Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

I hope I made you proud.

I'm always pleased when I can help out those who struggle with English as a first language, Eddie! I'm sure that the folks over at the U of Cincy are thrilled as well!

Don't ya think you'd be wise to take care of yourself in that department before trying to help others? :badgrin:

Would you care to point out where I'm "struggling" with the English language, Faun? Or is this going to be yet another of your posts where you accuse me of something which you never back up?
Do you ever stop lying, ya lying con tool?


I back up everything I say.
Show me where I said the Obama "coined" the term!

So far,'ve backed up the Obama Administration's attempt to deceive with an attempt of your own to deceive! You've accused me repeatedly of "lying" simply because I pointed out EXACTLY how the Obama Administration used "Jobs Created or Saved" not to accurately inform the American people how many jobs they managed to create but to HIDE that number behind a totally fabricated total that they pulled out of thin air!

That's what you're "backing up"!

What I backed up there was my claim that you struggled with English. :eusa_doh:
I'm always pleased when I can help out those who struggle with English as a first language, Eddie! I'm sure that the folks over at the U of Cincy are thrilled as well!

Don't ya think you'd be wise to take care of yourself in that department before trying to help others? :badgrin:

Would you care to point out where I'm "struggling" with the English language, Faun? Or is this going to be yet another of your posts where you accuse me of something which you never back up?
Do you ever stop lying, ya lying con tool?


I back up everything I say.
Show me where I said the Obama "coined" the term!

So far,'ve backed up the Obama Administration's attempt to deceive with an attempt of your own to deceive! You've accused me repeatedly of "lying" simply because I pointed out EXACTLY how the Obama Administration used "Jobs Created or Saved" not to accurately inform the American people how many jobs they managed to create but to HIDE that number behind a totally fabricated total that they pulled out of thin air!

That's what you're "backing up"!

What I backed up there was my claim that you struggled with English. :eusa_doh:
Speaking of struggling ,you need to read "How to win friends and influence people", desperately. Pass it on to Trump when it's completed
You're amusing as always, Faun! You cite two obscure examples of where a Bush Administration administrator used the term "jobs created or saved" ...
Thanks for finally admitting Obama didn't coin the term as even you confess it was already used during the Bush administration. an attempt to excuse the Obama Administration REPEATEDLY citing jobs created or saved to hide how few jobs they created with the Obama Stimulus!
You're still lying as it's not possible for Obama to "coin" the term to hide job gains as he starting using it before his stimulus was passed.

Show me where I said the Obama "coined" the term! What I said was the Obama Administration was the first to use Jobs Created or Saved as their go to statistic whenever they cited job creation numbers!

"coined" was your word.
Amazingly enough...Barry, Harry and Nancy managed to do just that, Antontoo! They spent all that money and unemployment went up. It was SO bad that they had to coin a new economic statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they managed to create!

They did so because they knew very well that they DIDN'T create many jobs at all! Barry even admitted as much with his infamous admission that there weren't as many shovel ready jobs as they'd thought there would be!
As stated above, you're still lying as it's not possible for Obama to "coin" the term to hide job gains as he starting using it before his stimulus was passed.

Your word comprehension is awful, Faun...but then again it always IS when you on the left want to bend what someone else has said! You'll note that I didn't say that Barry, Harry and Nancy coined a new WORD...I pointed out that they coined a new ECONOMIC STATISTIC that they used repeatedly to describe job creation...and that new economic statistic was "Jobs Created or Saved"!

Claiming that they DIDN'T use that statistic...which is remarkable only in that you can claim any number that you want because it's totally impossible to determine whether or not your policies have "saved" jobs or not...shows how deceitful you're willing to be to rewrite the "legacy" of Democratic economic failure at that time!
Lying con tool...

Whether you reference it as a term or a statistic, you’ve been shown repeatedly it started under the Bush administration.

Now stop lying, Obama didn’t coin it. Nor did he invent it..

Sad that you’re so pathological, you’ll keep lying about this anyway.

What you've "shown" Faun is that some obscure person in I think the Department of Agriculture under Bush used that term when describing how many jobs a new program had "created or saved"...which is a far cry from an entire Administration using the term system wide to deliberately hide how few jobs were created by the nearly trillion dollars in stimulus money they just blew through! Obama didn't "coin" it...nor did he "invent" it...but man did he ever USE it to mislead the American people about what was happening! That's what I pointed out to you back then and we both know that person being dishonest about what took place is YOU when you claim that Obama did something that Bush did!

