Trump to meet with his probation officer on monday

Your title talks about a meeting with a probation officer.

It's not unreasonable to assume that probation was on the table.

All options have to be on the table pre sentencing. Otherwise there would surely be a mistrial. I think trump could help himself by playing the game.
All options have to be on the table pre sentencing. Otherwise there would surely be a mistrial. I think trump could help himself by playing the game.
His lawyer was by his side to give him a reach around when things got rough for the poor thing.

Its important that he makes a positive impression on the court official. The officer will be giving the judge an important report on his "client" and this will help the judge decide what punishment he gets.

I think it would be wise to play up the many psych problems he has. narcisism, self pity. god complex, compulsive lying.

These are mitigating factors and he can be given help for this. Its important that any sentence reflects he demons that haunt trump. He should not be written off. He is a family man, many families in fact.
No, it's like an interview.

Because that's HOW it Works.

You finally admit that you got schooled.
Big first step.
I was open minded about NY laws and I appreciated the correction from WorldWatcher ...why do you want to turn that into an I got ya?... kind of little of you....

Its important that he makes a positive impression on the court official. The officer will be giving the judge an important report on his "client" and this will help the judge decide what punishment he gets.

I think it would be wise to play up the many psych problems he has. narcisism, self pity. god complex, compulsive lying.

These are mitigating factors and he can be given help for this. Its important that any sentence reflects he demons that haunt trump. He should not be written off. He is a family man, many families in fact.

I love to see the unbridled hatred you leftists can't stop spewing. Anyone that causes this reaction in left wing loons has got to be good for America.

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