Trump Can Be Impeached Absent Criminal Wrongdoing


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
Trump apologists here and elsewhere have attempted to propagate the ridiculous ā€˜argumentā€™ that Trump cannot not be impeached because he violated no laws.

This ā€˜argumentā€™ is as ignorant as it is disingenuous.

The fact is that Trump may indeed be impeached, convicted by the Senate, and removed from office absent any criminal wrongdoing.

Indeed, Trump has engaged in numerous misdemeanors ā€“ bad behavior reflecting poorly on the presidency and Nation ā€“ subject to impeachment pursuant to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, such as when Trump provided intelligence to Russian officials, violating his oath of office:

ā€˜Violating the oath of office does not require violating a criminal statute. If the President decided to write the nuclear codes on a sticky note on his desk and then took a photo of it and tweeted it, he would not technically have violated any criminal lawā€“just as he hasnā€™t here. He has the constitutional authority to dictate that the safeguarding of nuclear materials shall be done through sticky notes in plain sight and tweeted, even the authority to declassify the codes outright. Yet, we would all understand this degree of negligence to be a gross violation of his oath of office.
Thereā€™s thus no reason why Congress couldnā€™t consider a grotesque violation of the Presidentā€™s oath as a standalone basis for impeachmentā€”a high crime and misdemeanor in and of itself. This is particularly plausible in a case like this, where the oath violation involves giving sensitive information to an adversary foreign power. Thatā€™s getting relatively close to the ā€œtreasonā€ language in the impeachment clauses; itā€™s pretty easy to imagine a hybrid impeachment article alleging a violation of the oath in service of a hostile foreign power. So legally speaking, the matter could be very grave for Trump even though there is no criminal exposure.ā€™

Bombshell: Initial Thoughts on the Washington Postā€™s Game-Changing Story

And if Trump is not impeached it wonā€™t be because he hasnā€™t violated any laws, it will be because of a cowardly, blind partisan Republican Congress once again placing party above country.
put his lying, sorry ass under oath just like Willie ...
Trump can be impeached for having two scoops of icecream if the house can muster the votes to do so. And then the senate can convict trump if the votes are there. It's up to congress to determine what is an impeachable offense.
Bill Clinton was impeached and was not charged criminally.


...but it was Bill Clinton, so it's OK.
Good god, lefties are frantically grasping at straws. Liberals have the most paranoid, stalker-like obsession I've ever seen. They spend every moment of the day obsession over what Trump does every moment of the day. Your foaming-at-the-mouth hatred hurts you more than Trump; it's like you're drinking poison and expecting Trump to die from it. But I don't expect a liberal to have the maturity or self-awareness to notice that.
I have cathartic advice for never-Trumpers; why don't you get a big, life-sized poster of the Don, put it on your bedroom wall, and masturbate to your heart's content? Obviously you have a sexual thing for the President, your hate is the only thing that keeps your little dicks from going limp.
Trump apologists here and elsewhere have attempted to propagate the ridiculous ā€˜argumentā€™ that Trump cannot not be impeached because he violated no laws.

This ā€˜argumentā€™ is as ignorant as it is disingenuous.

The fact is that Trump may indeed be impeached, convicted by the Senate, and removed from office absent any criminal wrongdoing.

Indeed, Trump has engaged in numerous misdemeanors ā€“ bad behavior reflecting poorly on the presidency and Nation ā€“ subject to impeachment pursuant to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, such as when Trump provided intelligence to Russian officials, violating his oath of office:

ā€˜Violating the oath of office does not require violating a criminal statute. If the President decided to write the nuclear codes on a sticky note on his desk and then took a photo of it and tweeted it, he would not technically have violated any criminal lawā€“just as he hasnā€™t here. He has the constitutional authority to dictate that the safeguarding of nuclear materials shall be done through sticky notes in plain sight and tweeted, even the authority to declassify the codes outright. Yet, we would all understand this degree of negligence to be a gross violation of his oath of office.
Thereā€™s thus no reason why Congress couldnā€™t consider a grotesque violation of the Presidentā€™s oath as a standalone basis for impeachmentā€”a high crime and misdemeanor in and of itself. This is particularly plausible in a case like this, where the oath violation involves giving sensitive information to an adversary foreign power. Thatā€™s getting relatively close to the ā€œtreasonā€ language in the impeachment clauses; itā€™s pretty easy to imagine a hybrid impeachment article alleging a violation of the oath in service of a hostile foreign power. So legally speaking, the matter could be very grave for Trump even though there is no criminal exposure.ā€™

Bombshell: Initial Thoughts on the Washington Postā€™s Game-Changing Story

And if Trump is not impeached it wonā€™t be because he hasnā€™t violated any laws, it will be because of a cowardly, blind partisan Republican Congress once again placing party above country.

