Trump calling for the Commies to dig up dirt on Biden

"Hold up: Americans don’t look to Chinese commies for the truth. If the Biden kid broke laws by selling his name to Beijing, that’s a matter for American courts, not communist tyrants running torture camps," Sasse said in a statement to the Omaha World-Herald.

Sasse breaks with Trump's call for probe: 'Americans don't look to Chinese commies for the truth'

"China should start an investigation into the Bidens, because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine," Trump said.

Trump asked Ukraine and China to investigate Biden while standing on the White House lawn

At least one Republican gets it.
There is a reason why Trump appealed to the 'Chinese commies' instead of the FBI.

Trump trusts commies more than Americans.

Let's see...think, think, think...who else has asked China for information (aside from the hundreds of millions they collected in "contributions" from the Chinese)?

Hillary slams Trump for China request to probe Bidens…but did the same for his tax returns
October 3, 2019 | Samantha Chang |
The irony is that in May 2019, Hillary went on MSNBC and directly asked China for help in releasing Trump’s tax returns.

“China, if you’re listening, why don’t you get Trump’s tax returns?” Clinton cooed on the Rachel Maddow show. “I’m sure our media would richly reward you.”

Hillary said “since Russia is clearly backing Republicans, why don’t we [Democrats] ask China to back us? Let’s have a great power contest. And let’s get the Chinese on [our side].”

Hillary slams Trump for China request to probe Bidens...but did the same for his tax returns
One has to wonder at the depravity of the Democrats who would go to such lengths to protect criminal conduct by one of their own.

Speaks directly to their character, or lack thereof.

There was no criminal conduct by Biden. But the criminal conduct by Trump in asking for the Ukrainian investigation is an impeachable offence.

"Hold up: Americans don’t look to Chinese commies for the truth. If the Biden kid broke laws by selling his name to Beijing, that’s a matter for American courts, not communist tyrants running torture camps," Sasse said in a statement to the Omaha World-Herald.

Sasse breaks with Trump's call for probe: 'Americans don't look to Chinese commies for the truth'

"China should start an investigation into the Bidens, because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine," Trump said.

Trump asked Ukraine and China to investigate Biden while standing on the White House lawn

At least one Republican gets it.
There is a reason why Trump appealed to the 'Chinese commies' instead of the FBI.

Trump trusts commies more than Americans.

From all the bluster of all this, no one can produce any evidence that the Bidens did anything wrong.

What happened in Ukraine and China?

Trump doesn't say what happened in Ukraine or China.

On a side note, how low does a person have to go to attack someone's child? What does his son have to do with Biden? Are people now guilty of something because someone say their child did something?

The republicans sure don't make much sense,.

So now you think that the Chinese commies are Congress?

Why exactly do you think support asking the Chinese commies to influence American elections?

Perhaps you would translate this into English for us.

I am afraid no education in English will help you understand why it is wrong for President Trump to ask the Chinese Commies to help him defeat his political rivals.
"Hold up: Americans don’t look to Chinese commies for the truth. If the Biden kid broke laws by selling his name to Beijing, that’s a matter for American courts, not communist tyrants running torture camps," Sasse said in a statement to the Omaha World-Herald.

Sasse breaks with Trump's call for probe: 'Americans don't look to Chinese commies for the truth'

"China should start an investigation into the Bidens, because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine," Trump said.

Trump asked Ukraine and China to investigate Biden while standing on the White House lawn

At least one Republican gets it.
There is a reason why Trump appealed to the 'Chinese commies' instead of the FBI.

Trump trusts commies more than Americans.
This reminds me of a time when Hillary hired a European spy to goto Russia and help them fabricate bullshit on someone she was running against.....

Ahh the old days

Oh you Righties do love your false Conspiracy theory lies.

Meanwhile- you cheer on while President Trump asks the Chinese commies to dig up dirt on his political rival.

So now you think that the Chinese commies are Congress?

Why exactly do you think support asking the Chinese commies to influence American elections?

Perhaps you would translate this into English for us.

I am afraid no education in English will help you understand why it is wrong for President Trump to ask the Chinese Commies to help him defeat his political rivals.

I thought so, you couldn't translate that into English either. Thank you!

So now you think that the Chinese commies are Congress?

Why exactly do you think support asking the Chinese commies to influence American elections?

Perhaps you would translate this into English for us.

I am afraid no education in English will help you understand why it is wrong for President Trump to ask the Chinese Commies to help him defeat his political rivals.

