Trump Can Be Impeached Absent Criminal Wrongdoing

Trump can be impeached for having two scoops of icecream if the house can muster the votes to do so. And then the senate can convict trump if the votes are there. It's up to congress to determine what is an impeachable offense.

The current H. of Rep. puts party and conservative policies above country and our citizens. If they don't wake up and don't overreach they may find themselves a minority party in Jan 2019. If they repeal the ACA and as predicted their base suffers, Ryan will be lucky to keep his seat and Madam Pelosi will once again reign as speaker.

Pelosi is in early onset of Alzheimer's. Try again. How Auntie Max? You're almost as intelligent as she is.
Trump can be impeached for having two scoops of icecream if the house can muster the votes to do so. And then the senate can convict trump if the votes are there. It's up to congress to determine what is an impeachable offense.

The most recent similar attempt at a coup occurred in Turkey. The results were mild compared with those which might result from a similar attempt in America.
Trump apologists here and elsewhere have attempted to propagate the ridiculous ā€˜argumentā€™ that Trump cannot not be impeached because he violated no laws.

This ā€˜argumentā€™ is as ignorant as it is disingenuous.

The fact is that Trump may indeed be impeached, convicted by the Senate, and removed from office absent any criminal wrongdoing.

Indeed, Trump has engaged in numerous misdemeanors ā€“ bad behavior reflecting poorly on the presidency and Nation ā€“ subject to impeachment pursuant to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, such as when Trump provided intelligence to Russian officials, violating his oath of office:

ā€˜Violating the oath of office does not require violating a criminal statute. If the President decided to write the nuclear codes on a sticky note on his desk and then took a photo of it and tweeted it, he would not technically have violated any criminal lawā€“just as he hasnā€™t here. He has the constitutional authority to dictate that the safeguarding of nuclear materials shall be done through sticky notes in plain sight and tweeted, even the authority to declassify the codes outright. Yet, we would all understand this degree of negligence to be a gross violation of his oath of office.
Thereā€™s thus no reason why Congress couldnā€™t consider a grotesque violation of the Presidentā€™s oath as a standalone basis for impeachmentā€”a high crime and misdemeanor in and of itself. This is particularly plausible in a case like this, where the oath violation involves giving sensitive information to an adversary foreign power. Thatā€™s getting relatively close to the ā€œtreasonā€ language in the impeachment clauses; itā€™s pretty easy to imagine a hybrid impeachment article alleging a violation of the oath in service of a hostile foreign power. So legally speaking, the matter could be very grave for Trump even though there is no criminal exposure.ā€™

Bombshell: Initial Thoughts on the Washington Postā€™s Game-Changing Story

And if Trump is not impeached it wonā€™t be because he hasnā€™t violated any laws, it will be because of a cowardly, blind partisan Republican Congress once again placing party above country.

Right, for the same reasons Clinton and your dear leader weren't impeached. Clinton actually committed crimes and your dear leader violated his oath of office from day one.

I was just thinking, how the fuck DARE any liberal call anyone else an apologist for anything! Liberals go through mental gymnastics to be the ULTIMATE apologists for the most praised-by-Hitler, human-rights-atrocity, child-fucking, arrogant-hate-ideology on this planet: the ass-lifters we all know and love.
Trump can be impeached for having two scoops of icecream if the house can muster the votes to do so. And then the senate can convict trump if the votes are there. It's up to congress to determine what is an impeachable offense.

The most recent similar attempt at a coup occurred in Turkey. The results were mild compared with those which might result from a similar attempt in America.
Impeachment is not a coup, it's a process defined legally in the constitution. However, my silly example isn't going to happen.
Impeachment is not a coup, it's a process defined legally in the constitution. However, my silly example isn't going to happen.

The name by which any event is called is determined by who comes out on top. Watch Turkey to see what Democrats wish to bring upon themselves. They are, after all, those who are afraid of firearms and would never own one lest they lose their Democrat membership cards and decoder rings. True, they are violent, but tend to bring bricks to gunfights. Not that I could fault them for their faith.....
Trump apologists here and elsewhere have attempted to propagate the ridiculous ā€˜argumentā€™ that Trump cannot not be impeached because he violated no laws.

This ā€˜argumentā€™ is as ignorant as it is disingenuous.

The fact is that Trump may indeed be impeached, convicted by the Senate, and removed from office absent any criminal wrongdoing.

