Trump to attend wake for fallen NYPD officer while Biden heads to NYC for glitzy, star-studded fundraiser

Trump broke all types of laws as POTUS, as did his staffers. Why not these laws?

There won't be a next time.
Polls are all showing Trump in the lead, including swing states. Are you THAT confident of the Dems’ cheating scheme?
Didn't polls show Trump leading in 2020? We know how that turned out.
Yeah, because of the massive cheating and ballot harvesting. That’s why I qualified my remark that he’ll win if he can overcome the Dems’ cheatfest.
Yeah, because of the massive cheating and ballot harvesting. That’s why I qualified my remark that he’ll win if he can overcome the Dems’ cheatfest.
You mean the massive cheating that was never proven or ballot harvesting. The only folks who were found to be cheating were Republicans.
Explain how the other Republicans on those ballots ended up getting elected.
Which ballots? I’m talking about the thousands and thousands that came in after they halted the count that were marked only for Biden.
Which ballots? I’m talking about the thousands and thousands that came in after they halted the count that were marked only for Biden.
Dumbass skank.

From Tucker Carlson’s far-right Daily Caller.

Republicans Won Crucial Elections Where Trump Failed, Sometimes Outperforming The President By Wide Margins.​

Polls leading up to Nov. 3 consistently showed Trump losing to former Vice President Joe Biden, the ultimate victor. GOP candidates similarly faced tight races, according to polls, but unlike the president, defied expectations and won their elections, typically by a significant amount.

Republican senatorial candidates boasted strong victories, despite polling showing close races, and secured 50 seats in the upper chamber. The GOP also gained seats in the House, though Democrats were expected to expand their majority. Republicans also prevented every state legislature that they held from being flipped, including in multiple in states that Biden won, giving them a possible advantage as states begin their congressional redistricting processes.

In Maine, polls consistently showed incumbent GOP Sen. Susan Collins trailing her opponent, Sara Gideon, leading up to the election. But Collins won reelection by seven points, despite that Gideon spent more than twice as much during her campaign.

Trump, meanwhile, lost Maine by double digits.

In New Hampshire, popular GOP Gov. Chris Sununu won reelection by almost 32 points. Republicans also flipped both bodies in state’s legislature after Democrats did the same in two years ago, giving the GOP full control of the state’s government.
Polls are all showing Trump in the lead, including swing states. Are you THAT confident of the Dems’ cheating scheme?
Those numbers are tightening as we speak. And they're going to get closer as the election approaches. Each man will get another bump after their respective conventions.

But then, people will finally see that on election day, they're going to have to place the check next to one of the two.
And I'm sorry, the majority of Americans don't want to see another Trump presidency. :)
No cheating takes place. Your candidate just sucks. He sucked as a President. He sucks as human being.

If you had just nominated Nikki Haley, I'd say your chances of defeating Biden in November were really good.
But with Trump???? Not gonna happen.
Yes, McGrifty never loses a chance to seem like he cares...when he doesn't.
Sorry, won't win him any points. Hey orangy, memba when he went to the CIA Memorial Wall right after he was inaugurated?

Wonder if he'll speak about his crowd size at this officer's wake?
You have a real hate streak. Don't become a parent. Every parent on here konws that having a President show up for a death like that means a tremendous amount. Are you one of those Westboro Baptist folks that goes to a funeral and yells "He doesn't care that your husband was shot dead!!" May God reward your horrible hate.
You have a real hate streak. Don't become a parent. Every parent on here konws that having a President show up for a death like that means a tremendous amount. Are you one of those Westboro Baptist folks that goes to a funeral and yells "He doesn't care that your husband was shot dead!!" May God reward your horrible hate.
Trump FLEW to Florida to express his condolences in person - while being tied up with frivolous lawsuits and running a presidential campaign - and Biden was 30 miles away and couldn’t be bothered.

He shows more respect to an illegal scumbag murderer than he does a fallen police officer.
You have a real hate streak. Don't become a parent. Every parent on here konws that having a President show up for a death like that means a tremendous amount. Are you one of those Westboro Baptist folks that goes to a funeral and yells "He doesn't care that your husband was shot dead!!" May God reward your horrible hate.
Sweetheart, I have zero idea what turnip truck you got pushed off of, but if you are naive enough to believe that a man who hasn't cared about anything over his 70+ years of life other than himself, all the sudden woke up out of his narcissistic stupor and started caring about any of his fellow man...well....then...someone needs to break that smelling salts caplet under your nose. :)

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