Trump Begins Outline of Surrender Terms -Putin Prepares for Victory

Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.
Here is the problem as I see it, and dont get me wrong, obama has proven to be a genius with this one.
obama has set the U.S up for war with Russia, when Trump takes office he will have one of two choices.
He goes to war with Russia, and then has to hear about HIS war with Russia and how many Americans HE is getting killed, and without doubt, how many innocent babies were just killed every time a damn bomb is dropped somewhere. This gives the liberals fuel for their hate Trump Bonfires.
his other option is to not go to war, pull troops, and work with Russia instead, of course the liberals are then going to point at Trump and claim that he is bowing down to Putin, that he is collaborating with them and selling the U.S out, and this gives the liberal fuel for their, lets impeach Trump because he is a traitor to the country bonfires.
Yes indeed, obama has pulled a move here that only a genius could have come up with.
The question is, Will Trump be a baby killer, or will Trump be a traitor.
Or he could use the same strategy used by American Presidents since the beginning of the Cold War until the end of the Cold War. Keep up the sanctions, outspend them on military hardware and technology and wait for their weary population gets tired of standing in lines for bags of potatoes and a weekly chicken.
And then the libs can complain and cry about how Trump is starving innocent Russian children because their parents cant get food for them. I can already see the commercials, Picture Meryl Streep on screen with little Russian children all around her, stomachs bloated from starvation, nothing but bones with skin over them for arms and legs, flies crawling around on their lips and their eyes, and tears, lots of tears as they stand there starving. Streep goes on talking about the starving children in Russia and how for only pennies a day you can feed a starving Russian child.
You have never been to Russia. Large numbers of Russian city folks have gardens in the country outside of the city. You see large pieces of land with rows and rows of fenced in small plots of private vegetable gardens. Buses will haul folks, especially older folks out to the gardens to work the gardens. On weekend days whole families will travel to the gardens.
Russian homes are almost always full of jars and jars of all kinds of foods. They are prepared and still have kitchen "pantries" the way Americans used to have.
I have witnessed a two-gallon pot of delicious soup made from two chicken legs, a few potatoes and the contents of some of those jars.
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.
Here is the problem as I see it, and dont get me wrong, obama has proven to be a genius with this one.
obama has set the U.S up for war with Russia, when Trump takes office he will have one of two choices.
He goes to war with Russia, and then has to hear about HIS war with Russia and how many Americans HE is getting killed, and without doubt, how many innocent babies were just killed every time a damn bomb is dropped somewhere. This gives the liberals fuel for their hate Trump Bonfires.
his other option is to not go to war, pull troops, and work with Russia instead, of course the liberals are then going to point at Trump and claim that he is bowing down to Putin, that he is collaborating with them and selling the U.S out, and this gives the liberal fuel for their, lets impeach Trump because he is a traitor to the country bonfires.
Yes indeed, obama has pulled a move here that only a genius could have come up with.
The question is, Will Trump be a baby killer, or will Trump be a traitor.
Or he could use the same strategy used by American Presidents since the beginning of the Cold War until the end of the Cold War. Keep up the sanctions, outspend them on military hardware and technology and wait for their weary population gets tired of standing in lines for bags of potatoes and a weekly chicken.
And then the libs can complain and cry about how Trump is starving innocent Russian children because their parents cant get food for them. I can already see the commercials, Picture Meryl Streep on screen with little Russian children all around her, stomachs bloated from starvation, nothing but bones with skin over them for arms and legs, flies crawling around on their lips and their eyes, and tears, lots of tears as they stand there starving. Streep goes on talking about the starving children in Russia and how for only pennies a day you can feed a starving Russian child.

Oh cry me a river..
Russia is not starving, if that were the case then the Ruskies would not be exporting agriculture products...

Russia earns more from agriculture than arms sales
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.
I bet you LOVE China.
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.
Here is the problem as I see it, and dont get me wrong, obama has proven to be a genius with this one.
obama has set the U.S up for war with Russia, when Trump takes office he will have one of two choices.
He goes to war with Russia, and then has to hear about HIS war with Russia and how many Americans HE is getting killed, and without doubt, how many innocent babies were just killed every time a damn bomb is dropped somewhere. This gives the liberals fuel for their hate Trump Bonfires.
his other option is to not go to war, pull troops, and work with Russia instead, of course the liberals are then going to point at Trump and claim that he is bowing down to Putin, that he is collaborating with them and selling the U.S out, and this gives the liberal fuel for their, lets impeach Trump because he is a traitor to the country bonfires.
Yes indeed, obama has pulled a move here that only a genius could have come up with.
The question is, Will Trump be a baby killer, or will Trump be a traitor.
What the hell? Where do we have troops in Russia? Those troops went to Poland, a NATO alley. Just as after 9-11, NATO pilots flew protections missions over US territory. - NATO aircraft guard U.S. skies - October 12, 2001

Washington asked NATO for assistance because some American AWACS have been dispatched to the Afghanistan region, where the United States is currently undertaking military operations against the ruling Taliban. "Our AWACS fleet was never intended to fly continuous coverage over our [own] territory," said an officer with NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command.

