Trump Borders on Treason

The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails

"Wikileaks confirms Hillary sold weapons to ISIS" this is what needs to be investigated! Idiot.

Source: Wikileaks confirms Hillary sold weapons to ISIS

It's official.......Trump is a whacko and so are his followers. Funny that leading news sources do not carry the extreme-right-wing-rag made up crap that you post. As usual, your sources twist the truth into lies in the hopes that it will help your drowning candidate.
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/29 - 8/10 -- -- 47.4 39.7 Clinton +7.7
Bloomberg 8/5 - 8/8 749 LV 3.6 50 44 Clinton +6
Reuters/Ipsos 8/6 - 8/10 974 LV 3.5 42 36 Clinton +6
Economist/YouGov 8/6 - 8/9 911 RV 4.2 48 41 Clinton +7
LA Times/USC 8/4 - 8/10 2203 LV -- 45 43 Clinton +2
NBC News/SM 8/1 - 8/7 11480 RV 1.2 51 41 Clinton +10
ABC News/Wash Post 8/1 - 8/4 815 RV 4.0 50 42 Clinton +8
IBD/TIPP 7/29 - 8/4 851 RV 3.4 46 39 Clinton +7
McClatchy/Marist 8/1 - 8/3 983 RV 3.1 48 33 Clinton +15
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 7/31 - 8/3 800 RV 3.5 47 38 Clinton +9
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
Do you have any idea how many business ventures Trump has? Construction, Entertainment, Real Estate, Hospitality, Diversified Investments, and more.

Each section of his business, has dozens of different business ventures, and in total The Trump organization has over 22,000 employees, not including contract work.

So out of dozens of business ventures that Trump is involved in, you focus on a casino bankruptcy, and a few others. 1 failure for 100 successes. By the way, the casino in Atlantic city, is one of dozens of failing businesses in Atlantic City. The whole city is in trouble.
And of course that qualifies him to be commander in chief of the armed forces, and the leader of the free world, right?

Do tell.... What part of "community organizer" qualified Obama for Commander in Chief of the armed forces, and leader of the free world? The part where he sued Citibank to make bad loans?

The whole reason our founding fathers wanted a limited executive branch, was because they understood that no single individual would ever be supremely qualified in every single aspect of governance.

Which presidency throughout all human history, would you claim was completely qualified in all things? Every aspect of the economy, every aspect of international diplomacy, every aspect of military, every aspect of domestic law, every aspect of race?

Which guy was that perfect?

The fact you even think in these terms, is exactly why we were never supposed to vote on the president. But since you have demand democracy, instead of a republic, then you get what you get.
I noticed you neglect the 10 years he spent as a state and US Senator, his work as teacher of constitutional law, as well as his education at the Harvard School Law and President of the Harvard Law Review and prefer to concentrate on the 3 years he worked part time as a community organizer.

Do you really think Trump's skills in filing military deferments qualify him as Commander and Chief, his dozens of law suits against those that disrespect him has given him in depth knowledge of our constitution and laws, his time spent golfing and selling property around the world has given him a firm foundation in geopolitics. The fact is Donald Trump is well qualified to run a property development and real estate firm. If we ever need a president to develop resorts and casinos, Trump's the man.

I'll take real world experience, over an ivory tower of imbeciles, any day.

You think that working as a teacher, or working as a lawyer, qualifies you for Commander and Chief?

Bull crap. Facing the harsh realities of the real world, where you don't get paid by tax payers regardless of if you win or lose, and where you don't get tenure to talk to students with no risk of failure.... that's worth more than anything Obama did.

Depth of knowledge of what? How to write an 'affordable care act' that made care less affordable? How to stimulate the economy for $Trillions of dollars, and end up with higher rates of unemployment than the worst imaged outcome, and dragging it out for years longer than was ever estimated?

So he can get a peace prize, and then bomb Syria, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen and Afghanistan?

I'm more comfortable with a president, who knows he doesn't know it all, and has a list of advisors, than I am with one who claims to know it all, and clearly has proven he doesn't.
I hate to break the news to you but the job of the president is political from the day he takes office to the day he leaves. Every decision he makes will be political. If it make sense to you to put someone in the office that is a political neophyte, with no understanding of how the government and congress actually work, and has to look in the dictionary for definition of geopolitics, then you have no idea what the job of the president really entails.