Indeed, Trump has engaged in numerous misdemeanors ā€“ bad behavior reflecting poorly on the presidency and Nation ā€“ subject to impeachment pursuant to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, such as when Trump provided intelligence to Russian officials, violating his oath of office:

ā€˜Violating the oath of office does not require violating a criminal statute. If the President decided to write the nuclear codes on a sticky note on his desk and then took a photo of it and tweeted it, he would not technically have violated any criminal lawā€“just as he hasnā€™t here. He has the constitutional authority to dictate that the safeguarding of nuclear materials shall be done through sticky notes in plain sight and tweeted, even the authority to declassify the codes outright. Yet, we would all understand this degree of negligence to be a gross violation of his oath of office.
Thereā€™s thus no reason why Congress couldnā€™t consider a grotesque violation of the Presidentā€™s oath as a standalone basis for impeachmentā€”a high crime and misdemeanor in and of itself. This is particularly plausible in a case like this, where the oath violation involves giving sensitive information to an adversary foreign power. Thatā€™s getting relatively close to the ā€œtreasonā€ language in the impeachment clauses; itā€™s pretty easy to imagine a hybrid impeachment article alleging a violation of the oath in service of a hostile foreign power. So legally speaking, the matter could be very grave for Trump even though there is no criminal exposure.ā€™

Bombshell: Initial Thoughts on the Washington Postā€™s Game-Changing Story

And if Trump is not impeached it wonā€™t be because he hasnā€™t violated any laws, it will be because of a cowardly, blind partisan Republican Congress once again placing party above country.

Repubs see him as their pathway to getting taxes slashed for the wealthy and raised sky high on the rest of us.

Trump/LyinRyan care gives the wealthy even more money and takes more from the working class.

Since trump's only goal is the same as the R party, they won't impeach.

Republicans are without heart and without patriotism. It's all about money and I believe they will do whatever they can to keep him on the throne.


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Trump apologists here and elsewhere have attempted to propagate the ridiculous ā€˜argumentā€™ that Trump cannot not be impeached because he violated no laws.

This ā€˜argumentā€™ is as ignorant as it is disingenuous.

The fact is that Trump may indeed be impeached, convicted by the Senate, and removed from office absent any criminal wrongdoing.

Indeed, Trump has engaged in numerous misdemeanors ā€“ bad behavior reflecting poorly on the presidency and Nation ā€“ subject to impeachment pursuant to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, such as when Trump provided intelligence to Russian officials, violating his oath of office:

ā€˜Violating the oath of office does not require violating a criminal statute. If the President decided to write the nuclear codes on a sticky note on his desk and then took a photo of it and tweeted it, he would not technically have violated any criminal lawā€“just as he hasnā€™t here. He has the constitutional authority to dictate that the safeguarding of nuclear materials shall be done through sticky notes in plain sight and tweeted, even the authority to declassify the codes outright. Yet, we would all understand this degree of negligence to be a gross violation of his oath of office.
Thereā€™s thus no reason why Congress couldnā€™t consider a grotesque violation of the Presidentā€™s oath as a standalone basis for impeachmentā€”a high crime and misdemeanor in and of itself. This is particularly plausible in a case like this, where the oath violation involves giving sensitive information to an adversary foreign power. Thatā€™s getting relatively close to the ā€œtreasonā€ language in the impeachment clauses; itā€™s pretty easy to imagine a hybrid impeachment article alleging a violation of the oath in service of a hostile foreign power. So legally speaking, the matter could be very grave for Trump even though there is no criminal exposure.ā€™

Bombshell: Initial Thoughts on the Washington Postā€™s Game-Changing Story

And if Trump is not impeached it wonā€™t be because he hasnā€™t violated any laws, it will be because of a cowardly, blind partisan Republican Congress once again placing party above country.

You idiots are pathetic.
Trump apologists here and elsewhere have attempted to propagate the ridiculous ā€˜argumentā€™ that Trump cannot not be impeached because he violated no laws.

This ā€˜argumentā€™ is as ignorant as it is disingenuous.

The fact is that Trump may indeed be impeached, convicted by the Senate, and removed from office absent any criminal wrongdoing.