I thought so, you couldn't translate that into English either. Thank you!

Your lack of reading comprehension is really not my problem.

My problem is an American President who thinks it is okay to call on the Chinese Commies to dig up dirt on his political rival.

And the Trumpkins who think that is just another way to "Make America Great:"
From all the bluster of all this, no one can produce any evidence that the Bidens did anything wrong.

What happened in Ukraine and China?

Trump doesn't say what happened in Ukraine or China.

On a side note, how low does a person have to go to attack someone's child? What does his son have to do with Biden? Are people now guilty of something because someone say their child did something?

The republicans sure don't make much sense,.

CHILD? The MAN is 49 years old.

What would be your comment if Eric Trump was on the payroll of a Ukraine gas and oil company? Hired since President Trump took office?

He was discharged from the Naval Reserve for drug use. One month after he was officially commissioned, Hunter was discharged in February 2014 after testing positive for cocaine use.

In August 2015, when the now-infamous leak of data from Ashley Madison — a dating website for people seeking extramarital affairs — occurred, Hunter’s name was among those listed as registered users.

He’s in the midst of an explosive divorce. [2017]
Hunter separated from his wife, Kathleen in 2015 and the couple filed for divorce late last year. The divorce proceedings carry some explosive allegations. In court documents obtained by PEOPLE, Kathleen alleges that Hunter has been “spending extravagantly on his own interests,” which, she says, include drugs, alcohol, strip clubs, gifts for other women and prostitutes.
"Hold up: Americans don’t look to Chinese commies for the truth. If the Biden kid broke laws by selling his name to Beijing, that’s a matter for American courts, not communist tyrants running torture camps," Sasse said in a statement to the Omaha World-Herald.

Sasse breaks with Trump's call for probe: 'Americans don't look to Chinese commies for the truth'

"China should start an investigation into the Bidens, because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine," Trump said.

Trump asked Ukraine and China to investigate Biden while standing on the White House lawn

At least one Republican gets it.
There is a reason why Trump appealed to the 'Chinese commies' instead of the FBI.

Trump trusts commies more than Americans.

Why is is that Democrats always have a big problem when someone looks at their corruption?

I do not care one bit who is it that uncovers it - so long as it is uncovered and these people delivered to prison where they belong.
Your lack of reading comprehension is really not my problem.

My problem is an American President who thinks it is okay to call on the Chinese Commies to dig up dirt on his political rival.

And the Trumpkins who think that is just another way to "Make America Great:"

Once again....

Hillary Clinton: ‘China, If You’re Listening, Why Don’t You Get Trump’s Tax Returns?’
JEFF POOR 2 May 2019
Hillary Clinton: ‘China, If You’re Listening, Why Don’t You Get Trump's Tax Returns?’ | Breitbart

My question is, does anyone REALLY think that Xi is interested in helping Trump get dirt on Biden? I mean, he's been saying nasty things about China lately, as well as still has a trade war going on with them.

That's kinda like flipping off your neighbor all summer and calling them nasty names, as well as dumping your lawn clippings in their yard, and then asking them to help you move. Ain't gonna happen.
If China wants to piss a lot of Americans off, they will do it. I mean they already watched you loons running around in pussy hats, yelling at the sky. Just because you lost an election. Just think the entertainment they would get from you, if they got Obama and Hillary locked up. Lol, we already saw a liberal at an AOC rally sayin. We need to eat babies to survive. Your party is screwed.

Lol, we already saw a liberal at an AOC rally sayin. We need to eat babies to survive. Your party is screwed

Nope it was one of your fellow right wing conspiracy mongers who said that
The president and the far right slammed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over the bizarre town hall speaker who suggested eating babies to solve the climate crisis. But the pro-Trump LaRouche PAC, which believes climate change is a hoax, said it planted the troll.

The fringe group, founded by conspiracy theorist Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr., who died earlier this year, believes climate change is a hoax and compares carbon dioxide reduction policies to “genocide.”

What we saw was another right wing attempt to spread fake news. Just like you are doing.
My question is, does anyone REALLY think that Xi is interested in helping Trump get dirt on Biden? I mean, he's been saying nasty things about China lately, as well as still has a trade war going on with them.

