Trump Calls For "Immediate" Deportations Of Illegals With "No Judges Or Court Cases"

The constitution does not apply to ANYONE merely within our borders
We know you libs FEEL that illegal non citizens should be afforded that unique and rare luxury but they are not

Actually, you are dead wrong. The constitution applies to the entire jurisdiction of American courts, to all citizens. Only when a court has determined that a person is not a citizen, does it not apply to him.
An Illegal is not a citizen
You have to be “of” America and not just merely “in” America(illegally)to be afforded the privledges and protection of citizenry.

...and until you are found guilty by a court, you are s "suspect", or "undocumented". You are NOT an "illegal"
You are late to the game of saying and feeling it over and over not making it so.
What you are saying is that if I shoot someone dead I am not a killer. I may not be a murderer until a court declares me so but I have taken a life-a killer

As a matter of fact,that is correct. I am a Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteer. If I see you kill someone, I will have you arrested. You are then a "suspect". After you have been tried and convicted, you are a felon.
i want everybody to appreciate the permanent psychological trauma that a 3 year old child is suffering, who can't speak english, after being taken away from his parents. you dont have to be a child pshyciatrist.

to show how tough you are by bullying little children to get votes is truly pathetic.
Perhaps the law breaking parents should have gone through a port of entry and not an illegal crossing, huh?

The Border Patrol is blocking ports of entry and refusing to let them claim asylum. This violates US law and international treaties the US signed, as well as the US Constitution.
They are not elegible for the benefits of the US Constitution
Following your incorrect logic, all illegal acts committed by any party with any sort of action would have to first be adjudicated by a court before any enforcement could take place
Does not work like that

I am sure that the local community college in your city offers remedial 8th grade Civics. Sign up for it ASAP.
I won't pardon you, I hold you personally responsible for hiring an illegal alien. YOU are the root of the problem. You are also ignorant if you think
there is not an immigration problem. The problem has been around long before Trump became president.

There are three illegals under your bed who will jump out when you are asleep and cut your throat in the middle of the night.
I hope you're paying them more than day labor wages, dude.

His name is Jose. He speaks Spanish. His skin is brown. Therefore, in your mind, he is an illegal. Figures.
Shadie, you don't know me. You want to post like you're an asshole, go ahead, but, in the future speak about yourself and not others.
It just shows just how ignorant you really are. dumbfuck

That's downright unnieghberly!
You need to take a 6th grade spelling class. Maybe it's the drugs affecting your brain.
i want everybody to appreciate the permanent psychological trauma that a 3 year old child is suffering, who can't speak english, after being taken away from his parents. you dont have to be a child pshyciatrist.

to show how tough you are by bullying little children to get votes is truly pathetic.
Perhaps the law breaking parents should have gone through a port of entry and not an illegal crossing, huh?

The Border Patrol is blocking ports of entry and refusing to let them claim asylum. This violates US law and international treaties the US signed, as well as the US Constitution.
They are not elegible for the benefits of the US Constitution

According to the Supreme Court, no -citizens are eligible for all the protections of rights and due process the Constitution provides. The ONLY Constutional Rights non-citizens don’t have are the right to vote and the right to run for public office.
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Well since Obama did away with Due Process, you can only blame the far left!
Life Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness is for US-the citizens of the USA
It’s not for lawbreakers attempting to enter from another country “Seeking a better life” does not rise to the level of asylum
Law enforcement and citizens of the USA Do have to treat illegals within the law. We cant kill, stone or pillage them.
But Constitional benefits; No.
Should have been that way from the start!!!1

I have read the American Constitution I have not read any section that states that Illegal Invaders have ANY PROTECTION, also I have not read any section that states that America is obligated to accept unlimited amounts of Illegal Invaders.

Well, there are things in the 5th and 14th amendments that do apply.

Which is why that sheriff in El Paso should be sending officers to guard the children.
SCOTUS will give its ruling on the Travel Ban Tuesday or Wednesday.

The language of that order could be far reaching. (I expect SCOTUS to
uphold the President.)

They uphold him properly and remind everyone, again, that the POTUS
has the last word in National Security, he could parlay that into declaring
a state of National Emergency on the border. Then he makes up his
own rules.

Photograph, Finger Prints, DNA sample, escorted back across the border.
You return. You're headed for the slammer.

SCOTUS will always allow the Legislative branch to Legislate. So far the
Dems do not want to do that. SCOTUS, by their wording, could give
The Donald a free hand to defend our southern border.
The Constitution also paves the way for right to vote
Illegals if voting are doing so illegally
Non citizens who are on soil illegally are not afforded benefits of the Constitution
Is trump going heavy on immigration because the economy isn't really booming?

