Trump calls for "retribution" (violence?) against SNL for making fun of him

Uh, there are plenty of conservative radio and TV shows that do nothing but rip on democrats and left-leaning figures, so I'm not sure why the right expects to be treated with kid gloves. Did SNL ever come out and say they were putting on a politically neutral show or something?
Then why did SNL not have gay Obama and Michael the trannie skits? Or Michael with 24 handmaidens taking care of her while she cried about how bad she was treated over and over. There are several radio hosts and a few conservatives on FOX with several writers and that is it. Where was the AOC skits? The Kavanaufh hearing skits with Milano, Harris, Booker,Feinstein and Klobaucher? You have 4 nighttime talk shows that skewer Repubs and Trump every night. You have 95% of the TV and movies on Progressive Socialists side. Where are the skits of Pelosi. Perhaps showing her face melting or making her a version of Pizza the Hut. Maxine Waters, members of the Black Caucus. Skits of Alec Baldwin abusing people and his family. I can go on and on. DeNiro spouting hate and then doing endless mafia movies that many Italians find reprehensible is another one.
Just more proof republicans have no sense of humor.
You live off of Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals. It is not humor. The gay actor just played his game in Chicago. Humor?
Uh, there are plenty of conservative radio and TV shows that do nothing but rip on democrats and left-leaning figures, so I'm not sure why the right expects to be treated with kid gloves. Did SNL ever come out and say they were putting on a politically neutral show or something?
Then why did SNL not have gay Obama and Michael the trannie skits? Or Michael with 24 handmaidens taking care of her while she cried about how bad she was treated over and over. There are several radio hosts and a few conservatives on FOX with several writers and that is it. Where was the AOC skits? The Kavanaufh hearing skits with Milano, Harris, Booker,Feinstein and Klobaucher? You have 4 nighttime talk shows that skewer Repubs and Trump every night. You have 95% of the TV and movies on Progressive Socialists side. Where are the skits of Pelosi. Perhaps showing her face melting or making her a version of Pizza the Hut. Maxine Waters, members of the Black Caucus. Skits of Alec Baldwin abusing people and his family. I can go on and on. DeNiro spouting hate and then doing endless mafia movies that many Italians find reprehensible is another one.
Good points on exactly why is it that nothing is found on all those (fair play), in which leave themselves wide open for what should be great comedic relief to be made fun on them, instead of it all focusing on Trump and the republicans ??
Uh, there are plenty of conservative radio and TV shows that do nothing but rip on democrats and left-leaning figures, so I'm not sure why the right expects to be treated with kid gloves. Did SNL ever come out and say they were putting on a politically neutral show or something?
Then why did SNL not have gay Obama and Michael the trannie skits? Or Michael with 24 handmaidens taking care of her while she cried about how bad she was treated over and over. There are several radio hosts and a few conservatives on FOX with several writers and that is it. Where was the AOC skits? The Kavanaufh hearing skits with Milano, Harris, Booker,Feinstein and Klobaucher? You have 4 nighttime talk shows that skewer Repubs and Trump every night. You have 95% of the TV and movies on Progressive Socialists side. Where are the skits of Pelosi. Perhaps showing her face melting or making her a version of Pizza the Hut. Maxine Waters, members of the Black Caucus. Skits of Alec Baldwin abusing people and his family. I can go on and on. DeNiro spouting hate and then doing endless mafia movies that many Italians find reprehensible is another one.

SNL can produce whatever it wants. If you want to create a show that only rips on democrats, that would be within your rights ... of course, it would actually need to be successful, which SNL apparently is, even though I personally don't care for it.
The problem is conservatives are devoid of a sense of humor.

So, let's see here -- a mindless hack who is capable of little more than thousands and thousands of repetitions of the same statement and has a 100% track record of avoiding any statement that could possibly show a scintilla of wit is saying OTHERS have no sense of humor?

Damn, man, that's like Rosie O'Donnell whining about all the ugly chicks in Hollywood!
SNL has been making fun of presidents since the beginning and not one of them whined and moaned about it. They actually laughed about it. Chevy Chase made fun of Ford falling down the steps and he didn't have a hissy fit over it.
Saturday night live only targets people they disagree with… It’s the progressive way

Wrong! Like I said before, they've made fun of EVERY president in the past and have since the inception of SNL. That would be both Republicans and Democrats.

Trump is the first one to have such a target rich material about him. He's a goldmine for comedians. They could have done much worse to Bush Jr. but Bush Jr. had one hell of a sense of humor and laughed it off and even made jokes about himself. We all thought those jokes were funny and we didn't laugh AT Bush Jr. we laughed with him. It made some of his more serious decisions and actions go down a bit easier. If a President screws up things as bad as Trump does and doesn't have a sense of humor, then that's like waving a red flag to a comedian. No wonder it appears they aren't cutting him any slack because Trump isn't cutting himself any slack. And the line forms to the........
Bush Jr. never said anything back and he had the right. SNL after the 200 election had skits with Gore and W. as co presidents. And W. was made to be a moron. I do not care about W. For he is a swamp creature who deleted some of our rights.
Trump, who has in the past successfully incited his followers (MAGA bomber) to plan violent attacks against the media, raised eyebrows with his tweet today:

"Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
They bring a knife, we bring a gun!
Trump, who has in the past successfully incited his followers (MAGA bomber) to plan violent attacks against the media, raised eyebrows with his tweet today:

"Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
He did not call for anything he asked a question .

