Trump - "Can I skip the lunch and get to work?"

Trump said in his speech "right now".

I look forward to him shutting down every one of the factories that manufacture every one of his ( and his familys ) foreign made products, and bringing every one of those jobs home and hiring American workers ... RIGHT NOW !


That is just more Crazy talk. Textile manufacture was driven out of this country 40 years ago. It would not come back quickly.......probably not ever. We don't need it.

it just so happens I have a copy of a shipping manifest with ALL the Trump products, where they're made, how they were shipped and the port of entry where/when they arrived.

do you honestly want to call me crazy ?
if you have all of that, then yes, you're fking crazy
What a president this country has elected! First time this century he's not somebody's puppet, but an independent President and a patriot for change! And what a beautiful First Lady (Lady is the key word)! What a happy day for the whole world!

How many libs were proudly posting: the next Republican president hasn't even been born yet. If Trump stays alive and healthy (I mean if mad Globalists don't assassinate him, God forbid!) , I think we won't see any liberal presidents for a while. I think in 2020 we'll see Dems to come up with a candidate like Chelsea/Bradley Manning, a woman, a trans-gender (probably even a gay!), looking like a perfect presidential candidate if you are a [crazy] liberal. :lol:

Uh you mean for the first time since KENNEDY we had a president who HOPEFULLY is not the puppet for the establishment. As I just got done saying Kennedy was stepping on some very powerful toes in washington and paid the price for it as you I would think would be aware of especially with your sig you have?

I hope i am wrong but I seriously doubt Trump will be the next JFK. As I said before,only way he will convince me if he is for the people and not the bankers as every president since LBJ has been,is if he takes a bullet.If he does not,you will know he is no different than the rest of them.

Nobody needs Trump to be another JFK. We need him to be himself and to stay alive and healthy.

Besides, we don't want him to be assassinated.

Oh, no....who would want that? I would prefer someone not make a mess and just hold a pillow over his face for about 5 minutes.
That's what Great Presidents, not golf and vacations.

Time to roll back the Obama unlawful EOs.

well then we have not had a great president since JFK because GREAT presidents serve the people instead of the bankers and try to get rid of these evil organizations such as the fed and the CIA as kennedy was trying to do and paid the price for it.He was our last REAL president we had.

Every president since him has served the bankers instead of the people and started wars for them thats why they have all stayed alive.

If Trump takes a bullet,that is the ONLY way we will know that he is serving the people and even if he does take one,dont expect him to serve the people and be a great president.

Reagan as well started doing things the establishment did not like and took a bullet as well for doing so.after that,his policys DRASTICALLY changed than before and he started doing their bidding they asked so would Trump be any different after an assassination attempt? I seriously doubt so. the president after all is just a puppet for the establishment.If he does not do as he is told,he ends up like Kennedy.
Take a bullet?

Why don't you take one for the team.

uh you like having presidents who do the bidding of their puppet masters and start wars for them murdering innocent civilians around the country so they can profit and let all these evil organizations such as the CIA,FBI and FED destroy america as every president since LBJ has done instead of following the constitution and serving the people? uh how bout YOU taking one for the team?:rolleyes:
What innocent civilians are being murdered around the country?

I never realized we had hit squads roaming freely throughout America. Are they going door to door on this murder spree?

Puppet Masters?

Fucking hilarious.

I joined the Military to take one for the team.
What a president this country has elected! First time this century he's not somebody's puppet
Trump said in his speech "right now".

I look forward to him shutting down every one of the factories that manufacture every one of his ( and his familys ) foreign made products, and bringing every one of those jobs home and hiring American workers ... RIGHT NOW !


That is just more Crazy talk. Textile manufacture was driven out of this country 40 years ago. It would not come back quickly.......probably not ever. We don't need it.

it just so happens I have a copy of a shipping manifest with ALL the Trump products, where they're made, how they were shipped and the port of entry where/when they arrived.

do you honestly want to call me crazy ?
if you have all of that, then yes, you're fking crazy

and if you don't you're fucking uninformed... typical of Trumpbots.
Trump said in his speech "right now".

I look forward to him shutting down every one of the factories that manufacture every one of his ( and his familys ) foreign made products, and bringing every one of those jobs home and hiring American workers ... RIGHT NOW !