Today’s economy is good! Almost as good as it was in 2014

In fact, you only need to go back four years to 2014 to find an economy that was as good as (or better than) the one we are enjoying today. If real growth does reach 4.5% in the second quarter, that would be terrific. Just as terrific as the 4.6% growth in the second quarter of 2014, and almost as good as the 5.2% growth in the third quarter of 2014.

Um...annual GDP never hit 3% under Obama. Trump will easily surpass that number a couple/few times.
SCOTUS will give its ruling on the Travel Ban Tuesday or Wednesday.

The language of that order could be far reaching. (I expect SCOTUS to
uphold the President.)

They uphold him properly and remind everyone, again, that the POTUS
has the last word in National Security, he could parlay that into declaring
a state of National Emergency on the border. Then he makes up his
own rules.

Photograph, Finger Prints, DNA sample, escorted back across the border.
You return. You're headed for the slammer.

SCOTUS will always allow the Legislative branch to Legislate. So far the
Dems do not want to do that. SCOTUS, by their wording, could give
The Donald a free hand to defend our southern border.

And the Supreme Court upholds the travel ban as they should!
i want everybody to appreciate the permanent psychological trauma that a 3 year old child is suffering, who can't speak english, after being taken away from his parents. you dont have to be a child pshyciatrist.

to show how tough you are by bullying little children to get votes is truly pathetic.
Perhaps the law breaking parents should have gone through a port of entry and not an illegal crossing, huh?

The Border Patrol is blocking ports of entry and refusing to let them claim asylum. This violates US law and international treaties the US signed, as well as the US Constitution.
Either we are serious about saving our Union and protecting our borders or we are not. Unfettered illegal Immigration is a huge part of solving the crisis that has become out of control and rampant in this country.
i want everybody to appreciate the permanent psychological trauma that a 3 year old child is suffering, who can't speak english, after being taken away from his parents. you dont have to be a child pshyciatrist.

to show how tough you are by bullying little children to get votes is truly pathetic.
Perhaps the law breaking parents should have gone through a port of entry and not an illegal crossing, huh?

The Border Patrol is blocking ports of entry and refusing to let them claim asylum. This violates US law and international treaties the US signed, as well as the US Constitution.
Must be that the ports of entry are overloaded and can't process the asylum seekers?
Well the sidewalks of California are full of homeless currently, and they have to be cleared before more (soon to be homeless) arrive.
The Constitution also paves the way for right to vote
Illegals if voting are doing so illegally
Non citizens who are on soil illegally are not afforded benefits of the Constitution

Buy a few commas.

And, you are still wrong. The constitutional rights apply to everyone on American soil, until they are convicted of being an "illegal" in a court of law. After that, the constitution does not apply to them. Ask any attorney.
They deserve no US judicial proceedings as they are not Americans
After all, what is the Constitution but a bit of paper most rightards haven't read?
Now that is funny.

The Constitution is the paperwork liberals use to wipe their asses after they dump that chia latte.

It wasn't until there were 'Living Document" judges put on the bench that the Constitution started pertaining to anyone who happens to set foot on our soil.

All through our history, we have controlled the amount and type of people we allow to immigrate to the USA, and not once have those who were forbidden been given Constitutional rights.

I am always amazed at the progressives idiocy. On the one hand, they berate America as evil because the undocumented Europeans showed up and forced the natives off their lands and put them in reservations until they are almost extinct, then out of the same side of their lying mouths, they berate those who say we cannot have uncontrolled illegals entering the country because they may overwhelm our society.

This is called being a two-faced liar.
These are patently untrue. The Constitution has always applied to everyone within our borders; the Founding Fathers, remember, believed that our rights were granted to us by God, and only enumerated in the Constitution, and it follows that to limit them only to citizens would be claiming that God cared only for American citizens, which they, to say the least, did not believe. To clear it up further, James Madison - who wrote the Constitution - wrote that "as [aliens] owe, on the one hand, a temporary obedience, they are entitled, in return, to their [Constitutional] protection and advantage." (I looked that one up to make sure I got it right.) The 14th Amendment settled it for good when the Equal Protection Clause wrote out very specifically that no State may "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

