why wasn't Trump vetted?

The need for a leader that would put American interest FUCKING FIRST, to coin a term, TRUMPED all of that, even the parts that are true.

Please shove your defending a racist fuck up your ass.

Then you openly admit you knew Trump was a piece of shit & were duped into thinking he was a leader. I have news, being a liar & bully is NOT leadership.

Save your racist BS comments for the VA Governor and VA Attorney General....dumbass.

Both actions were racist. Both done in their youth. What have they done since? Virginia is a southern state & has a long history of racism.

Like with anyone, what have they done since that was racist?

Trump clearly wants to ban immigration from non white areas like the "shithole" countries of Africa. He tried to keep blacks from renting in his buildings.

1. So they get a pass. Surprise, surprise, surprise.

2. The people of Virginia, do not deserve your casual smear, asshole.

3. You want immigration that is most black and brown. Why is that not racist of you?
I love it how you conservatives elect one & then claim he isn't one.


The conservatives rejected all those running in 2016 w& went with a non conservative.

Yes, we rejected all the conservatives, and "conservatives" running and went with the pragmatic nationalist, instead.

What part of this is confusing to you?

Don't you mean the racist, misogynist, white nationalist? Because that's who you elected.

Please shove your race baiting up your ass.

Republicans complained that Obama wasn't properly "vetted", well Trump had numerous federal charges, law suits, fines, 7 bankruptcies, such that US banks refused to lend to him, and a long record of exaggerating the truth, lying bullying, stiffing subtrades, and generally behaving like a jackass. All of which we've seen in spades since the election.

So why wasn't Trump vetted?

The need for a leader that would put American interest FUCKING FIRST, to coin a term, TRUMPED all of that, even the parts that are true.

Please shove your defending a racist fuck up your ass.

Then you openly admit you knew Trump was a piece of shit & were duped into thinking he was a leader. I have news, being a liar & bully is NOT leadership.

1. ONly an asshole would call Trump a racist.

2. I was not duped, you asshole. I voted based on campaign platforms, and I made the only reasonable choice there was.

3. Your whining about character or personality, did you vote for Bill or Hillary?
Number 3 seals the deal lol

Take your choice of rape, sexual assault, blackface, embezzling or any other idiocy those two committed.
Yes, we rejected all the conservatives, and "conservatives" running and went with the pragmatic nationalist, instead.

What part of this is confusing to you?

Don't you mean the racist, misogynist, white nationalist? Because that's who you elected.

Please shove your race baiting up your ass.

Republicans complained that Obama wasn't properly "vetted", well Trump had numerous federal charges, law suits, fines, 7 bankruptcies, such that US banks refused to lend to him, and a long record of exaggerating the truth, lying bullying, stiffing subtrades, and generally behaving like a jackass. All of which we've seen in spades since the election.

So why wasn't Trump vetted?

The need for a leader that would put American interest FUCKING FIRST, to coin a term, TRUMPED all of that, even the parts that are true.

Please shove your defending a racist fuck up your ass.

Then you openly admit you knew Trump was a piece of shit & were duped into thinking he was a leader. I have news, being a liar & bully is NOT leadership.

1. ONly an asshole would call Trump a racist.

2. I was not duped, you asshole. I voted based on campaign platforms, and I made the only reasonable choice there was.

3. Your whining about character or personality, did you vote for Bill or Hillary?
Number 3 seals the deal lol

Take your choice of rape, sexual assault, blackface, embezzling or any other idiocy those two committed.
Where are the police records of this supposed rape and sex assault of Va politician ?
I love it how you conservatives elect one & then claim he isn't one.


The conservatives rejected all those running in 2016 w& went with a non conservative.

Yes, we rejected all the conservatives, and "conservatives" running and went with the pragmatic nationalist, instead.

What part of this is confusing to you?

Don't you mean the racist, misogynist, white nationalist? Because that's who you elected.

Please shove your race baiting up your ass.

