Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

The person the people 'ELECTED" through the electoral process, was Trump. Did the idiot also forget that the Democratic party is synonymous with voter fraud, or do we need to remind you of ACORN and the videotaped evidence of what the Leftist fascists did in 2016?

Yes, I know, you are terrified when the darkies get to vote.
Look up ACORN in 2012 and all the other Democratic based voter fraud in 2016 and then get back to us, douchebag.
Last week a dumbass Congressbitch was eavesdropping in a private message from the President to a widow of a military man sworn to protect the land that he loved at what ever cost. Shit fucks like you, who willingly give up this land to illegals and Mooslims, only use this as a TOOL of the democrat party to make the President look bad. But all it is doing is continuing to push the moderates more to the right. They despise the Democrats, Liberal media and the goose stepping mind numbed idiots like you...

Barbie, did you miss the part where the Widow came out and said she was offended by what the Orange Shitgibbon said.... and how he couldn't remember the man's name.
The widow was corrupted by the congresswoman clown. Duh!
Look up ACORN in 2012 and all the other Democratic based voter fraud in 2016 and then get back to us, douchebag.

You realize ACORN had been disbanded by 2012, right?
No, there was no fraud in 2016 other than the Russians tinkering with our election.

The widow was corrupted by the congresswoman clown. Duh!

Or she just thought Trump was an obnoxious asshole... like most people do.
Look up ACORN in 2012 and all the other Democratic based voter fraud in 2016 and then get back to us, douchebag.

You realize ACORN had been disbanded by 2012, right?
No, there was no fraud in 2016 other than the Russians tinkering with our election.

The widow was corrupted by the congresswoman clown. Duh!

Or she just thought Trump was an obnoxious asshole... like most people do.
ACORN was disbanded exactly due to election fraud, you moron. There isn't a single election that Democratic dirtbags don't commit fraud of one type or another. You guys even screwed Sanders during the debates by giving Hillary the questions in advance courtesy of Donna Brazil of CNN! Oh what short memories you Libtards have...

Aversion to punctuation? He doesn't seem to understand the concept of punctuation, Camp! In case you haven't noticed...I've attacked pretty much everything that Eddie posts here! Him being a functional illiterate is simply one more thing in a long list of things that he struggles with!
”He doesn't seem to understand the concept of punctuation, Camp!

Umm... I’m Faun, not Camp.

Is not knowing who you’re speaking with a sign of insanity? Should I read into your post like you’re reading into @eddiew37’s?

And I know how you “challenge” posters. Generally, your arguments are built on a foundation of lies.

Both you and Camp have rushed to the defense of poor little Eddie,'s hard at times to tell you apart.

My arguments are built on lies? Quite the charge. Care to show me something I've lied about?
Blaming others for one’s own mistakes is also the defense of the weak-minded. Again, should I read into that post as well?

As far as you lying, you’re one of the forum’s most unabashed, that I’ve come across. And you laughably want an example even though you know what I’m talking about?? :lol:

Sure... you claimed Obama coined the term, “saved and created jobs,” — even though that term was used by the Bush administration.

And you claimed he used that term because you claimed his stimulus failed — only he used that term before his stimulus plan was even implemented.

There’s two lies, just off the top of my head.

Oh, and before you respond, please note ... this is Faun, not Camp. :badgrin:

Back to that nonsense again?
What do you mean, ”back to that nonsense again?” You challenged me to provide an example of where you lied and I did. Now you bitch because I did as you asked.

What I pointed out was that the Obama Administration used the term "Jobs Created or Saved" in a deliberate attempt to hide how few jobs they managed to create despite spending a huge amount of stimulus money! Your response to that was to claim that because someone in the Bush Administration used the phrase jobs created or saved that it wasn't an Obama Administration thing...which is a crock! The lie being told in that exchange is by you, Faun...when you claimed that other Administrations used that economic statistic to tell the American people the state of job creation before the Obama Administration did! They didn't and you're being dishonest when you claim that they did.

Now you’re trying to alter the context of what you originally said — a clear indication you know you were lying and now you’re trying to fix it.

You didn’t say, ”it was an Obama Administration thing,” as you categorize now — you said he “coined” the term. Which again, is not possible since it was a term already employed by the Bush administration.

And again, you falsely claimed Obama used the term to “hide how few jobs he managed to create,” when in fact, he used the term before implementing his stimulus plan — meaning he did not use the term to hide too few jobs, which you also lie about.

And you’re lying about me lying. I posted the link to the times it was used by the Bush administration which showed the context in which it was used. I did not say it was used in any context other than what I showed.

You prove me right yet again when I point out you’re a lying con tool.

