Trump Borders on Treason

Trump is a joke, I can't imagine why anyone would vote for him.

When you have gullible idiots being told by someone with an "R" besides their name that they are going to make things great, they become mesmerized and can no longer see all the bankruptcies he has caused, all the people he has scammed, and all the lies that he has told that have been debunked. They no longer hear anything but the voice of their hero telling them that he is going to make America great again and the Republican party is going to once again rule......bwahahaha.....even the Republican leaders have given up on the "unicorn" fantasies that Trump will do what they tell him to do, but what he will do is wreck the country along with whatever is left of the Republican party if enough stupid people vote him in.

You said the same thing around 12 times in your last 10 posts. Now, that's gullible... but hey, whatever floats your boat.

Over the years Trump filed for bankruptcy 4 times for various businesses under his label. What a loser, right? This also means that out of 515 subsidiaries of the Trump organization, less than 0.8% have been failures.

On the other side you have someone that claims to be broke after leaving the White House, plus steals some furniture on the way out. Then make millions, not by producing or building something, but by doing speeches and selling favors to her domestic and foreign friends.

You said "Trump will do what they tell him to do"... who is "they"?
Let's look at those bankruptcies
  • The Trump Taj Mahal built at a cost of more that a billion dollars housing a over dozen other business with employment of over 3,000 people.
  • Trump Plaza Hotel which cost 400 million dollars and employed 800 people.
  • Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, a multi-billion dollar enterprise employing thousands.
  • Trump Entertainment Resorts, another multi-billion dollar enterprise employing over 3,800.

These are not small business in a large enterprise. These business failures cost creditors hundreds of million and thousands of people lost jobs. For a presidential candidate whose only qualification is his business expertise, this is nothing to be proud of.

You do know when company files for bankruptcy, it doesn't really seize to exist, it's stay open and reorganize its business. Like GM did it, or Chrysler. Also, I don't recall you were worried about creditors (who willingly put their money in the business) when their investments were confiscated by Red Barry and given to unions.

Now, since you know so much, can you explain what parts of his bankruptcies are against the law?
Trump is a joke, I can't imagine why anyone would vote for him.

When you have gullible idiots being told by someone with an "R" besides their name that they are going to make things great, they become mesmerized and can no longer see all the bankruptcies he has caused, all the people he has scammed, and all the lies that he has told that have been debunked. They no longer hear anything but the voice of their hero telling them that he is going to make America great again and the Republican party is going to once again rule......bwahahaha.....even the Republican leaders have given up on the "unicorn" fantasies that Trump will do what they tell him to do, but what he will do is wreck the country along with whatever is left of the Republican party if enough stupid people vote him in.

You said the same thing around 12 times in your last 10 posts. Now, that's gullible... but hey, whatever floats your boat.

Over the years Trump filed for bankruptcy 4 times for various businesses under his label. What a loser, right? This also means that out of 515 subsidiaries of the Trump organization, less than 0.8% have been failures.

On the other side you have someone that claims to be broke after leaving the White House, plus steals some furniture on the way out. Then make millions, not by producing or building something, but by doing speeches and selling favors to her domestic and foreign friends.

You said "Trump will do what they tell him to do"... who is "they"?
Let's look at those bankruptcies
  • The Trump Taj Mahal built at a cost of more that a billion dollars housing a over dozen other business with employment of over 3,000 people.
  • Trump Plaza Hotel which cost 400 million dollars and employed 800 people.
  • Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, a multi-billion dollar enterprise employing thousands.
  • Trump Entertainment Resorts, another multi-billion dollar enterprise employing over 3,800.

These are not small business in a large enterprise. These business failures cost creditors hundreds of million and thousands of people lost jobs. For a presidential candidate whose only qualification is his business expertise, this is nothing to be proud of.

So many other issues not to vote for Trump. This isn't one of them. 90% of all businesses fail, that is the nature of business.
That may well be true. However, a candidate for president who uses his business expertise as his sole qualification for the presidency should not have a record of bankruptcies in which he left creditors holding a billion dollars in worthless bonds while he wallows in wealth. Contrary to Trump's claims bankruptcy is not common is large businesses. In fact, no major US company has filed for Chaper 11 more than Trump's casino empire in the last 30 years.
Trump is a joke, I can't imagine why anyone would vote for him.

When you have gullible idiots being told by someone with an "R" besides their name that they are going to make things great, they become mesmerized and can no longer see all the bankruptcies he has caused, all the people he has scammed, and all the lies that he has told that have been debunked. They no longer hear anything but the voice of their hero telling them that he is going to make America great again and the Republican party is going to once again rule......bwahahaha.....even the Republican leaders have given up on the "unicorn" fantasies that Trump will do what they tell him to do, but what he will do is wreck the country along with whatever is left of the Republican party if enough stupid people vote him in.

You said the same thing around 12 times in your last 10 posts. Now, that's gullible... but hey, whatever floats your boat.