Understanding the cultures, the history and driving forces of our allies and enemies, an understanding of American foreign policy, it's successes and failures, a knowledge of the personalities, and key issues for members of congress, an understating of government fiscal policy, monetary policy, and finance, a basic knowledge of our laws and how they relate to the constitution, and a working knowledge of the components of the executives branch are critical to the work of the president. This is the real world experience and knowledge anyone applying for the president's job needs. It's impossible for any president to have all the knowledge and experience he needs, but for a person to come to the office with nothing he needs is a hell of problem.

Donald Trump's experience developing and managing real estate is about as applicable to the job of the president as the experience of Joe the plumber.

Well, you pointed out that Obama had "all this experience" and look what that got use ....... screwed.

Or do you want to blame that on the fact that Valerie Jarrett was really running the show ?
Let's look at those bankruptcies
  • The Trump Taj Mahal built at a cost of more that a billion dollars housing a over dozen other business with employment of over 3,000 people.
  • Trump Plaza Hotel which cost 400 million dollars and employed 800 people.
  • Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, a multi-billion dollar enterprise employing thousands.
  • Trump Entertainment Resorts, another multi-billion dollar enterprise employing over 3,800.

These are not small business in a large enterprise. These business failures cost creditors hundreds of million and thousands of people lost jobs. For a presidential candidate whose only qualification is his business expertise, this is nothing to be proud of.

So many other issues not to vote for Trump. This isn't one of them. 90% of all businesses fail, that is the nature of business.
That may well be true. However, a candidate for president who uses his business expertise as his sole qualification for the presidency should not have a record of bankruptcies in which he left creditors holding a billion dollars in worthless bonds while he wallows in wealth. Contrary to Trump's claims bankruptcy is not common is large businesses. In fact, no major US company has filed for Chaper 11 more than Trump's casino empire in the last 30 years.

What the heck??????

American Airlines filed chapter 11 in 2011

American Airlines files for bankruptcy
The American airlines CEO is not running for president claiming his business experience is all the experience he needs to be president.

Trump supporters are like passengers on a plane that is getting ready to take off and the pilot comes out and tells them "I've never flown a plane before, but I've worked around aircraft for a long time, I own a couple of planes myself, and I'm sure I can fly this baby, how hard can it be" and they all are happy with his honesty, they clap and stay. :badgrin:

Well, the left can relate.

The hopped on Obama Airlines and look what it got us.

Foreign policy disasters.

As sluggish economy.

No Hope and little change.

A nation divided.

Good Job !!!!!
So many other issues not to vote for Trump. This isn't one of them. 90% of all businesses fail, that is the nature of business.
That may well be true. However, a candidate for president who uses his business expertise as his sole qualification for the presidency should not have a record of bankruptcies in which he left creditors holding a billion dollars in worthless bonds while he wallows in wealth. Contrary to Trump's claims bankruptcy is not common is large businesses. In fact, no major US company has filed for Chaper 11 more than Trump's casino empire in the last 30 years.

What the heck??????

American Airlines filed chapter 11 in 2011

American Airlines files for bankruptcy
The American airlines CEO is not running for president claiming his business experience is all the experience he needs to be president.

Trump supporters are like passengers on a plane that is getting ready to take off and the pilot comes out and tells them "I've never flown a plane before, but I've worked around aircraft for a long time, I own a couple of planes myself, and I'm sure I can fly this baby, how hard can it be" and they all are happy with his honesty, they clap and stay. :badgrin:

Well, the left can relate.

The hopped on Obama Airlines and look what it got us.

Foreign policy disasters.

As sluggish economy.

No Hope and little change.

A nation divided.

Good Job !!!!!

You should quit reading right-wing lies. Here's proof of what Republicans do to create the myth that you believe.

The Economy Under Obama Is Great For Us, Says Business Owner Used In Ted Cruz Advertisement

And as far as dividing the country....your own candidate is doing that. Even other Republicans are able to see it, you need to take your blinders off.

Rubio: Trump is dividing the country and the party
And of course that qualifies him to be commander in chief of the armed forces, and the leader of the free world, right?