You're amusing as always, Faun! You cite two obscure examples of where a Bush Administration administrator used the term "jobs created or saved" in an attempt to excuse the Obama Administration REPEATEDLY citing jobs created or saved to hide how few jobs they created with the Obama Stimulus!

Show me where I said the Obama "coined" the term! What I said was the Obama Administration was the first to use Jobs Created or Saved as their go to statistic whenever they cited job creation numbers! They did so because they knew very well that they DIDN'T create many jobs at all! Barry even admitted as much with his infamous admission that there weren't as many shovel ready jobs as they'd thought there would be!
Do you really think Eddie is smarter than me, Camp? His general lack of knowledge regarding English composition belies that but we both know that you're going to back him simply because he's part of your "liberal chorus"! He's an idiot...but he's YOUR idiot!
As for my "bragging" about my education? Eddie posted he thought I had one year of college. He also boasted about his 2nd house in Florida. Funny how you don't take him to task for HIS posts...but then again, you on the left seldom play by the same rules that you demand others play by so I'm not surprised by what you've posted to me! You seem to think it should be OK for liberals to attack conservatives here but that conservatives shouldn't be allowed to respond! Gee, I'm starting to feel like Donald Trump!
Your response was bashing my education and my Alma Mater Anything coming after that by me was deserved

Actually, Eddie...I questioned your vocabulary skills...namely whether or not you would know what a word meant without having to look it up. You're the one that declared you not only went to college but...drum roll GRADUATED! Then you bragged about how your incredible education afforded you a 2nd home in Florida! Like every OTHER internet blowhard on this board.
Look old, I'd like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to such a superior person as yourself . I'll do my utmost to avoid any further conversations with you so your standards won't be lowered.

Since I spend most of my time here debating idiots like Franco and standards are about as low as they could possibly get, Eddie!

Great post by you by the way. First one you didn't come across as someone who flunked 9th Grade English! Keep up the good work!
I hope I made you proud.

I'm always pleased when I can help out those who struggle with English as a first language, Eddie! I'm sure that the folks over at the U of Cincy are thrilled as well!
”He doesn't seem to understand the concept of punctuation, Camp!

Umm... I’m Faun, not Camp.

Is not knowing who you’re speaking with a sign of insanity? Should I read into your post like you’re reading into @eddiew37’s?

And I know how you “challenge” posters. Generally, your arguments are built on a foundation of lies.

Both you and Camp have rushed to the defense of poor little Eddie,'s hard at times to tell you apart.

My arguments are built on lies? Quite the charge. Care to show me something I've lied about?
Blaming others for one’s own mistakes is also the defense of the weak-minded. Again, should I read into that post as well?

As far as you lying, you’re one of the forum’s most unabashed, that I’ve come across. And you laughably want an example even though you know what I’m talking about?? :lol:

Sure... you claimed Obama coined the term, “saved and created jobs,” — even though that term was used by the Bush administration.

And you claimed he used that term because you claimed his stimulus failed — only he used that term before his stimulus plan was even implemented.

There’s two lies, just off the top of my head.

Oh, and before you respond, please note ... this is Faun, not Camp. :badgrin:

Back to that nonsense again?
What do you mean, ”back to that nonsense again?” You challenged me to provide an example of where you lied and I did. Now you bitch because I did as you asked.

What I pointed out was that the Obama Administration used the term "Jobs Created or Saved" in a deliberate attempt to hide how few jobs they managed to create despite spending a huge amount of stimulus money! Your response to that was to claim that because someone in the Bush Administration used the phrase jobs created or saved that it wasn't an Obama Administration thing...which is a crock! The lie being told in that exchange is by you, Faun...when you claimed that other Administrations used that economic statistic to tell the American people the state of job creation before the Obama Administration did! They didn't and you're being dishonest when you claim that they did.

Now you’re trying to alter the context of what you originally said — a clear indication you know you were lying and now you’re trying to fix it.

You didn’t say, ”it was an Obama Administration thing,” as you categorize now — you said he “coined” the term. Which again, is not possible since it was a term already employed by the Bush administration.

And again, you falsely claimed Obama used the term to “hide how few jobs he managed to create,” when in fact, he used the term before implementing his stimulus plan — meaning he did not use the term to hide too few jobs, which you also lie about.

And you’re lying about me lying. I posted the link to the times it was used by the Bush administration which showed the context in which it was used. I did not say it was used in any context other than what I showed.

You prove me right yet again when I point out you’re a lying con tool.
You're amusing as always, Faun! You cite two obscure examples of where a Bush Administration administrator used the term "jobs created or saved" ...
Thanks for finally admitting Obama didn't coin the term as even you confess it was already used during the Bush administration. an attempt to excuse the Obama Administration REPEATEDLY citing jobs created or saved to hide how few jobs they created with the Obama Stimulus!
You're still lying as it's not possible for Obama to "coin" the term to hide job gains as he starting using it before his stimulus was passed.