Over the years Trump filed for bankruptcy 4 times for various businesses under his label. What a loser, right? This also means that out of 515 subsidiaries of the Trump organization, less than 0.8% have been failures.

On the other side you have someone that claims to be broke after leaving the White House, plus steals some furniture on the way out. Then make millions, not by producing or building something, but by doing speeches and selling favors to her domestic and foreign friends.

You said "Trump will do what they tell him to do"... who is "they"?
Let's look at those bankruptcies
  • The Trump Taj Mahal built at a cost of more that a billion dollars housing a over dozen other business with employment of over 3,000 people.
  • Trump Plaza Hotel which cost 400 million dollars and employed 800 people.
  • Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, a multi-billion dollar enterprise employing thousands.
  • Trump Entertainment Resorts, another multi-billion dollar enterprise employing over 3,800.

These are not small business in a large enterprise. These business failures cost creditors hundreds of million and thousands of people lost jobs. For a presidential candidate whose only qualification is his business expertise, this is nothing to be proud of.

You do know when company files for bankruptcy, it doesn't really seize to exist, it's stay open and reorganize its business. Like GM did it, or Chrysler. Also, I don't recall you were worried about creditors (who willingly put their money in the business) when their investments were confiscated by Red Barry and given to unions.

Now, since you know so much, can you explain what parts of his bankruptcies are against the law?
The point is that Trump uses his business experience as qualifications for the presidency but yet his business experience is not that exceptional. Granted he has been able to use bankruptcy laws to protect his fortune while his creditors lose hundreds of millions of dollars, but I don't see how that makes him qualified to lead the nation, administer the federal government, command the armed forces, decide when it is appropriate to use nuclear weapons, enforces laws, treaties, and court rulings; develops federal policies; prepares the national budget; and appoints federal officials. Considering the job the president, I doubt seriously that Trump would hire a person with his background as president.
It comes down to two narratives that have been reoccurring here:

It comes down to the fact that party not only defines right and wrong to you, but in fact defines reality.

I have long observed that to democrats, "truth" is that which serves the party. "Lies" are that which harm the party. If the party says that grass is orange, then you will say that grass is orange, but more importantly, you will believe with all your heart that anyone claiming grass is green is a liar. Reality MUST conform to the wishes of the party.

1. There is no documentation of her or anyone close to her having ties or sympathizes with radical Islam.

Reference above.

To a sane person, this is proof.

WikiLeaks Exposes Hillary's Stunning Connection to ISIS -- Mainstream Media Blackout Ensues

But you're not sane, you're a Communist. So reality that conflicts with the goals of the party must be sincerely disavowed by you. It's not just that you're lying directly in the face of provided fact, it's that you truly believe your own absurd lies, because party alone defines reality to you.

2. The FBI found that no criminal wrong doing existed, notwithstanding her poor judgement and carelessness.

The FBI found that Hillary is not guilty by reason of being above the law.

{“110 e-mails and 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information,” Comey said.}

Now to you, what I posted there is a "lie." That it is a direct quote from Comey is irrelevant, it harms the party, hence is a "lie."

This is obviously a highly partisan witch hunt intended to distract from the mad dog running against her who no one here can defend..

Get the fuck over it.

Hillary Clinton is a traitor and a criminal, but you are not sane. You define reality by the goals of your party and sincerely believe any fiction that furthers those goals.
It comes down to two narratives that have been reoccurring here:

It comes down to the fact that party not only defines right and wrong to you, but in fact defines reality.

I have long observed that to democrats, "truth" is that which serves the party. "Lies" are that which harm the party. If the party says that grass is orange, then you will say that grass is orange, but more importantly, you will believe with all your heart that anyone claiming grass is green is a liar. Reality MUST conform to the wishes of the party.

1. There is no documentation of her or anyone close to her having ties or sympathizes with radical Islam.

Reference above.

To a sane person, this is proof.

WikiLeaks Exposes Hillary's Stunning Connection to ISIS -- Mainstream Media Blackout Ensues

But you're not sane, you're a Communist. So reality that conflicts with the goals of the party must be sincerely disavowed by you. It's not just that you're lying directly in the face of provided fact, it's that you truly believe your own absurd lies, because party alone defines reality to you.

2. The FBI found that no criminal wrong doing existed, notwithstanding her poor judgement and carelessness.

The FBI found that Hillary is not guilty by reason of being above the law.

{“110 e-mails and 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information,” Comey said.}

Now to you, what I posted there is a "lie." That it is a direct quote from Comey is irrelevant, it harms the party, hence is a "lie."

This is obviously a highly partisan witch hunt intended to distract from the mad dog running against her who no one here can defend..

Get the fuck over it.

Hillary Clinton is a traitor and a criminal, but you are not sane. You define reality by the goals of your party and sincerely believe any fiction that furthers those goals.
My only question at this point is , do you believe your own bovine excrement. Who are you to tell me why I support or not support a particular candidate and how I define reality??
Trump is a joke, I can't imagine why anyone would vote for him.

