Trump campaign picking up where the Russians left off.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017

Facebook is letting the Trump campaign publish at least 529 ads with false claims of voter fraud

"Some of the Trump campaign’s latest ads, which started running on both Facebook and Instagram on May 18, falsely claim that the “Radical Left is trying to STEAL THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF OUR LIVES.” Using the Dewey Square Adwatch toolset to analyze Facebook Ad data, Media Matters found at least 529 of these ads, and 267 of them -- more than half -- make various other false accusations against Democrats, including that they are “stuffing the ballot boxes with FAKE and FRAUDULENT votes.” These ads were all paid for by Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., and they are being advertised by Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence, and Team Trump’s Facebook pages. The ads, which have been running on Facebook for less than two full days, have the potential to reach millions of people through the social media platform. (At time of publication, 525 of the ads are currently active, out of which at least 15 ads are appearing as blank in the Facebook Ad Library.)"
This will no doubt be met with Trumpleheads denunciation of MM. Why? That's what they've been trained to do.

Will they dispute the facts? No. They can't.
and CNN and MSNBC spent hundreds of hours telling everyone that would listen just how bad a candidate Trump was.

I have no doubt, they will be doing the same this year.

Odds are, neither will change a single vote.

Facebook is letting the Trump campaign publish at least 529 ads with false claims of voter fraud

"Some of the Trump campaign’s latest ads, which started running on both Facebook and Instagram on May 18, falsely claim that the “Radical Left is trying to STEAL THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF OUR LIVES.” Using the Dewey Square Adwatch toolset to analyze Facebook Ad data, Media Matters found at least 529 of these ads, and 267 of them -- more than half -- make various other false accusations against Democrats, including that they are “stuffing the ballot boxes with FAKE and FRAUDULENT votes.” These ads were all paid for by Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., and they are being advertised by Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence, and Team Trump’s Facebook pages. The ads, which have been running on Facebook for less than two full days, have the potential to reach millions of people through the social media platform. (At time of publication, 525 of the ads are currently active, out of which at least 15 ads are appearing as blank in the Facebook Ad Library.)"
This will no doubt be met with Trumpleheads denunciation of MM. Why? That's what they've been trained to do.

Will they dispute the facts? No. They can't.
Your daily "Orange Man Bad" thread, Bergy. Hilarious to observe, ya knucklehead. Thanks for the comic relief!
As actual testimony from 53 obama administration officials....all under oath in front of the schiff committee......there was no connection between Trump and Russia,
In all seriousness, why do you post such factual inaccuracies? Surely there must be something you can respond with that doesn't immediately characterize you as someone with absolutely no credibility.
Your daily "Orange Man Bad" thread, Bergy. Hilarious to observe, ya knucklehead. Thanks for the comic relief!
Ah yes, another classic non-response, response from a Trumpette unable to muster the courage to try.
and CNN and MSNBC spent hundreds of hours telling everyone that would listen just how bad a candidate Trump was.
This is the admin being allowed to use social media to promote lies. No response?
and CNN and MSNBC spent hundreds of hours telling everyone that would listen just how bad a candidate Trump was.
This is the admin being allowed to use social media to promote lies. No response?

LMAO you will save $2,500 a year on healthcare and get to keep your doctor and your healthcare plan ring a bell? That big fat whopper lie wasn't advertised 24/7? You people on the left have zero credibility.
Wow you have discovered there is lying in politics here is some other breaking news for you fire is hot and ice is cold. Since your complaint is about Facebook putting the ads on their platform shouldn’t you be bitching about Mark Zuckerberg letting this happen?
That facist organization, Facebook, should be taken down by the NSA.

You clowns are Hillaryous. Faceplant wouldn't let anything close to an inaccuracy be put up if it was pro Trump.

Twitter, Faceplant, and YouTube are Socialist run entities.

And you're a Socialist rube, probably paid by the Chinese.

Facebook is letting the Trump campaign publish at least 529 ads with false claims of voter fraud

"Some of the Trump campaign’s latest ads, which started running on both Facebook and Instagram on May 18, falsely claim that the “Radical Left is trying to STEAL THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF OUR LIVES.” Using the Dewey Square Adwatch toolset to analyze Facebook Ad data, Media Matters found at least 529 of these ads, and 267 of them -- more than half -- make various other false accusations against Democrats, including that they are “stuffing the ballot boxes with FAKE and FRAUDULENT votes.” These ads were all paid for by Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., and they are being advertised by Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence, and Team Trump’s Facebook pages. The ads, which have been running on Facebook for less than two full days, have the potential to reach millions of people through the social media platform. (At time of publication, 525 of the ads are currently active, out of which at least 15 ads are appearing as blank in the Facebook Ad Library.)"
This will no doubt be met with Trumpleheads denunciation of MM. Why? That's what they've been trained to do.

Will they dispute the facts? No. They can't.
Wow you have discovered there is lying in politics
The target of the lies is voter fraud. Why? To turn sentiment of the gullible against efforts to enable voters to vote by mail-in ballots. Why? Because as Trump has admitted, Repubs do better if they suppress the vote.

Why do you think the Repubs launched a national campaign funded by the Koch's to suppress the votes of people in demographics that are likely to vote for Dems?

Surely this isn't news to..............oh.................wait.................Faux Noise..............never mind.
Wow you have discovered there is lying in politics
The target of the lies is voter fraud. Why? To turn sentiment of the gullible against efforts to enable voters to vote by mail-in ballots. Why? Because as Trump has admitted, Repubs do better if they suppress the vote.

Why do you think the Repubs launched a national campaign funded by the Koch's to suppress the votes of people in demographics that are likely to vote for Dems?

Surely this isn't news to..............oh.................wait.................Faux Noise..............never mind.
Very impress display of babbling bullshit of course you never addressed the question asked. No surprise coming from a TDS MSNBC/ CNN watcher anyway thanks for your daily display of phony outrage and partisan horseshit.
This will no doubt be met with Trumpleheads denunciation of MM. Why? That's what they've been trained to do.

Just like the way you were denouncing Fox News in another thread this morning, TDS King?

Oh, right, ad hominem fallacies are only bad when others do it.
Your daily "Orange Man Bad" thread, Bergy. Hilarious to observe, ya knucklehead. Thanks for the comic relief!
Ah yes, another classic non-response, response from a Trumpette unable to muster the courage to try.
Dude, ridicule an derision is all your pathetic TDS threads deserve.

Seriously, you are trying to make it a scandal that Trump is advertising on Facebook. :abgg2q.jpg:

Facebook is letting the Trump campaign publish at least 529 ads with false claims of voter fraud

"Some of the Trump campaign’s latest ads, which started running on both Facebook and Instagram on May 18, falsely claim that the “Radical Left is trying to STEAL THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF OUR LIVES.” Using the Dewey Square Adwatch toolset to analyze Facebook Ad data, Media Matters found at least 529 of these ads, and 267 of them -- more than half -- make various other false accusations against Democrats, including that they are “stuffing the ballot boxes with FAKE and FRAUDULENT votes.” These ads were all paid for by Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., and they are being advertised by Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence, and Team Trump’s Facebook pages. The ads, which have been running on Facebook for less than two full days, have the potential to reach millions of people through the social media platform. (At time of publication, 525 of the ads are currently active, out of which at least 15 ads are appearing as blank in the Facebook Ad Library.)"
This will no doubt be met with Trumpleheads denunciation of MM. Why? That's what they've been trained to do.

Will they dispute the facts? No. They can't.

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