Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

Trump attacked a Gold Star Wife this morning in a tweet. Your President is attacking the recent widow of a fallen soldier.

Trump is a disgrace. The man known for being a pathological serial liar is calling a grieving widow a liar over the interpretation and opinion of a phone call he made.

All of you left wing wankers went after a Gold Star father last week. Remember everyone bashing Kelly? I fucking do. Now if this witch of a widow wants to go on talk shows and lie to up her gofundme account and audition to become the next Cindy Sheehan she is fair game.

She has now entered the ring.
Kelly lied in front of the country He is now known as Trumps ass kisser

What's his lie? And prove his lie.
Trump attacked a Gold Star Wife this morning in a tweet. Your President is attacking the recent widow of a fallen soldier.

Trump is a disgrace. The man known for being a pathological serial liar is calling a grieving widow a liar over the interpretation and opinion of a phone call he made.

All of you left wing wankers went after a Gold Star father last week. Remember everyone bashing Kelly? I fucking do. Now if this witch of a widow wants to go on talk shows and lie to up her gofundme account and audition to become the next Cindy Sheehan she is fair game.

She has now entered the ring.
Kelly lied in front of the country He is now known as Trumps ass kisser

What's his lie? And prove his lie.
HERE TINY live and learn
At a White House press briefing on Thursday, Kelly claimed Wilson had boasted of securing "$20 million" in federal funding to build a new FBI field office in Miami during the dedication ceremony for the building in 2015; he called the congresswoman an "empty barrel," saying her remarks focused more on her own actions than the heroism of the two FBI agents for whom the new building had been named.

Kelly erroneously claimed congresswoman took credit for building funding, video shows

But video of the building dedication ceremony posted Friday by the Sun Sentinel instead shows Wilson taking credit not for funding the building, but for shepherding legislation to name it. The video also shows the congresswoman spending a considerable portion of her remarks praising the valor of law enforcement and retelling the story of the two slain FBI agents.
"General Kelly owes the nation an apology because when he lied about me, he lied to the American public," she tweeted Sunday.
This one is from yesterday, but easy to miss because yesterday was a "deflection" day for the cult. One of them posted no less than 20 totally off topic deflection posts. They do this to make reading a negative thread about their leader tedious and boring. It reduces the number of views as the thread becomes a basic chat room style argument between two posters about some totally off topic nonsense.
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Last week Trump was in a serious twitter fight with a congress woman and a widow of a fallen soldier.

Right now? He's at a ceremony to award the CMH to someone.

Wonder if he's gonna screw up on this one?
Last week a dumbass Congressbitch was eavesdropping in a private message from the President to a widow of a military man sworn to protect the land that he loved at what ever cost. Shit fucks like you, who willingly give up this land to illegals and Mooslims, only use this as a TOOL of the democrat party to make the President look bad. But all it is doing is continuing to push the moderates more to the right. They despise the Democrats, Liberal media and the goose stepping mind numbed idiots like you...

You really are some kind of special stupid aren't you? The congress woman was a long time family friend (she'd known the family for over a decade), and was invited by the widow to go with the family to pick up her husband's body. And, when she was called, the widow decided to put her phone on speaker mode so that the whole limo could listen in if they wanted.

Nope, no "evesdropping" here. She was invited.
Oh yes, a corrupt democrat congressbitch who happened to be a friend of a stupid black woman whose husband sacrificed his life to serve his country. I heard her speak on NBC this morning, and I could tell the widow as an obamaphone champion...

Wow...............way to dump on a grieving widow and the congress woman who was trying to be there to support her.

You know that dumping on the family of the dead servicemember is the same as dumping on the dead soldier, right?

Why do you hate the military?
Really seemed to be grieving while making thousands of dollars from NBC, bashing the president who called her to offer condolences . You guys never let a crisis go to waste, do you?
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.
Can you quote the lie and prove it is a lie?

Or, are you simply just another swamp-dwelling anti-USA "activist" shitting lies into the swamp water in DC, then sucking it up with your snorkel and giving your professional shit eater's opinion of the quality of your own shit?
Trump lied about how Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA family members. He was immediately rebuked and corrected by former members of Presidential staffs, news reports about families being notified under other Presidents, actual family members of KIA notified under other Presidents and eyewitness accounts, etc. How could you not know that? It is the crux and foundation of the news for the last few days.
In other words,you cannot quote the lie and prove that it is a lie.