When you have gullible idiots being told by someone with an "R" besides their name that they are going to make things great, they become mesmerized and can no longer see all the bankruptcies he has caused, all the people he has scammed, and all the lies that he has told that have been debunked. They no longer hear anything but the voice of their hero telling them that he is going to make America great again and the Republican party is going to once again rule......bwahahaha.....even the Republican leaders have given up on the "unicorn" fantasies that Trump will do what they tell him to do, but what he will do is wreck the country along with whatever is left of the Republican party if enough stupid people vote him in.

You said the same thing around 12 times in your last 10 posts. Now, that's gullible... but hey, whatever floats your boat.

Over the years Trump filed for bankruptcy 4 times for various businesses under his label. What a loser, right? This also means that out of 515 subsidiaries of the Trump organization, less than 0.8% have been failures.

On the other side you have someone that claims to be broke after leaving the White House, plus steals some furniture on the way out. Then make millions, not by producing or building something, but by doing speeches and selling favors to her domestic and foreign friends.

You said "Trump will do what they tell him to do"... who is "they"?
Let's look at those bankruptcies
  • The Trump Taj Mahal built at a cost of more that a billion dollars housing a over dozen other business with employment of over 3,000 people.
  • Trump Plaza Hotel which cost 400 million dollars and employed 800 people.
  • Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, a multi-billion dollar enterprise employing thousands.
  • Trump Entertainment Resorts, another multi-billion dollar enterprise employing over 3,800.

These are not small business in a large enterprise. These business failures cost creditors hundreds of million and thousands of people lost jobs. For a presidential candidate whose only qualification is his business expertise, this is nothing to be proud of.

So many other issues not to vote for Trump. This isn't one of them. 90% of all businesses fail, that is the nature of business.
That may well be true. However, a candidate for president who uses his business expertise as his sole qualification for the presidency should not have a record of bankruptcies in which he left creditors holding a billion dollars in worthless bonds while he wallows in wealth. Contrary to Trump's claims bankruptcy is not common is large businesses. In fact, no major US company has filed for Chaper 11 more than Trump's casino empire in the last 30 years.

What the heck??????

American Airlines filed chapter 11 in 2011

American Airlines files for bankruptcy
My only question at this point is , do you believe your own bovine excrement. Who are you to tell me why I support or not support a particular candidate and how I define reality??

Do I believe the fully cited and documented facts that I post?

I am a fan of reality. Reality is. As a Communist, you must deny that reality is - and so you do.
That may well be true. However, a candidate for president who uses his business expertise as his sole qualification for the presidency should not have a record of bankruptcies in which he left creditors holding a billion dollars in worthless bonds while he wallows in wealth. Contrary to Trump's claims bankruptcy is not common is large businesses. In fact, no major US company has filed for Chaper 11 more than Trump's casino empire in the last 30 years.


The lies you Communists tel...

The 11 Largest Bankruptcies In American History
Trump is a joke, I can't imagine why anyone would vote for him.

When you have gullible idiots being told by someone with an "R" besides their name that they are going to make things great, they become mesmerized and can no longer see all the bankruptcies he has caused, all the people he has scammed, and all the lies that he has told that have been debunked. They no longer hear anything but the voice of their hero telling them that he is going to make America great again and the Republican party is going to once again rule......bwahahaha.....even the Republican leaders have given up on the "unicorn" fantasies that Trump will do what they tell him to do, but what he will do is wreck the country along with whatever is left of the Republican party if enough stupid people vote him in.

You said the same thing around 12 times in your last 10 posts. Now, that's gullible... but hey, whatever floats your boat.

Over the years Trump filed for bankruptcy 4 times for various businesses under his label. What a loser, right? This also means that out of 515 subsidiaries of the Trump organization, less than 0.8% have been failures.

On the other side you have someone that claims to be broke after leaving the White House, plus steals some furniture on the way out. Then make millions, not by producing or building something, but by doing speeches and selling favors to her domestic and foreign friends.

You said "Trump will do what they tell him to do"... who is "they"?
Let's look at those bankruptcies
  • The Trump Taj Mahal built at a cost of more that a billion dollars housing a over dozen other business with employment of over 3,000 people.
  • Trump Plaza Hotel which cost 400 million dollars and employed 800 people.
  • Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, a multi-billion dollar enterprise employing thousands.
  • Trump Entertainment Resorts, another multi-billion dollar enterprise employing over 3,800.

These are not small business in a large enterprise. These business failures cost creditors hundreds of million and thousands of people lost jobs. For a presidential candidate whose only qualification is his business expertise, this is nothing to be proud of.

So many other issues not to vote for Trump. This isn't one of them. 90% of all businesses fail, that is the nature of business.
That may well be true. However, a candidate for president who uses his business expertise as his sole qualification for the presidency should not have a record of bankruptcies in which he left creditors holding a billion dollars in worthless bonds while he wallows in wealth. Contrary to Trump's claims bankruptcy is not common is large businesses. In fact, no major US company has filed for Chaper 11 more than Trump's casino empire in the last 30 years.

