Trump Begins Outline of Surrender Terms -Putin Prepares for Victory

Actually their flagship obsolete carrier left Syrian port this month after murdering civilians in Aleppo last month.

Killing civilians? Piss right fucking off. Assad and Putin were rescuing the civilians who had been held hostage by Jabhat al Nusra.

There were no "moderate rebels". That's a fucking fairy tale dreamed up by the bloody Obama administration and their neo con idiots like McCain.

And where do you get your freaking death totals from? Could it be that global joke known as the "Syrian Observatory for Human Rights"?

Cripes I'm sick of the lies. Rebel held? Kiss my ass. Here's the truth.

UN Syria envoy: Jabhat al-Nusra holding Aleppo ‘hostage’
Author: Week in Review Posted October 9, 2016
UN Syria Envoy Staffan de Mistura appealed directly to Jabhat al-Nusra, Syria’s al-Qaeda affiliate, on Oct. 6 to leave the city of Aleppo “because 1,000 of you are deciding the destiny of the 275,000 civilians.”

UN Syria envoy: Jabhat al-Nusra holding Aleppo ‘hostage’

Coming from a commie like you. Suuuurre Bapbapa.

Putin thug piece of shit bomb schools and hospitals murdering civilians last month in Aleppo. They should charge him with war crimes. Remember the whole is watching that Russia is always up to NO good.

Russian airstrikes in Syria killed 2,000 civilians in six months

Children trapped in building under attack in Aleppo, doctor tells UN

Putin's bombers shower Aleppo with parachute bombs as Russia accuses US of 'slaughter'

I don't trust any of those sources for reporting casualties. And Aleppo was being held by Jabhat al Nusra.

Al fucking Qaeda holding the citizens of Aleppo hostage to be used as human shields. Of course Assad had to free his people.

Now war crimes? Oh I would prefer all western nations that have participated in this farce be held for crimes against humanity.

There is no civil war. There was never a civil war. All bullshit to depose Assad and turn Syria over to the Muslim Brotherhood.

There are no civil war? You are dumber than I thought.
You are commie ....... I don't trust you and any of your post or your link.

When the bulk of the fighters for the terror groups are from other countries you cannot define it as a civil war.

Basically what you have is the CIA assisting Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey right from the beginning to supply so called "rebels" with weapons and financing to depose Assad.

That's three Sunni countries who wanted to install the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood with the help of the west.

That's not a civil war. That's an invasion. The west and the Gulf States have caused great suffering to the Syrian peoples.

Check the date of the NYT article. And please note everyone trusted the MB to make sure the weapons and money didn't fall into the wrong hands.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! Here you go. And also remember that the key so called rebel group was the FSA who also worked with al Nusra (AQ) and ISIS. Terrorists.

Middle East
C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition
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Continue reading the main story
WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.
The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.
The C.I.A. officers have been in southern Turkey for several weeks, in part to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups, one senior American official said. The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria’s neighbors would do so.

More at link:

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Rebels

The whole world from tip of Africa to tip of China to Russia:
1. Including Putin that there is a civil war in Syria.......... But you disagreed that there are no civil war in Syria. I cannot help you there.
2. Are very aware that the only reason Putin thug went Syria is to make sure Assad will remain in power. The whole world knows what Putin murdered civilians in Syria. But you disagree.

The whole world is very aware that Putin is a dangerous thug. If you disagree ask his neighboring countries why are they so nervous and joining NATO.
Tell me what country other than Iran, Syria and China that you think is a friend of murderous Putin?
Only fools conclude that PREVENTING WWII is a bad thing.

Only fools conclude that because the CIA wants to confront Russia over Syria that the cold war should continue.


Democrats want to confront Russia and use Syria as an excuse. Russia is caucasian. It is Christian. It has thrown off communism and is witness that it doesn't work. That makes Russia an enemy to democrats. The terrorists in Syria are just democrat allies. Both have the same goals wipe Christianity from the world.

No stupid ................... Then explain.......... Why McCain, Graham and large numbers of Republicans senators are leading the investigation about Putin garbages?
Are you saying Republicans are bunch of Putin Puppet?

McCain and his bitch Graham are warmongers and beholden to war profiteers.


Then explain......... why the rest of the republicans law makers support them?

The only people against are the scumbag traitors.