Show me where I said the Obama "coined" the term! What I said was the Obama Administration was the first to use Jobs Created or Saved as their go to statistic whenever they cited job creation numbers!

"coined" was your word.
Amazingly enough...Barry, Harry and Nancy managed to do just that, Antontoo! They spent all that money and unemployment went up. It was SO bad that they had to coin a new economic statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they managed to create!

They did so because they knew very well that they DIDN'T create many jobs at all! Barry even admitted as much with his infamous admission that there weren't as many shovel ready jobs as they'd thought there would be!
As stated above, you're still lying as it's not possible for Obama to "coin" the term to hide job gains as he starting using it before his stimulus was passed.
Your response was bashing my education and my Alma Mater Anything coming after that by me was deserved

Actually, Eddie...I questioned your vocabulary skills...namely whether or not you would know what a word meant without having to look it up. You're the one that declared you not only went to college but...drum roll GRADUATED! Then you bragged about how your incredible education afforded you a 2nd home in Florida! Like every OTHER internet blowhard on this board.
Look old, I'd like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to such a superior person as yourself . I'll do my utmost to avoid any further conversations with you so your standards won't be lowered.

Since I spend most of my time here debating idiots like Franco and standards are about as low as they could possibly get, Eddie!

Great post by you by the way. First one you didn't come across as someone who flunked 9th Grade English! Keep up the good work!
I hope I made you proud.

I'm always pleased when I can help out those who struggle with English as a first language, Eddie! I'm sure that the folks over at the U of Cincy are thrilled as well!

Don't ya think you'd be wise to take care of yourself in that department before trying to help others? :badgrin:
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.
Can you quote the lie and prove it is a lie?

Or, are you simply just another swamp-dwelling anti-USA "activist" shitting lies into the swamp water in DC, then sucking it up with your snorkel and giving your professional shit eater's opinion of the quality of your own shit?

Or what?
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Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.
Can you quote the lie and prove it is a lie?

Or, are you simply just another swamp-dwelling anti-USA "activist" shitting lies into the swamp water in DC, then sucking it up with your snorkel and giving your professional shit eater's opinion of the quality of your own shit?
Trump lied about how Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA family members. He was immediately rebuked and corrected by former members of Presidential staffs, news reports about families being notified under other Presidents, actual family members of KIA notified under other Presidents and eyewitness accounts, etc. How could you not know that? It is the crux and foundation of the news for the last few days.
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.
Can you quote the lie and prove it is a lie?

Or, are you simply just another swamp-dwelling anti-USA "activist" shitting lies into the swamp water in DC, then sucking it up with your snorkel and giving your professional shit eater's opinion of the quality of your own shit?
Where do these crude people come from?
Both you and Camp have rushed to the defense of poor little Eddie,'s hard at times to tell you apart.

My arguments are built on lies? Quite the charge. Care to show me something I've lied about?
Blaming others for one’s own mistakes is also the defense of the weak-minded. Again, should I read into that post as well?

As far as you lying, you’re one of the forum’s most unabashed, that I’ve come across. And you laughably want an example even though you know what I’m talking about?? :lol:

Sure... you claimed Obama coined the term, “saved and created jobs,” — even though that term was used by the Bush administration.

And you claimed he used that term because you claimed his stimulus failed — only he used that term before his stimulus plan was even implemented.

There’s two lies, just off the top of my head.

Oh, and before you respond, please note ... this is Faun, not Camp. :badgrin:

Back to that nonsense again?
What do you mean, ”back to that nonsense again?” You challenged me to provide an example of where you lied and I did. Now you bitch because I did as you asked.

What I pointed out was that the Obama Administration used the term "Jobs Created or Saved" in a deliberate attempt to hide how few jobs they managed to create despite spending a huge amount of stimulus money! Your response to that was to claim that because someone in the Bush Administration used the phrase jobs created or saved that it wasn't an Obama Administration thing...which is a crock! The lie being told in that exchange is by you, Faun...when you claimed that other Administrations used that economic statistic to tell the American people the state of job creation before the Obama Administration did! They didn't and you're being dishonest when you claim that they did.

Now you’re trying to alter the context of what you originally said — a clear indication you know you were lying and now you’re trying to fix it.

You didn’t say, ”it was an Obama Administration thing,” as you categorize now — you said he “coined” the term. Which again, is not possible since it was a term already employed by the Bush administration.

And again, you falsely claimed Obama used the term to “hide how few jobs he managed to create,” when in fact, he used the term before implementing his stimulus plan — meaning he did not use the term to hide too few jobs, which you also lie about.

