Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

Actually it's weighting the system towards rural States...something that the Founding Fathers thought was prudent and fair because they didn't want too much control in the hands of a few populous States. It has ZERO to do with skin pigmentation!

Right. It had nothing to do with only counting people of color as 3/5th of a white person. miss that W. didn't tend to fire back when you on the left attacked him! Trump's not that guy...never was...never will be.

You're right. Bush had class.

The President that made W. look good was Barry.

Um, no.

Bush's approval rating on leaving office- 31.9%
Obama's approval rating on leaving office - 53%

Trump is at 30% now, and he really hasn't even done anything yet. miss that W. didn't tend to fire back when you on the left attacked him! Trump's not that guy...never was...never will be.

You're right. Bush had class.

The President that made W. look good was Barry.

Um, no.

Bush's approval rating on leaving office- 31.9%
Obama's approval rating on leaving office - 53%

Trump is at 30% now, and he really hasn't even done anything yet.

Approval rating is probably the most overrated polling stat there is, Joey! Just because the base LOVES you (and God knows the liberal base would have given Barry high marks if all he ever did was get up every morning and relieve himself on the White House lawn...his Nobel Peace Prize is proof of that!) doesn't mean you were good at the job of being President and did things that made the country a better place.
Actually it's weighting the system towards rural States...something that the Founding Fathers thought was prudent and fair because they didn't want too much control in the hands of a few populous States. It has ZERO to do with skin pigmentation!

Right. It had nothing to do with only counting people of color as 3/5th of a white person.

Whenever you on the left can't explain your losses, immediately respond by accusing whoever beat you of being a racist. Hillary Clinton didn't lose that election because the Electoral College System is inherently racist...she lost it because she was an awful candidate who ran an awful race. Having the curtain pulled back so that people could see exactly how Hillary's minions at the DNC screwed over Bernie Sanders had far more to do with liberals not turning out to vote for her than anything that the Electoral College did!
Now you've done it, Lilah! Eddie's going to have to look that word up! He could be gone for hours!
Old.... Know the definition of your choice ???Sociopath?? Don't spend too long looking it up.

Unlike you, Eddie...I went to this thing called "COLLEGE" where they taught all kinds of big words like that one so I don't have to look them up because I already understand what they mean.
Did you really?? Did they teach you any manners or how to get along with people ??I think not ,,and btw I not only went to college, U of Cincy, but graduated too.

They must be so proud of you, Eddie! Here you are posting away on a message board like a 13 year old that can't pass high school Freshman English and you've got a college degree from a University? Trust me...there's an admissions officer at the U of Cincy that's shuddering every time you announce that you're an alumni!
Because you lack comprehension skills not taught in the 1 year of your college stay, don't get on my case

I've got a degree in History from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Boston University, Eddie...two schools of higher learning that required it's graduates to write at a higher level than an eighth grader! To be blunt...if you're an example of what the "U of Cincy" turns out for graduates...then it obvious that a degree from that institution isn't worth the paper it's printed on! Just saying...
Old.... Know the definition of your choice ???Sociopath?? Don't spend too long looking it up.

Unlike you, Eddie...I went to this thing called "COLLEGE" where they taught all kinds of big words like that one so I don't have to look them up because I already understand what they mean.
Did you really?? Did they teach you any manners or how to get along with people ??I think not ,,and btw I not only went to college, U of Cincy, but graduated too.

They must be so proud of you, Eddie! Here you are posting away on a message board like a 13 year old that can't pass high school Freshman English and you've got a college degree from a University? Trust me...there's an admissions officer at the U of Cincy that's shuddering every time you announce that you're an alumni!
Because you lack comprehension skills not taught in the 1 year of your college stay, don't get on my case

I've got a degree in History from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Boston University, Eddie...two schools of higher learning that required it's graduates to write at a higher level than an eighth grader! To be blunt...if you're an example of what the "U of Cincy" turns out for graduates...then it obvious that a degree from that institution isn't worth the paper it's printed on! Just saying...
so glad you majored in history I majored in finance and I'm writing this from my 2nd home on the ocean in Florida. Good luck to you and your history major
Unlike you, Eddie...I went to this thing called "COLLEGE" where they taught all kinds of big words like that one so I don't have to look them up because I already understand what they mean.
Did you really?? Did they teach you any manners or how to get along with people ??I think not ,,and btw I not only went to college, U of Cincy, but graduated too.