Stupid motherfuckers who are driven by instinct instead of reason.


Dude........... You are not make no sense at all. Did I hurt your feelings dear?
I'm 100% correct only ones that disagree are either traitors, scumbag or foreigners.
If the US backed terrorists had not used civilians as human shields those civilians would not have been killed. Only a real, serious, retarded idiot would think that Russia was going to let their naval base fall into ISIS hands. It was never going to happen. Of course Russia was going to come to Assad's aid. Who would have imagined any difference?
Only fools conclude that PREVENTING WWII is a bad thing.

Only fools conclude that because the CIA wants to confront Russia over Syria that the cold war should continue.


Democrats want to confront Russia and use Syria as an excuse. Russia is caucasian. It is Christian. It has thrown off communism and is witness that it doesn't work. That makes Russia an enemy to democrats. The terrorists in Syria are just democrat allies. Both have the same goals wipe Christianity from the world.

No stupid ................... Then explain.......... Why McCain, Graham and large numbers of Republicans senators are leading the investigation about Putin garbages?
Are you saying Republicans are bunch of Putin Puppet?

McCain, Graham and others are neo cons extraordinaire who want conflict. They thrive on conflict.

When the Muslim Brotherhood was whacking Coptic Christians and burning down their churches and their homes, McCain and Graham along with Obama of course tried desperately to keep them in power.

Their history is out there.

Then explain......... Why the republicans law makers support them?
Only one against are Russians like you.

First off, I'm not Russian. I am a dual citizen of Canada and the USA and I am of Ukrainian Irish descent.

Secondly and sadly these people both R's and D's who are neo cons are truly supported by the military complex. That's just skimming the surface. War is the name of the game. More conflict and more weapons need to be made and sold.

And they don't care. Look what has happened in just a few years. The west and NATO demanded Mubarak's resignation. Oh boy. It was bad under the MB and thankfully Egypt has pulled out of it.

The west and NATO helped overthrow Gaddafi and now the poor Libyans are run by a variety of terror cells.

Yemen too. What a nightmare!!! Guess who is selling Saudi Arabia the bombs to bomb the ever loving crap out of poor citizens. Why the west has sold the weapons.

Then as if it wasn't bad enough, the west decides Assad must go so they can put in the MB. And they have been funding and providing weapons to the terrorist errrrrrrrr moderate rebels ever since.

Always follow the money. War is money.

I am a very patriotic American and I support my government what ever the steps are taken by either republican or democratic president very specifically on foreign policy.

I might disagree but they still have my full support. That's the difference between me and the rest of you or foreigners.
Where do you left wing nutbars come up with your bullshit on Putin?

Russia's economy is stable. Putin kept his naval port and scored mega oil reserves off the coast of Crimea. AND he is managing to stop the bullshit in Syria and Iraq and crush ISIS and AQ.

And the EU is crushing the Ukraine. They didn't read the fine print.

1. I know several Russian and you are very wrong about Russian economy. Prices are skyrocketing.
2. Explain why his neighboring countries are begging for help from the west?
3. Crush the ISIS? That just pure rotten beans coming from your ass .................. After more than a year in Syria Putin has killed more civilians in Syria than ISIS. Explain why ISIS still very strong in Syria selling oil to Syrian government.

He is not doing a diddly shit in Iraq.
But Russia does have a nifty steam powered air craft carrier...
So do we....what was your point?

What is we mean? Is that you as Russians?
We means us Americans, not you.....

Please follow the thread....... and read my post. I am a very patriotic American.
Please define 'Victory.' The US has 700 bases worldwide. Russia has just 2. The US vastly outspends Russia and China combined on military. It's not even close. There is no possibility of Russia winning a military conflict with the US/NATO. It's just impossible. Even Putin himself, has said that.

So all this Warmongering against Russia is so bizarre. It's not a threat. The US military and NATO must just want more funding. I'm going with that. But i would like to hear from the OP on defining a Russian 'Victory.' I'm pretty open-minded. I'm willing to listen.
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.

It's cute that you nutters think anyone believes your lies anymore. It's why Americans threw your sorry asses out.
I have friends in the area under threat by Putin. I was in Ukraine in November. I know people who had to leave the war zone in southeastern Ukraine because of the current ongoing war being waged by Russia.

