Trump Bitch-Slaps Pooty

What makes you think I would be on your side in a race war?

You don't impress me of making much of a difference what side you're on.

Probably doesn’t matter whose side I am on. Except to me.

If you’re going to fight and kill people because they look different than you, then you are a fool
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The only nuclear explosion which ever occurred in the Ukraine was at Chernobyl.
When polls showed his approval ratings were in the crapper in 2002-2003, GWB was advised that a war helps your approval ratings......

Maybe Trump .........???
What's the deal with this "Nat" character and his he in a laughing academy?
Is this what passes for a gang attack here? :lol: I'd advise you bring on another half dozen of your best girlie men if you expect me to stick around....I came here for some competition not a turkey shoot. :cool-45:
Is this what passes for a gang attack here? :lol: I'd advise you bring on another half dozen of your best girlie men if you expect me to stick around....I came here for some competition not a turkey shoot. :cool-45:

Who knows. I’m not attacking you though
Is this what passes for a gang attack here? :lol: I'd advise you bring on another half dozen of your best girlie men if you expect me to stick around....I came here for some competition not a turkey shoot. :cool-45:

So Mr. President, responding to the Russian seizure of Ukranian ships and kidnapping of their crews, you just cancelled the planned palaver with Putin at the that correct?


For you commiecrats out there....if Putin has the goods on Trump, why hasn't he relayed his dirt to CNN or WaPo by now? Think maybe because Putin doesn't had diddly-squat and Trump has no fear of him? :disbelief:

"For you commiecrats out there....if Putin has the goods on Trump, why hasn't he relayed his dirt to CNN or WaPo by now?"

Because Trump is his useful idiot. Remember, Russian meddling in our 2016 election has been proven.
Or maybe you forgot that already?
Trumpanzees have the memory bank of a common gerbil.
Oh Trumpbots define gullibility.

Obviously Trump contacted Putin and basically said 'Hey, I have to cancel this G-20 thing for myself to make it look like I am strong with this Ukrainian thing. Nothing personal Vlad/President/whatever.'

Trump has shown a) he ADORES Putin. And b) he hates those summits anyway (he skipped the last one he was to go to), probably as they make him look stupid next to all those intelligent, educated rational people.

Who knew hufffing paint fumes could give somebody TDS....I thought it was organic. :nocknockHT:

Oh look....another knuckle-dragging Trump fan has joined this radical right wing bubble.
This haven for the Trump Kool-Aid drunks who don't gulp it anymore, they get it through an IV.
Aren't you brave.
So Mr. President, responding to the Russian seizure of Ukranian ships and kidnapping of their crews, you just cancelled the planned palaver with Putin at the that correct?


For you commiecrats out there....if Putin has the goods on Trump, why hasn't he relayed his dirt to CNN or WaPo by now? Think maybe because Putin doesn't had diddly-squat and Trump has no fear of him? :disbelief:

"For you commiecrats out there....if Putin has the goods on Trump, why hasn't he relayed his dirt to CNN or WaPo by now?"

Because Trump is his useful idiot. Remember, Russian meddling in our 2016 election has been proven.
Or maybe you forgot that already?
Trumpanzees have the memory bank of a common gerbil.

Begging the question much?

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