Trump Calls For "Immediate" Deportations Of Illegals With "No Judges Or Court Cases"

Increase federal revenue and end illegal immigration all at once. Fine businesses or individuals employing undocumented workers $50,000 per incident.
Or why not assess the operations needs with the owners, find out why they are employing these people, and are the wages these people making being subsidized in some way by the American tax payer without their knowledge ????? If any violations are found, and they can't be corrected, then a temporary stay will be granted until the situation can be closely worked with to solve the problem. Federal case workers should be hired and dispatched to these employers in order to work with them to solve the issue.

If employer's don't want to comply, then they will be fined heavily, sanctioned, and shut down if need be. A resolution can be found always, so co-operation is imperative.
They deserve no US judicial proceedings as they are not Americans

I agree with his approach


President Trump on Sunday said that those who enter the United States illegally should be "immediately" returned to their country of origin "with no Judges or Court Cases," adding that "Our Immigration policy, laughed at all over the world, is very unfair to those people who have gone through the system legally and are waiting on line for years!"

"Immigration must be based on merit - we need people who will help to Make America Great Again" Trump added.

We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country. When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came. Our system is a mockery to good immigration policy and Law and Order. Most children come without parents...

....Our Immigration policy, laughed at all over the world, is very unfair to all of those people who have gone through the system legally and are waiting on line for years! Immigration must be based on merit - we need people who will help to Make America Great Again!

While in line with fulfilling his campaign promises, Trump's comments are sure to dump jet fuel on the barnfire of controversy over separated migrant families at the southern U.S. border, after pictures of children in cages began to circulate, which the left attributed to Trump's new "zero tolerance" policy of enforcing Clinton, Bush and Obama-era immigration laws.

Trump Calls For "Immediate" Deportations Of Illegals With "No Judges Or Court Cases"
What's to Judge?

'You' broke existing U.S. immigration policy.

The fact that 'you' are not a citizen and are here is all the proof of that you need.

If someone - an illegal - walks / breaks into your house, are you going to kick them out immediately, or are you going to let them stay for weeks / months until a judge can hear your case, find out why they are in your house, protect the intruders from the law by refusing to enforce it, and allow them to remain in your home?
Don't confuse them with facts

Don’t confuse his opinion with facts
i want everybody to appreciate the permanent psychological trauma that a 3 year old child is suffering, who can't speak english, after being taken away from his parents. you dont have to be a child pshyciatrist.

to show how tough you are by bullying little children to get votes is truly pathetic.
This is all quite a manufactured problem. I can't say immigrants have ever done me wrong in any way. Yet Trump has all these peole hating them. Quite fascinating.
When I get robbed that also does not do You any wrong.
So your personal beef with immigrants is what?
My beef is with the despots who made them want to escape.
Why is nobody starting a "pussy hat" protest against any of those tyrants?
I know :desk:... It's because with the left nothing outside of the U.S. matters to them until it becomes politically expedient for them to exploit such a thing unless they want to say that our constitution applies to the illegals who are not Americans, even though we know it doesn't, but they claim that it does as if we are idiots here to believe them. Everything the left does is politically motivated, and then manipulated for public consumption.
i want everybody to appreciate the permanent psychological trauma that a 3 year old child is suffering, who can't speak english, after being taken away from his parents. you dont have to be a child pshyciatrist.

to show how tough you are by bullying little children to get votes is truly pathetic.
Perhaps the law breaking parents should have gone through a port of entry and not an illegal crossing, huh?
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This is all quite a manufactured problem. I can't say immigrants have ever done me wrong in any way. Yet Trump has all these peole hating them. Quite fascinating.
When I get robbed that also does not do You any wrong.
So your personal beef with immigrants is what?
My beef is with the despots who made them want to escape.
Why is nobody starting a "pussy hat" protest against any of those tyrants?
I know :desk:... It's because with the left nothing outside of the U.S. matters to them until it becomes politically expedient for them to exploit such a thing unless they want to say that our constitution applies to the illegals who are not Americans, even though we know it doesn't, but they claim that it does as if we are idiots here to believe them. Everything the left does is politically motivated, and then manipulated for public consumption.
i want everybody to appreciate the permanent psychological trauma that a 3 year old child is suffering, who can't speak english, after being taken away from his parents. you dont have to be a child pshyciatrist.