The NATO planes are E3As -- U.S.-built, specially equipped Boeing 707s. They are part of NATO's arsenal of 24 AWACS based in Geilenkirchen, Germany, and Waddington, Britain. Along with 74 U.S. NATO personnel, crew members from 11 other countries -- including 55 from Germany, 22 from Canada, 11 from Belgium and 11 from Italy -- have been deployed to the United States.

The deployment is the most visible signal of NATO's first-ever implementation of Article 5 of the 1949 Washington Treaty, which recognizes that an attack against one member should be considered an attack against all, NATO Secretary-General George Robertson said Wednesday.

So what you assholes are saying is just tear up the NATO agreement and let Russia have it's way. You are really treasonous bastards.
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.
Here is the problem as I see it, and dont get me wrong, obama has proven to be a genius with this one.
obama has set the U.S up for war with Russia, when Trump takes office he will have one of two choices.
He goes to war with Russia, and then has to hear about HIS war with Russia and how many Americans HE is getting killed, and without doubt, how many innocent babies were just killed every time a damn bomb is dropped somewhere. This gives the liberals fuel for their hate Trump Bonfires.
his other option is to not go to war, pull troops, and work with Russia instead, of course the liberals are then going to point at Trump and claim that he is bowing down to Putin, that he is collaborating with them and selling the U.S out, and this gives the liberal fuel for their, lets impeach Trump because he is a traitor to the country bonfires.
Yes indeed, obama has pulled a move here that only a genius could have come up with.
The question is, Will Trump be a baby killer, or will Trump be a traitor.
Or he could use the same strategy used by American Presidents since the beginning of the Cold War until the end of the Cold War. Keep up the sanctions, outspend them on military hardware and technology and wait for their weary population gets tired of standing in lines for bags of potatoes and a weekly chicken.
And then the libs can complain and cry about how Trump is starving innocent Russian children because their parents cant get food for them. I can already see the commercials, Picture Meryl Streep on screen with little Russian children all around her, stomachs bloated from starvation, nothing but bones with skin over them for arms and legs, flies crawling around on their lips and their eyes, and tears, lots of tears as they stand there starving. Streep goes on talking about the starving children in Russia and how for only pennies a day you can feed a starving Russian child.
^Paid Russian troll^
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.
Here is the problem as I see it, and dont get me wrong, obama has proven to be a genius with this one.
obama has set the U.S up for war with Russia, when Trump takes office he will have one of two choices.
He goes to war with Russia, and then has to hear about HIS war with Russia and how many Americans HE is getting killed, and without doubt, how many innocent babies were just killed every time a damn bomb is dropped somewhere. This gives the liberals fuel for their hate Trump Bonfires.
his other option is to not go to war, pull troops, and work with Russia instead, of course the liberals are then going to point at Trump and claim that he is bowing down to Putin, that he is collaborating with them and selling the U.S out, and this gives the liberal fuel for their, lets impeach Trump because he is a traitor to the country bonfires.
Yes indeed, obama has pulled a move here that only a genius could have come up with.
The question is, Will Trump be a baby killer, or will Trump be a traitor.
Or he could use the same strategy used by American Presidents since the beginning of the Cold War until the end of the Cold War. Keep up the sanctions, outspend them on military hardware and technology and wait for their weary population gets tired of standing in lines for bags of potatoes and a weekly chicken.
And then the libs can complain and cry about how Trump is starving innocent Russian children because their parents cant get food for them. I can already see the commercials, Picture Meryl Streep on screen with little Russian children all around her, stomachs bloated from starvation, nothing but bones with skin over them for arms and legs, flies crawling around on their lips and their eyes, and tears, lots of tears as they stand there starving. Streep goes on talking about the starving children in Russia and how for only pennies a day you can feed a starving Russian child.

Oh cry me a river..
Russia is not starving, if that were the case then the Ruskies would not be exporting agriculture products...