Let me guess... you are a party of slavery supporter. Am I right?
So, how many links do you need to shut you up and make you stop asking for them. They have been provided on a daily basis ever since this thread was started.
Post one that proves your ridiculous claim, jackass.

Why are you party of slavery apologists always in denial of reality?
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.
Can you quote the lie and prove it is a lie?

Or, are you simply just another swamp-dwelling anti-USA "activist" shitting lies into the swamp water in DC, then sucking it up with your snorkel and giving your professional shit eater's opinion of the quality of your own shit?
Trump lied about how Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA family members. He was immediately rebuked and corrected by former members of Presidential staffs, news reports about families being notified under other Presidents, actual family members of KIA notified under other Presidents and eyewitness accounts, etc. How could you not know that? It is the crux and foundation of the news for the last few days.
In other words,you cannot quote the lie and prove that it is a lie.

Let me guess... you are a party of slavery supporter. Am I right?
I am not going to play your game. The issue has been in the news for almost a week. Makes no difference whether you believe it or not. To the trump cult, it makes no difference what he said or didn't say or whether what he said was a lie or not. All the non-cultist can do is make sure the trump brand continues to represent crude malicious dereliction and low character coupled with unethical ignorance. There is never enough mocking and degrading of trump. America can never accept a liar like trump to be its leader. He is PINO and will stay that way no matter how much the trump cult snowflakes whine and cry.
swear to god take out trump and put in obama and you have the same problems.

makes no difference to his peeps what crimes they committed, each and every one will be justified in their eyes and things like FISA and other internal organizations saying obama was way overstepping power are ignored. but some rumor of russian collusion for trump and suddenly everyone is a detective.
ACORN was disbanded exactly due to election fraud, you moron.

No, it was disbanded because of a fraudulently edited video got it's funding cut.

You guys even screwed Sanders during the debates by giving Hillary the questions in advance courtesy of Donna Brazil of CNN! Oh what short memories you Libtards have...

Except the question wasn't really a complicated one, they had both been asked the question about the Death Penalty in previous debates.

The problem wasn't that Bernie didn't have the answers. the problem was Bernie's answers weren't were most americans or even most Democrats are right now.

What should worry you, if you weren't stupid, is the notion of Bernie's supporters becoming the dominant force in the DNC, because after Trump is done fucking up everything, the Dems are going to ROLL him.
Really seemed to be grieving while making thousands of dollars from NBC, bashing the president who called her to offer condolences . You guys never let a crisis go to waste, do you?

Again, after the shit you guys pulled after Benghazi, even after Chris Steven's family begged you to knock it off, you really have no business talking.
ACORN was disbanded exactly due to election fraud, you moron.

No, it was disbanded because of a fraudulently edited video got it's funding cut.
Now that's funny! How do you edit an acorn official giving a pimp advice on how to run child prostitutes? She sure as hell didn't stand up and order him out of her office or call the police! She actually tried to help him.
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.
Can you quote the lie and prove it is a lie?

Or, are you simply just another swamp-dwelling anti-USA "activist" shitting lies into the swamp water in DC, then sucking it up with your snorkel and giving your professional shit eater's opinion of the quality of your own shit?
Trump lied about how Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA family members. He was immediately rebuked and corrected by former members of Presidential staffs, news reports about families being notified under other Presidents, actual family members of KIA notified under other Presidents and eyewitness accounts, etc. How could you not know that? It is the crux and foundation of the news for the last few days.
In other words,you cannot quote the lie and prove that it is a lie.

Let me guess... you are a party of slavery supporter. Am I right?
So, how many links do you need to shut you up and make you stop asking for them. They have been provided on a daily basis ever since this thread was started.
Post one that proves your ridiculous claim, jackass.

Why are you party of slavery apologists always in denial of reality?
There are plenty of links that show trump lying about how Obama and other Presidents failed to notify families of KIAs. In addition, the links confirm it took 12 days for any notification to go out. Trump himself confirms that fact in the video. Waiting 12 days was disrespectful to the soldiers and their families. You have to be a fake. No one can be as stupid as you appear to be.
Blaming others for one’s own mistakes is also the defense of the weak-minded. Again, should I read into that post as well?

As far as you lying, you’re one of the forum’s most unabashed, that I’ve come across. And you laughably want an example even though you know what I’m talking about?? :lol:

Sure... you claimed Obama coined the term, “saved and created jobs,” — even though that term was used by the Bush administration.

And you claimed he used that term because you claimed his stimulus failed — only he used that term before his stimulus plan was even implemented.