Do you have any idea how many business ventures Trump has? Construction, Entertainment, Real Estate, Hospitality, Diversified Investments, and more.

Each section of his business, has dozens of different business ventures, and in total The Trump organization has over 22,000 employees, not including contract work.

So out of dozens of business ventures that Trump is involved in, you focus on a casino bankruptcy, and a few others. 1 failure for 100 successes. By the way, the casino in Atlantic city, is one of dozens of failing businesses in Atlantic City. The whole city is in trouble.
When you have gullible idiots being told by someone with an "R" besides their name that they are going to make things great, they become mesmerized and can no longer see all the bankruptcies he has caused, all the people he has scammed, and all the lies that he has told that have been debunked. They no longer hear anything but the voice of their hero telling them that he is going to make America great again and the Republican party is going to once again rule......bwahahaha.....even the Republican leaders have given up on the "unicorn" fantasies that Trump will do what they tell him to do, but what he will do is wreck the country along with whatever is left of the Republican party if enough stupid people vote him in.

You said the same thing around 12 times in your last 10 posts. Now, that's gullible... but hey, whatever floats your boat.

Over the years Trump filed for bankruptcy 4 times for various businesses under his label. What a loser, right? This also means that out of 515 subsidiaries of the Trump organization, less than 0.8% have been failures.

On the other side you have someone that claims to be broke after leaving the White House, plus steals some furniture on the way out. Then make millions, not by producing or building something, but by doing speeches and selling favors to her domestic and foreign friends.

You said "Trump will do what they tell him to do"... who is "they"?
Let's look at those bankruptcies
  • The Trump Taj Mahal built at a cost of more that a billion dollars housing a over dozen other business with employment of over 3,000 people.
  • Trump Plaza Hotel which cost 400 million dollars and employed 800 people.
  • Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, a multi-billion dollar enterprise employing thousands.
  • Trump Entertainment Resorts, another multi-billion dollar enterprise employing over 3,800.

These are not small business in a large enterprise. These business failures cost creditors hundreds of million and thousands of people lost jobs. For a presidential candidate whose only qualification is his business expertise, this is nothing to be proud of.

So many other issues not to vote for Trump. This isn't one of them. 90% of all businesses fail, that is the nature of business.
That may well be true. However, a candidate for president who uses his business expertise as his sole qualification for the presidency should not have a record of bankruptcies in which he left creditors holding a billion dollars in worthless bonds while he wallows in wealth. Contrary to Trump's claims bankruptcy is not common is large businesses. In fact, no major US company has filed for Chaper 11 more than Trump's casino empire in the last 30 years.

Do you have any idea how many business ventures Trump has? Construction, Entertainment, Real Estate, Hospitality, Diversified Investments, and more.

Each section of his business, has dozens of different business ventures, and in total The Trump organization has over 22,000 employees, not including contract work.

So out of dozens of business ventures that Trump is involved in, you focus on a casino bankruptcy, and a few others. 1 failure for 100 successes. By the way, the casino in Atlantic city, is one of dozens of failing businesses in Atlantic City. The whole city is in trouble.
And of course that qualifies him to be commander in chief of the armed forces, and the leader of the free world, right?
Trump is a joke, I can't imagine why anyone would vote for him.

When you have gullible idiots being told by someone with an "R" besides their name that they are going to make things great, they become mesmerized and can no longer see all the bankruptcies he has caused, all the people he has scammed, and all the lies that he has told that have been debunked. They no longer hear anything but the voice of their hero telling them that he is going to make America great again and the Republican party is going to once again rule......bwahahaha.....even the Republican leaders have given up on the "unicorn" fantasies that Trump will do what they tell him to do, but what he will do is wreck the country along with whatever is left of the Republican party if enough stupid people vote him in.

You said the same thing around 12 times in your last 10 posts. Now, that's gullible... but hey, whatever floats your boat.

Over the years Trump filed for bankruptcy 4 times for various businesses under his label. What a loser, right? This also means that out of 515 subsidiaries of the Trump organization, less than 0.8% have been failures.

On the other side you have someone that claims to be broke after leaving the White House, plus steals some furniture on the way out. Then make millions, not by producing or building something, but by doing speeches and selling favors to her domestic and foreign friends.

You said "Trump will do what they tell him to do"... who is "they"?
Let's look at those bankruptcies
  • The Trump Taj Mahal built at a cost of more that a billion dollars housing a over dozen other business with employment of over 3,000 people.
  • Trump Plaza Hotel which cost 400 million dollars and employed 800 people.
  • Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, a multi-billion dollar enterprise employing thousands.
  • Trump Entertainment Resorts, another multi-billion dollar enterprise employing over 3,800.

These are not small business in a large enterprise. These business failures cost creditors hundreds of million and thousands of people lost jobs. For a presidential candidate whose only qualification is his business expertise, this is nothing to be proud of.

