Trump Begins Outline of Surrender Terms -Putin Prepares for Victory

One thing Trump is right about is that we need to take a long hard look at NATO.
Europe is on its way to becoming Muslim terrorist majority. The emerging Europe is not your grandpa's Europe. It is not in our interest to protect a bunch of rapists just because they live in Germany.

This is the problem... The RW think Russia is their friend while EU is their enemy... that is total bullshit...

Putin is a War Criminal who is robbing his people blind and he does this by destabilizing the region and painting himself as the strong leader...

The RW are so weak it is a joke... You are embarrassing...

Where do you left wing nutbars come up with your bullshit on Putin?

Russia's economy is stable. Putin kept his naval port and scored mega oil reserves off the coast of Crimea. AND he is managing to stop the bullshit in Syria and Iraq and crush ISIS and AQ.

And the EU is crushing the Ukraine. They didn't read the fine print.

1. I know several Russian and you are very wrong about Russian economy. Prices are skyrocketing.
2. Explain why his neighboring countries are begging for help from the west?
3. Crush the ISIS? That just pure rotten beans coming from your ass .................. After more than a year in Syria Putin has killed more civilians in Syria than ISIS. Explain why ISIS still very strong in Syria selling oil to Syrian government.

He is not doing a diddly shit in Iraq.
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Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.

Only fools conclude that PREVENTING WWII is a bad thing.

Only fools conclude that because the CIA wants to confront Russia over Syria that the cold war should continue.


One thing Trump is right about is that we need to take a long hard look at NATO.
Europe is on its way to becoming Muslim terrorist majority. The emerging Europe is not your grandpa's Europe. It is not in our interest to protect a bunch of rapists just because they live in Germany.

This is the problem... The RW think Russia is their friend while EU is their enemy... that is total bullshit...

Putin is a War Criminal who is robbing his people blind and he does this by destabilizing the region and painting himself as the strong leader...

The RW are so weak it is a joke... You are embarrassing...

Where do you left wing nutbars come up with your bullshit on Putin?

Russia's economy is stable. Putin kept his naval port and scored mega oil reserves off the coast of Crimea. AND he is managing to stop the bullshit in Syria and Iraq and crush ISIS and AQ.

And the EU is crushing the Ukraine. They didn't read the fine print.

1. I know several Russian and you are very wrong about Russian economy. Prices are skyrocketing.
2. Explain why his neighboring countries are begging for help from the west?
3. Crush the ISIS? That just pure rotten beans coming from your ass .................. After more than a year in Syria Putin has killed more civilians in Syria than ISIS. Explain why ISIS still very strong in Syria selling oil to Syrian government.

He is not doing a diddly shit in Iraq.
But Russia does have a nifty steam powered air craft carrier...
One thing Trump is right about is that we need to take a long hard look at NATO.
Europe is on its way to becoming Muslim terrorist majority. The emerging Europe is not your grandpa's Europe. It is not in our interest to protect a bunch of rapists just because they live in Germany.

This is the problem... The RW think Russia is their friend while EU is their enemy... that is total bullshit...

Putin is a War Criminal who is robbing his people blind and he does this by destabilizing the region and painting himself as the strong leader...

The RW are so weak it is a joke... You are embarrassing...

Where do you left wing nutbars come up with your bullshit on Putin?

Russia's economy is stable. Putin kept his naval port and scored mega oil reserves off the coast of Crimea. AND he is managing to stop the bullshit in Syria and Iraq and crush ISIS and AQ.

And the EU is crushing the Ukraine. They didn't read the fine print.

1. I know several Russian and you are very wrong about Russian economy. Prices are skyrocketing.
2. Explain why his neighboring countries are begging for help from the west?
3. Crush the ISIS? That just pure rotten beans coming from your ass .................. After more than a year in Syria Putin has killed more civilians in Syria than ISIS. Explain why ISIS still very strong in Syria selling oil to Syrian government.

He is not doing a diddly shit in Iraq.
But Russia does have a nifty steam powered air craft carrier...