Do tell.... What part of "community organizer" qualified Obama for Commander in Chief of the armed forces, and leader of the free world? The part where he sued Citibank to make bad loans?

The whole reason our founding fathers wanted a limited executive branch, was because they understood that no single individual would ever be supremely qualified in every single aspect of governance.

Which presidency throughout all human history, would you claim was completely qualified in all things? Every aspect of the economy, every aspect of international diplomacy, every aspect of military, every aspect of domestic law, every aspect of race?

Which guy was that perfect?

The fact you even think in these terms, is exactly why we were never supposed to vote on the president. But since you have demand democracy, instead of a republic, then you get what you get.
I noticed you neglect the 10 years he spent as a state and US Senator, his work as teacher of constitutional law, as well as his education at the Harvard School Law and President of the Harvard Law Review and prefer to concentrate on the 3 years he worked part time as a community organizer.

Do you really think Trump's skills in filing military deferments qualify him as Commander and Chief, his dozens of law suits against those that disrespect him has given him in depth knowledge of our constitution and laws, his time spent golfing and selling property around the world has given him a firm foundation in geopolitics. The fact is Donald Trump is well qualified to run a property development and real estate firm. If we ever need a president to develop resorts and casinos, Trump's the man.

I'll take real world experience, over an ivory tower of imbeciles, any day.

You think that working as a teacher, or working as a lawyer, qualifies you for Commander and Chief?

Bull crap. Facing the harsh realities of the real world, where you don't get paid by tax payers regardless of if you win or lose, and where you don't get tenure to talk to students with no risk of failure.... that's worth more than anything Obama did.

Depth of knowledge of what? How to write an 'affordable care act' that made care less affordable? How to stimulate the economy for $Trillions of dollars, and end up with higher rates of unemployment than the worst imaged outcome, and dragging it out for years longer than was ever estimated?

So he can get a peace prize, and then bomb Syria, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen and Afghanistan?

I'm more comfortable with a president, who knows he doesn't know it all, and has a list of advisors, than I am with one who claims to know it all, and clearly has proven he doesn't.
I hate to break the news to you but the job of the president is political from the day he takes office to the day he leaves. Every decision he makes will be political. If it make sense to you to put someone in the office that is a political neophyte, with no understanding of how the government and congress actually work, and has to look in the dictionary for definition of geopolitics, then you have no idea what the job of the president really entails.

Understanding the cultures, the history and driving forces of our allies and enemies, an understanding of American foreign policy, it's successes and failures, a knowledge of the personalities, and key issues for members of congress, an understating of government fiscal policy, monetary policy, and finance, a basic knowledge of our laws and how they relate to the constitution, and a working knowledge of the components of the executives branch are critical to the work of the president. This is the real world experience and knowledge anyone applying for the president's job needs. It's impossible for any president to have all the knowledge and experience he needs, but for a person to come to the office with nothing he needs is a hell of problem.

Donald Trump's experience developing and managing real estate is about as applicable to the job of the president as the experience of Joe the plumber.

Well, you pointed out that Obama had "all this experience" and look what that got use ....... screwed.

You're surely delusional.....the one that got us screwed was G W Bush. Obama was the one that rescued the're just a little behind the times....time for you to catch up.
That may well be true. However, a candidate for president who uses his business expertise as his sole qualification for the presidency should not have a record of bankruptcies in which he left creditors holding a billion dollars in worthless bonds while he wallows in wealth. Contrary to Trump's claims bankruptcy is not common is large businesses. In fact, no major US company has filed for Chaper 11 more than Trump's casino empire in the last 30 years.

What the heck??????

American Airlines filed chapter 11 in 2011

American Airlines files for bankruptcy
The American airlines CEO is not running for president claiming his business experience is all the experience he needs to be president.

Trump supporters are like passengers on a plane that is getting ready to take off and the pilot comes out and tells them "I've never flown a plane before, but I've worked around aircraft for a long time, I own a couple of planes myself, and I'm sure I can fly this baby, how hard can it be" and they all are happy with his honesty, they clap and stay. :badgrin:

Well, the left can relate.

The hopped on Obama Airlines and look what it got us.

Foreign policy disasters.

As sluggish economy.

No Hope and little change.

