Trump Begins Outline of Surrender Terms -Putin Prepares for Victory

Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.
You and this thread prove libs have gone batshit crazy!


Remember when Barry told Medvedev to tell Putin to be patient, that after his re-election he would have more flexibility to betray NATO regarding giving up missile defense systems?!
Except that never happened buddy. Meanwhile Trump is on record, even in the last couple days, of supporting an end to Russian sanctions and to NATO.
BS...I posted the video/audio already to prove Barry said it.
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.

My gawd, can you queers get any more dramatic?
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.

Now, suddenly, the left thinks we can control what Russia does. We didn't help them acquire nuclear weapons, .

Well actually we did, although not intentionally. ;)

Spies Who Spilled Atomic Bomb Secrets | History | Smithsonian
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.

Poor little snowflake...
I have friends in the area under threat by Putin. I was in Ukraine in November. I know people who had to leave the war zone in southeastern Ukraine because of the current ongoing war being waged by Russia.
The EU is more of threat to those people's well being than Russia... fact
Fact, you are another treasonous asshole. So you too wish for the breakup of the EU and the end of NATO. You rightwingnutbags swinging on Putin's cock are truly a wondrous sight.
One thing Trump is right about is that we need to take a long hard look at NATO.
Europe is on its way to becoming Muslim terrorist majority. The emerging Europe is not your grandpa's Europe. It is not in our interest to protect a bunch of rapists just because they live in Germany.
You are not only an idiot, you are a treasonous idiot. Germany, is not going to become Muslim, period.

Most of the Trumpettes on this board are clueless and following Stump mindlessly. They have no idea that Putin is preparing to take down, not only the United States, but the EU. He has been emboldened by Stump's victory, which he orchestrated. Yes, they may be treasonous, but only through ignorance.

The rest of the Trump supporters are actually Russian Trolls. They are being paid as they spread fake news and downplay the Stump-Putin relationship. We may be too late to save the US. Only Congress stands between a Putin victory at this point. This country is in big trouble...
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.

Poor little snowflake...
I have friends in the area under threat by Putin. I was in Ukraine in November. I know people who had to leave the war zone in southeastern Ukraine because of the current ongoing war being waged by Russia.
The EU is more of threat to those people's well being than Russia... fact
Fact, you are another treasonous asshole. So you too wish for the breakup of the EU and the end of NATO. You rightwingnutbags swinging on Putin's cock are truly a wondrous sight.
One thing Trump is right about is that we need to take a long hard look at NATO.
Europe is on its way to becoming Muslim terrorist majority. The emerging Europe is not your grandpa's Europe. It is not in our interest to protect a bunch of rapists just because they live in Germany.
You are not only an idiot, you are a treasonous idiot. Germany, is not going to become Muslim, period.

Most of the Trumpettes on this board are clueless and following Stump mindlessly. They have no idea that Putin is preparing to take down, not only the United States, but the EU. He has been emboldened by Stump's victory, which he orchestrated. Yes, they may be treasonous, but only through ignorance.

The rest of the Trump supporters are actually Russian Trolls. They are being paid as they spread fake news and downplay the Stump-Putin relationship. We may be too late to save the US. Only Congress stands between a Putin victory at this point. This country is in big trouble...
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.

Walking away from a stupid fight is not surrender. Try to be less crazy.
Only fools conclude that PREVENTING WWII is a bad thing.

Fool, WWII cannot be prevented and the only people talking about starting WWIII are Trumpsters who insinuate that the only way to prevent it is to roll over and play dead at a drop of Putin's hat.
Sadly, Trump is going to hand the keys to US intelligence to Putin. We may not be able to prevent this now. Putin may take the US without firing a shot. An authoritarian president will make this country a Russian state. And the clueless Repubs on this board will be part of the Putin victory.
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.

So you actually thought this, sat down in front of your keyboard, typed it in, read it, liked it and clicked "Post Thread?" Seriously?
Putin is better than any democrat in the country. An alliance with Russia would be more beneficial to this country is better than an alliance with democrats. Russia recognizes the election. Democrats don't. Russia addresses the whole country. Democrats say only the coasts matter. The rest of the country is deplorable.

It is not a difficult decision to make.

Wow, this is wow on so many levels. Also I know there's no point in pointing out the points that need pointing out (do you see my point here?) because your arguments are so weak and yet, you probably actually think they're real.

You gloss by the OP and say "wow" to this?


Remember when you said you aren't a Democrat? That was classic
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.

Only fools conclude that PREVENTING WWII is a bad thing.