Indeed, Trump has engaged in numerous misdemeanors ā€“ bad behavior reflecting poorly on the presidency and Nation ā€“ subject to impeachment pursuant to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, such as when Trump provided intelligence to Russian officials, violating his oath of office:

ā€˜Violating the oath of office does not require violating a criminal statute. If the President decided to write the nuclear codes on a sticky note on his desk and then took a photo of it and tweeted it, he would not technically have violated any criminal lawā€“just as he hasnā€™t here. He has the constitutional authority to dictate that the safeguarding of nuclear materials shall be done through sticky notes in plain sight and tweeted, even the authority to declassify the codes outright. Yet, we would all understand this degree of negligence to be a gross violation of his oath of office.
Thereā€™s thus no reason why Congress couldnā€™t consider a grotesque violation of the Presidentā€™s oath as a standalone basis for impeachmentā€”a high crime and misdemeanor in and of itself. This is particularly plausible in a case like this, where the oath violation involves giving sensitive information to an adversary foreign power. Thatā€™s getting relatively close to the ā€œtreasonā€ language in the impeachment clauses; itā€™s pretty easy to imagine a hybrid impeachment article alleging a violation of the oath in service of a hostile foreign power. So legally speaking, the matter could be very grave for Trump even though there is no criminal exposure.ā€™

Bombshell: Initial Thoughts on the Washington Postā€™s Game-Changing Story

And if Trump is not impeached it wonā€™t be because he hasnā€™t violated any laws, it will be because of a cowardly, blind partisan Republican Congress once again placing party above country.

Yes, technically a President can be impeached just because enough people don't want him to be President any more.

Good luck with making that happen, and please, PLEASE pin all your hopes on it and get really emotionally invested in having this fantasy play out, because it will be so fucking funny to watch you be crushed by reality. I enjoy salty leftist tears and wailing.

They have been getting bitch slapped by reality almost weekly since November and it only makes them more and more desperate. I have no idea how far they will ride the looney train.
Trump apologists here and elsewhere have attempted to propagate the ridiculous ā€˜argumentā€™ that Trump cannot not be impeached because he violated no laws.

This ā€˜argumentā€™ is as ignorant as it is disingenuous.

The fact is that Trump may indeed be impeached, convicted by the Senate, and removed from office absent any criminal wrongdoing.

Indeed, Trump has engaged in numerous misdemeanors ā€“ bad behavior reflecting poorly on the presidency and Nation ā€“ subject to impeachment pursuant to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, such as when Trump provided intelligence to Russian officials, violating his oath of office:

ā€˜Violating the oath of office does not require violating a criminal statute. If the President decided to write the nuclear codes on a sticky note on his desk and then took a photo of it and tweeted it, he would not technically have violated any criminal lawā€“just as he hasnā€™t here. He has the constitutional authority to dictate that the safeguarding of nuclear materials shall be done through sticky notes in plain sight and tweeted, even the authority to declassify the codes outright. Yet, we would all understand this degree of negligence to be a gross violation of his oath of office.
Thereā€™s thus no reason why Congress couldnā€™t consider a grotesque violation of the Presidentā€™s oath as a standalone basis for impeachmentā€”a high crime and misdemeanor in and of itself. This is particularly plausible in a case like this, where the oath violation involves giving sensitive information to an adversary foreign power. Thatā€™s getting relatively close to the ā€œtreasonā€ language in the impeachment clauses; itā€™s pretty easy to imagine a hybrid impeachment article alleging a violation of the oath in service of a hostile foreign power. So legally speaking, the matter could be very grave for Trump even though there is no criminal exposure.ā€™

Bombshell: Initial Thoughts on the Washington Postā€™s Game-Changing Story

And if Trump is not impeached it wonā€™t be because he hasnā€™t violated any laws, it will be because of a cowardly, blind partisan Republican Congress once again placing party above country.

No he can't Washington D.C. has no RTW laws, all he has to do is call on the presidents Union.

People seem to keep forgetting that BILL CLINTON fired his FBI director early in his admin.

People also forget that BILL CLINTON approved Scientology as a religion. How much money do you think the Clintons got from Miscavige?

Snowflakes actually wanted Bill Clinton back in the White House so he could eat Viagra like Tic Tacs and paint interns in his DNA.
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Trump apologists here and elsewhere have attempted to propagate the ridiculous ā€˜argumentā€™ that Trump cannot not be impeached because he violated no laws.

This ā€˜argumentā€™ is as ignorant as it is disingenuous.

The fact is that Trump may indeed be impeached, convicted by the Senate, and removed from office absent any criminal wrongdoing.