”Obama didn't "coin" it...nor did he "invent" it...but...”

Yet you’ve said both...
Amazingly enough...Barry, Harry and Nancy managed to do just that, Antontoo! They spent all that money and unemployment went up. It was SO bad that they had to coin a new economic statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they managed to create!
For you to now blame the GOP for "watering down" a stimulus that failed to create jobs so badly that the Obama folks had to invent "Jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was, shows what an Obama shill you really are!
Now, after making those claims, you say he didn’t. You wouldn’t have to backpedal like that if only you could stop lying.

At any rate, no matter how you try to portray it, the Bush administration actually coined it. And again, Obama did not use it to hide job numbers — he couldn’t have since he began using the term before his stimulus plan went into effect.

How I try to "portray" it? What's laughable, Faun is that you're the one who's trying to "portray" what happened as something that it wasn' it was some innocent happenstance that the Obama Administration started using the economic statistic "Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus spent all that money and created so few jobs! That didn't happen by accident! That was a planned strategy of damage control by the Obama White House to hide how few jobs they managed to create despite spending a huge amount of money! They deliberately misled the American people with a made up number...just like you're now deliberately misleading the readers of this board that it was something that other administrations had done before them!
I'm always pleased when I can help out those who struggle with English as a first language, Eddie! I'm sure that the folks over at the U of Cincy are thrilled as well!

Don't ya think you'd be wise to take care of yourself in that department before trying to help others? :badgrin:

Would you care to point out where I'm "struggling" with the English language, Faun? Or is this going to be yet another of your posts where you accuse me of something which you never back up?
Do you ever stop lying, ya lying con tool?


I back up everything I say.
Show me where I said the Obama "coined" the term!

So far,'ve backed up the Obama Administration's attempt to deceive with an attempt of your own to deceive! You've accused me repeatedly of "lying" simply because I pointed out EXACTLY how the Obama Administration used "Jobs Created or Saved" not to accurately inform the American people how many jobs they managed to create but to HIDE that number behind a totally fabricated total that they pulled out of thin air!

That's what you're "backing up"!

What I backed up there was my claim that you struggled with English. :eusa_doh:

Your claim that I "struggle" with English is as farcical as your claim that the Obama Administration didn't deliberately attempt to mislead the American people with their "Jobs Created or Saved" narrative!

Don't ya think you'd be wise to take care of yourself in that department before trying to help others? :badgrin:

Would you care to point out where I'm "struggling" with the English language, Faun? Or is this going to be yet another of your posts where you accuse me of something which you never back up?
Do you ever stop lying, ya lying con tool?


I back up everything I say.
Show me where I said the Obama "coined" the term!

So far,'ve backed up the Obama Administration's attempt to deceive with an attempt of your own to deceive! You've accused me repeatedly of "lying" simply because I pointed out EXACTLY how the Obama Administration used "Jobs Created or Saved" not to accurately inform the American people how many jobs they managed to create but to HIDE that number behind a totally fabricated total that they pulled out of thin air!

That's what you're "backing up"!

What I backed up there was my claim that you struggled with English. :eusa_doh:
Speaking of struggling ,you need to read "How to win friends and influence people", desperately. Pass it on to Trump when it's completed that what people like you and Faun are doing here, Eddie? Trying to win friends and influence people? You have an interesting way of going about it.
Thanks for finally admitting Obama didn't coin the term as even you confess it was already used during the Bush administration.

You're still lying as it's not possible for Obama to "coin" the term to hide job gains as he starting using it before his stimulus was passed.


"coined" was your word.

As stated above, you're still lying as it's not possible for Obama to "coin" the term to hide job gains as he starting using it before his stimulus was passed.

Your word comprehension is awful, Faun...but then again it always IS when you on the left want to bend what someone else has said! You'll note that I didn't say that Barry, Harry and Nancy coined a new WORD...I pointed out that they coined a new ECONOMIC STATISTIC that they used repeatedly to describe job creation...and that new economic statistic was "Jobs Created or Saved"!

Claiming that they DIDN'T use that statistic...which is remarkable only in that you can claim any number that you want because it's totally impossible to determine whether or not your policies have "saved" jobs or not...shows how deceitful you're willing to be to rewrite the "legacy" of Democratic economic failure at that time!
Lying con tool...

Whether you reference it as a term or a statistic, you’ve been shown repeatedly it started under the Bush administration.

Now stop lying, Obama didn’t coin it. Nor did he invent it..