A nation divided.

Good Job !!!!!

You should quit reading right-wing lies. Here's proof of what Republicans do to create the myth that you believe.

The Economy Under Obama Is Great For Us, Says Business Owner Used In Ted Cruz Advertisement

And as far as dividing the country....your own candidate is doing that. Even other Republicans are able to see it, you need to take your blinders off.

Rubio: Trump is dividing the country and the party

Let's get clear, asswipe....Trump is not my candidate.

He's a moron.

HIllary is a proven liar.

Trump is also a proven liar.

We now have two choices.

One business owner does not speak for the pathetic performance of our economy.

Trump will divide this nation further.

HIllary will be just as bad.

Obama's claims and lies only helped fuel the divide.
Do tell.... What part of "community organizer" qualified Obama for Commander in Chief of the armed forces, and leader of the free world? The part where he sued Citibank to make bad loans?

The whole reason our founding fathers wanted a limited executive branch, was because they understood that no single individual would ever be supremely qualified in every single aspect of governance.

Which presidency throughout all human history, would you claim was completely qualified in all things? Every aspect of the economy, every aspect of international diplomacy, every aspect of military, every aspect of domestic law, every aspect of race?

Which guy was that perfect?

The fact you even think in these terms, is exactly why we were never supposed to vote on the president. But since you have demand democracy, instead of a republic, then you get what you get.
I noticed you neglect the 10 years he spent as a state and US Senator, his work as teacher of constitutional law, as well as his education at the Harvard School Law and President of the Harvard Law Review and prefer to concentrate on the 3 years he worked part time as a community organizer.

Do you really think Trump's skills in filing military deferments qualify him as Commander and Chief, his dozens of law suits against those that disrespect him has given him in depth knowledge of our constitution and laws, his time spent golfing and selling property around the world has given him a firm foundation in geopolitics. The fact is Donald Trump is well qualified to run a property development and real estate firm. If we ever need a president to develop resorts and casinos, Trump's the man.

I'll take real world experience, over an ivory tower of imbeciles, any day.

You think that working as a teacher, or working as a lawyer, qualifies you for Commander and Chief?

Bull crap. Facing the harsh realities of the real world, where you don't get paid by tax payers regardless of if you win or lose, and where you don't get tenure to talk to students with no risk of failure.... that's worth more than anything Obama did.

Depth of knowledge of what? How to write an 'affordable care act' that made care less affordable? How to stimulate the economy for $Trillions of dollars, and end up with higher rates of unemployment than the worst imaged outcome, and dragging it out for years longer than was ever estimated?

So he can get a peace prize, and then bomb Syria, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen and Afghanistan?

I'm more comfortable with a president, who knows he doesn't know it all, and has a list of advisors, than I am with one who claims to know it all, and clearly has proven he doesn't.
I hate to break the news to you but the job of the president is political from the day he takes office to the day he leaves. Every decision he makes will be political. If it make sense to you to put someone in the office that is a political neophyte, with no understanding of how the government and congress actually work, and has to look in the dictionary for definition of geopolitics, then you have no idea what the job of the president really entails.

Understanding the cultures, the history and driving forces of our allies and enemies, an understanding of American foreign policy, it's successes and failures, a knowledge of the personalities, and key issues for members of congress, an understating of government fiscal policy, monetary policy, and finance, a basic knowledge of our laws and how they relate to the constitution, and a working knowledge of the components of the executives branch are critical to the work of the president. This is the real world experience and knowledge anyone applying for the president's job needs. It's impossible for any president to have all the knowledge and experience he needs, but for a person to come to the office with nothing he needs is a hell of problem.

Donald Trump's experience developing and managing real estate is about as applicable to the job of the president as the experience of Joe the plumber.

Well, you pointed out that Obama had "all this experience" and look what that got use ....... screwed.

You're surely delusional.....the one that got us screwed was G W Bush. Obama was the one that rescued the're just a little behind the times....time for you to catch up.

Can I laugh any harder...I don't think so.

Bush screwed us.

He also cost his party the house and senate.

Obama threw the country a cement life preserver......

Time for you to pull your head out of your ass.
I noticed you neglect the 10 years he spent as a state and US Senator, his work as teacher of constitutional law, as well as his education at the Harvard School Law and President of the Harvard Law Review and prefer to concentrate on the 3 years he worked part time as a community organizer.