You're quite stupid kid. Good luck with that.
Trump apologists here and elsewhere have attempted to propagate the ridiculous ā€˜argumentā€™ that Trump cannot not be impeached because he violated no laws.

This ā€˜argumentā€™ is as ignorant as it is disingenuous.

The fact is that Trump may indeed be impeached, convicted by the Senate, and removed from office absent any criminal wrongdoing.

Indeed, Trump has engaged in numerous misdemeanors ā€“ bad behavior reflecting poorly on the presidency and Nation ā€“ subject to impeachment pursuant to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, such as when Trump provided intelligence to Russian officials, violating his oath of office:

ā€˜Violating the oath of office does not require violating a criminal statute. If the President decided to write the nuclear codes on a sticky note on his desk and then took a photo of it and tweeted it, he would not technically have violated any criminal lawā€“just as he hasnā€™t here. He has the constitutional authority to dictate that the safeguarding of nuclear materials shall be done through sticky notes in plain sight and tweeted, even the authority to declassify the codes outright. Yet, we would all understand this degree of negligence to be a gross violation of his oath of office.
Thereā€™s thus no reason why Congress couldnā€™t consider a grotesque violation of the Presidentā€™s oath as a standalone basis for impeachmentā€”a high crime and misdemeanor in and of itself. This is particularly plausible in a case like this, where the oath violation involves giving sensitive information to an adversary foreign power. Thatā€™s getting relatively close to the ā€œtreasonā€ language in the impeachment clauses; itā€™s pretty easy to imagine a hybrid impeachment article alleging a violation of the oath in service of a hostile foreign power. So legally speaking, the matter could be very grave for Trump even though there is no criminal exposure.ā€™

Bombshell: Initial Thoughts on the Washington Postā€™s Game-Changing Story

And if Trump is not impeached it wonā€™t be because he hasnā€™t violated any laws, it will be because of a cowardly, blind partisan Republican Congress once again placing party above country.

The failure to impeach Obama has rendered impeachment to the showers. Ain't happening

Trump apologists here and elsewhere have attempted to propagate the ridiculous ā€˜argumentā€™ that Trump cannot not be impeached because he violated no laws.

This ā€˜argumentā€™ is as ignorant as it is disingenuous.

The fact is that Trump may indeed be impeached, convicted by the Senate, and removed from office absent any criminal wrongdoing.

Indeed, Trump has engaged in numerous misdemeanors ā€“ bad behavior reflecting poorly on the presidency and Nation ā€“ subject to impeachment pursuant to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, such as when Trump provided intelligence to Russian officials, violating his oath of office:

ā€˜Violating the oath of office does not require violating a criminal statute. If the President decided to write the nuclear codes on a sticky note on his desk and then took a photo of it and tweeted it, he would not technically have violated any criminal lawā€“just as he hasnā€™t here. He has the constitutional authority to dictate that the safeguarding of nuclear materials shall be done through sticky notes in plain sight and tweeted, even the authority to declassify the codes outright. Yet, we would all understand this degree of negligence to be a gross violation of his oath of office.
Thereā€™s thus no reason why Congress couldnā€™t consider a grotesque violation of the Presidentā€™s oath as a standalone basis for impeachmentā€”a high crime and misdemeanor in and of itself. This is particularly plausible in a case like this, where the oath violation involves giving sensitive information to an adversary foreign power. Thatā€™s getting relatively close to the ā€œtreasonā€ language in the impeachment clauses; itā€™s pretty easy to imagine a hybrid impeachment article alleging a violation of the oath in service of a hostile foreign power. So legally speaking, the matter could be very grave for Trump even though there is no criminal exposure.ā€™

Bombshell: Initial Thoughts on the Washington Postā€™s Game-Changing Story

And if Trump is not impeached it wonā€™t be because he hasnā€™t violated any laws, it will be because of a cowardly, blind partisan Republican Congress once again placing party above country.