You do know when company files for bankruptcy, it doesn't really seize to exist, it's stay open and reorganize its business. Like GM did it, or Chrysler. Also, I don't recall you were worried about creditors (who willingly put their money in the business) when their investments were confiscated by Red Barry and given to unions.

Now, since you know so much, can you explain what parts of his bankruptcies are against the law?
The point is that Trump uses his business experience as qualifications for the presidency but yet his business experience is not that exceptional. Granted he has been able to use bankruptcy laws to protect his fortune while his creditors lose hundreds of millions of dollars, but I don't see how that makes him qualified to lead the nation, administer the federal government, command the armed forces, decide when it is appropriate to use nuclear weapons, enforces laws, treaties, and court rulings; develops federal policies; prepares the national budget; and appoints federal officials. Considering the job the president, I doubt seriously that Trump would hire a person with his background as president.

Experience in business is risk and reward. those that invested with Trump believe in the same risk and reward. Solyndra, where the US money to help them, went bankrupt. Was the Obama administration at fault for giving them grant money? Nope, it is risk and reward. That fact that you are willing to take risks is a endorsement to Trump. Business is less certain than politics.
When you have gullible idiots being told by someone with an "R" besides their name that they are going to make things great, they become mesmerized and can no longer see all the bankruptcies he has caused, all the people he has scammed, and all the lies that he has told that have been debunked. They no longer hear anything but the voice of their hero telling them that he is going to make America great again and the Republican party is going to once again rule......bwahahaha.....even the Republican leaders have given up on the "unicorn" fantasies that Trump will do what they tell him to do, but what he will do is wreck the country along with whatever is left of the Republican party if enough stupid people vote him in.

You said the same thing around 12 times in your last 10 posts. Now, that's gullible... but hey, whatever floats your boat.

Over the years Trump filed for bankruptcy 4 times for various businesses under his label. What a loser, right? This also means that out of 515 subsidiaries of the Trump organization, less than 0.8% have been failures.

On the other side you have someone that claims to be broke after leaving the White House, plus steals some furniture on the way out. Then make millions, not by producing or building something, but by doing speeches and selling favors to her domestic and foreign friends.

You said "Trump will do what they tell him to do"... who is "they"?
Let's look at those bankruptcies
  • The Trump Taj Mahal built at a cost of more that a billion dollars housing a over dozen other business with employment of over 3,000 people.
  • Trump Plaza Hotel which cost 400 million dollars and employed 800 people.
  • Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, a multi-billion dollar enterprise employing thousands.
  • Trump Entertainment Resorts, another multi-billion dollar enterprise employing over 3,800.

These are not small business in a large enterprise. These business failures cost creditors hundreds of million and thousands of people lost jobs. For a presidential candidate whose only qualification is his business expertise, this is nothing to be proud of.

So many other issues not to vote for Trump. This isn't one of them. 90% of all businesses fail, that is the nature of business.
That may well be true. However, a candidate for president who uses his business expertise as his sole qualification for the presidency should not have a record of bankruptcies in which he left creditors holding a billion dollars in worthless bonds while he wallows in wealth. Contrary to Trump's claims bankruptcy is not common is large businesses. In fact, no major US company has filed for Chaper 11 more than Trump's casino empire in the last 30 years.

What the heck??????

American Airlines filed chapter 11 in 2011

American Airlines files for bankruptcy
The American airlines CEO is not running for president claiming his business experience is all the experience he needs to be president.
You said the same thing around 12 times in your last 10 posts. Now, that's gullible... but hey, whatever floats your boat.

Over the years Trump filed for bankruptcy 4 times for various businesses under his label. What a loser, right? This also means that out of 515 subsidiaries of the Trump organization, less than 0.8% have been failures.

On the other side you have someone that claims to be broke after leaving the White House, plus steals some furniture on the way out. Then make millions, not by producing or building something, but by doing speeches and selling favors to her domestic and foreign friends.

You said "Trump will do what they tell him to do"... who is "they"?
Let's look at those bankruptcies
  • The Trump Taj Mahal built at a cost of more that a billion dollars housing a over dozen other business with employment of over 3,000 people.
  • Trump Plaza Hotel which cost 400 million dollars and employed 800 people.
  • Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, a multi-billion dollar enterprise employing thousands.
  • Trump Entertainment Resorts, another multi-billion dollar enterprise employing over 3,800.

These are not small business in a large enterprise. These business failures cost creditors hundreds of million and thousands of people lost jobs. For a presidential candidate whose only qualification is his business expertise, this is nothing to be proud of.

So many other issues not to vote for Trump. This isn't one of them. 90% of all businesses fail, that is the nature of business.
That may well be true. However, a candidate for president who uses his business expertise as his sole qualification for the presidency should not have a record of bankruptcies in which he left creditors holding a billion dollars in worthless bonds while he wallows in wealth. Contrary to Trump's claims bankruptcy is not common is large businesses. In fact, no major US company has filed for Chaper 11 more than Trump's casino empire in the last 30 years.