Do you really think Trump's skills in filing military deferments qualify him as Commander and Chief, his dozens of law suits against those that disrespect him has given him in depth knowledge of our constitution and laws, his time spent golfing and selling property around the world has given him a firm foundation in geopolitics. The fact is Donald Trump is well qualified to run a property development and real estate firm. If we ever need a president to develop resorts and casinos, Trump's the man.

I'll take real world experience, over an ivory tower of imbeciles, any day.

You think that working as a teacher, or working as a lawyer, qualifies you for Commander and Chief?

Bull crap. Facing the harsh realities of the real world, where you don't get paid by tax payers regardless of if you win or lose, and where you don't get tenure to talk to students with no risk of failure.... that's worth more than anything Obama did.

Depth of knowledge of what? How to write an 'affordable care act' that made care less affordable? How to stimulate the economy for $Trillions of dollars, and end up with higher rates of unemployment than the worst imaged outcome, and dragging it out for years longer than was ever estimated?

So he can get a peace prize, and then bomb Syria, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen and Afghanistan?

I'm more comfortable with a president, who knows he doesn't know it all, and has a list of advisors, than I am with one who claims to know it all, and clearly has proven he doesn't.
I hate to break the news to you but the job of the president is political from the day he takes office to the day he leaves. Every decision he makes will be political. If it make sense to you to put someone in the office that is a political neophyte, with no understanding of how the government and congress actually work, and has to look in the dictionary for definition of geopolitics, then you have no idea what the job of the president really entails.

Understanding the cultures, the history and driving forces of our allies and enemies, an understanding of American foreign policy, it's successes and failures, a knowledge of the personalities, and key issues for members of congress, an understating of government fiscal policy, monetary policy, and finance, a basic knowledge of our laws and how they relate to the constitution, and a working knowledge of the components of the executives branch are critical to the work of the president. This is the real world experience and knowledge anyone applying for the president's job needs. It's impossible for any president to have all the knowledge and experience he needs, but for a person to come to the office with nothing he needs is a hell of problem.

Donald Trump's experience developing and managing real estate is about as applicable to the job of the president as the experience of Joe the plumber.

Well, you pointed out that Obama had "all this experience" and look what that got use ....... screwed.

You're surely delusional.....the one that got us screwed was G W Bush. Obama was the one that rescued the're just a little behind the times....time for you to catch up.

Can I laugh any harder...I don't think so.

Bush screwed us.

He also cost his party the house and senate.

Obama threw the country a cement life preserver......

Time for you to pull your head out of your ass.

Apparently your head is so far up the Republican's party ass you are unable to see reality. Maybe you should read a current newspaper....oh, you probably have trouble reading. I see you had trouble comprehending!

Obama’s Numbers (January 2016 Update)

I'm so tired of dealing with the uneducated Trump supporters....they're just as whacko as he is...thanks for playing. Now go play with yourself....I don't have time for idiots like you.
I'll take real world experience, over an ivory tower of imbeciles, any day.

You think that working as a teacher, or working as a lawyer, qualifies you for Commander and Chief?

Bull crap. Facing the harsh realities of the real world, where you don't get paid by tax payers regardless of if you win or lose, and where you don't get tenure to talk to students with no risk of failure.... that's worth more than anything Obama did.

Depth of knowledge of what? How to write an 'affordable care act' that made care less affordable? How to stimulate the economy for $Trillions of dollars, and end up with higher rates of unemployment than the worst imaged outcome, and dragging it out for years longer than was ever estimated?

So he can get a peace prize, and then bomb Syria, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen and Afghanistan?

I'm more comfortable with a president, who knows he doesn't know it all, and has a list of advisors, than I am with one who claims to know it all, and clearly has proven he doesn't.
I hate to break the news to you but the job of the president is political from the day he takes office to the day he leaves. Every decision he makes will be political. If it make sense to you to put someone in the office that is a political neophyte, with no understanding of how the government and congress actually work, and has to look in the dictionary for definition of geopolitics, then you have no idea what the job of the president really entails.