Actually their flagship obsolete carrier left Syrian port this month after murdering civilians in Aleppo last month.
One thing Trump is right about is that we need to take a long hard look at NATO.
Europe is on its way to becoming Muslim terrorist majority. The emerging Europe is not your grandpa's Europe. It is not in our interest to protect a bunch of rapists just because they live in Germany.

This is the problem... The RW think Russia is their friend while EU is their enemy... that is total bullshit...

Putin is a War Criminal who is robbing his people blind and he does this by destabilizing the region and painting himself as the strong leader...

The RW are so weak it is a joke... You are embarrassing...

Where do you left wing nutbars come up with your bullshit on Putin?

Russia's economy is stable. Putin kept his naval port and scored mega oil reserves off the coast of Crimea. AND he is managing to stop the bullshit in Syria and Iraq and crush ISIS and AQ.

And the EU is crushing the Ukraine. They didn't read the fine print.

1. I know several Russian and you are very wrong about Russian economy. Prices are skyrocketing.
2. Explain why his neighboring countries are begging for help from the west?
3. Crush the ISIS? That just pure rotten beans coming from your ass .................. After more than a year in Syria Putin has killed more civilians in Syria than ISIS. Explain why ISIS still very strong in Syria selling oil to Syrian government.

He is not doing a diddly shit in Iraq.
But Russia does have a nifty steam powered air craft carrier...

Actually their flagship obsolete carrier left Syrian port this month after murdering civilians in Aleppo last month.

Shut the fuck.

Are you with the CIA?

Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.

Poor little snowflake...
I have friends in the area under threat by Putin. I was in Ukraine in November. I know people who had to leave the war zone in southeastern Ukraine because of the current ongoing war being waged by Russia.

A war that's been "waged" under the Obama Administration, Camp...not the Trump! You act like Trump has been running our foreign policy for the past eight years when it's been Barack Obama who hasn't had an answer to Russian aggression.

Obama hasn't answered to Putin aggression?
Read my post #73.

Crippling sanctions? Gosh that sounds terrifying!!! So how have these earth shattering sanctions affected Putin? As he usually does, Barry talks about doing something and then does nothing. It's what he's who he is!
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.

Poor little snowflake...
I have friends in the area under threat by Putin. I was in Ukraine in November. I know people who had to leave the war zone in southeastern Ukraine because of the current ongoing war being waged by Russia.

A war that's been "waged" under the Obama Administration, Camp...not the Trump! You act like Trump has been running our foreign policy for the past eight years when it's been Barack Obama who hasn't had an answer to Russian aggression.

Obama hasn't answered to Putin aggression?
Read my post #73.

Crippling sanctions? Gosh that sounds terrifying!!! So how have these earth shattering sanctions affected Putin? As he usually does, Barry talks about doing something and then does nothing. It's what he's who he is!
There is a shortage of cheese......
Here is the problem as I see it, and dont get me wrong, obama has proven to be a genius with this one.
obama has set the U.S up for war with Russia, when Trump takes office he will have one of two choices.
He goes to war with Russia, and then has to hear about HIS war with Russia and how many Americans HE is getting killed, and without doubt, how many innocent babies were just killed every time a damn bomb is dropped somewhere. This gives the liberals fuel for their hate Trump Bonfires.
his other option is to not go to war, pull troops, and work with Russia instead, of course the liberals are then going to point at Trump and claim that he is bowing down to Putin, that he is collaborating with them and selling the U.S out, and this gives the liberal fuel for their, lets impeach Trump because he is a traitor to the country bonfires.
Yes indeed, obama has pulled a move here that only a genius could have come up with.
The question is, Will Trump be a baby killer, or will Trump be a traitor.
Or he could use the same strategy used by American Presidents since the beginning of the Cold War until the end of the Cold War. Keep up the sanctions, outspend them on military hardware and technology and wait for their weary population gets tired of standing in lines for bags of potatoes and a weekly chicken.
And then the libs can complain and cry about how Trump is starving innocent Russian children because their parents cant get food for them. I can already see the commercials, Picture Meryl Streep on screen with little Russian children all around her, stomachs bloated from starvation, nothing but bones with skin over them for arms and legs, flies crawling around on their lips and their eyes, and tears, lots of tears as they stand there starving. Streep goes on talking about the starving children in Russia and how for only pennies a day you can feed a starving Russian child.