to show how tough you are by bullying little children to get votes is truly pathetic.
You blaiming America for the out of control border situation ?? Who is this 3 year old child you speak of in this post ? The one from the time magazine cover ??
i want everybody to appreciate the permanent psychological trauma that a 3 year old child is suffering, who can't speak english, after being taken away from his parents. you dont have to be a child pshyciatrist.

to show how tough you are by bullying little children to get votes is truly pathetic.
Perhaps the law breaking parents should have gone through a point of entry and not an illegal crossing, huh?
He wants us to believe that a 3 year old is somehow ripped from her mother's arms, yet he has absolutely no proof of such a thing.
i want everybody to appreciate the permanent psychological trauma that a 3 year old child is suffering, who can't speak english, after being taken away from his parents. you dont have to be a child pshyciatrist.

to show how tough you are by bullying little children to get votes is truly pathetic.
You blaiming America for the out of control border situation ?? Who is this 3 year old child you speak of in this post ? The one from the time magazine cover ??
Have you noticed that the liberals don't want to address 'ports of entry' to get the asylum seekers across the border legally?
The families wouldn't have been separated at the border and wouldn't have been arrested.
This really has been politically motivated for a specific purpose from the left.
After all, what is the Constitution but a bit of paper most rightards haven't read?
Now that is funny.

The Constitution is the paperwork liberals use to wipe their asses after they dump that chia latte.

It wasn't until there were 'Living Document" judges put on the bench that the Constitution started pertaining to anyone who happens to set foot on our soil.

All through our history, we have controlled the amount and type of people we allow to immigrate to the USA, and not once have those who were forbidden been given Constitutional rights.

I am always amazed at the progressives idiocy. On the one hand, they berate America as evil because the undocumented Europeans showed up and forced the natives off their lands and put them in reservations until they are almost extinct, then out of the same side of their lying mouths, they berate those who say we cannot have uncontrolled illegals entering the country because they may overwhelm our society.

This is called being a two-faced liar.
These are patently untrue. The Constitution has always applied to everyone within our borders; the Founding Fathers, remember, believed that our rights were granted to us by God, and only enumerated in the Constitution, and it follows that to limit them only to citizens would be claiming that God cared only for American citizens, which they, to say the least, did not believe. To clear it up further, James Madison - who wrote the Constitution - wrote that "as [aliens] owe, on the one hand, a temporary obedience, they are entitled, in return, to their [Constitutional] protection and advantage." (I looked that one up to make sure I got it right.) The 14th Amendment settled it for good when the Equal Protection Clause wrote out very specifically that no State may "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

As for restricting who came in, for more than our first century, we had no limits and no restrictions at all. In the 1880s that we passed a law excluding Chinese laborers, and criminals, "idiots," and people who couldn't take care of themselves. Aside from that, it wasn't until after WWI - less than a century ago - that we started controlling or limiting who came in, by a series of quotas per country. Every one of those immigrants from every one of those time periods was entitled to their full Constitutional rights once they set foot on our soil.
The constitution does not apply to ANYONE merely within our borders
We know you libs FEEL that illegal non citizens should be afforded that unique and rare luxury but they are not

Actually, you are dead wrong. The constitution applies to the entire jurisdiction of American courts, to all citizens. Only when a court has determined that a person is not a citizen, does it not apply to him.
An Illegal is not a citizen
You have to be “of” America and not just merely “in” America(illegally)to be afforded the privledges and protection of citizenry.
i want everybody to appreciate the permanent psychological trauma that a 3 year old child is suffering, who can't speak english, after being taken away from his parents. you dont have to be a child pshyciatrist.

to show how tough you are by bullying little children to get votes is truly pathetic.
Trying to sell fake emotions. Does not work anymore. A 2 year old would remember absolutely zero later in life
They deserve no US judicial proceedings as they are not Americans
After all, what is the Constitution but a bit of paper most rightards haven't read?
Now that is funny.