Understanding the cultures, the history and driving forces of our allies and enemies, an understanding of American foreign policy, it's successes and failures, a knowledge of the personalities, and key issues for members of congress, an understating of government fiscal policy, monetary policy, and finance, a basic knowledge of our laws and how they relate to the constitution, and a working knowledge of the components of the executives branch are critical to the work of the president. This is the real world experience and knowledge anyone applying for the president's job needs. It's impossible for any president to have all the knowledge and experience he needs, but for a person to come to the office with nothing he needs is a hell of problem.

Donald Trump's experience developing and managing real estate is about as applicable to the job of the president as the experience of Joe the plumber.

Well, you pointed out that Obama had "all this experience" and look what that got use ....... screwed.

You're surely delusional.....the one that got us screwed was G W Bush. Obama was the one that rescued the're just a little behind the times....time for you to catch up.

Can I laugh any harder...I don't think so.

Bush screwed us.

He also cost his party the house and senate.

Obama threw the country a cement life preserver......

Time for you to pull your head out of your ass.

Apparently your head is so far up the Republican's party ass you are unable to see reality. Maybe you should read a current newspaper....oh, you probably have trouble reading. I see you had trouble comprehending!

Obama’s Numbers (January 2016 Update)

I'm so tired of dealing with the uneducated Trump supporters....they're just as whacko as he is...thanks for playing. Now go play with yourself....I don't have time for idiots like you.

Please show me one post where I supported Trump.

You can't. It simply fits your little ten-year-old view of the world.

Our country is desperately out of balance and Obama did nothing to help that.

I watched, in real life, as his policies and approaches made the rich richer.

Income suppression at the lower end and a lack of jobs has driven people from the labor force.

What's worse (and is never spoken of by either candidate) is the huge debt Obama helped create.

I don't belong to the GOP. It's you that is licking the balls of your far left masters and asking it they'll let you do it tomorrow.

When the smoke clears, it will be people like you (on both sides) that will be responsible for the bigger messes this country faces in the short term future.

Playing ? Who plays ? I actually live in this world. You've been on drugs far to long.

Looking forward to that know...the one where I support Trump.
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails

Another idiot taking the bait. Russia can't hack Hillary's servers idiot. They are offline and in the possession of the FBI. Russia probably did hack them while Hillary was using them but they can't hack them now. They are unplugged and most probably locked away in an evidence room. Get a life. You can't hack into a server that is powered down and the hard drive is removed.

not the point though...the fact that Trump is even suggesting a foreign enemy country do something like that is whats news here, not whether or not it can be done
Look dumbass here's the way it went down

The DNC got caught plotting shit against The Bern, wondering if he was a Jew or an atheist and whether they could use it against them, when they were caught the said the Russians hacked them,for Trump so Trump comes back and says find those 33,000 deleted emails we want to see them. Now you asshole as faux outraged that he is consorting with the enemy, the same enemy Hildebeast was doing uranium deals with. See how stupid you look?

ooooooh, insults! I'm so appalled. (rolls eyes) go stroke your cat, poser
how is it baseless? If they are lost, than only hildabeasts knows what is in them correct? so if they surface, who does it hurt? Huh?

WikiLeaks has them and has released them.

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive

TheProgressivePatriot is clinically insane, no grip on reality.
so no need for the russians to find them. Great. Since you know this, has anyone actually looked at them yet?

Every person is welcome to look at them, and hundreds of thousands have..

See below for the five best new emails from this latest batch:

  1. Neera Tanden, a frequent emailer with Clinton, had her account hacked by a Filipino counterfeit pharmaceutical company. This email underscores how unsecure a private server like the one Clinton used can be. This is especially true in light of the fact that we have already know Clinton was the target of similar hacking.
2. Wendy Sherman thanked Clinton for making her confirmation as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs happen. As Sherman was one of the key negotiators of the Iran nuclear deal, this is another example of Clinton’s responsibility for the awful deal the Obama administration struck with Iran. This email is also a good reminder of Ed Henry’s recent story that Wendy Sherman once bragged about Clinton sending “sensitive information on unclassified systems.”

3. Back when Clinton actually supported trade, Jake Sullivan forward Clinton positive talking points on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, including the fact that it was the State Department’s “strong determination to complete the agreement.” In fact just months after Sullivan sent Clinton these talking points, Clinton claimed that completing the trade deal would be “one of our great projects in this century.”