They must be so proud of you, Eddie! Here you are posting away on a message board like a 13 year old that can't pass high school Freshman English and you've got a college degree from a University? Trust me...there's an admissions officer at the U of Cincy that's shuddering every time you announce that you're an alumni!
Because you lack comprehension skills not taught in the 1 year of your college stay, don't get on my case

I've got a degree in History from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Boston University, Eddie...two schools of higher learning that required it's graduates to write at a higher level than an eighth grader! To be blunt...if you're an example of what the "U of Cincy" turns out for graduates...then it obvious that a degree from that institution isn't worth the paper it's printed on! Just saying...
so glad you majored in history I majored in finance and I'm writing this from my 2nd home on the ocean in Florida. Good luck to you and your history major
and by the way ,your writing skills are no better than anyone else's here so don't be so fast to pat yourself on your back
Approval rating is probably the most overrated polling stat there is, Joey! Just because the base LOVES you (and God knows the liberal base would have given Barry high marks if all he ever did was get up every morning and relieve himself on the White House lawn...his Nobel Peace Prize is proof of that!) doesn't mean you were good at the job of being President and did things that made the country a better place.

That Nobel Peace Prize for not being Bush makes you sooooooooo angry, doesn't it?

point is, dummy. Obama left office with high marks. Bush didn't. Trump is going to leave the White House in handcuffs. ..

Whenever you on the left can't explain your losses, immediately respond by accusing whoever beat you of being a racist. Hillary Clinton didn't lose that election because the Electoral College System is inherently racist...she lost it because she was an awful candidate who ran an awful race.

Except she got 3 million more votes....But because the racist as shit EC gives more votes to White Bread states like Wyoming and Alaska, Trump was able to steal the election over the objections of the majority.

Having the curtain pulled back so that people could see exactly how Hillary's minions at the DNC screwed over Bernie Sanders had far more to do with liberals not turning out to vote for her than anything that the Electoral College did!

Yes, the Russians totally did that, and you are okay with it, for some reason.
What is with you people? We don't elect our Presidents by popular vote! It means nothing.

It does if you keep trying to insist the election of Trump reflected the will of the people and not the mechanics of an archaic 18th century system.

The will of the people was pretty clear. They didn't want Trump.

Let me use an analogy...

Oh, please fucking don't. This isn't a game. We asked the people what they wanted, and even after using all sorts of gimmicks to keep people of color from voting, the mutant you nominated STILL lost by 3 million votes.

The People Said No.

They just need to say it a little louder next time.

How do you lose by 3 million votes when you've won the election? As usual, Joey...your head is so far up your tush you can't see the obvious!
This is how...


That isn't a loss, Faun...that's a rather convincing WIN! The only numbers that count on that graphic are the two big ones...306 for Trump and 232 for Clinton! Those little numbers down below? They have zero, nada, zilch value. You on the left need to come to grips with this concept. Failure to do so makes you look idiotic!
You asked how someone could lose by 3 million votes but still win the election and I showed you.
Unlike you, Eddie...I went to this thing called "COLLEGE" where they taught all kinds of big words like that one so I don't have to look them up because I already understand what they mean.
Did you really?? Did they teach you any manners or how to get along with people ??I think not ,,and btw I not only went to college, U of Cincy, but graduated too.

