Trump & Biden's Narcissism Could Promote the Vaccine, the Left & Right Would Rather Lose More Lives


The Ultimate Winner
May 18, 2010
If the two sides would quit making everything political, we might stand a chance, no one on this board seems to want all to vaccinate, they just put the other side down. Opinion: Biden’s ticket out of the pandemic ... Trump

I am tired of the fake threads where the poster seems to be concerned about everyone but the time their rant is over, you can tell their politics are a bigger pull than wanting everyone vaxxed.
If the two sides would quit making everything political, we might stand a chance, no one on this board seems to want all to vaccinate, they just put the other side down. Opinion: Biden’s ticket out of the pandemic ... Trump

I am tired of the fake threads where the poster seems to be concerned about everyone but the time their rant is over, you can tell their politics are a bigger pull than wanting everyone vaxxed.
Totally agree with this. I hate how the vaccine seems to be a right vs left issue and has been politicised.

If someone wants to take the vaccine great, if they don't that's fine too but it's got zero to do with Biden, or Trump or Government.

The left accuse Trump or telling folk to refuse the vaccine and inject bleach - when he never.
The right accuse Biden and Bill Gates and everyone else of some form of control.

It's just ridiculous.

Just make the best decision for yourself. There's pro's and con's to taking (and not taking) the vaccine - just go off that.
If the two sides would quit making everything political, we might stand a chance, no one on this board seems to want all to vaccinate, they just put the other side down. Opinion: Biden’s ticket out of the pandemic ... Trump

I am tired of the fake threads where the poster seems to be concerned about everyone but the time their rant is over, you can tell their politics are a bigger pull than wanting everyone vaxxed.
Its been two years, walking into Walmart sometimes without a mask, eating at a restaurant where at the door, you wear a mask but once you sit 5 feet away at a table, the mask comes off because the Kung Flu cant seem to find the dinner table. Dumbasses like you have allowed the politicians to lie to the rest of US, because you are too stupid to know a lie when it is presented, then like good progressive slaves, you carry the water for them, in trying to guilt trip the rest of US. Well, you are cordially invited to go fuck yourself...

The best damn medicine that Dr Fauxci had said.

Everyone I know, both trump supporters and non supporters have all been vaccinated, and rightly so.

Get the shot.
What I find strange is the left was always the one not to trust big pharma, the greedy rich bastards that sold their soul to the devil and don't care how they get rich, to now full compliance to big pharma.
What I find strange is the left was always the one not to trust big pharma, the greedy rich bastards that sold their soul to the devil and don't care how they get rich, to now full compliance to big pharma.
The left are lying bastards. You can't believe one double speak word out of their big fat hypocrisy infested mouths.
rightly so. If your government demanded you to go out and purchase a gun, would you?

Oh you mean like in the days of the colonial militia's, where every Citizen (White male property owners) were required to join the militia and provide their own fire arms. Could I just provide proof of ownership of several weapons.
Oh you mean like in the days of the colonial militia's, where every Citizen (White male property owners) were required to join the militia and provide their own fire arms. Could I just provide proof of ownership of several weapons.
Should it be mandatory for the protection of the citizens?
What I find strange is the left was always the one not to trust big pharma, the greedy rich bastards that sold their soul to the devil and don't care how they get rich, to now full compliance to big pharma.
If they didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all.
It's mostly the left that makes the vaccine issue political. You could call it racist since about 70% of Black and Hispanic inner city people refuse to be vaccinated and as such won't be served in restaurants without papers. The left doesn't want to go down that road though. It's easier to attack Trump and republicans. .
It's mostly the left that makes the vaccine issue political. You could call it racist since about 70% of Black and Hispanic inner city people refuse to be vaccinated and as such won't be served in restaurants without papers. The left doesn't want to go down that road though. It's easier to attack Trump and republicans. .
maybe the reason why those of the inner cities, dont get vaccinated, is that they believe that they will be killed by other blacks sooner than later. In the Wars people smoked knowing that it was going to kill them but hey, a bullet from a Socialist could do the same thing...


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