What the heck??????

American Airlines filed chapter 11 in 2011

American Airlines files for bankruptcy
The American airlines CEO is not running for president claiming his business experience is all the experience he needs to be president.

Bankruptcys is part of doing business in America, sorry to disappoint you but no one cares.
When you have gullible idiots being told by someone with an "R" besides their name that they are going to make things great, they become mesmerized and can no longer see all the bankruptcies he has caused, all the people he has scammed, and all the lies that he has told that have been debunked. They no longer hear anything but the voice of their hero telling them that he is going to make America great again and the Republican party is going to once again rule......bwahahaha.....even the Republican leaders have given up on the "unicorn" fantasies that Trump will do what they tell him to do, but what he will do is wreck the country along with whatever is left of the Republican party if enough stupid people vote him in.

You said the same thing around 12 times in your last 10 posts. Now, that's gullible... but hey, whatever floats your boat.

Over the years Trump filed for bankruptcy 4 times for various businesses under his label. What a loser, right? This also means that out of 515 subsidiaries of the Trump organization, less than 0.8% have been failures.

On the other side you have someone that claims to be broke after leaving the White House, plus steals some furniture on the way out. Then make millions, not by producing or building something, but by doing speeches and selling favors to her domestic and foreign friends.

You said "Trump will do what they tell him to do"... who is "they"?
Let's look at those bankruptcies
  • The Trump Taj Mahal built at a cost of more that a billion dollars housing a over dozen other business with employment of over 3,000 people.
  • Trump Plaza Hotel which cost 400 million dollars and employed 800 people.
  • Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, a multi-billion dollar enterprise employing thousands.
  • Trump Entertainment Resorts, another multi-billion dollar enterprise employing over 3,800.

These are not small business in a large enterprise. These business failures cost creditors hundreds of million and thousands of people lost jobs. For a presidential candidate whose only qualification is his business expertise, this is nothing to be proud of.

You do know when company files for bankruptcy, it doesn't really seize to exist, it's stay open and reorganize its business. Like GM did it, or Chrysler. Also, I don't recall you were worried about creditors (who willingly put their money in the business) when their investments were confiscated by Red Barry and given to unions.

Now, since you know so much, can you explain what parts of his bankruptcies are against the law?
The point is that Trump uses his business experience as qualifications for the presidency but yet his business experience is not that exceptional. Granted he has been able to use bankruptcy laws to protect his fortune while his creditors lose hundreds of millions of dollars, but I don't see how that makes him qualified to lead the nation, administer the federal government, command the armed forces, decide when it is appropriate to use nuclear weapons, enforces laws, treaties, and court rulings; develops federal policies; prepares the national budget; and appoints federal officials. Considering the job the president, I doubt seriously that Trump would hire a person with his background as president.

Experience in business is risk and reward. those that invested with Trump believe in the same risk and reward. Solyndra, where the US money to help them, went bankrupt. Was the Obama administration at fault for giving them grant money? Nope, it is risk and reward. That fact that you are willing to take risks is a endorsement to Trump. Business is less certain than politics.
Granted, there are always risks but I prefer someone as president that errs on the side of caution.
You said the same thing around 12 times in your last 10 posts. Now, that's gullible... but hey, whatever floats your boat.

Over the years Trump filed for bankruptcy 4 times for various businesses under his label. What a loser, right? This also means that out of 515 subsidiaries of the Trump organization, less than 0.8% have been failures.

On the other side you have someone that claims to be broke after leaving the White House, plus steals some furniture on the way out. Then make millions, not by producing or building something, but by doing speeches and selling favors to her domestic and foreign friends.

You said "Trump will do what they tell him to do"... who is "they"?
Let's look at those bankruptcies
  • The Trump Taj Mahal built at a cost of more that a billion dollars housing a over dozen other business with employment of over 3,000 people.
  • Trump Plaza Hotel which cost 400 million dollars and employed 800 people.
  • Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, a multi-billion dollar enterprise employing thousands.
  • Trump Entertainment Resorts, another multi-billion dollar enterprise employing over 3,800.

These are not small business in a large enterprise. These business failures cost creditors hundreds of million and thousands of people lost jobs. For a presidential candidate whose only qualification is his business expertise, this is nothing to be proud of.

You do know when company files for bankruptcy, it doesn't really seize to exist, it's stay open and reorganize its business. Like GM did it, or Chrysler. Also, I don't recall you were worried about creditors (who willingly put their money in the business) when their investments were confiscated by Red Barry and given to unions.

Now, since you know so much, can you explain what parts of his bankruptcies are against the law?
The point is that Trump uses his business experience as qualifications for the presidency but yet his business experience is not that exceptional. Granted he has been able to use bankruptcy laws to protect his fortune while his creditors lose hundreds of millions of dollars, but I don't see how that makes him qualified to lead the nation, administer the federal government, command the armed forces, decide when it is appropriate to use nuclear weapons, enforces laws, treaties, and court rulings; develops federal policies; prepares the national budget; and appoints federal officials. Considering the job the president, I doubt seriously that Trump would hire a person with his background as president.