Oh cry me a river..
Russia is not starving, if that were the case then the Ruskies would not be exporting agriculture products...

Russia earns more from agriculture than arms sales
and there were not 10s of thousands of people dying in the streets before obamacare, yet that didnt stop the liberals from claiming that there were.
With liberals, it has nothing to do with truth, it has to do with image, and how can we lie to make our side look better, what lies can we spread to guilt people into voting for us.
Nobody has to be starving or dying for the to claim this. and actually, I have been to Russia, however I did not see the pantry items or anything else that would give me any indication how the average citizen was living, so I can not prove or disprove any of the things mentioned. Therefore, I will just have to assume that those things are correct.
But seriously, the left is if nothing else, 100% better at making stuff up to sway public opinion based totally on the emotions of its intended audience.
This liberal never claimed that people were dying in the streets, even though some people have died while on a street..
Not all did. there are after all some good liberals.
Poor little snowflake...
I have friends in the area under threat by Putin. I was in Ukraine in November. I know people who had to leave the war zone in southeastern Ukraine because of the current ongoing war being waged by Russia.

A war that's been "waged" under the Obama Administration, Camp...not the Trump! You act like Trump has been running our foreign policy for the past eight years when it's been Barack Obama who hasn't had an answer to Russian aggression.

Obama hasn't answered to Putin aggression?
Read my post #73.

Crippling sanctions? Gosh that sounds terrifying!!! So how have these earth shattering sanctions affected Putin? As he usually does, Barry talks about doing something and then does nothing. It's what he's who he is!
There is a shortage of cheese......
The cheese has been found, there is no shortage, its just been rerouted, seems that the liberals in the U.S are buying up cheese at alarming rates to go with all that whine they have had since November.
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.

Now, suddenly, the left thinks we can control what Russia does. We didn't help them acquire nuclear weapons, at least the Republicans didn't. Hillary is the one who gave them uranium, you fucking idiot. Obama went way further to help Iran obtain nuclear weapons. Obama was all about ensuring they have money and the means to do what they want, then tells us that we can trust them not to attack us or break their other promises.

It's common to try and come to some sort of agreement with enemies though you can never trust them. That is why we must maintain our own nuclear weapons that surpass what they have. The only way to deter an attack is letting them know we'll retaliate with a vengeance. Libs are always against us having a strong military or being a world leader.

No, Obama wanted to lead behind and ensure that our enemies are more powerful than we are. It's the liberal way.

It's Obama's weak ass policies and Hillary's decisions as Sec of State that weakened us. She was willing to sell us out for some donations to the Clinton Foundation and Obama was willing to sell us out to help his radical Muslim buddies.

Now, there is a big mess to clean up.
One thing Trump is right about is that we need to take a long hard look at NATO.
Europe is on its way to becoming Muslim terrorist majority. The emerging Europe is not your grandpa's Europe. It is not in our interest to protect a bunch of rapists just because they live in Germany.

This is the problem... The RW think Russia is their friend while EU is their enemy... that is total bullshit...

Putin is a War Criminal who is robbing his people blind and he does this by destabilizing the region and painting himself as the strong leader...

The RW are so weak it is a joke... You are embarrassing...

Where do you left wing nutbars come up with your bullshit on Putin?

Russia's economy is stable. Putin kept his naval port and scored mega oil reserves off the coast of Crimea. AND he is managing to stop the bullshit in Syria and Iraq and crush ISIS and AQ.

And the EU is crushing the Ukraine. They didn't read the fine print.

1. I know several Russian and you are very wrong about Russian economy. Prices are skyrocketing.
2. Explain why his neighboring countries are begging for help from the west?
3. Crush the ISIS? That just pure rotten beans coming from your ass .................. After more than a year in Syria Putin has killed more civilians in Syria than ISIS. Explain why ISIS still very strong in Syria selling oil to Syrian government.