The Constitution is the paperwork liberals use to wipe their asses after they dump that chia latte.

It wasn't until there were 'Living Document" judges put on the bench that the Constitution started pertaining to anyone who happens to set foot on our soil.

All through our history, we have controlled the amount and type of people we allow to immigrate to the USA, and not once have those who were forbidden been given Constitutional rights.

I am always amazed at the progressives idiocy. On the one hand, they berate America as evil because the undocumented Europeans showed up and forced the natives off their lands and put them in reservations until they are almost extinct, then out of the same side of their lying mouths, they berate those who say we cannot have uncontrolled illegals entering the country because they may overwhelm our society.

This is called being a two-faced liar.
These are patently untrue. The Constitution has always applied to everyone within our borders; the Founding Fathers, remember, believed that our rights were granted to us by God, and only enumerated in the Constitution, and it follows that to limit them only to citizens would be claiming that God cared only for American citizens, which they, to say the least, did not believe. To clear it up further, James Madison - who wrote the Constitution - wrote that "as [aliens] owe, on the one hand, a temporary obedience, they are entitled, in return, to their [Constitutional] protection and advantage." (I looked that one up to make sure I got it right.) The 14th Amendment settled it for good when the Equal Protection Clause wrote out very specifically that no State may "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

As for restricting who came in, for more than our first century, we had no limits and no restrictions at all. In the 1880s that we passed a law excluding Chinese laborers, and criminals, "idiots," and people who couldn't take care of themselves. Aside from that, it wasn't until after WWI - less than a century ago - that we started controlling or limiting who came in, by a series of quotas per country. Every one of those immigrants from every one of those time periods was entitled to their full Constitutional rights once they set foot on our soil.
The constitution does not apply to ANYONE merely within our borders
We know you libs FEEL that illegal non citizens should be afforded that unique and rare luxury but they are not

That’s not true. Anyone in your country is entitled to due process under the Constitution.
They deserve no US judicial proceedings as they are not Americans
After all, what is the Constitution but a bit of paper most rightards haven't read?
Now that is funny.

The Constitution is the paperwork liberals use to wipe their asses after they dump that chia latte.

It wasn't until there were 'Living Document" judges put on the bench that the Constitution started pertaining to anyone who happens to set foot on our soil.

All through our history, we have controlled the amount and type of people we allow to immigrate to the USA, and not once have those who were forbidden been given Constitutional rights.

I am always amazed at the progressives idiocy. On the one hand, they berate America as evil because the undocumented Europeans showed up and forced the natives off their lands and put them in reservations until they are almost extinct, then out of the same side of their lying mouths, they berate those who say we cannot have uncontrolled illegals entering the country because they may overwhelm our society.

This is called being a two-faced liar.
These are patently untrue. The Constitution has always applied to everyone within our borders; the Founding Fathers, remember, believed that our rights were granted to us by God, and only enumerated in the Constitution, and it follows that to limit them only to citizens would be claiming that God cared only for American citizens, which they, to say the least, did not believe. To clear it up further, James Madison - who wrote the Constitution - wrote that "as [aliens] owe, on the one hand, a temporary obedience, they are entitled, in return, to their [Constitutional] protection and advantage." (I looked that one up to make sure I got it right.) The 14th Amendment settled it for good when the Equal Protection Clause wrote out very specifically that no State may "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