They must be so proud of you, Eddie! Here you are posting away on a message board like a 13 year old that can't pass high school Freshman English and you've got a college degree from a University? Trust me...there's an admissions officer at the U of Cincy that's shuddering every time you announce that you're an alumni!
Because you lack comprehension skills not taught in the 1 year of your college stay, don't get on my case

I've got a degree in History from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Boston University, Eddie...two schools of higher learning that required it's graduates to write at a higher level than an eighth grader! To be blunt...if you're an example of what the "U of Cincy" turns out for graduates...then it obvious that a degree from that institution isn't worth the paper it's printed on! Just saying...
so glad you majored in history I majored in finance and I'm writing this from my 2nd home on the ocean in Florida. Good luck to you and your history major

Some finance don't seem to understand what an MBA stands for! :bsflag:
Approval rating is probably the most overrated polling stat there is, Joey! Just because the base LOVES you (and God knows the liberal base would have given Barry high marks if all he ever did was get up every morning and relieve himself on the White House lawn...his Nobel Peace Prize is proof of that!) doesn't mean you were good at the job of being President and did things that made the country a better place.

That Nobel Peace Prize for not being Bush makes you sooooooooo angry, doesn't it?

point is, dummy. Obama left office with high marks. Bush didn't. Trump is going to leave the White House in handcuffs. ..

Whenever you on the left can't explain your losses, immediately respond by accusing whoever beat you of being a racist. Hillary Clinton didn't lose that election because the Electoral College System is inherently racist...she lost it because she was an awful candidate who ran an awful race.

Except she got 3 million more votes....But because the racist as shit EC gives more votes to White Bread states like Wyoming and Alaska, Trump was able to steal the election over the objections of the majority.

Having the curtain pulled back so that people could see exactly how Hillary's minions at the DNC screwed over Bernie Sanders had far more to do with liberals not turning out to vote for her than anything that the Electoral College did!

Yes, the Russians totally did that, and you are okay with it, for some reason.

That Nobel Peace Prize for essentially not being George W. Bush simply shows how ridiculous you are on the Left, Joey! It didn't make me made me laugh. You gave Obama a prize for what you thought he MIGHT do...not for what he HAD done! So tell me...was the Middle East more "peaceful" after eight years of policy blunders by the Obama Administration? I'd LOVE to hear you try and make that argument!
What is with you people? We don't elect our Presidents by popular vote! It means nothing.

It does if you keep trying to insist the election of Trump reflected the will of the people and not the mechanics of an archaic 18th century system.

The will of the people was pretty clear. They didn't want Trump.

Let me use an analogy...

Oh, please fucking don't. This isn't a game. We asked the people what they wanted, and even after using all sorts of gimmicks to keep people of color from voting, the mutant you nominated STILL lost by 3 million votes.

The People Said No.

They just need to say it a little louder next time.

How do you lose by 3 million votes when you've won the election? As usual, Joey...your head is so far up your tush you can't see the obvious!
This is how...


That isn't a loss, Faun...that's a rather convincing WIN! The only numbers that count on that graphic are the two big ones...306 for Trump and 232 for Clinton! Those little numbers down below? They have zero, nada, zilch value. You on the left need to come to grips with this concept. Failure to do so makes you look idiotic!
You asked how someone could lose by 3 million votes but still win the election and I showed you.

I pointed out that the popular vote means nothing in our system for electing a President...something that both sides knew going into the campaign and both sides based their strategies on. Your claim that Hillary "won" is like an NBA team claiming that THEY should have won because they made more total baskets than their opponents who won because the rules allow more points for a shot made from outside the arc. It's a stupid claim and makes you look like a poor loser.
Did you really?? Did they teach you any manners or how to get along with people ??I think not ,,and btw I not only went to college, U of Cincy, but graduated too.

