Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

This is a "serious" thread? C'mon,'s just one more "I HATE TRUMP CAUSE HE BEAT HILLARY!!!" thread! No different than the one which calls Trump a sociopath because he doesn't have a dog in the White House as a pet! You know it...I know it...the mods know it.
The thread is a week old and there are other threads on the same topic with differing focuses. It has nothing to do with the election or Hillary and everything to do with Trump's dereliction of duty. It is still front page news and thanks to trump's jackassery it receives new attention daily. Today he called a Gold Star Wife a liar. Yesterday and the day before the President's chief of staff was busy disgracing the US Marine Corp Generals and totally discrediting himself and his office in the WH by being exposed as just another liar like trump.
You have no defense for the disgraced President. All you have is trash talk and deflections.

It has EVERYTHING to do with Hillary losing to Trump and you know it! The far left wing of the Democratic Party is frothing at the mouth because they were SURE that what happened in the last election couldn't possibly happen...yet it DID!
This is a "serious" thread? C'mon,'s just one more "I HATE TRUMP CAUSE HE BEAT HILLARY!!!" thread! No different than the one which calls Trump a sociopath because he doesn't have a dog in the White House as a pet! You know it...I know it...the mods know it.
Your posting of twenty posts in a short period, not even a day, of bragging about your education and intelligence on a public anonymous forum says something about you and your mental condition. That you think that is a normal healthy endeavor says a whole lot about you. It says you have the same mental and emotional handicaps as trump. Like trump, you have an unhealthy obsession with yourself and your self-perceived self-worth. You have the need to convince people of the self-conceived picture of yourself. At least trump is doing it for political reasons. Your audience is people you will never know and who will never know you. You are doing it on an anonymous message board. That means you are basically talking to yourself in public. Ya. you are a nut job. As nutty as the village idiot who walks down the street waving his arms and talking to himself.
Last week Trump was in a serious twitter fight with a congress woman and a widow of a fallen soldier.

Right now? He's at a ceremony to award the CMH to someone.

Wonder if he's gonna screw up on this one?
That Nobel Peace Prize for essentially not being George W. Bush simply shows how ridiculous you are on the Left, Joey! It didn't make me made me laugh. You gave Obama a prize for what you thought he MIGHT do...not for what he HAD done! !

I didn't give him a Nobel Prize at all... you'd have to take that up with the Nobel committee

However, if I were giving out a Nobel Prize for "Racist Tool Losing His Shit", well, you'd be all over that.

I pointed out that the popular vote means nothing in our system for electing a President...

But you keep arguing that Trump was the people's choice, when clearly he wasn't. The people had their say, and the electors chose to ignore him and say, "We're going to follow this Archaic racist system from the 18th century, even though there's clear evidence that Trump got help from our enemies!"

The people got this right. The system didn't.
You are obsessed with Obama bashing in a thread about trump disrespecting fallen soldiers and lying to cover his dereliction of duty up. Yet here you are, posting consecutive posts after posts deflecting from the topic and stuck in a personal back a forth with another poster about your education and intelligence. How many more days will you use this thread to brag about your education and how smart you are?

For the record. President trump has lowered himself to now calling the widow of a fallen soldier a liar for telling her side, or interpretation, of his phone call. The President of the USA is calling the widow of a killed in action soldier a liar.
The important thing is that one of his supporters here at USMB has a great education and is smarter than some other poster. We know this because he says so.

Do you really think Eddie is smarter than me, Camp? His general lack of knowledge regarding English composition belies that but we both know that you're going to back him simply because he's part of your "liberal chorus"! He's an idiot...but he's YOUR idiot!
As for my "bragging" about my education? Eddie posted he thought I had one year of college. He also boasted about his 2nd house in Florida. Funny how you don't take him to task for HIS posts...but then again, you on the left seldom play by the same rules that you demand others play by so I'm not surprised by what you've posted to me! You seem to think it should be OK for liberals to attack conservatives here but that conservatives shouldn't be allowed to respond! Gee, I'm starting to feel like Donald Trump!
Your response was bashing my education and my Alma Mater Anything coming after that by me was deserved

Actually, Eddie...I questioned your vocabulary skills...namely whether or not you would know what a word meant without having to look it up. You're the one that declared you not only went to college but...drum roll GRADUATED! Then you bragged about how your incredible education afforded you a 2nd home in Florida! Like every OTHER internet blowhard on this board.
Look old, I'd like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to such a superior person as yourself . I'll do my utmost to avoid any further conversations with you so your standards won't be lowered.