Yes, technically a President can be impeached just because enough people don't want him to be President any more.

Good luck with making that happen, and please, PLEASE pin all your hopes on it and get really emotionally invested in having this fantasy play out, because it will be so fucking funny to watch you be crushed by reality. I enjoy salty leftist tears and wailing.
Trump apologists here and elsewhere have attempted to propagate the ridiculous ā€˜argumentā€™ that Trump cannot not be impeached because he violated no laws.

This ā€˜argumentā€™ is as ignorant as it is disingenuous.

The fact is that Trump may indeed be impeached, convicted by the Senate, and removed from office absent any criminal wrongdoing.

Indeed, Trump has engaged in numerous misdemeanors ā€“ bad behavior reflecting poorly on the presidency and Nation ā€“ subject to impeachment pursuant to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, such as when Trump provided intelligence to Russian officials, violating his oath of office:

ā€˜Violating the oath of office does not require violating a criminal statute. If the President decided to write the nuclear codes on a sticky note on his desk and then took a photo of it and tweeted it, he would not technically have violated any criminal lawā€“just as he hasnā€™t here. He has the constitutional authority to dictate that the safeguarding of nuclear materials shall be done through sticky notes in plain sight and tweeted, even the authority to declassify the codes outright. Yet, we would all understand this degree of negligence to be a gross violation of his oath of office.
Thereā€™s thus no reason why Congress couldnā€™t consider a grotesque violation of the Presidentā€™s oath as a standalone basis for impeachmentā€”a high crime and misdemeanor in and of itself. This is particularly plausible in a case like this, where the oath violation involves giving sensitive information to an adversary foreign power. Thatā€™s getting relatively close to the ā€œtreasonā€ language in the impeachment clauses; itā€™s pretty easy to imagine a hybrid impeachment article alleging a violation of the oath in service of a hostile foreign power. So legally speaking, the matter could be very grave for Trump even though there is no criminal exposure.ā€™

Bombshell: Initial Thoughts on the Washington Postā€™s Game-Changing Story

And if Trump is not impeached it wonā€™t be because he hasnā€™t violated any laws, it will be because of a cowardly, blind partisan Republican Congress once again placing party above country.


From personal experience, Jones, I can educate you on some matters you brought up. Take notes because you'll be tested on this later.

The President does not have the codes. An armed military officer carries the briefcase containing the codes. There is a Fail Safe system that's been in effect ever since nuclear bombs were produced. The officer who carries the briefcase with the codes is one part of the 2-man rule, the President is the other. Either man could break open the sealed cards and either man would only be able to decipher his part of the code because the code itself is coded. (Imagine that!) So it takes two men, ciphering independently to learn their parts in order to send a third coded message to the persons who would activate the weapon. And again, those persons activating the weapon would have to repeat the 2-man deciphering process in order to enter the actual code into the weapon. BIG BANG!
So don't make the mistake of saying the President could start WWIII and therefore needs to be impeached. I know of 4 people on this board who can verify what I've said, two of whom would have actually activated a weapon under these circumstances. And we all say that your statements are pure bullshit. Sleep well tonight and every nite, bro.,
Trump can be impeached for having two scoops of icecream if the house can muster the votes to do so. And then the senate can convict trump if the votes are there. It's up to congress to determine what is an impeachable offense.

The current H. of Rep. puts party and conservative policies above country and our citizens. If they don't wake up and don't overreach they may find themselves a minority party in Jan 2019. If they repeal the ACA and as predicted their base suffers, Ryan will be lucky to keep his seat and Madam Pelosi will once again reign as speaker.
Trump apologists here and elsewhere have attempted to propagate the ridiculous ā€˜argumentā€™ that Trump cannot not be impeached because he violated no laws.

This ā€˜argumentā€™ is as ignorant as it is disingenuous.

The fact is that Trump may indeed be impeached, convicted by the Senate, and removed from office absent any criminal wrongdoing.