Indeed, Trump has engaged in numerous misdemeanors ā€“ bad behavior reflecting poorly on the presidency and Nation ā€“ subject to impeachment pursuant to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, such as when Trump provided intelligence to Russian officials, violating his oath of office:

ā€˜Violating the oath of office does not require violating a criminal statute. If the President decided to write the nuclear codes on a sticky note on his desk and then took a photo of it and tweeted it, he would not technically have violated any criminal lawā€“just as he hasnā€™t here. He has the constitutional authority to dictate that the safeguarding of nuclear materials shall be done through sticky notes in plain sight and tweeted, even the authority to declassify the codes outright. Yet, we would all understand this degree of negligence to be a gross violation of his oath of office.
Thereā€™s thus no reason why Congress couldnā€™t consider a grotesque violation of the Presidentā€™s oath as a standalone basis for impeachmentā€”a high crime and misdemeanor in and of itself. This is particularly plausible in a case like this, where the oath violation involves giving sensitive information to an adversary foreign power. Thatā€™s getting relatively close to the ā€œtreasonā€ language in the impeachment clauses; itā€™s pretty easy to imagine a hybrid impeachment article alleging a violation of the oath in service of a hostile foreign power. So legally speaking, the matter could be very grave for Trump even though there is no criminal exposure.ā€™

Bombshell: Initial Thoughts on the Washington Postā€™s Game-Changing Story

And if Trump is not impeached it wonā€™t be because he hasnā€™t violated any laws, it will be because of a cowardly, blind partisan Republican Congress once again placing party above country.
So in case you missed the meaning of the word convicted....

past tense: convicted; past participle: convicted
  1. declare (someone) to be guilty of a criminal offense by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law.
A president cannot be impeached on the word of hearsay. His giving alleged 'classified' information to the Russians is laughable.

But you go ahead with your bad self and impeach him. If you can.

Bill Clinton was impeached and DISBARRED for shooting his semen all over dresses of interns and then lying about it to a GRAND JURY....something that is frowned upon if you are a member of the BAR.

It seems that no one remembers that incident....where POTUS blowing loads onto interns was talked about every single evening on the news.

Bill Clinton was impeached and DISBARRED for shooting his semen all over dresses of interns and then lying about it to a GRAND JURY....something that is frowned upon if you are a member of the BAR.

It seems that no one remembers that incident....where POTUS blowing loads onto interns was talked about every single evening on the news.
Actually, if I remember this right, Clinton was convicted of perjury (a criminal offense) and not because he was blowing loads on dresses. For that, he was impeached but the Senate could not get the votes to remove him from office.
More sad and forlorn wishful thinking from the hate filled incoherent left.

It's called FACTS.

We can have our own opinions, we can't have our own facts.

You don't need to be Trump hater to acknowledge the FACT that criminality is not the standard for impeachment.

Bill Clinton was impeached and DISBARRED for shooting his semen all over dresses of interns and then lying about it to a GRAND JURY....something that is frowned upon if you are a member of the BAR.

It seems that no one remembers that incident....where POTUS blowing loads onto interns was talked about every single evening on the news.
Actually, if I remember this right, Clinton was convicted of perjury (a criminal offense) and not because he was blowing loads on dresses. For that, he was impeached but the Senate could not get the votes to remove him from office.

He lied to a grand jury about blowing loads on the dresses of interns. That's why he was convicted of perjury.

What the fuck do you think he was lying about? He was lying about the nature of his relationship with semen covered interns.

Bill Clinton was impeached and DISBARRED for shooting his semen all over dresses of interns and then lying about it to a GRAND JURY....something that is frowned upon if you are a member of the BAR.

It seems that no one remembers that incident....where POTUS blowing loads onto interns was talked about every single evening on the news.
Actually, if I remember this right, Clinton was convicted of perjury (a criminal offense) and not because he was blowing loads on dresses. For that, he was impeached but the Senate could not get the votes to remove him from office.

He lied to a grand jury about blowing loads on the dresses of interns. That's why he was convicted of perjury.

What the fuck do you think he was lying about? He was lying about the nature of his relationship with semen covered interns.
I don't really care what he was lying about. It is ancient history and the only thing that matters is that he was convicted of a criminal offense. Which is what this thread is focused on. The criminal actions required to impeach a sitting President.

Do try and stay focused.

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