As for restricting who came in, for more than our first century, we had no limits and no restrictions at all. In the 1880s that we passed a law excluding Chinese laborers, and criminals, "idiots," and people who couldn't take care of themselves. Aside from that, it wasn't until after WWI - less than a century ago - that we started controlling or limiting who came in, by a series of quotas per country. Every one of those immigrants from every one of those time periods was entitled to their full Constitutional rights once they set foot on our soil.
The constitution does not apply to ANYONE merely within our borders
We know you libs FEEL that illegal non citizens should be afforded that unique and rare luxury but they are not

That’s not true. Anyone in your country is entitled to due process under the Constitution.
We know you feel that it should be so but it’s not
They deserve no US judicial proceedings as they are not Americans
After all, what is the Constitution but a bit of paper most rightards haven't read?
Now that is funny.

The Constitution is the paperwork liberals use to wipe their asses after they dump that chia latte.

It wasn't until there were 'Living Document" judges put on the bench that the Constitution started pertaining to anyone who happens to set foot on our soil.

All through our history, we have controlled the amount and type of people we allow to immigrate to the USA, and not once have those who were forbidden been given Constitutional rights.

I am always amazed at the progressives idiocy. On the one hand, they berate America as evil because the undocumented Europeans showed up and forced the natives off their lands and put them in reservations until they are almost extinct, then out of the same side of their lying mouths, they berate those who say we cannot have uncontrolled illegals entering the country because they may overwhelm our society.

This is called being a two-faced liar.
These are patently untrue. The Constitution has always applied to everyone within our borders; the Founding Fathers, remember, believed that our rights were granted to us by God, and only enumerated in the Constitution, and it follows that to limit them only to citizens would be claiming that God cared only for American citizens, which they, to say the least, did not believe. To clear it up further, James Madison - who wrote the Constitution - wrote that "as [aliens] owe, on the one hand, a temporary obedience, they are entitled, in return, to their [Constitutional] protection and advantage." (I looked that one up to make sure I got it right.) The 14th Amendment settled it for good when the Equal Protection Clause wrote out very specifically that no State may "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

As for restricting who came in, for more than our first century, we had no limits and no restrictions at all. In the 1880s that we passed a law excluding Chinese laborers, and criminals, "idiots," and people who couldn't take care of themselves. Aside from that, it wasn't until after WWI - less than a century ago - that we started controlling or limiting who came in, by a series of quotas per country. Every one of those immigrants from every one of those time periods was entitled to their full Constitutional rights once they set foot on our soil.
The constitution does not apply to ANYONE merely within our borders
We know you libs FEEL that illegal non citizens should be afforded that unique and rare luxury but they are not

That’s not true. Anyone in your country is entitled to due process under the Constitution.

And another foreigner chimes in against trump.
The key is we need to stop them BEFORE they breach our soil. Turn them back, we don't want them anymore here in the new America


I'm not against deporting illegals. But if not the immigration court, who would you have determine the legal status of Hispanics and others that ICE picks up off the streets?

How difficult is it to ask if they have a green card. If not, then they need to go. Very simple.

I wouldn't allow them to pass through the border entrance without proper documentation. I doubt we even need to detain anybody in that situation, just turn them away. But picking up somebody off the streets is a whole different situation that opens up the possibility they're dealing with U.S. citizens.
After all, what is the Constitution but a bit of paper most rightards haven't read?
Now that is funny.

The Constitution is the paperwork liberals use to wipe their asses after they dump that chia latte.

It wasn't until there were 'Living Document" judges put on the bench that the Constitution started pertaining to anyone who happens to set foot on our soil.

All through our history, we have controlled the amount and type of people we allow to immigrate to the USA, and not once have those who were forbidden been given Constitutional rights.

I am always amazed at the progressives idiocy. On the one hand, they berate America as evil because the undocumented Europeans showed up and forced the natives off their lands and put them in reservations until they are almost extinct, then out of the same side of their lying mouths, they berate those who say we cannot have uncontrolled illegals entering the country because they may overwhelm our society.