That's kinda like flipping off your neighbor all summer and calling them nasty names, as well as dumping your lawn clippings in their yard, and then asking them to help you move. Ain't gonna happen.
If China wants to piss a lot of Americans off, they will do it. I mean they already watched you loons running around in pussy hats, yelling at the sky. Just because you lost an election. Just think the entertainment they would get from you, if they got Obama and Hillary locked up. Lol, we already saw a liberal at an AOC rally sayin. We need to eat babies to survive. Your party is screwed.

Lol, we already saw a liberal at an AOC rally sayin. We need to eat babies to survive. Your party is screwed

Nope it was one of your fellow right wing conspiracy mongers who said that
The president and the far right slammed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over the bizarre town hall speaker who suggested eating babies to solve the climate crisis. But the pro-Trump LaRouche PAC, which believes climate change is a hoax, said it planted the troll.

The fringe group, founded by conspiracy theorist Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr., who died earlier this year, believes climate change is a hoax and compares carbon dioxide reduction policies to “genocide.”

What we saw was another right wing attempt to spread fake news. Just like you are doing.
You're the party of abortion, and working on infanticide. So FUCK OFF! You are the party that wants to normalize having sex with kids. Already have a climate scientist saying we will have to eat each other to survive. Quit trying to blame us for the craziness of your party. You own it!
My question is, does anyone REALLY think that Xi is interested in helping Trump get dirt on Biden? I mean, he's been saying nasty things about China lately, as well as still has a trade war going on with them.

That's kinda like flipping off your neighbor all summer and calling them nasty names, as well as dumping your lawn clippings in their yard, and then asking them to help you move. Ain't gonna happen.
If China wants to piss a lot of Americans off, they will do it. I mean they already watched you loons running around in pussy hats, yelling at the sky. Just because you lost an election. Just think the entertainment they would get from you, if they got Obama and Hillary locked up. Lol, we already saw a liberal at an AOC rally sayin. We need to eat babies to survive. Your party is screwed.

Lol, we already saw a liberal at an AOC rally sayin. We need to eat babies to survive. Your party is screwed

Nope it was one of your fellow right wing conspiracy mongers who said that
The president and the far right slammed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over the bizarre town hall speaker who suggested eating babies to solve the climate crisis. But the pro-Trump LaRouche PAC, which believes climate change is a hoax, said it planted the troll.

The fringe group, founded by conspiracy theorist Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr., who died earlier this year, believes climate change is a hoax and compares carbon dioxide reduction policies to “genocide.”

What we saw was another right wing attempt to spread fake news. Just like you are doing.
You're the party of abortion, and working on infanticide. So FUCK OFF! You are the party that wants to normalize having sex with kids. Already have a climate scientist saying we will have to eat each other to survive. Quit trying to blame us for the craziness of your party. You own it!

I am part of the property who believes women should decide on their own reproductive rights.
You are the party who would prevent women from getting birth control.
You are the party who of telling incest rape survivors that they must continue the pregnancy started by their own father.
You are the party that wants to normalize grabbing women by their pussies, and sexual assault on women.

And we already have one of you Trumpettes calling for the eating of babies

I blame you for the craziness of your support of Trump. I blame the Republican Party for not having the balls to stand up to him.
I am part of the property who believes women should decide on their own reproductive rights.

You are the party who would prevent women from getting birth control.

You are the party who of telling incest rape survivors that they must continue the pregnancy started by their own father.

You are the party that wants to normalize grabbing women by their pussies, and sexual assault on women.

And we already have one of you Trumpettes calling for the eating of babies

I blame you for the craziness of your support of Trump. I blame the Republican Party for not having the balls to stand up to him.

You're part of the property? Whatever.

The vast majority, as you know, of Republicans also believe a woman should decide her own reproductive rights. She has the right to say NO. She also has numerous methods of birth control available to her.

Once conceived, who represents the rights of the unborn infant?

As to everything I highlighted, as you know, they are all lies.
I am part of the property who believes women should decide on their own reproductive rights.

You are the party who would prevent women from getting birth control.

You are the party who of telling incest rape survivors that they must continue the pregnancy started by their own father.

You are the party that wants to normalize grabbing women by their pussies, and sexual assault on women.

And we already have one of you Trumpettes calling for the eating of babies

I blame you for the craziness of your support of Trump. I blame the Republican Party for not having the balls to stand up to him.

You're part of the property? Whatever.

The vast majority, as you know, of Republicans also believe a woman should decide her own reproductive rights. She has the right to say NO. She also has numerous methods of birth control available to her.

Once conceived, who represents the rights of the unborn infant?