Not very big on reading comprehension are you?
When a President talks about "retribution" he's talking about violence or legislation.

Both are dangerous and antithetical to a democracy when talking about freedom of speech
There is no such standard and he could easily be talking about any number of things such as boycotts.

You always have been an ignorant fool.
From what I can see, if the Trumpets want, they can do their own SNL type show. Shoot, have some of the out of work "Conservative" comedians put it together. You can make a troop called third City like the others made second city. Trust me, there is enough material out there to work with. Okay, there isn't a Trump so you will have to spread it out a bit more but there is still enough material out there for some pretty hilarious skits. That is, if you can find enough rwnutjobs with humor glands installed.
Trump, who has in the past successfully incited his followers (MAGA bomber) to plan violent attacks against the media, raised eyebrows with his tweet today:

"Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Changing the channel is violence? What do you call shooting Republicans on a softball field then?
Trump said nothing about changing a channel, which makes your comment a strawman.
He said nothing about violence either making the op a strawman
Are you stupid? I posted a direct link to Joe Biden saying "put ya'll back in chains" as a clear example of the cruelty and evil of the left-wing, which is why people like me love to see the left-wing freak out over Trump.
Which does not support your overwrought little embarrassing lie that this is what the the left does, and the right does not. So you embarrass yourself to parade that around as if it is evidence or argument for your laughable claims. Just shut up already.

So I posted direct video evidence of a prominent Democrap, saying openly that the right-wing and Mitt Romney, was going to put people back in chains. What part of that, is a lie? The left-wing did this. Am I wrong? Is Biden secretly a right-wing republican in your world?

So what was a lie?

Trump supporters are a basket of deplorable.

Did I lie about that?

Actress Alyssa Milano says she won't apologize for comparing the "Make America Great Again" hat worn by Trump supporters to the hood worn by members of the Ku Klux Klan.
Alyssa Milano: 'I won't apologize' for comparing MAGA hat to KKK hood

Make American Great Again = KKK? Did I make that up?

And this is just off the top of my head. I could likely list dozens more examples.

How about Wolf insulting how Sarah looks at the press diner?

Accusing Rubio of being a shooter? Or causing a mass shooting?

Name one thing that I directly posted here, that you claim is a lie.

Feel free to quote the lie. I wait eagerly for your enlightening post.
From what I can see, if the Trumpets want, they can do their own SNL type show. Shoot, have some of the out of work "Conservative" comedians put it together. You can make a troop called third City like the others made second city. Trust me, there is enough material out there to work with. Okay, there isn't a Trump so you will have to spread it out a bit more but there is still enough material out there for some pretty hilarious skits. That is, if you can find enough rwnutjobs with humor glands installed.
How about this. For equality demand a parallel cable TV service that is not progressive socialist jaded. Their own TV dramas and comedies. their own news programs. Their own sports shows. their own military, science and other comparable channels and much much more. You get yours. They get theirs. Do you have an issue with that? Freedom of choice!
Are you stupid? I posted a direct link to Joe Biden saying "put ya'll back in chains" as a clear example of the cruelty and evil of the left-wing, which is why people like me love to see the left-wing freak out over Trump.
Which does not support your overwrought little embarrassing lie that this is what the the left does, and the right does not. So you embarrass yourself to parade that around as if it is evidence or argument for your laughable claims. Just shut up already.

So I posted direct video evidence of a prominent Democrap, saying openly that the right-wing and Mitt Romney, was going to put people back in chains. What part of that, is a lie? The left-wing did this. Am I wrong? Is Biden secretly a right-wing republican in your world?

So what was a lie?

Trump supporters are a basket of deplorable.

Did I lie about that?

Actress Alyssa Milano says she won't apologize for comparing the "Make America Great Again" hat worn by Trump supporters to the hood worn by members of the Ku Klux Klan.
Alyssa Milano: 'I won't apologize' for comparing MAGA hat to KKK hood

Make American Great Again = KKK? Did I make that up?

And this is just off the top of my head. I could likely list dozens more examples.

How about Wolf insulting how Sarah looks at the press diner?

Accusing Rubio of being a shooter? Or causing a mass shooting?

Name one thing that I directly posted here, that you claim is a lie.

Feel free to quote the lie. I wait eagerly for your enlightening post.

Again, none of that supports your actual point, that the left all does this, and the right does not. Which I already said. Do I need to say it a third time?
The real question is: Why does Trump watch this stuff, when he KNOWS he hates it, KNOWS he can't take a joke, KNOWS he will be enraged, etc...

There is a simple answer to this. Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Then why did SNL not have gay Obama and Michael the trannie skits?

Because the goal of a comedy show is for the audience to laugh with you, not at you.
That goal ended a long time ago. We are now living at a biblical scripture part called "Buy and Sell". You do not have to be Religious. You can be Secular. It is a tried and true way of the human element. So if you do not agree you are increasingly being denied and will eventually not be able to survive without total agreement. The genius part of this is much or most of the people agree with this now or are forced to due to humane reasons spouted. Those comedy shows are of globalist designs.
Trump, who has in the past successfully incited his followers (MAGA bomber) to plan violent attacks against the media, raised eyebrows with his tweet today:

"Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Gotta love theft how they ignore their psychopathic calls of retribution on kids oemr someone who used the n word 50 years ago

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