They must be so proud of you, Eddie! Here you are posting away on a message board like a 13 year old that can't pass high school Freshman English and you've got a college degree from a University? Trust me...there's an admissions officer at the U of Cincy that's shuddering every time you announce that you're an alumni!
Because you lack comprehension skills not taught in the 1 year of your college stay, don't get on my case

I've got a degree in History from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Boston University, Eddie...two schools of higher learning that required it's graduates to write at a higher level than an eighth grader! To be blunt...if you're an example of what the "U of Cincy" turns out for graduates...then it obvious that a degree from that institution isn't worth the paper it's printed on! Just saying...
so glad you majored in history I majored in finance and I'm writing this from my 2nd home on the ocean in Florida. Good luck to you and your history major
and by the way ,your writing skills are no better than anyone else's here so don't be so fast to pat yourself on your back

Making that claim with THAT post shows how clueless you really are, Eddie! My writing skills are so superior to yours, it's not even debatable!
It does if you keep trying to insist the election of Trump reflected the will of the people and not the mechanics of an archaic 18th century system.

The will of the people was pretty clear. They didn't want Trump.

Oh, please fucking don't. This isn't a game. We asked the people what they wanted, and even after using all sorts of gimmicks to keep people of color from voting, the mutant you nominated STILL lost by 3 million votes.

The People Said No.

They just need to say it a little louder next time.

How do you lose by 3 million votes when you've won the election? As usual, Joey...your head is so far up your tush you can't see the obvious!
This is how...


That isn't a loss, Faun...that's a rather convincing WIN! The only numbers that count on that graphic are the two big ones...306 for Trump and 232 for Clinton! Those little numbers down below? They have zero, nada, zilch value. You on the left need to come to grips with this concept. Failure to do so makes you look idiotic!
You asked how someone could lose by 3 million votes but still win the election and I showed you.

I pointed out that the popular vote means nothing in our system for electing a President...something that both sides knew going into the campaign and both sides based their strategies on. Your claim that Hillary "won" is like an NBA team claiming that THEY should have won because they made more total baskets than their opponents who won because the rules allow more points for a shot made from outside the arc. It's a stupid claim and makes you look like a poor loser.
Not at all. I didn’t say Hillary won the election. Again... you asked how someone could lose by 3 million votes and still win the election and I showed you.
They must be so proud of you, Eddie! Here you are posting away on a message board like a 13 year old that can't pass high school Freshman English and you've got a college degree from a University? Trust me...there's an admissions officer at the U of Cincy that's shuddering every time you announce that you're an alumni!
Because you lack comprehension skills not taught in the 1 year of your college stay, don't get on my case

I've got a degree in History from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Boston University, Eddie...two schools of higher learning that required it's graduates to write at a higher level than an eighth grader! To be blunt...if you're an example of what the "U of Cincy" turns out for graduates...then it obvious that a degree from that institution isn't worth the paper it's printed on! Just saying...
so glad you majored in history I majored in finance and I'm writing this from my 2nd home on the ocean in Florida. Good luck to you and your history major
and by the way ,your writing skills are no better than anyone else's here so don't be so fast to pat yourself on your back

Making that claim with THAT post shows how clueless you really are, Eddie! My writing skills are so superior to yours, it's not even debatable!
You are obsessed with Obama bashing in a thread about trump disrespecting fallen soldiers and lying to cover his dereliction of duty up. Yet here you are, posting consecutive posts after posts deflecting from the topic and stuck in a personal back a forth with another poster about your education and intelligence. How many more days will you use this thread to brag about your education and how smart you are?

For the record. President trump has lowered himself to now calling the widow of a fallen soldier a liar for telling her side, or interpretation, of his phone call. The President of the USA is calling the widow of a killed in action soldier a liar.
The important thing is that one of his supporters here at USMB has a great education and is smarter than some other poster. We know this because he says so.
Did you really?? Did they teach you any manners or how to get along with people ??I think not ,,and btw I not only went to college, U of Cincy, but graduated too.