Russia earns more from agriculture than arms sales
and there were not 10s of thousands of people dying in the streets before obamacare, yet that didnt stop the liberals from claiming that there were.
With liberals, it has nothing to do with truth, it has to do with image, and how can we lie to make our side look better, what lies can we spread to guilt people into voting for us.
Nobody has to be starving or dying for the to claim this. and actually, I have been to Russia, however I did not see the pantry items or anything else that would give me any indication how the average citizen was living, so I can not prove or disprove any of the things mentioned. Therefore, I will just have to assume that those things are correct.
But seriously, the left is if nothing else, 100% better at making stuff up to sway public opinion based totally on the emotions of its intended audience.
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.
Here is the problem as I see it, and dont get me wrong, obama has proven to be a genius with this one.
obama has set the U.S up for war with Russia, when Trump takes office he will have one of two choices.
He goes to war with Russia, and then has to hear about HIS war with Russia and how many Americans HE is getting killed, and without doubt, how many innocent babies were just killed every time a damn bomb is dropped somewhere. This gives the liberals fuel for their hate Trump Bonfires.
his other option is to not go to war, pull troops, and work with Russia instead, of course the liberals are then going to point at Trump and claim that he is bowing down to Putin, that he is collaborating with them and selling the U.S out, and this gives the liberal fuel for their, lets impeach Trump because he is a traitor to the country bonfires.
Yes indeed, obama has pulled a move here that only a genius could have come up with.
The question is, Will Trump be a baby killer, or will Trump be a traitor.
Or he could use the same strategy used by American Presidents since the beginning of the Cold War until the end of the Cold War. Keep up the sanctions, outspend them on military hardware and technology and wait for their weary population gets tired of standing in lines for bags of potatoes and a weekly chicken.
And then the libs can complain and cry about how Trump is starving innocent Russian children because their parents cant get food for them. I can already see the commercials, Picture Meryl Streep on screen with little Russian children all around her, stomachs bloated from starvation, nothing but bones with skin over them for arms and legs, flies crawling around on their lips and their eyes, and tears, lots of tears as they stand there starving. Streep goes on talking about the starving children in Russia and how for only pennies a day you can feed a starving Russian child.
^Paid Russian troll^
^asshole and cant help it^ raised by liberals.
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.
Here is the problem as I see it, and dont get me wrong, obama has proven to be a genius with this one.
obama has set the U.S up for war with Russia, when Trump takes office he will have one of two choices.
He goes to war with Russia, and then has to hear about HIS war with Russia and how many Americans HE is getting killed, and without doubt, how many innocent babies were just killed every time a damn bomb is dropped somewhere. This gives the liberals fuel for their hate Trump Bonfires.
his other option is to not go to war, pull troops, and work with Russia instead, of course the liberals are then going to point at Trump and claim that he is bowing down to Putin, that he is collaborating with them and selling the U.S out, and this gives the liberal fuel for their, lets impeach Trump because he is a traitor to the country bonfires.
Yes indeed, obama has pulled a move here that only a genius could have come up with.
The question is, Will Trump be a baby killer, or will Trump be a traitor.
What the hell? Where do we have troops in Russia? Those troops went to Poland, a NATO alley. Just as after 9-11, NATO pilots flew protections missions over US territory. - NATO aircraft guard U.S. skies - October 12, 2001

Washington asked NATO for assistance because some American AWACS have been dispatched to the Afghanistan region, where the United States is currently undertaking military operations against the ruling Taliban. "Our AWACS fleet was never intended to fly continuous coverage over our [own] territory," said an officer with NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command.

The NATO planes are E3As -- U.S.-built, specially equipped Boeing 707s. They are part of NATO's arsenal of 24 AWACS based in Geilenkirchen, Germany, and Waddington, Britain. Along with 74 U.S. NATO personnel, crew members from 11 other countries -- including 55 from Germany, 22 from Canada, 11 from Belgium and 11 from Italy -- have been deployed to the United States.

The deployment is the most visible signal of NATO's first-ever implementation of Article 5 of the 1949 Washington Treaty, which recognizes that an attack against one member should be considered an attack against all, NATO Secretary-General George Robertson said Wednesday.