Indeed, Trump has engaged in numerous misdemeanors ā€“ bad behavior reflecting poorly on the presidency and Nation ā€“ subject to impeachment pursuant to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, such as when Trump provided intelligence to Russian officials, violating his oath of office:

ā€˜Violating the oath of office does not require violating a criminal statute. If the President decided to write the nuclear codes on a sticky note on his desk and then took a photo of it and tweeted it, he would not technically have violated any criminal lawā€“just as he hasnā€™t here. He has the constitutional authority to dictate that the safeguarding of nuclear materials shall be done through sticky notes in plain sight and tweeted, even the authority to declassify the codes outright. Yet, we would all understand this degree of negligence to be a gross violation of his oath of office.
Thereā€™s thus no reason why Congress couldnā€™t consider a grotesque violation of the Presidentā€™s oath as a standalone basis for impeachmentā€”a high crime and misdemeanor in and of itself. This is particularly plausible in a case like this, where the oath violation involves giving sensitive information to an adversary foreign power. Thatā€™s getting relatively close to the ā€œtreasonā€ language in the impeachment clauses; itā€™s pretty easy to imagine a hybrid impeachment article alleging a violation of the oath in service of a hostile foreign power. So legally speaking, the matter could be very grave for Trump even though there is no criminal exposure.ā€™

Bombshell: Initial Thoughts on the Washington Postā€™s Game-Changing Story

And if Trump is not impeached it wonā€™t be because he hasnā€™t violated any laws, it will be because of a cowardly, blind partisan Republican Congress once again placing party above country.

Plus, he doesn't even have a path to the White House!
The Republicans should impeach Trump just are fucking moonbats
Trump apologists here and elsewhere have attempted to propagate the ridiculous ā€˜argumentā€™ that Trump cannot not be impeached because he violated no laws.

This ā€˜argumentā€™ is as ignorant as it is disingenuous.

The fact is that Trump may indeed be impeached, convicted by the Senate, and removed from office absent any criminal wrongdoing.

Indeed, Trump has engaged in numerous misdemeanors ā€“ bad behavior reflecting poorly on the presidency and Nation ā€“ subject to impeachment pursuant to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, such as when Trump provided intelligence to Russian officials, violating his oath of office:

ā€˜Violating the oath of office does not require violating a criminal statute. If the President decided to write the nuclear codes on a sticky note on his desk and then took a photo of it and tweeted it, he would not technically have violated any criminal lawā€“just as he hasnā€™t here. He has the constitutional authority to dictate that the safeguarding of nuclear materials shall be done through sticky notes in plain sight and tweeted, even the authority to declassify the codes outright. Yet, we would all understand this degree of negligence to be a gross violation of his oath of office.
Thereā€™s thus no reason why Congress couldnā€™t consider a grotesque violation of the Presidentā€™s oath as a standalone basis for impeachmentā€”a high crime and misdemeanor in and of itself. This is particularly plausible in a case like this, where the oath violation involves giving sensitive information to an adversary foreign power. Thatā€™s getting relatively close to the ā€œtreasonā€ language in the impeachment clauses; itā€™s pretty easy to imagine a hybrid impeachment article alleging a violation of the oath in service of a hostile foreign power. So legally speaking, the matter could be very grave for Trump even though there is no criminal exposure.ā€™

Bombshell: Initial Thoughts on the Washington Postā€™s Game-Changing Story

And if Trump is not impeached it wonā€™t be because he hasnā€™t violated any laws, it will be because of a cowardly, blind partisan Republican Congress once again placing party above country.


From personal experience, Jones, I can educate you on some matters you brought up. Take notes because you'll be tested on this later.

The President does not have the codes. An armed military officer carries the briefcase containing the codes. There is a Fail Safe system that's been in effect ever since nuclear bombs were produced. The officer who carries the briefcase with the codes is one part of the 2-man rule, the President is the other. Either man could break open the sealed cards and either man would only be able to decipher his part of the code because the code itself is coded. (Imagine that!) So it takes two men, ciphering independently to learn their parts in order to send a third coded message to the persons who would activate the weapon. And again, those persons activating the weapon would have to repeat the 2-man deciphering process in order to enter the actual code into the weapon. BIG BANG!
So don't make the mistake of saying the President could start WWIII and therefore needs to be impeached. I know of 4 people on this board who can verify what I've said, two of whom would have actually activated a weapon under these circumstances. And we all say that your statements are pure bullshit. Sleep well tonight and every nite, bro.,

" And we all say that your statements are pure bullshit. Sleep well tonight and every nite, bro.,"

He can sleep well because someone else did and is doing what he never had the balls to do.

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