Experience in business is risk and reward. those that invested with Trump believe in the same risk and reward. Solyndra, where the US money to help them, went bankrupt. Was the Obama administration at fault for giving them grant money? Nope, it is risk and reward. That fact that you are willing to take risks is a endorsement to Trump. Business is less certain than politics.
Granted, there are always risks but I prefer someone as president that errs on the side of caution.

Every President takes risks and it's the risks that etch their legacy.
That may well be true. However, a candidate for president who uses his business expertise as his sole qualification for the presidency should not have a record of bankruptcies in which he left creditors holding a billion dollars in worthless bonds while he wallows in wealth. Contrary to Trump's claims bankruptcy is not common is large businesses. In fact, no major US company has filed for Chaper 11 more than Trump's casino empire in the last 30 years.

Worldcom, $103 billion
General Motors, $83 billion
CIT Corp, $71 billion
Enron, $65 billion
Conseco, $62 billion
MF Global, $41 billion
Chrysler, $40 billion
The point is that Trump uses his business experience as qualifications for the presidency but yet his business experience is not that exceptional. Granted he has been able to use bankruptcy laws to protect his fortune while his creditors lose hundreds of millions of dollars, but I don't see how that makes him qualified to lead the nation, administer the federal government, command the armed forces, decide when it is appropriate to use nuclear weapons, enforces laws, treaties, and court rulings; develops federal policies; prepares the national budget; and appoints federal officials. Considering the job the president, I doubt seriously that Trump would hire a person with his background as president.

What makes any politician qualified to represent you or me, or to develop policies, or prepares budget or anything you listed above? On what exactly are based their qualifications?
You said the same thing around 12 times in your last 10 posts. Now, that's gullible... but hey, whatever floats your boat.

Over the years Trump filed for bankruptcy 4 times for various businesses under his label. What a loser, right? This also means that out of 515 subsidiaries of the Trump organization, less than 0.8% have been failures.

On the other side you have someone that claims to be broke after leaving the White House, plus steals some furniture on the way out. Then make millions, not by producing or building something, but by doing speeches and selling favors to her domestic and foreign friends.

You said "Trump will do what they tell him to do"... who is "they"?
Let's look at those bankruptcies
  • The Trump Taj Mahal built at a cost of more that a billion dollars housing a over dozen other business with employment of over 3,000 people.
  • Trump Plaza Hotel which cost 400 million dollars and employed 800 people.
  • Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, a multi-billion dollar enterprise employing thousands.
  • Trump Entertainment Resorts, another multi-billion dollar enterprise employing over 3,800.

These are not small business in a large enterprise. These business failures cost creditors hundreds of million and thousands of people lost jobs. For a presidential candidate whose only qualification is his business expertise, this is nothing to be proud of.

So many other issues not to vote for Trump. This isn't one of them. 90% of all businesses fail, that is the nature of business.
That may well be true. However, a candidate for president who uses his business expertise as his sole qualification for the presidency should not have a record of bankruptcies in which he left creditors holding a billion dollars in worthless bonds while he wallows in wealth. Contrary to Trump's claims bankruptcy is not common is large businesses. In fact, no major US company has filed for Chaper 11 more than Trump's casino empire in the last 30 years.

Do you have any idea how many business ventures Trump has? Construction, Entertainment, Real Estate, Hospitality, Diversified Investments, and more.

Each section of his business, has dozens of different business ventures, and in total The Trump organization has over 22,000 employees, not including contract work.

So out of dozens of business ventures that Trump is involved in, you focus on a casino bankruptcy, and a few others. 1 failure for 100 successes. By the way, the casino in Atlantic city, is one of dozens of failing businesses in Atlantic City. The whole city is in trouble.
And of course that qualifies him to be commander in chief of the armed forces, and the leader of the free world, right?

Do tell.... What part of "community organizer" qualified Obama for Commander in Chief of the armed forces, and leader of the free world? The part where he sued Citibank to make bad loans?

The whole reason our founding fathers wanted a limited executive branch, was because they understood that no single individual would ever be supremely qualified in every single aspect of governance.

Which presidency throughout all human history, would you claim was completely qualified in all things? Every aspect of the economy, every aspect of international diplomacy, every aspect of military, every aspect of domestic law, every aspect of race?

Which guy was that perfect?

The fact you even think in these terms, is exactly why we were never supposed to vote on the president. But since you have demand democracy, instead of a republic, then you get what you get.
You said the same thing around 12 times in your last 10 posts. Now, that's gullible... but hey, whatever floats your boat.

Over the years Trump filed for bankruptcy 4 times for various businesses under his label. What a loser, right? This also means that out of 515 subsidiaries of the Trump organization, less than 0.8% have been failures.