There’s two lies, just off the top of my head.

Oh, and before you respond, please note ... this is Faun, not Camp. :badgrin:

Back to that nonsense again?
What do you mean, ”back to that nonsense again?” You challenged me to provide an example of where you lied and I did. Now you bitch because I did as you asked.

What I pointed out was that the Obama Administration used the term "Jobs Created or Saved" in a deliberate attempt to hide how few jobs they managed to create despite spending a huge amount of stimulus money! Your response to that was to claim that because someone in the Bush Administration used the phrase jobs created or saved that it wasn't an Obama Administration thing...which is a crock! The lie being told in that exchange is by you, Faun...when you claimed that other Administrations used that economic statistic to tell the American people the state of job creation before the Obama Administration did! They didn't and you're being dishonest when you claim that they did.

Now you’re trying to alter the context of what you originally said — a clear indication you know you were lying and now you’re trying to fix it.

You didn’t say, ”it was an Obama Administration thing,” as you categorize now — you said he “coined” the term. Which again, is not possible since it was a term already employed by the Bush administration.

And again, you falsely claimed Obama used the term to “hide how few jobs he managed to create,” when in fact, he used the term before implementing his stimulus plan — meaning he did not use the term to hide too few jobs, which you also lie about.

And you’re lying about me lying. I posted the link to the times it was used by the Bush administration which showed the context in which it was used. I did not say it was used in any context other than what I showed.

You prove me right yet again when I point out you’re a lying con tool.
You're amusing as always, Faun! You cite two obscure examples of where a Bush Administration administrator used the term "jobs created or saved" ...
Thanks for finally admitting Obama didn't coin the term as even you confess it was already used during the Bush administration. an attempt to excuse the Obama Administration REPEATEDLY citing jobs created or saved to hide how few jobs they created with the Obama Stimulus!
You're still lying as it's not possible for Obama to "coin" the term to hide job gains as he starting using it before his stimulus was passed.

Show me where I said the Obama "coined" the term! What I said was the Obama Administration was the first to use Jobs Created or Saved as their go to statistic whenever they cited job creation numbers!

"coined" was your word.
Amazingly enough...Barry, Harry and Nancy managed to do just that, Antontoo! They spent all that money and unemployment went up. It was SO bad that they had to coin a new economic statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they managed to create!

They did so because they knew very well that they DIDN'T create many jobs at all! Barry even admitted as much with his infamous admission that there weren't as many shovel ready jobs as they'd thought there would be!
As stated above, you're still lying as it's not possible for Obama to "coin" the term to hide job gains as he starting using it before his stimulus was passed.

Your word comprehension is awful, Faun...but then again it always IS when you on the left want to bend what someone else has said! You'll note that I didn't say that Barry, Harry and Nancy coined a new WORD...I pointed out that they coined a new ECONOMIC STATISTIC that they used repeatedly to describe job creation...and that new economic statistic was "Jobs Created or Saved"!

Claiming that they DIDN'T use that statistic...which is remarkable only in that you can claim any number that you want because it's totally impossible to determine whether or not your policies have "saved" jobs or not...shows how deceitful you're willing to be to rewrite the "legacy" of Democratic economic failure at that time!
Lying con tool...

Whether you reference it as a term or a statistic, you’ve been shown repeatedly it started under the Bush administration.

Now stop lying, Obama didn’t coin it. Nor did he invent it..

Sad that you’re so pathological, you’ll keep lying about this anyway.
Look old, I'd like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to such a superior person as yourself . I'll do my utmost to avoid any further conversations with you so your standards won't be lowered.

Since I spend most of my time here debating idiots like Franco and standards are about as low as they could possibly get, Eddie!

Great post by you by the way. First one you didn't come across as someone who flunked 9th Grade English! Keep up the good work!
I hope I made you proud.

I'm always pleased when I can help out those who struggle with English as a first language, Eddie! I'm sure that the folks over at the U of Cincy are thrilled as well!

Don't ya think you'd be wise to take care of yourself in that department before trying to help others? :badgrin:

Would you care to point out where I'm "struggling" with the English language, Faun? Or is this going to be yet another of your posts where you accuse me of something which you never back up?
Do you ever stop lying, ya lying con tool?


I back up everything I say.
Show me where I said the Obama "coined" the term!
Trump didn't make a comment about crowd size until after the media attacked, and continued to hound and attack, him over it.