As for restricting who came in, for more than our first century, we had no limits and no restrictions at all. In the 1880s that we passed a law excluding Chinese laborers, and criminals, "idiots," and people who couldn't take care of themselves. Aside from that, it wasn't until after WWI - less than a century ago - that we started controlling or limiting who came in, by a series of quotas per country. Every one of those immigrants from every one of those time periods was entitled to their full Constitutional rights once they set foot on our soil.
The constitution does not apply to ANYONE merely within our borders
We know you libs FEEL that illegal non citizens should be afforded that unique and rare luxury but they are not
Explain to me then, please, why it says the exact opposite in the Constitution itself, in the section I just quoted.
The key is we need to stop them BEFORE they breach our soil. Turn them back, we don't want them anymore here in the new America


That's largely the approach that has been taken for years off the Florida coast. If the boat (or whatever passes for one) is caught in the water by the USCG, it is turned back, but once the person sets foot on American soil, they are determined to be in our jurisdiction, and therefore granted due process and equal protection, as the Constitution requires.
Dispense with the code of law. And the Trumpians cheer!

Cozy up the the Russians and the Trumpians Cheer!

Diss our allies, leave agreements, impose tariffs and the Trumpians cheer!

What is it about America they think needs to be great again? A lack of Authoritarian control?
If the Demon-crats and republi-crats hadn't have made such a dam disaster in this nation over the years, then we wouldn't be in the situation we are in today. Now it's fix it time... The nation was great in a bubble between certain time periods, and we can repair those bubbles for all to enjoy once again.

We had great relations between blacks and whites during the seventies, eighties, and nineties. Then came the surge of corruption to destroy it, back it all up, and then we elected Obama to finish the situation off or to lead us into the fixes we see now under Trump, and for which are thankfully underway.

What idiots the nation had become since the 1960's foward if we lose it all ?? Think about that one..

Now Trump is trying to restore things as best he can, but the pride of those who are amongst (the Demon-crats), and for whom were instrumental in getting Trump elected to begin with, are crying fowel, and now they are knashing of teeth over it all.

It's just too funny when look at the big picture in it all.
I agree with that part. We, people who log on to a message board each day and quibble about politics, are in the minority; most people live fairly simple lives, punching a clock, having dinner with the kids, drinking Bud Light and playing Cornhole on the weekends, with a week-long trip to Hilton Head each summer, that kind of thing. They don't want to have to dig into every little nuance of politics; they just want to keep their taxes low and the plant open, and maybe one day their kids can go to college. The problem is that for the last few decades, they have been progressively more and more ignored by both parties, each clamoring to optimize their message so they can WINWINWIN rather than serve the people. So then, when the President institutes an "It's not a tax!" tax that doubles their health insurance rates so poor people can get health coverage, and then they hear that their buddy has just lost his job because his plant is moving to Mexico, they've had enough of the ivory tower Tammany Hall Democrats, and they vote in the local 34-year-old junior DA to go to DC, tasked with keeping the taxes low and the plant open. The problem is, the new US Rep, from his basement office with the dripping pipes, gets dragged into the McConnell-Ryan orbit and is told they have to march the party line or else; after a few months or years of this, that struggling person in the heartland is still worried about the rising taxes and closing plants, and all they hear their new House Rep talk about is who gets to piss in which bathroom. It isn't hard to imagine why this majority of hard-working, American-values voters want to burn the whole damn system to the ground. It's rather understandable.

The problem, of course, is that a population of people that are this frustrated and fed up can be vulnerable to being weaponized by a powerful demagogue, and that's exactly what happened - but I'll leave those ramblings for other posts.
Life Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness is for US-the citizens of the USA
It’s not for lawbreakers attempting to enter from another country “Seeking a better life” does not rise to the level of asylum
Law enforcement and citizens of the USA Do have to treat illegals within the law. We cant kill, stone or pillage them.
But Constitional benefits; No.
The Constitution is by definition the highest law of the land. You're essentially saying that the law protects them, but the law doesn't protect them.
The key is we need to stop them BEFORE they breach our soil. Turn them back, we don't want them anymore here in the new America


That's largely the approach that has been taken for years off the Florida coast. If the boat (or whatever passes for one) is caught in the water by the USCG, it is turned back, but once the person sets foot on American soil, they are determined to be in our jurisdiction, and therefore granted due process and equal protection, as the Constitution requires.
Then the law needs interpreted by the proper Constitutional scholar's, because I garantee you that the founders had America first in their hearts and minds when they wrote it, and not what we are seeing today. In no way was this nation intended to go the way that the leftist intend for it to go these days, and there will be a stopping point to the idiocy.
Uh, well, yeah, because they're here ILLEGALLY. They're not entitled to courts and judges, etc., etc. What is it about ILLEGAL that you don't get?

Now, yes, I support allowing many illegals to stay, under strict conditions. But Trump is entirely within the law and within his rights to demand that they leave immediately.

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