They must be so proud of you, Eddie! Here you are posting away on a message board like a 13 year old that can't pass high school Freshman English and you've got a college degree from a University? Trust me...there's an admissions officer at the U of Cincy that's shuddering every time you announce that you're an alumni!
Because you lack comprehension skills not taught in the 1 year of your college stay, don't get on my case

I've got a degree in History from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Boston University, Eddie...two schools of higher learning that required it's graduates to write at a higher level than an eighth grader! To be blunt...if you're an example of what the "U of Cincy" turns out for graduates...then it obvious that a degree from that institution isn't worth the paper it's printed on! Just saying...
so glad you majored in history I majored in finance and I'm writing this from my 2nd home on the ocean in Florida. Good luck to you and your history major

Some finance don't seem to understand what an MBA stands for! :bsflag:
LOL so you can do your own taxes I use a CPA
Trump attacked a Gold Star Wife this morning in a tweet. Your President is attacking the recent widow of a fallen soldier.

Trump is a disgrace. The man known for being a pathological serial liar is calling a grieving widow a liar over the interpretation and opinion of a phone call he made.
They must be so proud of you, Eddie! Here you are posting away on a message board like a 13 year old that can't pass high school Freshman English and you've got a college degree from a University? Trust me...there's an admissions officer at the U of Cincy that's shuddering every time you announce that you're an alumni!
Because you lack comprehension skills not taught in the 1 year of your college stay, don't get on my case

I've got a degree in History from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Boston University, Eddie...two schools of higher learning that required it's graduates to write at a higher level than an eighth grader! To be blunt...if you're an example of what the "U of Cincy" turns out for graduates...then it obvious that a degree from that institution isn't worth the paper it's printed on! Just saying...
so glad you majored in history I majored in finance and I'm writing this from my 2nd home on the ocean in Florida. Good luck to you and your history major
and by the way ,your writing skills are no better than anyone else's here so don't be so fast to pat yourself on your back

Making that claim with THAT post shows how clueless you really are, Eddie! My writing skills are so superior to yours, it's not even debatable!
Well I have lost a little over the years old, but I get along I still only type with 1 finger and my 10 year old son showed me how to use a computer 18 years ago But I get by
Because you lack comprehension skills not taught in the 1 year of your college stay, don't get on my case

I've got a degree in History from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Boston University, Eddie...two schools of higher learning that required it's graduates to write at a higher level than an eighth grader! To be blunt...if you're an example of what the "U of Cincy" turns out for graduates...then it obvious that a degree from that institution isn't worth the paper it's printed on! Just saying...
so glad you majored in history I majored in finance and I'm writing this from my 2nd home on the ocean in Florida. Good luck to you and your history major
and by the way ,your writing skills are no better than anyone else's here so don't be so fast to pat yourself on your back

Making that claim with THAT post shows how clueless you really are, Eddie! My writing skills are so superior to yours, it's not even debatable!
You are obsessed with Obama bashing in a thread about trump disrespecting fallen soldiers and lying to cover his dereliction of duty up. Yet here you are, posting consecutive posts after posts deflecting from the topic and stuck in a personal back a forth with another poster about your education and intelligence. How many more days will you use this thread to brag about your education and how smart you are?

For the record. President trump has lowered himself to now calling the widow of a fallen soldier a liar for telling her side, or interpretation, of his phone call. The President of the USA is calling the widow of a killed in action soldier a liar.
The important thing is that one of his supporters here at USMB has a great education and is smarter than some other poster. We know this because he says so.

Well the widow is a liar. And big money is involved.

Saturday: Bury husband. Check.

Sunday: Confirm all talk show appearances. Check.

Monday: Go on talk shows to jake the GOFUNDME account. Check.

Tuesday: Practice looking surprised on Ellen when getting the $100,000 cheque. Check.
Trump attacked a Gold Star Wife this morning in a tweet. Your President is attacking the recent widow of a fallen soldier.

Trump is a disgrace. The man known for being a pathological serial liar is calling a grieving widow a liar over the interpretation and opinion of a phone call he made.

All of you left wing wankers went after a Gold Star father last week. Remember everyone bashing Kelly? I fucking do. Now if this witch of a widow wants to go on talk shows and lie to up her gofundme account and audition to become the next Cindy Sheehan she is fair game.

She has now entered the ring.

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