Sad that you’re so pathological, you’ll keep lying about this anyway.

What you've "shown" Faun is that some obscure person in I think the Department of Agriculture under Bush used that term when describing how many jobs a new program had "created or saved"...which is a far cry from an entire Administration using the term system wide to deliberately hide how few jobs were created by the nearly trillion dollars in stimulus money they just blew through! Obama didn't "coin" it...nor did he "invent" it...but man did he ever USE it to mislead the American people about what was happening! That's what I pointed out to you back then and we both know that person being dishonest about what took place is YOU when you claim that Obama did something that Bush did!

”Obama didn't "coin" it...nor did he "invent" it...but...”

Yet you’ve said both...
Amazingly enough...Barry, Harry and Nancy managed to do just that, Antontoo! They spent all that money and unemployment went up. It was SO bad that they had to coin a new economic statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they managed to create!
For you to now blame the GOP for "watering down" a stimulus that failed to create jobs so badly that the Obama folks had to invent "Jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was, shows what an Obama shill you really are!
Now, after making those claims, you say he didn’t. You wouldn’t have to backpedal like that if only you could stop lying.

At any rate, no matter how you try to portray it, the Bush administration actually coined it. And again, Obama did not use it to hide job numbers — he couldn’t have since he began using the term before his stimulus plan went into effect.

How I try to "portray" it? What's laughable, Faun is that you're the one who's trying to "portray" what happened as something that it wasn' it was some innocent happenstance that the Obama Administration started using the economic statistic "Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus spent all that money and created so few jobs! That didn't happen by accident! That was a planned strategy of damage control by the Obama White House to hide how few jobs they managed to create despite spending a huge amount of money! They deliberately misled the American people with a made up number...just like you're now deliberately misleading the readers of this board that it was something that other administrations had done before them!
You're still lying when you say, "like it was some innocent happenstance that the Obama Administration started using the economic statistic "Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus spent all that money and created so few jobs!"

Again, he started using that term before a dime was spent. So how could he have been using that term to hide jobs numbers that had yet not occurred?

Don't ya think you'd be wise to take care of yourself in that department before trying to help others? :badgrin:

Would you care to point out where I'm "struggling" with the English language, Faun? Or is this going to be yet another of your posts where you accuse me of something which you never back up?
Do you ever stop lying, ya lying con tool?


I back up everything I say.
Show me where I said the Obama "coined" the term!

So far,'ve backed up the Obama Administration's attempt to deceive with an attempt of your own to deceive! You've accused me repeatedly of "lying" simply because I pointed out EXACTLY how the Obama Administration used "Jobs Created or Saved" not to accurately inform the American people how many jobs they managed to create but to HIDE that number behind a totally fabricated total that they pulled out of thin air!

That's what you're "backing up"!

What I backed up there was my claim that you struggled with English. :eusa_doh:

Your claim that I "struggle" with English is as farcical as your claim that the Obama Administration didn't deliberately attempt to mislead the American people with their "Jobs Created or Saved" narrative!
Interesting.... So to you,

Show me where I said the Obama "coined" the term!

is proper English, is it? :ack-1:
Would you care to point out where I'm "struggling" with the English language, Faun? Or is this going to be yet another of your posts where you accuse me of something which you never back up?
Do you ever stop lying, ya lying con tool?


I back up everything I say.
Show me where I said the Obama "coined" the term!

So far,'ve backed up the Obama Administration's attempt to deceive with an attempt of your own to deceive! You've accused me repeatedly of "lying" simply because I pointed out EXACTLY how the Obama Administration used "Jobs Created or Saved" not to accurately inform the American people how many jobs they managed to create but to HIDE that number behind a totally fabricated total that they pulled out of thin air!

That's what you're "backing up"!

What I backed up there was my claim that you struggled with English. :eusa_doh:

Your claim that I "struggle" with English is as farcical as your claim that the Obama Administration didn't deliberately attempt to mislead the American people with their "Jobs Created or Saved" narrative!
Interesting.... So to you,

Show me where I said the Obama "coined" the term!

is proper English, is it? :ack-1:

You're going to call me on that while saying Eddie's posts are fine? You're as consistent as always, Faun!
Your word comprehension is awful, Faun...but then again it always IS when you on the left want to bend what someone else has said! You'll note that I didn't say that Barry, Harry and Nancy coined a new WORD...I pointed out that they coined a new ECONOMIC STATISTIC that they used repeatedly to describe job creation...and that new economic statistic was "Jobs Created or Saved"!