The media is just making up their own news now, they've completely given up on even trying to find news, they just have #nevertrump meetings and post everything they come up with - no matter how stupid or ridiculous. Even the less "comprehensionally"[made a new word for ya'll :)] brilliant can see how the media twists everything that comes out of the White House. They're despicable, and just like most of the left with stupidly supporting the asshole ANTIFA, now they're stupidly supporting the media's word salad games.

On the plus side, if you ever actually wanted to sort out the "smart" and the "stupid" voters, this cycle doing a bang up job.

How do you critique Trump's volume of Tweets?
  • Smart
  • Stupid
  • Vindictive
  • Harmful
  • Hateful
  • Loving
  • Caring
  • thoughtful
  • Thought provoking
  • foolish
Chose as many as you like, consider it an IQ test.
Smart and thought provoking. He's going around the lying crooked media directly to the people. So you might want to include creative, innovative and genius to that list.

Possibly, it works on the biddable, like you.

Pretty ingenious and innovative of Trump to go around the crooked media and take his message directly to the people through social media and rallies, don't you think?

In case you haven't been keeping up, elections today are basically decided by the crooked media, which has proven itself to be totally biased and corrupt. Trump showed that there is another way and brought the media corporations to their knees, using very inexpensive ways to get his message across, while avoiding the billions that Hillary and her gang spent, and she STILL failed. That is why I would add genius to that list.

There is demagoguery, not genius in his tweets; the biddable ("meekly ready to accept and follow instructions; docile and obedient") defend him.

Trump is a practiced liar, he lacks empathy and also leadership skills. During my career I worked under six Chiefs, five of them as a member of the executive team. The essential takeaway on leadership or the lack of it, comes when the chief is faced with making decision.

His (all were males) response in 5 of those 6 men was always this unexpressed question: How does this effect ME"

There are hundreds of books on leadership, none that I've read have ever pointed out the single simple way to define a non leader, one that is obvious is Donald Trump, the Narcissist-in-Chief..
ACORN was disbanded exactly due to election fraud, you moron.

No, it was disbanded because of a fraudulently edited video got it's funding cut.

You guys even screwed Sanders during the debates by giving Hillary the questions in advance courtesy of Donna Brazil of CNN! Oh what short memories you Libtards have...

Except the question wasn't really a complicated one, they had both been asked the question about the Death Penalty in previous debates.

The problem wasn't that Bernie didn't have the answers. the problem was Bernie's answers weren't were most americans or even most Democrats are right now.

What should worry you, if you weren't stupid, is the notion of Bernie's supporters becoming the dominant force in the DNC, because after Trump is done fucking up everything, the Dems are going to ROLL him.
Nah, there were definite cases of Democratic election fraud in 2008, 2012, and 2016, backed up by damning evidence. Democrats just can't participate in an election without committing some type of fraud. They know no other way to win!

Nice duck, no cigar.
ACORN was disbanded exactly due to election fraud, you moron.

No, it was disbanded because of a fraudulently edited video got it's funding cut.
Now that's funny! How do you edit an acorn official giving a pimp advice on how to run child prostitutes? She sure as hell didn't stand up and order him out of her office or call the police! She actually tried to help him.
The moron doesn't even make sense, "it got disbanded because a video got its funding cut".
Trump didn't make a comment about crowd size until after the media attacked, and continued to hound and attack, him over it.

The media is just making up their own news now, they've completely given up on even trying to find news, they just have #nevertrump meetings and post everything they come up with - no matter how stupid or ridiculous. Even the less "comprehensionally"[made a new word for ya'll :)] brilliant can see how the media twists everything that comes out of the White House. They're despicable, and just like most of the left with stupidly supporting the asshole ANTIFA, now they're stupidly supporting the media's word salad games.

On the plus side, if you ever actually wanted to sort out the "smart" and the "stupid" voters, this cycle doing a bang up job.

How do you critique Trump's volume of Tweets?
  • Smart
  • Stupid
  • Vindictive
  • Harmful
  • Hateful
  • Loving
  • Caring
  • thoughtful
  • Thought provoking
  • foolish
Chose as many as you like, consider it an IQ test.
Smart and thought provoking. He's going around the lying crooked media directly to the people. So you might want to include creative, innovative and genius to that list.

Possibly, it works on the biddable, like you.

Pretty ingenious and innovative of Trump to go around the crooked media and take his message directly to the people through social media and rallies, don't you think?