So what you assholes are saying is just tear up the NATO agreement and let Russia have it's way. You are really treasonous bastards.
who said we had troops in Russia? I missed that post.
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.
Here is the problem as I see it, and dont get me wrong, obama has proven to be a genius with this one.
obama has set the U.S up for war with Russia, when Trump takes office he will have one of two choices.
He goes to war with Russia, and then has to hear about HIS war with Russia and how many Americans HE is getting killed, and without doubt, how many innocent babies were just killed every time a damn bomb is dropped somewhere. This gives the liberals fuel for their hate Trump Bonfires.
his other option is to not go to war, pull troops, and work with Russia instead, of course the liberals are then going to point at Trump and claim that he is bowing down to Putin, that he is collaborating with them and selling the U.S out, and this gives the liberal fuel for their, lets impeach Trump because he is a traitor to the country bonfires.
Yes indeed, obama has pulled a move here that only a genius could have come up with.
The question is, Will Trump be a baby killer, or will Trump be a traitor.
Or he could use the same strategy used by American Presidents since the beginning of the Cold War until the end of the Cold War. Keep up the sanctions, outspend them on military hardware and technology and wait for their weary population gets tired of standing in lines for bags of potatoes and a weekly chicken.
And then the libs can complain and cry about how Trump is starving innocent Russian children because their parents cant get food for them. I can already see the commercials, Picture Meryl Streep on screen with little Russian children all around her, stomachs bloated from starvation, nothing but bones with skin over them for arms and legs, flies crawling around on their lips and their eyes, and tears, lots of tears as they stand there starving. Streep goes on talking about the starving children in Russia and how for only pennies a day you can feed a starving Russian child.

Oh cry me a river..
Russia is not starving, if that were the case then the Ruskies would not be exporting agriculture products...

Russia earns more from agriculture than arms sales
and there were not 10s of thousands of people dying in the streets before obamacare, yet that didnt stop the liberals from claiming that there were.
With liberals, it has nothing to do with truth, it has to do with image, and how can we lie to make our side look better, what lies can we spread to guilt people into voting for us.
Nobody has to be starving or dying for the to claim this. and actually, I have been to Russia, however I did not see the pantry items or anything else that would give me any indication how the average citizen was living, so I can not prove or disprove any of the things mentioned. Therefore, I will just have to assume that those things are correct.
But seriously, the left is if nothing else, 100% better at making stuff up to sway public opinion based totally on the emotions of its intended audience.
This liberal never claimed that people were dying in the streets, even though some people have died while on a street..
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.
Obama played checkers, Trump is playing chess, while his opponents foreign and domestic are playing checkers…
What's delusional, is the foreign policy of the last eight years… Redline at all

You are delusional.
Obama slap Putin face with crippling economic sanctions which Russians are suffering right now, Obama install a missile system in Poland right in putin ass, June 2016 largest military exercise Anacondas in Poland right next to Putin ass, last week 4,000 US soldiers arrived in Poland with heavy military equipments including tanks.

There is a massive brain drain coming out from Russia which Putin is trying hard to stop it. So tell me again what failed policy are you talking about?
Will the Russian army be invited here to end democrats?

Thst would be a good thing.
Yes. You have made your allegiance to Putin well known, troll.
Of course! If the choice is between Putin and Democrats, Putin only makes sense.
NATO is being swamped by jihadists and the NATO countried like it that way.
NATO countried....hmmmm
Oh my a spelling error. Horrors. I must be a traitor!
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.
Obama played checkers, Trump is playing chess, while his opponents foreign and domestic are playing checkers…
What's delusional, is the foreign policy of the last eight years… Redline at all

You are delusional.
Obama slap Putin face with crippling economic sanctions which Russians are suffering right now, Obama install a missile system in Poland right in putin ass, June 2016 largest military exercise Anacondas in Poland right next to Putin ass, last week 4,000 US soldiers arrived in Poland with heavy military equipments including tanks.

There is a massive brain drain coming out from Russia which Putin is trying hard to stop it. So tell me again what failed policy are you talking about?
This week the Ruskies are freaking out with US troops in Finland...
Will the Russian army be invited here to end democrats?

Thst would be a good thing.
Yes. You have made your allegiance to Putin well known, troll.
Of course! If the choice is between Putin and Democrats, Putin only makes sense.
NATO is being swamped by jihadists and the NATO countried like it that way.
NATO countried....hmmmm
Oh my a spelling error. Horrors. I must be a traitor!
Or a Ruskie 5th columnist...
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.

Poor little snowflake...
I have friends in the area under threat by Putin. I was in Ukraine in November. I know people who had to leave the war zone in southeastern Ukraine because of the current ongoing war being waged by Russia.

A war that's been "waged" under the Obama Administration, Camp...not the Trump! You act like Trump has been running our foreign policy for the past eight years when it's been Barack Obama who hasn't had an answer to Russian aggression.

Obama hasn't answered to Putin aggression?
Read my post #73.

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