Only fools conclude that because the CIA wants to confront Russia over Syria that the cold war should continue.


Democrats want to confront Russia and use Syria as an excuse. Russia is caucasian. It is Christian. It has thrown off communism and is witness that it doesn't work. That makes Russia an enemy to democrats. The terrorists in Syria are just democrat allies. Both have the same goals wipe Christianity from the world.
I'd wager that Putin has less murders on his scorecard than the Clintons.

A clueless Trumpette...Putin is laughing at you people. Our country is falling to Russia. Trump needs to pay his Russian brothers back.
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.

Only fools conclude that PREVENTING WWII is a bad thing.

Only fools conclude that because the CIA wants to confront Russia over Syria that the cold war should continue.


Democrats want to confront Russia and use Syria as an excuse. Russia is caucasian. It is Christian. It has thrown off communism and is witness that it doesn't work. That makes Russia an enemy to democrats. The terrorists in Syria are just democrat allies. Both have the same goals wipe Christianity from the world.

AH! The racist finally comes out!
This is the problem... The RW think Russia is their friend while EU is their enemy... that is total bullshit...

Putin is a War Criminal who is robbing his people blind and he does this by destabilizing the region and painting himself as the strong leader...

The RW are so weak it is a joke... You are embarrassing...

Where do you left wing nutbars come up with your bullshit on Putin?

Russia's economy is stable. Putin kept his naval port and scored mega oil reserves off the coast of Crimea. AND he is managing to stop the bullshit in Syria and Iraq and crush ISIS and AQ.

And the EU is crushing the Ukraine. They didn't read the fine print.

1. I know several Russian and you are very wrong about Russian economy. Prices are skyrocketing.
2. Explain why his neighboring countries are begging for help from the west?
3. Crush the ISIS? That just pure rotten beans coming from your ass .................. After more than a year in Syria Putin has killed more civilians in Syria than ISIS. Explain why ISIS still very strong in Syria selling oil to Syrian government.

He is not doing a diddly shit in Iraq.
But Russia does have a nifty steam powered air craft carrier...

Actually their flagship obsolete carrier left Syrian port this month after murdering civilians in Aleppo last month.

Shut the fuck.

Are you with the CIA?


Truth hurt your feelings my dear?
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.

Poor little snowflake...
I have friends in the area under threat by Putin. I was in Ukraine in November. I know people who had to leave the war zone in southeastern Ukraine because of the current ongoing war being waged by Russia.

A war that's been "waged" under the Obama Administration, Camp...not the Trump! You act like Trump has been running our foreign policy for the past eight years when it's been Barack Obama who hasn't had an answer to Russian aggression.

Obama hasn't answered to Putin aggression?
Read my post #73.

Crippling sanctions? Gosh that sounds terrifying!!! So how have these earth shattering sanctions affected Putin? As he usually does, Barry talks about doing something and then does nothing. It's what he's who he is!

San Jose por dios por santo............. Your can google all these information by yourself.
Apparently you don't read any other news but Hannity. I feel sorry for you.
I have friends in the area under threat by Putin. I was in Ukraine in November. I know people who had to leave the war zone in southeastern Ukraine because of the current ongoing war being waged by Russia.

A war that's been "waged" under the Obama Administration, Camp...not the Trump! You act like Trump has been running our foreign policy for the past eight years when it's been Barack Obama who hasn't had an answer to Russian aggression.

Obama hasn't answered to Putin aggression?
Read my post #73.

Crippling sanctions? Gosh that sounds terrifying!!! So how have these earth shattering sanctions affected Putin? As he usually does, Barry talks about doing something and then does nothing. It's what he's who he is!
There is a shortage of cheese......
The cheese has been found, there is no shortage, its just been rerouted, seems that the liberals in the U.S are buying up cheese at alarming rates to go with all that whine they have had since November.

There are food shortages in Russia.

Russians Grow, Share Food as Economy Struggles

Russia's struggling economy has plunged millions of people into poverty as the Russian currency lost value and inflation soared. As prices have gone up, more Russians are relying on gardening to supply their food.
During Soviet food shortages, gardening at traditional Russian country homes — known as dachas — was a matter of survival.
But with Russia's shrinking economy, even some modern families in Moscow are relying on vegetables from the garden.
Putin is busy sabre rattling in an effort to distract the Russian people from their crumbling economy. He's restoring the Soviet Federation and Making Russian Great Again. In regard to his aggression, he lies, denies and deflects. Sound familiar?

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