In case you haven't been keeping up, elections today are basically decided by the crooked media, which has proven itself to be totally biased and corrupt. Trump showed that there is another way and brought the media corporations to their knees, using very inexpensive ways to get his message across, while avoiding the billions that Hillary and her gang spent, and she STILL failed. That is why I would add genius to that list.

There is demagoguery, not genius in his tweets; the biddable ("meekly ready to accept and follow instructions; docile and obedient") defend him.

Trump is a practiced liar, he lacks empathy and also leadership skills. During my career I worked under six Chiefs, five of them as a member of the executive team. The essential takeaway on leadership or the lack of it, comes when the chief is faced with making decision.

His (all were males) response in 5 of those 6 men was always this unexpressed question: How does this effect ME"

There are hundreds of books on leadership, none that I've read have ever pointed out the single simple way to define a non leader, one that is obvious is Donald Trump, the Narcissist-in-Chief..
Yup, and that's why Trump beat 17 highly qualified and financially backed candidates in the primary, then beat Hillary who had spent billions more including hundreds of millions of negative ads, with Obama running for her as if he's the candidate, and the crooked media bashing Trump 24/7.

Because he isn't smart and doesn't know how to run and manage big enterprises?! And that's how he literally singlehandedly brought these powerful dynasty candidates to their knees?! Sure.
How do you critique Trump's volume of Tweets?
  • Smart
  • Stupid
  • Vindictive
  • Harmful
  • Hateful
  • Loving
  • Caring
  • thoughtful
  • Thought provoking
  • foolish
Chose as many as you like, consider it an IQ test.
Smart and thought provoking. He's going around the lying crooked media directly to the people. So you might want to include creative, innovative and genius to that list.

Possibly, it works on the biddable, like you.

Pretty ingenious and innovative of Trump to go around the crooked media and take his message directly to the people through social media and rallies, don't you think?

In case you haven't been keeping up, elections today are basically decided by the crooked media, which has proven itself to be totally biased and corrupt. Trump showed that there is another way and brought the media corporations to their knees, using very inexpensive ways to get his message across, while avoiding the billions that Hillary and her gang spent, and she STILL failed. That is why I would add genius to that list.

There is demagoguery, not genius in his tweets; the biddable ("meekly ready to accept and follow instructions; docile and obedient") defend him.

Trump is a practiced liar, he lacks empathy and also leadership skills. During my career I worked under six Chiefs, five of them as a member of the executive team. The essential takeaway on leadership or the lack of it, comes when the chief is faced with making decision.

His (all were males) response in 5 of those 6 men was always this unexpressed question: How does this effect ME"

There are hundreds of books on leadership, none that I've read have ever pointed out the single simple way to define a non leader, one that is obvious is Donald Trump, the Narcissist-in-Chief..
Yup, and that's why Trump beat 17 highly qualified and financially backed candidates in the primary, then beat Hillary who had spent billions more including hundreds of millions of negative ads, with Obama running for her as if he's the candidate, and the crooked media bashing Trump 24/7.

Because he isn't smart and doesn't know how to run and manage big enterprises?! And that's how he literally singlehandedly brought these powerful dynasty candidates to their knees?! Sure.

He lost the popular vote, reportedly by 3 million votes. He won the EC by winning WI, MI and PA by less than one percentage point in each state.

Trump is not smart, as one can tell by listening to him. His vocabulary is limited, mostly to adjectives and he seems to lack curiosity. Most observable is his emotional capacity, i.e., "to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously" because it does not exist.
Smart and thought provoking. He's going around the lying crooked media directly to the people. So you might want to include creative, innovative and genius to that list.

Possibly, it works on the biddable, like you.

Pretty ingenious and innovative of Trump to go around the crooked media and take his message directly to the people through social media and rallies, don't you think?

In case you haven't been keeping up, elections today are basically decided by the crooked media, which has proven itself to be totally biased and corrupt. Trump showed that there is another way and brought the media corporations to their knees, using very inexpensive ways to get his message across, while avoiding the billions that Hillary and her gang spent, and she STILL failed. That is why I would add genius to that list.

There is demagoguery, not genius in his tweets; the biddable ("meekly ready to accept and follow instructions; docile and obedient") defend him.

Trump is a practiced liar, he lacks empathy and also leadership skills. During my career I worked under six Chiefs, five of them as a member of the executive team. The essential takeaway on leadership or the lack of it, comes when the chief is faced with making decision.