Claiming that they DIDN'T use that statistic...which is remarkable only in that you can claim any number that you want because it's totally impossible to determine whether or not your policies have "saved" jobs or not...shows how deceitful you're willing to be to rewrite the "legacy" of Democratic economic failure at that time!
Lying con tool...

Whether you reference it as a term or a statistic, you’ve been shown repeatedly it started under the Bush administration.

Now stop lying, Obama didn’t coin it. Nor did he invent it..

Sad that you’re so pathological, you’ll keep lying about this anyway.

What you've "shown" Faun is that some obscure person in I think the Department of Agriculture under Bush used that term when describing how many jobs a new program had "created or saved"...which is a far cry from an entire Administration using the term system wide to deliberately hide how few jobs were created by the nearly trillion dollars in stimulus money they just blew through! Obama didn't "coin" it...nor did he "invent" it...but man did he ever USE it to mislead the American people about what was happening! That's what I pointed out to you back then and we both know that person being dishonest about what took place is YOU when you claim that Obama did something that Bush did!

”Obama didn't "coin" it...nor did he "invent" it...but...”

Yet you’ve said both...
Amazingly enough...Barry, Harry and Nancy managed to do just that, Antontoo! They spent all that money and unemployment went up. It was SO bad that they had to coin a new economic statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they managed to create!
For you to now blame the GOP for "watering down" a stimulus that failed to create jobs so badly that the Obama folks had to invent "Jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was, shows what an Obama shill you really are!
Now, after making those claims, you say he didn’t. You wouldn’t have to backpedal like that if only you could stop lying.

At any rate, no matter how you try to portray it, the Bush administration actually coined it. And again, Obama did not use it to hide job numbers — he couldn’t have since he began using the term before his stimulus plan went into effect.

How I try to "portray" it? What's laughable, Faun is that you're the one who's trying to "portray" what happened as something that it wasn' it was some innocent happenstance that the Obama Administration started using the economic statistic "Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus spent all that money and created so few jobs! That didn't happen by accident! That was a planned strategy of damage control by the Obama White House to hide how few jobs they managed to create despite spending a huge amount of money! They deliberately misled the American people with a made up number...just like you're now deliberately misleading the readers of this board that it was something that other administrations had done before them!
You're still lying when you say, "like it was some innocent happenstance that the Obama Administration started using the economic statistic "Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus spent all that money and created so few jobs!"

Again, he started using that term before a dime was spent. So how could he have been using that term to hide jobs numbers that had yet not occurred?

How often did he use that term before the stimulus stumbled, Faun? Was it the "go to" economic statistic that it became once they realized that they were in huge trouble with a lack of job creation? Or was it a term that was used once or twice like it was during the Bush Administration?

What would you say the ration of use stimulus to pre stimulus...100 to 1? 500 to 1? It's obvious what took place back then but you're determined to white wash what happened which makes you as dishonest as the Obama Administration itself!
Really seemed to be grieving while making thousands of dollars from NBC, bashing the president who called her to offer condolences . You guys never let a crisis go to waste, do you?

Again, after the shit you guys pulled after Benghazi, even after Chris Steven's family begged you to knock it off, you really have no business talking.
Nothing happened to Chris Stevens in Benghazi. Obama said we would have no boots on the ground in Libya.
Do you ever stop lying, ya lying con tool?


I back up everything I say.

So far,'ve backed up the Obama Administration's attempt to deceive with an attempt of your own to deceive! You've accused me repeatedly of "lying" simply because I pointed out EXACTLY how the Obama Administration used "Jobs Created or Saved" not to accurately inform the American people how many jobs they managed to create but to HIDE that number behind a totally fabricated total that they pulled out of thin air!

That's what you're "backing up"!

What I backed up there was my claim that you struggled with English. :eusa_doh:

Your claim that I "struggle" with English is as farcical as your claim that the Obama Administration didn't deliberately attempt to mislead the American people with their "Jobs Created or Saved" narrative!
Interesting.... So to you,

Show me where I said the Obama "coined" the term!

is proper English, is it? :ack-1:

You're going to call me on that while saying Eddie's posts are fine? You're as consistent as always, Faun!

You challenged me to find where you posted improper English.

I do and then you cry like a bitch and whine about others. <smh>
Lying con tool...

Whether you reference it as a term or a statistic, you’ve been shown repeatedly it started under the Bush administration.

Now stop lying, Obama didn’t coin it. Nor did he invent it..