A war that's been "waged" under the Obama Administration, Camp...not the Trump! You act like Trump has been running our foreign policy for the past eight years when it's been Barack Obama who hasn't had an answer to Russian aggression.

Obama hasn't answered to Putin aggression?
Read my post #73.

Crippling sanctions? Gosh that sounds terrifying!!! So how have these earth shattering sanctions affected Putin? As he usually does, Barry talks about doing something and then does nothing. It's what he's who he is!

San Jose por dios por santo............. Your can google all these information by yourself.
Apparently you don't read any other news but Hannity. I feel sorry for you.

I read the Boston Globe and the Wall Street Journal pretty much on a daily get your news from Google! I feel sorry for you...

Now did you want to show me how sanctions imposed by Obama against Putin have done anything to change what Putin does...or did you want to post more nonsense?

I read more news than you including The Moscow Times but not regularly. I suggested google because for some reason you are not aware what is going on world wide.
Then you have the guts to blurt your ignorance. Why should I update you?
Now to answer your stupid question............ Putin didn't change anything after the sanction? Why in the world he will just kneel and change what he normally does? That is not even what I'm talking about.
BUT the consequences and impact of the sanctions inside Russia is very damaging to Russians. My post and link I provided are the reality in life.
Democrats want to confront Russia and use Syria as an excuse. Russia is caucasian. It is Christian. It has thrown off communism and is witness that it doesn't work. That makes Russia an enemy to democrats. The terrorists in Syria are just democrat allies. Both have the same goals wipe Christianity from the world.

No stupid ................... Then explain.......... Why McCain, Graham and large numbers of Republicans senators are leading the investigation about Putin garbages?
Are you saying Republicans are bunch of Putin Puppet?

McCain and his bitch Graham are warmongers and beholden to war profiteers.


Then explain......... why the rest of the republicans law makers support them?

The only people against are the scumbag traitors.

Stupid motherfuckers who are driven by instinct instead of reason.


Dude........... You are not make no sense at all. Did I hurt your feelings dear?
I'm 100% correct only ones that disagree are either traitors, scumbag or foreigners.

Dudette are making no sense at all

only the never trumpers (Mcain - Graham) neocrazies, and zionists propagandize
The Real Saboteurs of a Trump Foreign Policy

1. If the US backed terrorists had not used civilians as human shields those civilians would not have been killed.
2. Only a real, serious, retarded idiot would think that Russia was going to let their naval base fall into ISIS hands. It was never going to happen. Of course Russia was going to come to Assad's aid. Who would have imagined any difference?

1. Like who?
2. Russians didn't have a real naval base in Syria till lately. There are other solutions for peace in Syria aside from supporting Assad. Not just supporting Assad and killing civilians. Syrians are sick of dictator that only serves half of the country and support terrorism against Israel. Again only reason Putin went Syria is not because of ISIS its to save Assad.
No stupid ................... Then explain.......... Why McCain, Graham and large numbers of Republicans senators are leading the investigation about Putin garbages?
Are you saying Republicans are bunch of Putin Puppet?

McCain and his bitch Graham are warmongers and beholden to war profiteers.


Then explain......... why the rest of the republicans law makers support them?

The only people against are the scumbag traitors.

Stupid motherfuckers who are driven by instinct instead of reason.


Dude........... You are not make no sense at all. Did I hurt your feelings dear?
I'm 100% correct only ones that disagree are either traitors, scumbag or foreigners.

Dudette are making no sense at all

only the never trumpers (Mcain - Graham) neocrazies, and zionists propagandize
The Real Saboteurs of a Trump Foreign Policy


Bulshit........ Your link are pro Russians? Try again.

Every bill or laws or actions introduced to senate or congress.......... Always sponsored by a law makers.......... it happened to be McCain and Graham supported by both aisles.
This is my country..... what the hell is your problem.
A war that's been "waged" under the Obama Administration, Camp...not the Trump! You act like Trump has been running our foreign policy for the past eight years when it's been Barack Obama who hasn't had an answer to Russian aggression.

Obama hasn't answered to Putin aggression?
Read my post #73.

Crippling sanctions? Gosh that sounds terrifying!!! So how have these earth shattering sanctions affected Putin? As he usually does, Barry talks about doing something and then does nothing. It's what he's who he is!

San Jose por dios por santo............. Your can google all these information by yourself.
Apparently you don't read any other news but Hannity. I feel sorry for you.

