Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

Trump has managed to take this issue and turn a former Marine General into a liar and public disgrace. Everyone on the trump White House staff seems to be required to be dishonest liars and frauds.
Trump has managed to take this issue and turn a former Marine General into a liar and public disgrace. Everyone on the trump White House staff seems to be required to be dishonest liars and frauds.

I'm wondering if Trump has a machine that takes the people he hires, gives them a lobotomy and turns them into pod people?
The lies of trump just are not working the way they use to work. The fringe supporters and the curious are not supporting the liar the way they did during the campaign. Now everyone sees how serious those lies can be. They aren't funny anymore.
The lies of trump just are not working the way they use to work. The fringe supporters and the curious are not supporting the liar the way they did during the campaign. Now everyone sees how serious those lies can be. They aren't funny anymore.

Remember when Trump told us he would start "acting presidential" after he won the election? 10 months later, and we're still waiting to see if he can do it.

Currently, he hasn't.
Trump has managed to take this issue and turn a former Marine General into a liar and public disgrace. Everyone on the trump White House staff seems to be required to be dishonest liars and frauds.

I'm wondering if Trump has a machine that takes the people he hires, gives them a lobotomy and turns them into pod people?
It is pure greed and the desire to have power.
Was Gen. Kelly a corrupt lying bum before he went to work for trump? One is forced to wonder how many other Generals are like Kelly. How many bums like him are hiding behind those uniforms and rank?
Was Gen. Kelly a corrupt lying bum before he went to work for trump? One is forced to wonder how many other Generals are like Kelly. How many bums like him are hiding behind those uniforms and rank?

You know, it's been my experience in the Navy that the crappy officers are the ones who remain as CDR's and CAPT's, because the good ones always get promoted to Admiral.
Do you need an intervention?
An intervention from your stuttering?



Your postings are nonsensical. You seem to have gone off the deep end.
Lilah ,,you're in over your head ,,, stop now before you're made a complete fool of


Now you've done it, Lilah! Eddie's going to have to look that word up! He could be gone for hours!
Old.... Know the definition of your choice ???Sociopath?? Don't spend too long looking it up.
Even British calling Trump a moron for tweet. Fear mongering is trumps strong suit , that and pussy grabbing
An intervention from your stuttering?



Your postings are nonsensical. You seem to have gone off the deep end.
Lilah ,,you're in over your head ,,, stop now before you're made a complete fool of


Now you've done it, Lilah! Eddie's going to have to look that word up! He could be gone for hours!
Old.... Know the definition of your choice ???Sociopath?? Don't spend too long looking it up.

Unlike you, Eddie...I went to this thing called "COLLEGE" where they taught all kinds of big words like that one so I don't have to look them up because I already understand what they mean.
Comprehension for starters. Trying to read some of your posts borders on the painful...and that's just your butchery of the English language!
I learned at the GWB speech University Too bad you're not educated enough to follow my posts.If you could you'd improve your mind


Trump makes me miss Bush's quiet decorum and dignity more than anything else.
Ah...Joey? There are more white people in America than there are black you think black people should have an equal amount of the vote? Duh?

Are you some kind of retard? When you give Wyoming one elector for every 200,000 people and California one elector for every 600,000 people, that's biasing the system in favor of white people.
Your postings are nonsensical. You seem to have gone off the deep end.
Lilah ,,you're in over your head ,,, stop now before you're made a complete fool of


Now you've done it, Lilah! Eddie's going to have to look that word up! He could be gone for hours!
Old.... Know the definition of your choice ???Sociopath?? Don't spend too long looking it up.

Unlike you, Eddie...I went to this thing called "COLLEGE" where they taught all kinds of big words like that one so I don't have to look them up because I already understand what they mean.
Did you really?? Did they teach you any manners or how to get along with people ??I think not ,,and btw I not only went to college, U of Cincy, but graduated too.
Comprehension for starters. Trying to read some of your posts borders on the painful...and that's just your butchery of the English language!
I learned at the GWB speech University Too bad you're not educated enough to follow my posts.If you could you'd improve your mind


Trump makes me miss Bush's quiet decorum and dignity more than anything else.
Trump makes GWB look like a Mt Rushmore candidate
Ah...Joey? There are more white people in America than there are black you think black people should have an equal amount of the vote? Duh?

Are you some kind of retard? When you give Wyoming one elector for every 200,000 people and California one elector for every 600,000 people, that's biasing the system in favor of white people.

Actually it's weighting the system towards rural States...something that the Founding Fathers thought was prudent and fair because they didn't want too much control in the hands of a few populous States. It has ZERO to do with skin pigmentation!
Lilah ,,you're in over your head ,,, stop now before you're made a complete fool of


Now you've done it, Lilah! Eddie's going to have to look that word up! He could be gone for hours!
Old.... Know the definition of your choice ???Sociopath?? Don't spend too long looking it up.

Unlike you, Eddie...I went to this thing called "COLLEGE" where they taught all kinds of big words like that one so I don't have to look them up because I already understand what they mean.
Did you really?? Did they teach you any manners or how to get along with people ??I think not ,,and btw I not only went to college, U of Cincy, but graduated too.

They must be so proud of you, Eddie! Here you are posting away on a message board like a 13 year old that can't pass high school Freshman English and you've got a college degree from a University? Trust me...there's an admissions officer at the U of Cincy that's shuddering every time you announce that you're an alumni!
The defense for trump's dereliction of duty and his lying to cover up for that dereliction has now been narrowed down to simple deflection away from the subject. Let's talk about the electoral college instead.
Comprehension for starters. Trying to read some of your posts borders on the painful...and that's just your butchery of the English language!
I learned at the GWB speech University Too bad you're not educated enough to follow my posts.If you could you'd improve your mind


Trump makes me miss Bush's quiet decorum and dignity more than anything else. miss that W. didn't tend to fire back when you on the left attacked him! Trump's not that guy...never was...never will be.

The President that made W. look good was Barry. The President that would have REALLY made him look good would have been Hillary! You on the left actually dodged a bullet on that're simply too focused on hating Trump to realize it!

Now you've done it, Lilah! Eddie's going to have to look that word up! He could be gone for hours!
Old.... Know the definition of your choice ???Sociopath?? Don't spend too long looking it up.

Unlike you, Eddie...I went to this thing called "COLLEGE" where they taught all kinds of big words like that one so I don't have to look them up because I already understand what they mean.
Did you really?? Did they teach you any manners or how to get along with people ??I think not ,,and btw I not only went to college, U of Cincy, but graduated too.

They must be so proud of you, Eddie! Here you are posting away on a message board like a 13 year old that can't pass high school Freshman English and you've got a college degree from a University? Trust me...there's an admissions officer at the U of Cincy that's shuddering every time you announce that you're an alumni!
Because you lack comprehension skills not taught in the 1 year of your college stay, don't get on my case
Comprehension for starters. Trying to read some of your posts borders on the painful...and that's just your butchery of the English language!
I learned at the GWB speech University Too bad you're not educated enough to follow my posts.If you could you'd improve your mind


Trump makes me miss Bush's quiet decorum and dignity more than anything else. miss that W. didn't tend to fire back when you on the left attacked him! Trump's not that guy...never was...never will be.

The President that made W. look good was Barry. The President that would have REALLY made him look good would have been Hillary! You on the left actually dodged a bullet on that're simply too focused on hating Trump to realize it!
How can we hate trump?? So much to love about him ,a cheat ,a crook a meow grabber a con man

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