He is not doing a diddly shit in Iraq.
But Russia does have a nifty steam powered air craft carrier...

Actually their flagship obsolete carrier left Syrian port this month after murdering civilians in Aleppo last month.

Killing civilians? Piss right fucking off. Assad and Putin were rescuing the civilians who had been held hostage by Jabhat al Nusra.

There were no "moderate rebels". That's a fucking fairy tale dreamed up by the bloody Obama administration and their neo con idiots like McCain.

And where do you get your freaking death totals from? Could it be that global joke known as the "Syrian Observatory for Human Rights"?

Cripes I'm sick of the lies. Rebel held? Kiss my ass. Here's the truth.

UN Syria envoy: Jabhat al-Nusra holding Aleppo ‘hostage’
Author: Week in Review Posted October 9, 2016
UN Syria Envoy Staffan de Mistura appealed directly to Jabhat al-Nusra, Syria’s al-Qaeda affiliate, on Oct. 6 to leave the city of Aleppo “because 1,000 of you are deciding the destiny of the 275,000 civilians.”

UN Syria envoy: Jabhat al-Nusra holding Aleppo ‘hostage’
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If you think Uncle Vlad manhandled Dems now, just with until 2020
Now we know. Comrade Frankie boi would have been cheering for Uncle Joe prior to WW2.
Odd that Democrats "Greatest" President FDR was a wholly owned subsidiary of Uncle Joe. More staffers in the FDR and Truman Administration reported to dear Uncle Joe than to the US President
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One thing Trump is right about is that we need to take a long hard look at NATO.
Europe is on its way to becoming Muslim terrorist majority. The emerging Europe is not your grandpa's Europe. It is not in our interest to protect a bunch of rapists just because they live in Germany.

This is the problem... The RW think Russia is their friend while EU is their enemy... that is total bullshit...

Putin is a War Criminal who is robbing his people blind and he does this by destabilizing the region and painting himself as the strong leader...

The RW are so weak it is a joke... You are embarrassing...

Where do you left wing nutbars come up with your bullshit on Putin?

Russia's economy is stable. Putin kept his naval port and scored mega oil reserves off the coast of Crimea. AND he is managing to stop the bullshit in Syria and Iraq and crush ISIS and AQ.

And the EU is crushing the Ukraine. They didn't read the fine print.

1. I know several Russian and you are very wrong about Russian economy. Prices are skyrocketing.
2. Explain why his neighboring countries are begging for help from the west?
3. Crush the ISIS? That just pure rotten beans coming from your ass .................. After more than a year in Syria Putin has killed more civilians in Syria than ISIS. Explain why ISIS still very strong in Syria selling oil to Syrian government.

He is not doing a diddly shit in Iraq.
But Russia does have a nifty steam powered air craft carrier...
So do we....what was your point?
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.
Here is the problem as I see it, and dont get me wrong, obama has proven to be a genius with this one.
obama has set the U.S up for war with Russia, when Trump takes office he will have one of two choices.
He goes to war with Russia, and then has to hear about HIS war with Russia and how many Americans HE is getting killed, and without doubt, how many innocent babies were just killed every time a damn bomb is dropped somewhere. This gives the liberals fuel for their hate Trump Bonfires.
his other option is to not go to war, pull troops, and work with Russia instead, of course the liberals are then going to point at Trump and claim that he is bowing down to Putin, that he is collaborating with them and selling the U.S out, and this gives the liberal fuel for their, lets impeach Trump because he is a traitor to the country bonfires.
Yes indeed, obama has pulled a move here that only a genius could have come up with.
The question is, Will Trump be a baby killer, or will Trump be a traitor.
Sure, let the Ruskies have their claims to an empire that bordering nations do not want, no matter how many babies(sigh) they kill in the process...
Then let those bordering nations and the rest of Europe put Russia in its place. Everytime some evil country has a juicy fart, the U.S does not have to be the ones to rush in with a baby wipe and lotion. I think that considering our budget problems in this country right now, Standing down and getting our selves back in shape should be our first priority.

I agree. Let Europe take care of itself.

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