I read the Boston Globe and the Wall Street Journal pretty much on a daily get your news from Google! I feel sorry for you...

Now did you want to show me how sanctions imposed by Obama against Putin have done anything to change what Putin does...or did you want to post more nonsense?

I read more news than you including The Moscow Times but not regularly. I suggested google because for some reason you are not aware what is going on world wide.
Then you have the guts to blurt your ignorance. Why should I update you?
Now to answer your stupid question............ Putin didn't change anything after the sanction? Why in the world he will just kneel and change what he normally does? That is not even what I'm talking about.
BUT the consequences and impact of the sanctions inside Russia is very damaging to Russians. My post and link I provided are the reality in life.

So the "reality" is that the sanctions haven't affected Putin at all? That he's still extremely popular with the Russian people? That European nations such as Great Britain are already working around the sanctions because not doing business with Russia is hurting THEIR economies? I'm quite aware of what's going on "world wide"! I'm also not viewing it through your rose colored glasses.
Obama hasn't answered to Putin aggression?
Read my post #73.

Crippling sanctions? Gosh that sounds terrifying!!! So how have these earth shattering sanctions affected Putin? As he usually does, Barry talks about doing something and then does nothing. It's what he's who he is!

San Jose por dios por santo............. Your can google all these information by yourself.
Apparently you don't read any other news but Hannity. I feel sorry for you.

I read the Boston Globe and the Wall Street Journal pretty much on a daily get your news from Google! I feel sorry for you...

Now did you want to show me how sanctions imposed by Obama against Putin have done anything to change what Putin does...or did you want to post more nonsense?

I read more news than you including The Moscow Times but not regularly. I suggested google because for some reason you are not aware what is going on world wide.
Then you have the guts to blurt your ignorance. Why should I update you?
Now to answer your stupid question............ Putin didn't change anything after the sanction? Why in the world he will just kneel and change what he normally does? That is not even what I'm talking about.
BUT the consequences and impact of the sanctions inside Russia is very damaging to Russians. My post and link I provided are the reality in life.

So the "reality" is that the sanctions haven't affected Putin at all? That he's still extremely popular with the Russian people? That European nations such as Great Britain are already working around the sanctions because not doing business with Russia is hurting THEIR economies? I'm quite aware of what's going on "world wide"! I'm also not viewing it through your rose colored glasses.

Dude you are so amateur. Based from you post ................... No you are not aware what is going on around the world.
Putin popularity according to his friends that own the media. Get real dude.
Crippling sanctions? Gosh that sounds terrifying!!! So how have these earth shattering sanctions affected Putin? As he usually does, Barry talks about doing something and then does nothing. It's what he's who he is!

San Jose por dios por santo............. Your can google all these information by yourself.
Apparently you don't read any other news but Hannity. I feel sorry for you.

I read the Boston Globe and the Wall Street Journal pretty much on a daily get your news from Google! I feel sorry for you...

Now did you want to show me how sanctions imposed by Obama against Putin have done anything to change what Putin does...or did you want to post more nonsense?

I read more news than you including The Moscow Times but not regularly. I suggested google because for some reason you are not aware what is going on world wide.
Then you have the guts to blurt your ignorance. Why should I update you?
Now to answer your stupid question............ Putin didn't change anything after the sanction? Why in the world he will just kneel and change what he normally does? That is not even what I'm talking about.
BUT the consequences and impact of the sanctions inside Russia is very damaging to Russians. My post and link I provided are the reality in life.

So the "reality" is that the sanctions haven't affected Putin at all? That he's still extremely popular with the Russian people? That European nations such as Great Britain are already working around the sanctions because not doing business with Russia is hurting THEIR economies? I'm quite aware of what's going on "world wide"! I'm also not viewing it through your rose colored glasses.

Dude you are so amateur. Based from you post ................... No you are not aware what is going on around the world.
Putin popularity according to his friends that own the media. Get real dude.

The Russian people see Putin as a strong leader making Russia powerful again. Sanctions against him will work about as well as sanctions against Castro.
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.
A loon. One that flew head on into the grill of an 18 wheeler. Not a smart bird.
San Jose por dios por santo............. Your can google all these information by yourself.
Apparently you don't read any other news but Hannity. I feel sorry for you.

I read the Boston Globe and the Wall Street Journal pretty much on a daily get your news from Google! I feel sorry for you...