Republicans complained that Obama wasn't properly "vetted", well Trump had numerous federal charges, law suits, fines, 7 bankruptcies, such that US banks refused to lend to him, and a long record of exaggerating the truth, lying bullying, stiffing subtrades, and generally behaving like a jackass. All of which we've seen in spades since the election.

So why wasn't Trump vetted?

The need for a leader that would put American interest FUCKING FIRST, to coin a term, TRUMPED all of that, even the parts that are true.

Please shove your defending a racist fuck up your ass.

Then you openly admit you knew Trump was a piece of shit & were duped into thinking he was a leader. I have news, being a liar & bully is NOT leadership.

1. ONly an asshole would call Trump a racist.

2. I was not duped, you asshole. I voted based on campaign platforms, and I made the only reasonable choice there was.

3. Your whining about character or personality, did you vote for Bill or Hillary?
Donald Trump's long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2018 - Vox

Jan 14, 2018 - If you ask President Donald Trump whether he's racist, he has a standard response: He claims that no, in fact, he's "the least racist person that ...
Our economic system is corporatism not market capitalism. corporatism is the control of an organization or state by large money interest's. judged by the people he puts in place to oversee corporate interest's this shows his preference for corporatism over free market capitalism.
Yes, we rejected all the conservatives, and "conservatives" running and went with the pragmatic nationalist, instead.

What part of this is confusing to you?

Don't you mean the racist, misogynist, white nationalist? Because that's who you elected.

Please shove your race baiting up your ass.

Republicans complained that Obama wasn't properly "vetted", well Trump had numerous federal charges, law suits, fines, 7 bankruptcies, such that US banks refused to lend to him, and a long record of exaggerating the truth, lying bullying, stiffing subtrades, and generally behaving like a jackass. All of which we've seen in spades since the election.

So why wasn't Trump vetted?

The need for a leader that would put American interest FUCKING FIRST, to coin a term, TRUMPED all of that, even the parts that are true.

Please shove your defending a racist fuck up your ass.

Then you openly admit you knew Trump was a piece of shit & were duped into thinking he was a leader. I have news, being a liar & bully is NOT leadership.

1. ONly an asshole would call Trump a racist.

2. I was not duped, you asshole. I voted based on campaign platforms, and I made the only reasonable choice there was.

3. Your whining about character or personality, did you vote for Bill or Hillary?
Donald Trump's long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2018 - Vox

Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2018
Jan 14, 2018 - If you ask President Donald Trump whether he's racist, he has a standard response: He claims that no, in fact, he's "the least racist person that ...

1973? You mean when his dad was in charge? And they came to a deal, not an admission of guilt.

The second one is just an unsupported accusation, decades after the fact. That's where I stopped.
Don't you mean the racist, misogynist, white nationalist? Because that's who you elected.

Please shove your race baiting up your ass.

Republicans complained that Obama wasn't properly "vetted", well Trump had numerous federal charges, law suits, fines, 7 bankruptcies, such that US banks refused to lend to him, and a long record of exaggerating the truth, lying bullying, stiffing subtrades, and generally behaving like a jackass. All of which we've seen in spades since the election.

So why wasn't Trump vetted?

The need for a leader that would put American interest FUCKING FIRST, to coin a term, TRUMPED all of that, even the parts that are true.

Please shove your defending a racist fuck up your ass.

Then you openly admit you knew Trump was a piece of shit & were duped into thinking he was a leader. I have news, being a liar & bully is NOT leadership.

1. ONly an asshole would call Trump a racist.

2. I was not duped, you asshole. I voted based on campaign platforms, and I made the only reasonable choice there was.

3. Your whining about character or personality, did you vote for Bill or Hillary?
Donald Trump's long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2018 - Vox

Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2018

Jan 14, 2018 - If you ask President Donald Trump whether he's racist, he has a standard response: He claims that no, in fact, he's "the least racist person that ...

1973? You mean when his dad was in charge? And they came to a deal, not an admission of guilt.

The second one is just an unsupported accusation, decades after the fact. That's where I stopped.
How much did Trump U cost the crook?
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