On the other side you have someone that claims to be broke after leaving the White House, plus steals some furniture on the way out. Then make millions, not by producing or building something, but by doing speeches and selling favors to her domestic and foreign friends.

You said "Trump will do what they tell him to do"... who is "they"?
Let's look at those bankruptcies
  • The Trump Taj Mahal built at a cost of more that a billion dollars housing a over dozen other business with employment of over 3,000 people.
  • Trump Plaza Hotel which cost 400 million dollars and employed 800 people.
  • Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, a multi-billion dollar enterprise employing thousands.
  • Trump Entertainment Resorts, another multi-billion dollar enterprise employing over 3,800.

These are not small business in a large enterprise. These business failures cost creditors hundreds of million and thousands of people lost jobs. For a presidential candidate whose only qualification is his business expertise, this is nothing to be proud of.

You do know when company files for bankruptcy, it doesn't really seize to exist, it's stay open and reorganize its business. Like GM did it, or Chrysler. Also, I don't recall you were worried about creditors (who willingly put their money in the business) when their investments were confiscated by Red Barry and given to unions.

Now, since you know so much, can you explain what parts of his bankruptcies are against the law?
The point is that Trump uses his business experience as qualifications for the presidency but yet his business experience is not that exceptional. Granted he has been able to use bankruptcy laws to protect his fortune while his creditors lose hundreds of millions of dollars, but I don't see how that makes him qualified to lead the nation, administer the federal government, command the armed forces, decide when it is appropriate to use nuclear weapons, enforces laws, treaties, and court rulings; develops federal policies; prepares the national budget; and appoints federal officials. Considering the job the president, I doubt seriously that Trump would hire a person with his background as president.

Experience in business is risk and reward. those that invested with Trump believe in the same risk and reward. Solyndra, where the US money to help them, went bankrupt. Was the Obama administration at fault for giving them grant money? Nope, it is risk and reward. That fact that you are willing to take risks is a endorsement to Trump. Business is less certain than politics.
Granted, there are always risks but I prefer someone as president that errs on the side of caution.

People that always err on the side of caution never succeed. Heinz ketchup.... right? You know Heinz went completely bankrupt before he created his ketchup empire?

Milton S. Hershey went broke before he created his chocolate empire.

Numerous other examples. In some places in California's silicon valley, some investors won't even bother with you, until you have failed at least once. Because they they know you are willing to take the risks to succeed, and that gives them confidence to take a risk on you.

The people in power who constantly err on the side of caution end up being fools.
Neville Chamberlain err on the side of caution. It was his stupidity, that allowed the Nazis to be a world threat. If Chamberlain had smacked Hitler across the face the moment he started problems in the Rhineland, it's likely World War 2 would never have happened.
The point is that Trump uses his business experience as qualifications for the presidency but yet his business experience is not that exceptional. Granted he has been able to use bankruptcy laws to protect his fortune while his creditors lose hundreds of millions of dollars, but I don't see how that makes him qualified to lead the nation, administer the federal government, command the armed forces, decide when it is appropriate to use nuclear weapons, enforces laws, treaties, and court rulings; develops federal policies; prepares the national budget; and appoints federal officials. Considering the job the president, I doubt seriously that Trump would hire a person with his background as president.

What makes any politician qualified to represent you or me, or to develop policies, or prepares budget or anything you listed above? On what exactly are based their qualifications?

IMHO, of all the many qualifications a president should possess, political skills and experience have to be near the top. President Woodrow Wilson called campaigning "a great interruption to the rational consideration of public questions.” Today campaigning isn’t an “interruption” but a permanent condition. Indeed, if you are a successful campaigner it’s expected you’ll be a successful president. Just being a great campaigner is not the only thing one needs to be a great president, although many of the skills are exactly what a president needs. There are a number of similarities between the campaigner and the president. Both tasks require the person to perform well under pressure, communicate effectively, and build a team that trusts you and can function with little sleep and lots of stress. Like a successful campaigner the president can't be a one man show. Sometimes we forget that the presidency is a political office but keep in mind politics is a part of every decision a president makes.

The 3 jobs that best prepare a candidate for the presidency are, a state governor, a congressman, and a top level military commander.

The job most closely related to that of president is a state governor. A governor must work with the legislature, prepare budgets, interface with the media, and run a state goverment patterned after the federal goverment. There is no place you can get better job experience in managing the federal government than that of a governor.

One the most important job of the president is working with Congress and there is no better experience for working with congress than being a congressman.

Lastly, the experience a top level military commander can gain is the best the president can get when he must fulfill his role as commander and chief.

Every president we had has held one of these 3 positions.

The characteristics one should look for in a president are honesty, the ability to communicate clearly at all times without anyone having to explain what the president meant, and demonstrated leadership ability. A president should not be prone to exaggeration nor understating a situation. He needs a strong will but also a large dose of humility.

One could go on forever about desirable qualification for president.

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