Since I spend most of my time here debating idiots like Franco and standards are about as low as they could possibly get, Eddie!

Great post by you by the way. First one you didn't come across as someone who flunked 9th Grade English! Keep up the good work!
I hope I made you proud.
Doesn’t seem that way to me. Despite his aversion to punctuation, I have no problem comprehending his posts. Attacking grammar is typically the final bastion of those who can’t win an argument.

Aversion to punctuation? He doesn't seem to understand the concept of punctuation, Camp! In case you haven't noticed...I've attacked pretty much everything that Eddie posts here! Him being a functional illiterate is simply one more thing in a long list of things that he struggles with!
”He doesn't seem to understand the concept of punctuation, Camp!

Umm... I’m Faun, not Camp.

Is not knowing who you’re speaking with a sign of insanity? Should I read into your post like you’re reading into @eddiew37’s?

And I know how you “challenge” posters. Generally, your arguments are built on a foundation of lies.

Both you and Camp have rushed to the defense of poor little Eddie,'s hard at times to tell you apart.

My arguments are built on lies? Quite the charge. Care to show me something I've lied about?
Blaming others for one’s own mistakes is also the defense of the weak-minded. Again, should I read into that post as well?

As far as you lying, you’re one of the forum’s most unabashed, that I’ve come across. And you laughably want an example even though you know what I’m talking about?? :lol:

Sure... you claimed Obama coined the term, “saved and created jobs,” — even though that term was used by the Bush administration.

And you claimed he used that term because you claimed his stimulus failed — only he used that term before his stimulus plan was even implemented.

There’s two lies, just off the top of my head.

Oh, and before you respond, please note ... this is Faun, not Camp. :badgrin:

Back to that nonsense again?
What do you mean, ”back to that nonsense again?” You challenged me to provide an example of where you lied and I did. Now you bitch because I did as you asked.

What I pointed out was that the Obama Administration used the term "Jobs Created or Saved" in a deliberate attempt to hide how few jobs they managed to create despite spending a huge amount of stimulus money! Your response to that was to claim that because someone in the Bush Administration used the phrase jobs created or saved that it wasn't an Obama Administration thing...which is a crock! The lie being told in that exchange is by you, Faun...when you claimed that other Administrations used that economic statistic to tell the American people the state of job creation before the Obama Administration did! They didn't and you're being dishonest when you claim that they did.

Now you’re trying to alter the context of what you originally said — a clear indication you know you were lying and now you’re trying to fix it.

You didn’t say, ”it was an Obama Administration thing,” as you categorize now — you said he “coined” the term. Which again, is not possible since it was a term already employed by the Bush administration.

And again, you falsely claimed Obama used the term to “hide how few jobs he managed to create,” when in fact, he used the term before implementing his stimulus plan — meaning he did not use the term to hide too few jobs, which you also lie about.

And you’re lying about me lying. I posted the link to the times it was used by the Bush administration which showed the context in which it was used. I did not say it was used in any context other than what I showed.

You prove me right yet again when I point out you’re a lying con tool.
Or is this just more of the "whenever someone says something I don't like...accuse them of lying!" strategy that you progressives love to employ so often?
No, you’re a lying con tool. Demonstrated repeatedly.

You've made the accusation REPEATEDLY, Faun...but your demonstrations consist of making the accusation...REPEATEDLY! What that proves, escapes me!
Denials don’t help you. I gave two examples of you lying. And there are more if I were to bother using the forum’s search feature.
Last week Trump was in a serious twitter fight with a congress woman and a widow of a fallen soldier.

Right now? He's at a ceremony to award the CMH to someone.

Wonder if he's gonna screw up on this one?
Last week a dumbass Congressbitch was eavesdropping in a private message from the President to a widow of a military man sworn to protect the land that he loved at what ever cost. Shit fucks like you, who willingly give up this land to illegals and Mooslims, only use this as a TOOL of the democrat party to make the President look bad. But all it is doing is continuing to push the moderates more to the right. They despise the Democrats, Liberal media and the goose stepping mind numbed idiots like you...
Last week Trump was in a serious twitter fight with a congress woman and a widow of a fallen soldier.