Now did you want to show me how sanctions imposed by Obama against Putin have done anything to change what Putin does...or did you want to post more nonsense?

I read more news than you including The Moscow Times but not regularly. I suggested google because for some reason you are not aware what is going on world wide.
Then you have the guts to blurt your ignorance. Why should I update you?
Now to answer your stupid question............ Putin didn't change anything after the sanction? Why in the world he will just kneel and change what he normally does? That is not even what I'm talking about.
BUT the consequences and impact of the sanctions inside Russia is very damaging to Russians. My post and link I provided are the reality in life.

So the "reality" is that the sanctions haven't affected Putin at all? That he's still extremely popular with the Russian people? That European nations such as Great Britain are already working around the sanctions because not doing business with Russia is hurting THEIR economies? I'm quite aware of what's going on "world wide"! I'm also not viewing it through your rose colored glasses.

Dude you are so amateur. Based from you post ................... No you are not aware what is going on around the world.
Putin popularity according to his friends that own the media. Get real dude.

The Russian people see Putin as a strong leader making Russia powerful again. Sanctions against him will work about as well as sanctions against Castro.

Then move to Russia.
Newly selected leader Donald Trump has begun to outline his surrender terms to Russia. His proposal to end the economic war by America and allies include ending economic sanctions and the abandonment of NATO. In exchange, Trump will demand Russia only maintaining enough nuclear weapons to annihilate America ten times over instead of 20 times over.
A loon. One that flew head on into the grill of an 18 wheeler. Not a smart bird.
It is a concept shared by millions globally, including foreign leaders. Denial that there is an economic war with Russia at the present time is delusional and or based on the lack of information and knowledge of current foreign relations. That the efforts of the sanctions would be ceded and advantage given to Russia is beyond irresponsible.
I read the Boston Globe and the Wall Street Journal pretty much on a daily get your news from Google! I feel sorry for you...

Now did you want to show me how sanctions imposed by Obama against Putin have done anything to change what Putin does...or did you want to post more nonsense?

I read more news than you including The Moscow Times but not regularly. I suggested google because for some reason you are not aware what is going on world wide.
Then you have the guts to blurt your ignorance. Why should I update you?
Now to answer your stupid question............ Putin didn't change anything after the sanction? Why in the world he will just kneel and change what he normally does? That is not even what I'm talking about.
BUT the consequences and impact of the sanctions inside Russia is very damaging to Russians. My post and link I provided are the reality in life.

So the "reality" is that the sanctions haven't affected Putin at all? That he's still extremely popular with the Russian people? That European nations such as Great Britain are already working around the sanctions because not doing business with Russia is hurting THEIR economies? I'm quite aware of what's going on "world wide"! I'm also not viewing it through your rose colored glasses.

Dude you are so amateur. Based from you post ................... No you are not aware what is going on around the world.
Putin popularity according to his friends that own the media. Get real dude.

The Russian people see Putin as a strong leader making Russia powerful again. Sanctions against him will work about as well as sanctions against Castro.

Then move to Russia.

That's your best comeback? Too funny...

The fact is...sanctions haven't hurt Putin at all.
I read more news than you including The Moscow Times but not regularly. I suggested google because for some reason you are not aware what is going on world wide.
Then you have the guts to blurt your ignorance. Why should I update you?
Now to answer your stupid question............ Putin didn't change anything after the sanction? Why in the world he will just kneel and change what he normally does? That is not even what I'm talking about.
BUT the consequences and impact of the sanctions inside Russia is very damaging to Russians. My post and link I provided are the reality in life.

So the "reality" is that the sanctions haven't affected Putin at all? That he's still extremely popular with the Russian people? That European nations such as Great Britain are already working around the sanctions because not doing business with Russia is hurting THEIR economies? I'm quite aware of what's going on "world wide"! I'm also not viewing it through your rose colored glasses.

Dude you are so amateur. Based from you post ................... No you are not aware what is going on around the world.
Putin popularity according to his friends that own the media. Get real dude.

The Russian people see Putin as a strong leader making Russia powerful again. Sanctions against him will work about as well as sanctions against Castro.

Then move to Russia.

That's your best comeback? Too funny...

The fact is...sanctions haven't hurt Putin at all.

Because low informed people like you that's all you deserved.............. please get yourself updated.

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