His (all were males) response in 5 of those 6 men was always this unexpressed question: How does this effect ME"

There are hundreds of books on leadership, none that I've read have ever pointed out the single simple way to define a non leader, one that is obvious is Donald Trump, the Narcissist-in-Chief..
Yup, and that's why Trump beat 17 highly qualified and financially backed candidates in the primary, then beat Hillary who had spent billions more including hundreds of millions of negative ads, with Obama running for her as if he's the candidate, and the crooked media bashing Trump 24/7.

Because he isn't smart and doesn't know how to run and manage big enterprises?! And that's how he literally singlehandedly brought these powerful dynasty candidates to their knees?! Sure.

He lost the popular vote, reportedly by 3 million votes. He won the EC by winning WI, MI and PA by less than one percentage point in each state.

Trump is not smart, as one can tell by listening to him. His vocabulary is limited, mostly to adjectives and he seems to lack curiosity. Most observable is his emotional capacity, i.e., "to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously" because it does not exist.
Libtard playbook: When all else fails, revert back to "he lost the popular vote" and of course "but but but Russia!"

You do realize that Wharton is still the no. 1 business school in the country, on top of both Harvard and Stanford, right? The fact that he doesn't use complicated vocabulary is part of his genius strategy to relate to the everyday common man and woman. Unlike Obama or Hillary who kept lecturing and talking down to Americans.

You guys are so predictable and transparent it's truly entertaining. All this squirming and hatred just because you refuse to give a Trump credit for one of the biggest victories and suprised in election history. Well, it wasn't really a surprise, if not for the crooked media with their fake polls and fake news.
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Back to that nonsense again?
What do you mean, ”back to that nonsense again?” You challenged me to provide an example of where you lied and I did. Now you bitch because I did as you asked.

What I pointed out was that the Obama Administration used the term "Jobs Created or Saved" in a deliberate attempt to hide how few jobs they managed to create despite spending a huge amount of stimulus money! Your response to that was to claim that because someone in the Bush Administration used the phrase jobs created or saved that it wasn't an Obama Administration thing...which is a crock! The lie being told in that exchange is by you, Faun...when you claimed that other Administrations used that economic statistic to tell the American people the state of job creation before the Obama Administration did! They didn't and you're being dishonest when you claim that they did.

Now you’re trying to alter the context of what you originally said — a clear indication you know you were lying and now you’re trying to fix it.

You didn’t say, ”it was an Obama Administration thing,” as you categorize now — you said he “coined” the term. Which again, is not possible since it was a term already employed by the Bush administration.

And again, you falsely claimed Obama used the term to “hide how few jobs he managed to create,” when in fact, he used the term before implementing his stimulus plan — meaning he did not use the term to hide too few jobs, which you also lie about.

And you’re lying about me lying. I posted the link to the times it was used by the Bush administration which showed the context in which it was used. I did not say it was used in any context other than what I showed.

You prove me right yet again when I point out you’re a lying con tool.
You're amusing as always, Faun! You cite two obscure examples of where a Bush Administration administrator used the term "jobs created or saved" ...
Thanks for finally admitting Obama didn't coin the term as even you confess it was already used during the Bush administration. an attempt to excuse the Obama Administration REPEATEDLY citing jobs created or saved to hide how few jobs they created with the Obama Stimulus!
You're still lying as it's not possible for Obama to "coin" the term to hide job gains as he starting using it before his stimulus was passed.

Show me where I said the Obama "coined" the term! What I said was the Obama Administration was the first to use Jobs Created or Saved as their go to statistic whenever they cited job creation numbers!

"coined" was your word.
Amazingly enough...Barry, Harry and Nancy managed to do just that, Antontoo! They spent all that money and unemployment went up. It was SO bad that they had to coin a new economic statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they managed to create!

They did so because they knew very well that they DIDN'T create many jobs at all! Barry even admitted as much with his infamous admission that there weren't as many shovel ready jobs as they'd thought there would be!
As stated above, you're still lying as it's not possible for Obama to "coin" the term to hide job gains as he starting using it before his stimulus was passed.

Your word comprehension is awful, Faun...but then again it always IS when you on the left want to bend what someone else has said! You'll note that I didn't say that Barry, Harry and Nancy coined a new WORD...I pointed out that they coined a new ECONOMIC STATISTIC that they used repeatedly to describe job creation...and that new economic statistic was "Jobs Created or Saved"!