Sad that you’re so pathological, you’ll keep lying about this anyway.

What you've "shown" Faun is that some obscure person in I think the Department of Agriculture under Bush used that term when describing how many jobs a new program had "created or saved"...which is a far cry from an entire Administration using the term system wide to deliberately hide how few jobs were created by the nearly trillion dollars in stimulus money they just blew through! Obama didn't "coin" it...nor did he "invent" it...but man did he ever USE it to mislead the American people about what was happening! That's what I pointed out to you back then and we both know that person being dishonest about what took place is YOU when you claim that Obama did something that Bush did!

”Obama didn't "coin" it...nor did he "invent" it...but...”

Yet you’ve said both...
Amazingly enough...Barry, Harry and Nancy managed to do just that, Antontoo! They spent all that money and unemployment went up. It was SO bad that they had to coin a new economic statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they managed to create!
For you to now blame the GOP for "watering down" a stimulus that failed to create jobs so badly that the Obama folks had to invent "Jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was, shows what an Obama shill you really are!
Now, after making those claims, you say he didn’t. You wouldn’t have to backpedal like that if only you could stop lying.

At any rate, no matter how you try to portray it, the Bush administration actually coined it. And again, Obama did not use it to hide job numbers — he couldn’t have since he began using the term before his stimulus plan went into effect.

How I try to "portray" it? What's laughable, Faun is that you're the one who's trying to "portray" what happened as something that it wasn' it was some innocent happenstance that the Obama Administration started using the economic statistic "Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus spent all that money and created so few jobs! That didn't happen by accident! That was a planned strategy of damage control by the Obama White House to hide how few jobs they managed to create despite spending a huge amount of money! They deliberately misled the American people with a made up number...just like you're now deliberately misleading the readers of this board that it was something that other administrations had done before them!
You're still lying when you say, "like it was some innocent happenstance that the Obama Administration started using the economic statistic "Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus spent all that money and created so few jobs!"

Again, he started using that term before a dime was spent. So how could he have been using that term to hide jobs numbers that had yet not occurred?

How often did he use that term before the stimulus stumbled, Faun? Was it the "go to" economic statistic that it became once they realized that they were in huge trouble with a lack of job creation? Or was it a term that was used once or twice like it was during the Bush Administration?

What would you say the ration of use stimulus to pre stimulus...100 to 1? 500 to 1? It's obvious what took place back then but you're determined to white wash what happened which makes you as dishonest as the Obama Administration itself!
He built his stimulus on that term, ya lyin' con tool. It was in his report that he presented to Congress to persuade them to vote on it.

So how could he have been using that term to hide jobs numbers that had yet not occurred?
Would you care to point out where I'm "struggling" with the English language, Faun? Or is this going to be yet another of your posts where you accuse me of something which you never back up?
Do you ever stop lying, ya lying con tool?


I back up everything I say.
Show me where I said the Obama "coined" the term!

So far,'ve backed up the Obama Administration's attempt to deceive with an attempt of your own to deceive! You've accused me repeatedly of "lying" simply because I pointed out EXACTLY how the Obama Administration used "Jobs Created or Saved" not to accurately inform the American people how many jobs they managed to create but to HIDE that number behind a totally fabricated total that they pulled out of thin air!

That's what you're "backing up"!

What I backed up there was my claim that you struggled with English. :eusa_doh:
Speaking of struggling ,you need to read "How to win friends and influence people", desperately. Pass it on to Trump when it's completed that what people like you and Faun are doing here, Eddie? Trying to win friends and influence people? You have an interesting way of going about it.
Guess Flake, McCain, and Corker aren't winning any friends either..Hear what They had to say today about that garbage in our WH??
Do you ever stop lying, ya lying con tool?


I back up everything I say.

So far,'ve backed up the Obama Administration's attempt to deceive with an attempt of your own to deceive! You've accused me repeatedly of "lying" simply because I pointed out EXACTLY how the Obama Administration used "Jobs Created or Saved" not to accurately inform the American people how many jobs they managed to create but to HIDE that number behind a totally fabricated total that they pulled out of thin air!

That's what you're "backing up"!

What I backed up there was my claim that you struggled with English. :eusa_doh:
Speaking of struggling ,you need to read "How to win friends and influence people", desperately. Pass it on to Trump when it's completed that what people like you and Faun are doing here, Eddie? Trying to win friends and influence people? You have an interesting way of going about it.
Guess Flake, McCain, and Corker aren't winning any friends either..Hear what They had to say today about that garbage in our WH??