As to everything I highlighted, as you know, they are all lies.

The vast majority of Republicans as you know, don't believe a woman should control her own reproductive rights. And really don't believe she has the right to say no to being sexually assaulted by some celebrity grabbing her pussy.

And Republicans believe that a woman who gets raped has to carry that pregnancy to term- or go to jail. Who represents the right of the raped women? Certainly not the Republicans.
I am part of the property who believes women should decide on their own reproductive rights.

You are the party who would prevent women from getting birth control.

You are the party who of telling incest rape survivors that they must continue the pregnancy started by their own father.

You are the party that wants to normalize grabbing women by their pussies, and sexual assault on women.

And we already have one of you Trumpettes calling for the eating of babies

I blame you for the craziness of your support of Trump. I blame the Republican Party for not having the balls to stand up to him.

You're part of the property? Whatever.

The vast majority, as you know, of Republicans also believe a woman should decide her own reproductive rights. She has the right to say NO. She also has numerous methods of birth control available to her.

Once conceived, who represents the rights of the unborn infant?

As to everything I highlighted, as you know, they are all lies.

The vast majority of Republicans as you know, don't believe a woman should control her own reproductive rights. And really don't believe she has the right to say no to being sexually assaulted by some celebrity grabbing her pussy.

And Republicans believe that a woman who gets raped has to carry that pregnancy to term- or go to jail. Who represents the right of the raped women? Certainly not the Republicans.

My question is, does anyone REALLY think that Xi is interested in helping Trump get dirt on Biden? I mean, he's been saying nasty things about China lately, as well as still has a trade war going on with them.

That's kinda like flipping off your neighbor all summer and calling them nasty names, as well as dumping your lawn clippings in their yard, and then asking them to help you move. Ain't gonna happen.
If China wants to piss a lot of Americans off, they will do it. I mean they already watched you loons running around in pussy hats, yelling at the sky. Just because you lost an election. Just think the entertainment they would get from you, if they got Obama and Hillary locked up. Lol, we already saw a liberal at an AOC rally sayin. We need to eat babies to survive. Your party is screwed.

Nope it was one of your fellow right wing conspiracy mongers who said that
The president and the far right slammed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over the bizarre town hall speaker who suggested eating babies to solve the climate crisis. But the pro-Trump LaRouche PAC, which believes climate change is a hoax, said it planted the troll.

The fringe group, founded by conspiracy theorist Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr., who died earlier this year, believes climate change is a hoax and compares carbon dioxide reduction policies to “genocide.”

What we saw was another right wing attempt to spread fake news. Just like you are doing.

The source material:

Swedish Behavioral Scientist Introduces Eating Human Flesh At Food Conference As Emergency Measure For Climate Change

At a summit for food of the future (the climate-ravaged future) called Gastro Summit, in Stockholm on Sept. 3 to 4, a professor held a PowerPoint presentation asserting that we must “awaken the idea” of eating human flesh in the future, as a way of combating the effects of climate change.

In a talk titled “Can You Imagine Eating Human Flesh?”, behavioral scientist and marketing strategist Magnus Soderlund from the Stockholm School of Economics argued for the breaking down of ancient taboos against desecrating the human corpse and eating human flesh.

He refers to the taboos against it as “conservative” and discusses people’s resistance to it as a problem that could be overcome, little by little, beginning with persuading people to just taste it. He can be seen in his video presentation and on Swedish channel TV4 saying that since food sources will be scarce in the future, people must be introduced to eating things they have thus far considered disgusting—among them, human flesh.


So, in sum, "cannibalism to fight climate change" is an idea that was indeed proposed by your fellow whackadoodle liberals

Last edited:
Your lack of reading comprehension is really not my problem.

My problem is an American President who thinks it is okay to call on the Chinese Commies to dig up dirt on his political rival.

And the Trumpkins who think that is just another way to "Make America Great:"

Once again....

Hillary Clinton: ‘China, If You’re Listening, Why Don’t You Get Trump’s Tax Returns?’
JEFF POOR 2 May 2019
Hillary Clinton: ‘China, If You’re Listening, Why Don’t You Get Trump's Tax Returns?’ | Breitbart


There is a huge difference between Hillary mockingly asking for China to dig up Trump's tax returns, and Trump actually asking China for help with dirt on Biden.

Hillary is not running for office, and she is no longer politically viable. That was said during an interview on a Maddow show from last week.

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