Claiming that they DIDN'T use that statistic...which is remarkable only in that you can claim any number that you want because it's totally impossible to determine whether or not your policies have "saved" jobs or not...shows how deceitful you're willing to be to rewrite the "legacy" of Democratic economic failure at that time!
Lying con tool...

Whether you reference it as a term or a statistic, you’ve been shown repeatedly it started under the Bush administration.

Now stop lying, Obama didn’t coin it. Nor did he invent it..

Sad that you’re so pathological, you’ll keep lying about this anyway.

What you've "shown" Faun is that some obscure person in I think the Department of Agriculture under Bush used that term when describing how many jobs a new program had "created or saved"...which is a far cry from an entire Administration using the term system wide to deliberately hide how few jobs were created by the nearly trillion dollars in stimulus money they just blew through! Obama didn't "coin" it...nor did he "invent" it...but man did he ever USE it to mislead the American people about what was happening! That's what I pointed out to you back then and we both know that person being dishonest about what took place is YOU when you claim that Obama did something that Bush did!
Since I spend most of my time here debating idiots like Franco and standards are about as low as they could possibly get, Eddie!

Great post by you by the way. First one you didn't come across as someone who flunked 9th Grade English! Keep up the good work!
I hope I made you proud.

I'm always pleased when I can help out those who struggle with English as a first language, Eddie! I'm sure that the folks over at the U of Cincy are thrilled as well!

Don't ya think you'd be wise to take care of yourself in that department before trying to help others? :badgrin:

Would you care to point out where I'm "struggling" with the English language, Faun? Or is this going to be yet another of your posts where you accuse me of something which you never back up?
Do you ever stop lying, ya lying con tool?


I back up everything I say.
Show me where I said the Obama "coined" the term!

So far,'ve backed up the Obama Administration's attempt to deceive with an attempt of your own to deceive! You've accused me repeatedly of "lying" simply because I pointed out EXACTLY how the Obama Administration used "Jobs Created or Saved" not to accurately inform the American people how many jobs they managed to create but to HIDE that number behind a totally fabricated total that they pulled out of thin air!

That's what you're "backing up"!
Possibly, it works on the biddable, like you.

Pretty ingenious and innovative of Trump to go around the crooked media and take his message directly to the people through social media and rallies, don't you think?

In case you haven't been keeping up, elections today are basically decided by the crooked media, which has proven itself to be totally biased and corrupt. Trump showed that there is another way and brought the media corporations to their knees, using very inexpensive ways to get his message across, while avoiding the billions that Hillary and her gang spent, and she STILL failed. That is why I would add genius to that list.

There is demagoguery, not genius in his tweets; the biddable ("meekly ready to accept and follow instructions; docile and obedient") defend him.

Trump is a practiced liar, he lacks empathy and also leadership skills. During my career I worked under six Chiefs, five of them as a member of the executive team. The essential takeaway on leadership or the lack of it, comes when the chief is faced with making decision.

His (all were males) response in 5 of those 6 men was always this unexpressed question: How does this effect ME"

There are hundreds of books on leadership, none that I've read have ever pointed out the single simple way to define a non leader, one that is obvious is Donald Trump, the Narcissist-in-Chief..

Yup, and that's why Trump beat 17 highly qualified and financially backed candidates in the primary, then beat Hillary who had spent billions more including hundreds of millions of negative ads, with Obama running for her as if he's the candidate, and the crooked media bashing Trump 24/7.

Because he isn't smart and doesn't know how to run and manage big enterprises?! And that's how he literally singlehandedly brought these powerful dynasty candidates to their knees?! Sure.

He lost the popular vote, reportedly by 3 million votes. He won the EC by winning WI, MI and PA by less than one percentage point in each state.

Trump is not smart, as one can tell by listening to him. His vocabulary is limited, mostly to adjectives and he seems to lack curiosity. Most observable is his emotional capacity, i.e., "to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously" because it does not exist.

Libtard playbook: When all else fails, revert back to "he lost the popular vote" and of course "but but but Russia!"

You do realize that Wharton is still the no. 1 business school in the country, on top of both Harvard and Stanford, right? The fact that he doesn't use complicated vocabulary is part of his genius strategy to relate to the everyday common man and woman. Unlike Obama or Hillary who kept lecturing and talking down to Americans.

You guys are so predictable and transparent it's truly entertaining. All this squirming and hatred just because you refuse to give a Trump credit for one of the biggest victories and suprised in election history. Well, it wasn't really a surprise, if not for the crooked media with their fake polls and fake news.