You should have heard the resignation speech Flake just gave on the news just now. He's pissed about the lack of leadership in DC, which is why he's leaving.

Corker has been less than complimentary to him as well.

Guess the fear of Trump is wearing off, and people are finally starting to stand up to him.
So far,'ve backed up the Obama Administration's attempt to deceive with an attempt of your own to deceive! You've accused me repeatedly of "lying" simply because I pointed out EXACTLY how the Obama Administration used "Jobs Created or Saved" not to accurately inform the American people how many jobs they managed to create but to HIDE that number behind a totally fabricated total that they pulled out of thin air!

That's what you're "backing up"!

What I backed up there was my claim that you struggled with English. :eusa_doh:
Speaking of struggling ,you need to read "How to win friends and influence people", desperately. Pass it on to Trump when it's completed that what people like you and Faun are doing here, Eddie? Trying to win friends and influence people? You have an interesting way of going about it.
Guess Flake, McCain, and Corker aren't winning any friends either..Hear what They had to say today about that garbage in our WH??

You should have heard the resignation speech Flake just gave on the news just now. He's pissed about the lack of leadership in DC, which is why he's leaving.

Corker has been less than complimentary to him as well.

Guess the fear of Trump is wearing off, and people are finally starting to stand up to him.
gave it in front of senate also said would any of you stand for it if a democrat president acted the way trump is?

What I backed up there was my claim that you struggled with English. :eusa_doh:
Speaking of struggling ,you need to read "How to win friends and influence people", desperately. Pass it on to Trump when it's completed that what people like you and Faun are doing here, Eddie? Trying to win friends and influence people? You have an interesting way of going about it.
Guess Flake, McCain, and Corker aren't winning any friends either..Hear what They had to say today about that garbage in our WH??

You should have heard the resignation speech Flake just gave on the news just now. He's pissed about the lack of leadership in DC, which is why he's leaving.

Corker has been less than complimentary to him as well.

Guess the fear of Trump is wearing off, and people are finally starting to stand up to him.
gave it in front of senate also said would any of you stand for it if a democrat president acted the way trump is?

If Obama had done even a quarter of the stuff Trump has done so far, people would have been screaming for his impeachment or worse.
Speaking of struggling ,you need to read "How to win friends and influence people", desperately. Pass it on to Trump when it's completed that what people like you and Faun are doing here, Eddie? Trying to win friends and influence people? You have an interesting way of going about it.
Guess Flake, McCain, and Corker aren't winning any friends either..Hear what They had to say today about that garbage in our WH??

You should have heard the resignation speech Flake just gave on the news just now. He's pissed about the lack of leadership in DC, which is why he's leaving.

Corker has been less than complimentary to him as well.

Guess the fear of Trump is wearing off, and people are finally starting to stand up to him.
gave it in front of senate also said would any of you stand for it if a democrat president acted the way trump is?

If Obama had done even a quarter of the stuff Trump has done so far, people would have been screaming for his impeachment or worse.
the gun loving fools would have attacked the WH......can you see bri , jc, pc old at the gates??
Nah, there were definite cases of Democratic election fraud in 2008, 2012, and 2016, backed up by damning evidence. Democrats just can't participate in an election without committing some type of fraud. They know no other way to win!

Really. Because the only fraud I've seen is you guys stealing the presidency, disenfranchising minorities, gerrymandering districts so any inbred mutant with an R behind his name can win.

Seems to me that you guys are the ones who can't win without cheating...
Really seemed to be grieving while making thousands of dollars from NBC, bashing the president who called her to offer condolences . You guys never let a crisis go to waste, do you?

Again, after the shit you guys pulled after Benghazi, even after Chris Steven's family begged you to knock it off, you really have no business talking.

Nothing happened to Chris Stevens in Benghazi. Obama said we would have no boots on the ground in Libya.

Wow, this comment ^^^ is highly stupid. Diplomats wear wingtips. ground troops wear boots.
Nah, there were definite cases of Democratic election fraud in 2008, 2012, and 2016, backed up by damning evidence. Democrats just can't participate in an election without committing some type of fraud. They know no other way to win!

Really. Because the only fraud I've seen is you guys stealing the presidency, disenfranchising minorities, gerrymandering districts so any inbred mutant with an R behind his name can win.

Seems to me that you guys are the ones who can't win without cheating...
suppressing the vote is repub major,,, they get an A

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