Right now? He's at a ceremony to award the CMH to someone.

Wonder if he's gonna screw up on this one?
Last week a dumbass Congressbitch was eavesdropping in a private message from the President to a widow of a military man sworn to protect the land that he loved at what ever cost. Shit fucks like you, who willingly give up this land to illegals and Mooslims, only use this as a TOOL of the democrat party to make the President look bad. But all it is doing is continuing to push the moderates more to the right. They despise the Democrats, Liberal media and the goose stepping mind numbed idiots like you...

You really are some kind of special stupid aren't you? The congress woman was a long time family friend (she'd known the family for over a decade), and was invited by the widow to go with the family to pick up her husband's body. And, when she was called, the widow decided to put her phone on speaker mode so that the whole limo could listen in if they wanted.

Nope, no "evesdropping" here. She was invited.
Last week Trump was in a serious twitter fight with a congress woman and a widow of a fallen soldier.

Right now? He's at a ceremony to award the CMH to someone.

Wonder if he's gonna screw up on this one?
Last week a dumbass Congressbitch was eavesdropping in a private message from the President to a widow of a military man sworn to protect the land that he loved at what ever cost. Shit fucks like you, who willingly give up this land to illegals and Mooslims, only use this as a TOOL of the democrat party to make the President look bad. But all it is doing is continuing to push the moderates more to the right. They despise the Democrats, Liberal media and the goose stepping mind numbed idiots like you...

You really are some kind of special stupid aren't you? The congress woman was a long time family friend (she'd known the family for over a decade), and was invited by the widow to go with the family to pick up her husband's body. And, when she was called, the widow decided to put her phone on speaker mode so that the whole limo could listen in if they wanted.

Nope, no "evesdropping" here. She was invited.
Of course, the President has claimed he had witnesses to the phone call. That means he had his own folks eavesdropping, The difference is that the widow considered the Congresswoman as a close family friend. The President's "witnesses" were just random staff members.
Last week Trump was in a serious twitter fight with a congress woman and a widow of a fallen soldier.

Right now? He's at a ceremony to award the CMH to someone.

Wonder if he's gonna screw up on this one?
Last week a dumbass Congressbitch was eavesdropping in a private message from the President to a widow of a military man sworn to protect the land that he loved at what ever cost. Shit fucks like you, who willingly give up this land to illegals and Mooslims, only use this as a TOOL of the democrat party to make the President look bad. But all it is doing is continuing to push the moderates more to the right. They despise the Democrats, Liberal media and the goose stepping mind numbed idiots like you...

You really are some kind of special stupid aren't you? The congress woman was a long time family friend (she'd known the family for over a decade), and was invited by the widow to go with the family to pick up her husband's body. And, when she was called, the widow decided to put her phone on speaker mode so that the whole limo could listen in if they wanted.

Nope, no "evesdropping" here. She was invited.
Oh yes, a corrupt democrat congressbitch who happened to be a friend of a stupid black woman whose husband sacrificed his life to serve his country. I heard her speak on NBC this morning, and I could tell the widow as an obamaphone champion...
Last week Trump was in a serious twitter fight with a congress woman and a widow of a fallen soldier.

Right now? He's at a ceremony to award the CMH to someone.

Wonder if he's gonna screw up on this one?
Last week a dumbass Congressbitch was eavesdropping in a private message from the President to a widow of a military man sworn to protect the land that he loved at what ever cost. Shit fucks like you, who willingly give up this land to illegals and Mooslims, only use this as a TOOL of the democrat party to make the President look bad. But all it is doing is continuing to push the moderates more to the right. They despise the Democrats, Liberal media and the goose stepping mind numbed idiots like you...

You really are some kind of special stupid aren't you? The congress woman was a long time family friend (she'd known the family for over a decade), and was invited by the widow to go with the family to pick up her husband's body. And, when she was called, the widow decided to put her phone on speaker mode so that the whole limo could listen in if they wanted.

Nope, no "evesdropping" here. She was invited.
Oh yes, a corrupt democrat congressbitch who happened to be a friend of a stupid black woman whose husband sacrificed his life to serve his country. I heard her speak on NBC this morning, and I could tell the widow as an obamaphone champion...