That is just more Crazy talk. Textile manufacture was driven out of this country 40 years ago. It would not come back quickly.......probably not ever. We don't need it.

it just so happens I have a copy of a shipping manifest with ALL the Trump products, where they're made, how they were shipped and the port of entry where/when they arrived.

do you honestly want to call me crazy ?
if you have all of that, then yes, you're fking crazy

and if you don't you're fucking uninformed... typical of Trumpbots.
My word, you are such a whiny little bitch today!! Did something happen that upset you?
Don't want any presidents killed, don't want to hear it. put your energy into gaining knowledge. look at policy & the people put in power & what they plan on doing with it.
What a president this country has elected! First time this century he's not somebody's puppet


that is the point I have been trying to make that is falling on deaf ears around here,if he decides to be a loose cannon as JFK did and not do what his masters tell him,he will suffer the same fate.

Will he have the GUTS to stand up to the establishment as JFK did? I hope so and I hope he can somehow get rid of all the corruption in this facist dictatership country we live in but I seriously doubt he will for very good reasons.
Trump said in his speech "right now".

I look forward to him shutting down every one of the factories that manufacture every one of his ( and his familys ) foreign made products, and bringing every one of those jobs home and hiring American workers ... RIGHT NOW !


That is just more Crazy talk. Textile manufacture was driven out of this country 40 years ago. It would not come back quickly.......probably not ever. We don't need it.

it just so happens I have a copy of a shipping manifest with ALL the Trump products, where they're made, how they were shipped and the port of entry where/when they arrived.

do you honestly want to call me crazy ?
if you have all of that, then yes, you're fking crazy

and if you don't you're fucking uninformed... typical of Trumpbots.
uninformed about what? what exactly do you feel you're soooooo informed on with that material? How shit comes into the country? ewwwwwwwww! aren't you fking talented. me, I have family I'd rather take care of then worry about where trump's business ships from. wow. like i said, you're fking crazy yes.
Trump said in his speech "right now".

I look forward to him shutting down every one of the factories that manufacture every one of his ( and his familys ) foreign made products, and bringing every one of those jobs home and hiring American workers ... RIGHT NOW !


That is just more Crazy talk. Textile manufacture was driven out of this country 40 years ago. It would not come back quickly.......probably not ever. We don't need it.

Yes, we do. If we can make our own textiles, why on earth wouldn't we?

America first, loser.
What a president this country has elected! First time this century he's not somebody's puppet


that is the point I have been trying to make that is falling on deaf ears around here,if he decides to be a loose cannon as JFK did and not do what his masters tell him,he will suffer the same fate.

Will he have the GUTS to stand up to the establishment as JFK did? I hope so and I hope he can somehow get rid of all the corruption in this facist dictatership country we live in but I seriously doubt he will for very good reasons.

We heard what you said. We just don't give a shit what your opinions are.
America is going back to work.

Expect a lot of protests from lazy ass self-proclaimed *intellectuals* who don't want to, and have never been expected to, work.
They had it all........they collapsed the housing market in 08' They had an African in the WH.......they had the media complicit..........
What a president this country has elected! First time this century he's not somebody's puppet

Nice try but I have heard the GDP of Russia is less than WalMart. give it a rest. At least for today.
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That's what Great Presidents, not golf and vacations.

Time to roll back the Obama unlawful EOs.

He was lying....again.

Trump Doesn't Want to be President Until Monday | RedState
3 days ago - Trump Doesn't Want to be President Until Monday. ... You need look no further than his so-called Contract With the American Voter — his plan ...
Trump says 'day one' of his administration will be Monday, not his ...
3 days ago - Trump says 'day one' of his administration will be Monday, nothis ... to take on his first day in office will have to wait until the weekend is over.
Trump Will Take the Weekend Off After His Inauguration, Because ...
3 days ago - Trump Will Take the Weekend Off After His Inauguration, Because Being ... he's not planning on coming in to work at his new job until Monday.
F2 :: Trump will not start working until Monday
1 day ago - 1 post
Topic: Trump will not start working until Monday ... We are not responsible for posted content. Use of site subject to the Terms of Service.
Trump said in his speech "right now".

I look forward to him shutting down every one of the factories that manufacture every one of his ( and his familys ) foreign made products, and bringing every one of those jobs home and hiring American workers ... RIGHT NOW !


That is just more Crazy talk. Textile manufacture was driven out of this country 40 years ago. It would not come back quickly.......probably not ever. We don't need it.

Yes, we do. If we can make our own textiles, why on earth wouldn't we?

America first, loser.

Free trade is what killed the textile industry. Tariffs can bring it back but we can't compete with emerging market labor rates otherwise. Those tariffs would also have to be irreversible for 30 years if sufficient capital investment is to be deployed.
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