Facts are facts and I did not mention Russia even once in the post to which you've responded. As for the use of vocabulary, your point is spot on; he only speaks to his base, and his base is not well educated nor have anyone of them posting on this message board ever posted a sagacious comment.

Talking down to people, however, is too generous for Trump's syntax and repetitious statements are not the work of a someone well read or well educated. An MBA (does he have one?) did not include literature, philosophy or logic (I suppose).
What do you mean, ”back to that nonsense again?” You challenged me to provide an example of where you lied and I did. Now you bitch because I did as you asked.


Now you’re trying to alter the context of what you originally said — a clear indication you know you were lying and now you’re trying to fix it.

You didn’t say, ”it was an Obama Administration thing,” as you categorize now — you said he “coined” the term. Which again, is not possible since it was a term already employed by the Bush administration.

And again, you falsely claimed Obama used the term to “hide how few jobs he managed to create,” when in fact, he used the term before implementing his stimulus plan — meaning he did not use the term to hide too few jobs, which you also lie about.

And you’re lying about me lying. I posted the link to the times it was used by the Bush administration which showed the context in which it was used. I did not say it was used in any context other than what I showed.

You prove me right yet again when I point out you’re a lying con tool.
You're amusing as always, Faun! You cite two obscure examples of where a Bush Administration administrator used the term "jobs created or saved" ...
Thanks for finally admitting Obama didn't coin the term as even you confess it was already used during the Bush administration. an attempt to excuse the Obama Administration REPEATEDLY citing jobs created or saved to hide how few jobs they created with the Obama Stimulus!
You're still lying as it's not possible for Obama to "coin" the term to hide job gains as he starting using it before his stimulus was passed.

Show me where I said the Obama "coined" the term! What I said was the Obama Administration was the first to use Jobs Created or Saved as their go to statistic whenever they cited job creation numbers!

"coined" was your word.
Amazingly enough...Barry, Harry and Nancy managed to do just that, Antontoo! They spent all that money and unemployment went up. It was SO bad that they had to coin a new economic statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they managed to create!

They did so because they knew very well that they DIDN'T create many jobs at all! Barry even admitted as much with his infamous admission that there weren't as many shovel ready jobs as they'd thought there would be!
As stated above, you're still lying as it's not possible for Obama to "coin" the term to hide job gains as he starting using it before his stimulus was passed.

Your word comprehension is awful, Faun...but then again it always IS when you on the left want to bend what someone else has said! You'll note that I didn't say that Barry, Harry and Nancy coined a new WORD...I pointed out that they coined a new ECONOMIC STATISTIC that they used repeatedly to describe job creation...and that new economic statistic was "Jobs Created or Saved"!

Claiming that they DIDN'T use that statistic...which is remarkable only in that you can claim any number that you want because it's totally impossible to determine whether or not your policies have "saved" jobs or not...shows how deceitful you're willing to be to rewrite the "legacy" of Democratic economic failure at that time!
Lying con tool...

Whether you reference it as a term or a statistic, you’ve been shown repeatedly it started under the Bush administration.

Now stop lying, Obama didn’t coin it. Nor did he invent it..

Sad that you’re so pathological, you’ll keep lying about this anyway.

What you've "shown" Faun is that some obscure person in I think the Department of Agriculture under Bush used that term when describing how many jobs a new program had "created or saved"...which is a far cry from an entire Administration using the term system wide to deliberately hide how few jobs were created by the nearly trillion dollars in stimulus money they just blew through! Obama didn't "coin" it...nor did he "invent" it...but man did he ever USE it to mislead the American people about what was happening! That's what I pointed out to you back then and we both know that person being dishonest about what took place is YOU when you claim that Obama did something that Bush did!

”Obama didn't "coin" it...nor did he "invent" it...but...”

Yet you’ve said both...
Amazingly enough...Barry, Harry and Nancy managed to do just that, Antontoo! They spent all that money and unemployment went up. It was SO bad that they had to coin a new economic statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they managed to create!
For you to now blame the GOP for "watering down" a stimulus that failed to create jobs so badly that the Obama folks had to invent "Jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was, shows what an Obama shill you really are!
Now, after making those claims, you say he didn’t. You wouldn’t have to backpedal like that if only you could stop lying.

At any rate, no matter how you try to portray it, the Bush administration actually coined it. And again, Obama did not use it to hide job numbers — he couldn’t have since he began using the term before his stimulus plan went into effect.

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