Wow...............way to dump on a grieving widow and the congress woman who was trying to be there to support her.

You know that dumping on the family of the dead servicemember is the same as dumping on the dead soldier, right?

Why do you hate the military?
What is with you people? We don't elect our Presidents by popular vote! It means nothing.

It does if you keep trying to insist the election of Trump reflected the will of the people and not the mechanics of an archaic 18th century system.

The will of the people was pretty clear. They didn't want Trump.

Let me use an analogy...

Oh, please fucking don't. This isn't a game. We asked the people what they wanted, and even after using all sorts of gimmicks to keep people of color from voting, the mutant you nominated STILL lost by 3 million votes.

The People Said No.

They just need to say it a little louder next time.
The person the people 'ELECTED" through the electoral process, was Trump. Did the idiot also forget that the Democratic party is synonymous with voter fraud, or do we need to remind you of ACORN and the videotaped evidence of what the Leftist fascists did in 2016?
Last week Trump was in a serious twitter fight with a congress woman and a widow of a fallen soldier.

Right now? He's at a ceremony to award the CMH to someone.

Wonder if he's gonna screw up on this one?
Last week a dumbass Congressbitch was eavesdropping in a private message from the President to a widow of a military man sworn to protect the land that he loved at what ever cost. Shit fucks like you, who willingly give up this land to illegals and Mooslims, only use this as a TOOL of the democrat party to make the President look bad. But all it is doing is continuing to push the moderates more to the right. They despise the Democrats, Liberal media and the goose stepping mind numbed idiots like you...

You really are some kind of special stupid aren't you? The congress woman was a long time family friend (she'd known the family for over a decade), and was invited by the widow to go with the family to pick up her husband's body. And, when she was called, the widow decided to put her phone on speaker mode so that the whole limo could listen in if they wanted.

Nope, no "evesdropping" here. She was invited.
Oh yes, a corrupt democrat congressbitch who happened to be a friend of a stupid black woman whose husband sacrificed his life to serve his country. I heard her speak on NBC this morning, and I could tell the widow as an obamaphone champion...
This is called trash talking and demonizing. The cult of trump is made up of many uneducated and crude bigots.
Last week Trump was in a serious twitter fight with a congress woman and a widow of a fallen soldier.

Right now? He's at a ceremony to award the CMH to someone.

Wonder if he's gonna screw up on this one?
Last week a dumbass Congressbitch was eavesdropping in a private message from the President to a widow of a military man sworn to protect the land that he loved at what ever cost. Shit fucks like you, who willingly give up this land to illegals and Mooslims, only use this as a TOOL of the democrat party to make the President look bad. But all it is doing is continuing to push the moderates more to the right. They despise the Democrats, Liberal media and the goose stepping mind numbed idiots like you...

You really are some kind of special stupid aren't you? The congress woman was a long time family friend (she'd known the family for over a decade), and was invited by the widow to go with the family to pick up her husband's body. And, when she was called, the widow decided to put her phone on speaker mode so that the whole limo could listen in if they wanted.

Nope, no "evesdropping" here. She was invited.
Oh yes, a corrupt democrat congressbitch who happened to be a friend of a stupid black woman whose husband sacrificed his life to serve his country. I heard her speak on NBC this morning, and I could tell the widow as an obamaphone champion...

Wow...............way to dump on a grieving widow and the congress woman who was trying to be there to support her.

You know that dumping on the family of the dead servicemember is the same as dumping on the dead soldier, right?

Why do you hate the military?
No dumping dufus, Trump made four calls that day and the only one with "issues" involved this empty barrel Democratic crazy congresswoman Maxine Waters wanna be. LOL
Last week a dumbass Congressbitch was eavesdropping in a private message from the President to a widow of a military man sworn to protect the land that he loved at what ever cost. Shit fucks like you, who willingly give up this land to illegals and Mooslims, only use this as a TOOL of the democrat party to make the President look bad. But all it is doing is continuing to push the moderates more to the right. They despise the Democrats, Liberal media and the goose stepping mind numbed idiots like you...

Barbie, did you miss the part where the Widow came out and said she was offended by what the Orange Shitgibbon said.... and how he couldn't remember the man's name.

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