This is called being a two-faced liar.
These are patently untrue. The Constitution has always applied to everyone within our borders; the Founding Fathers, remember, believed that our rights were granted to us by God, and only enumerated in the Constitution, and it follows that to limit them only to citizens would be claiming that God cared only for American citizens, which they, to say the least, did not believe. To clear it up further, James Madison - who wrote the Constitution - wrote that "as [aliens] owe, on the one hand, a temporary obedience, they are entitled, in return, to their [Constitutional] protection and advantage." (I looked that one up to make sure I got it right.) The 14th Amendment settled it for good when the Equal Protection Clause wrote out very specifically that no State may "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

As for restricting who came in, for more than our first century, we had no limits and no restrictions at all. In the 1880s that we passed a law excluding Chinese laborers, and criminals, "idiots," and people who couldn't take care of themselves. Aside from that, it wasn't until after WWI - less than a century ago - that we started controlling or limiting who came in, by a series of quotas per country. Every one of those immigrants from every one of those time periods was entitled to their full Constitutional rights once they set foot on our soil.
The constitution does not apply to ANYONE merely within our borders
We know you libs FEEL that illegal non citizens should be afforded that unique and rare luxury but they are not

Actually, you are dead wrong. The constitution applies to the entire jurisdiction of American courts, to all citizens. Only when a court has determined that a person is not a citizen, does it not apply to him.
An Illegal is not a citizen

...and nobody is "illegal" until determined by trial in a court of law.
The key is we need to stop them BEFORE they breach our soil. Turn them back, we don't want them anymore here in the new America



That's a good start, but a large percent of illegals (I've seen figures between 35%-50%) are those that enter the country legally but overstay their welcome.
After all, what is the Constitution but a bit of paper most rightards haven't read?
Now that is funny.

The Constitution is the paperwork liberals use to wipe their asses after they dump that chia latte.

It wasn't until there were 'Living Document" judges put on the bench that the Constitution started pertaining to anyone who happens to set foot on our soil.

All through our history, we have controlled the amount and type of people we allow to immigrate to the USA, and not once have those who were forbidden been given Constitutional rights.

I am always amazed at the progressives idiocy. On the one hand, they berate America as evil because the undocumented Europeans showed up and forced the natives off their lands and put them in reservations until they are almost extinct, then out of the same side of their lying mouths, they berate those who say we cannot have uncontrolled illegals entering the country because they may overwhelm our society.

This is called being a two-faced liar.
These are patently untrue. The Constitution has always applied to everyone within our borders; the Founding Fathers, remember, believed that our rights were granted to us by God, and only enumerated in the Constitution, and it follows that to limit them only to citizens would be claiming that God cared only for American citizens, which they, to say the least, did not believe. To clear it up further, James Madison - who wrote the Constitution - wrote that "as [aliens] owe, on the one hand, a temporary obedience, they are entitled, in return, to their [Constitutional] protection and advantage." (I looked that one up to make sure I got it right.) The 14th Amendment settled it for good when the Equal Protection Clause wrote out very specifically that no State may "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

As for restricting who came in, for more than our first century, we had no limits and no restrictions at all. In the 1880s that we passed a law excluding Chinese laborers, and criminals, "idiots," and people who couldn't take care of themselves. Aside from that, it wasn't until after WWI - less than a century ago - that we started controlling or limiting who came in, by a series of quotas per country. Every one of those immigrants from every one of those time periods was entitled to their full Constitutional rights once they set foot on our soil.
The constitution does not apply to ANYONE merely within our borders
We know you libs FEEL that illegal non citizens should be afforded that unique and rare luxury but they are not

Actually, you are dead wrong. The constitution applies to the entire jurisdiction of American courts, to all citizens. Only when a court has determined that a person is not a citizen, does it not apply to him.
Following your incorrect logic, all illegal acts committed by any party with any sort of action would have to first be adjudicated by a court before any enforcement could take place
Does not work like that

I am sure that the local community college in your city offers remedial 8th grade Civics. Sign up for it ASAP.

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