Trump bashing San Juan Mayor was a big Hillary Clinton supporter in 2016

I'm shocked!

Of course, now that makes sense! What will be her new position? DNC chair? Her own show on CNN?
This San Juan Mayor always smelled like a duck, walked like a duck and last but not least....quacked like a duck !!

Hence....she is a duck. A Clinton libturd duck.
Perhaps she is sabotaging the relief efforts to try and blame Trump. It would explain why all those supplies sit in port and don't get delivered. Even a chain of people passing boxes person to person could get it to those who need it.
Perhaps she is sabotaging the relief efforts to try and blame Trump. It would explain why all those supplies sit in port and don't get delivered. Even a chain of people passing boxes person to person could get it to those who need it.

Perhaps the roads in Puerto Rico are so badly damaged that they cannot be reached. That is why you need the military. To airdrop people and supplies to where they are needed.
PR is grotesque commonwealth of murder, rape, assault, and dependency. It is like a symbolic "black community" of the USA. Cut the ties. Let it go. Total garbage.
Now everything seems clear!!! doesn't it ?? :D

:eusa_naughty: naughty naughty

Figures. Trump Bashing San Juan Mayor Was Big Hillary Clinton Supporter in 2016

Trump Bashing San Juan Mayor Was Big Hillary Clinton Supporter in 2016

Who fucking cares. The devastation in Puerto Rico is unlike anything we have seen. 55% of Puerto Rico has no clean drinking water. 95% have no electricity. Yet you want to play politics. How low can you be?

The Mayor decided to politicize this.

How low can she be?

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