4. Clinton’s flawed approached to technological security is highlighted in the email below. In it she tells Sullivan that she is “fighting w the security technology.” Sullivan then proceeded to mock Clinton’s lack of technological prowess by putting technology in scare quotes.

5. Clinton also received an email from then-Senator John Kerry. This email’s release coming in the same week that Secretary Kerry claimed that he had “no knowledge” that Clinton had a private email, makes that claim look ridiculous.

I don't see any information that would suggest those were emails about grandkids. Just saying, seems validation of the lie.

Did you miss the ones about Yoga lessons and Chelsea's wedding?
They are baseless because , since no one has actually seen the emails no one know what they really say.

Stupid lying twat.

Do you REALLY think that you can lie reality out of existence? :eek:

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive

You're fucking insane, you cannot discern the difference between reality and fantasy - there is ONLY the party to you, all else must conform.

It comes down to two narratives that have been reoccurring here:

1. There is no documentation of her or anyone close to her having ties or sympathizes with radical Islam.

2. The FBI found that no criminal wrong doing existed, notwithstanding her poor judgement and carelessness.

This is obviously a highly partisan witch hunt intended to distract from the mad dog running against her who no one here can defend..

Get the fuck over it.

Hillary publicly lied to everyone as confirmed by the FBI. Some were offended by her bald faced lying, others weren't. It is obvious which one you are.
They are baseless because , since no one has actually seen the emails no one know what they really say.

Stupid lying twat.

Do you REALLY think that you can lie reality out of existence? :eek:

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive

You're fucking insane, you cannot discern the difference between reality and fantasy - there is ONLY the party to you, all else must conform.

It comes down to two narratives that have been reoccurring here:

1. There is no documentation of her or anyone close to her having ties or sympathizes with radical Islam.

2. The FBI found that no criminal wrong doing existed, notwithstanding her poor judgement and carelessness.

This is obviously a highly partisan witch hunt intended to distract from the mad dog running against her who no one here can defend..

Get the fuck over it.

Hillary publicly lied to everyone as confirmed by the FBI. Some were offended by her bald faced lying, others weren't. It is obvious which one you are.
I'm offended by people who defend Trump who's whole life is a lie.
They are baseless because , since no one has actually seen the emails no one know what they really say.

Stupid lying twat.

Do you REALLY think that you can lie reality out of existence? :eek:

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive

You're fucking insane, you cannot discern the difference between reality and fantasy - there is ONLY the party to you, all else must conform.

It comes down to two narratives that have been reoccurring here:

1. There is no documentation of her or anyone close to her having ties or sympathizes with radical Islam.

2. The FBI found that no criminal wrong doing existed, notwithstanding her poor judgement and carelessness.

This is obviously a highly partisan witch hunt intended to distract from the mad dog running against her who no one here can defend..

Get the fuck over it.

Hillary publicly lied to everyone as confirmed by the FBI. Some were offended by her bald faced lying, others weren't. It is obvious which one you are.
I'm offended by people who defend Trump who's whole life is a lie.

I am offended by dimwits that think stating a fact about Hillary is defending Trump.
They are baseless because , since no one has actually seen the emails no one know what they really say.

Stupid lying twat.

Do you REALLY think that you can lie reality out of existence? :eek:

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive

You're fucking insane, you cannot discern the difference between reality and fantasy - there is ONLY the party to you, all else must conform.

It comes down to two narratives that have been reoccurring here:

1. There is no documentation of her or anyone close to her having ties or sympathizes with radical Islam.

2. The FBI found that no criminal wrong doing existed, notwithstanding her poor judgement and carelessness.

This is obviously a highly partisan witch hunt intended to distract from the mad dog running against her who no one here can defend..

Get the fuck over it.

Hillary publicly lied to everyone as confirmed by the FBI. Some were offended by her bald faced lying, others weren't. It is obvious which one you are.
I'm offended by people who defend Trump who's whole life is a lie.

I am offended by dimwits that think stating a fact about Hillary is defending Trump.
If Trump talked this way, the left would go nuts but it is okay for Cankles.


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