And you’re lying about me lying. I posted the link to the times it was used by the Bush administration which showed the context in which it was used. I did not say it was used in any context other than what I showed.

You prove me right yet again when I point out you’re a lying con tool.
You're amusing as always, Faun! You cite two obscure examples of where a Bush Administration administrator used the term "jobs created or saved" ...
Thanks for finally admitting Obama didn't coin the term as even you confess it was already used during the Bush administration. an attempt to excuse the Obama Administration REPEATEDLY citing jobs created or saved to hide how few jobs they created with the Obama Stimulus!
You're still lying as it's not possible for Obama to "coin" the term to hide job gains as he starting using it before his stimulus was passed.

Show me where I said the Obama "coined" the term! What I said was the Obama Administration was the first to use Jobs Created or Saved as their go to statistic whenever they cited job creation numbers!

"coined" was your word.
Amazingly enough...Barry, Harry and Nancy managed to do just that, Antontoo! They spent all that money and unemployment went up. It was SO bad that they had to coin a new economic statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they managed to create!

They did so because they knew very well that they DIDN'T create many jobs at all! Barry even admitted as much with his infamous admission that there weren't as many shovel ready jobs as they'd thought there would be!
As stated above, you're still lying as it's not possible for Obama to "coin" the term to hide job gains as he starting using it before his stimulus was passed.

Your word comprehension is awful, Faun...but then again it always IS when you on the left want to bend what someone else has said! You'll note that I didn't say that Barry, Harry and Nancy coined a new WORD...I pointed out that they coined a new ECONOMIC STATISTIC that they used repeatedly to describe job creation...and that new economic statistic was "Jobs Created or Saved"!

Claiming that they DIDN'T use that statistic...which is remarkable only in that you can claim any number that you want because it's totally impossible to determine whether or not your policies have "saved" jobs or not...shows how deceitful you're willing to be to rewrite the "legacy" of Democratic economic failure at that time!
Actually, Eddie...I questioned your vocabulary skills...namely whether or not you would know what a word meant without having to look it up. You're the one that declared you not only went to college but...drum roll GRADUATED! Then you bragged about how your incredible education afforded you a 2nd home in Florida! Like every OTHER internet blowhard on this board.
Look old, I'd like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to such a superior person as yourself . I'll do my utmost to avoid any further conversations with you so your standards won't be lowered.

Since I spend most of my time here debating idiots like Franco and standards are about as low as they could possibly get, Eddie!

Great post by you by the way. First one you didn't come across as someone who flunked 9th Grade English! Keep up the good work!
I hope I made you proud.

I'm always pleased when I can help out those who struggle with English as a first language, Eddie! I'm sure that the folks over at the U of Cincy are thrilled as well!

Don't ya think you'd be wise to take care of yourself in that department before trying to help others? :badgrin:

Would you care to point out where I'm "struggling" with the English language, Faun? Or is this going to be yet another of your posts where you accuse me of something which you never back up?
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.
Can you quote the lie and prove it is a lie?

Or, are you simply just another swamp-dwelling anti-USA "activist" shitting lies into the swamp water in DC, then sucking it up with your snorkel and giving your professional shit eater's opinion of the quality of your own shit?
Trump lied about how Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA family members. He was immediately rebuked and corrected by former members of Presidential staffs, news reports about families being notified under other Presidents, actual family members of KIA notified under other Presidents and eyewitness accounts, etc. How could you not know that? It is the crux and foundation of the news for the last few days.
In other words,you cannot quote the lie and prove that it is a lie.

Let me guess... you are a party of slavery supporter. Am I right?
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.
Can you quote the lie and prove it is a lie?

Or, are you simply just another swamp-dwelling anti-USA "activist" shitting lies into the swamp water in DC, then sucking it up with your snorkel and giving your professional shit eater's opinion of the quality of your own shit?
Trump lied about how Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA family members. He was immediately rebuked and corrected by former members of Presidential staffs, news reports about families being notified under other Presidents, actual family members of KIA notified under other Presidents and eyewitness accounts, etc. How could you not know that? It is the crux and foundation of the news for the last few days.
In other words,you cannot quote the lie and prove that it is a lie.

Let me guess... you are a party of slavery supporter. Am I right?
I am not going to play your game. The issue has been in the news for almost a week. Makes no difference whether you believe it or not. To the trump cult, it makes no difference what he said or didn't say or whether what he said was a lie or not. All the non-cultist can do is make sure the trump brand continues to represent crude malicious dereliction and low character coupled with unethical ignorance. There is never enough mocking and degrading of trump. America can never accept a liar like trump to be its leader. He is PINO and will stay that way no matter how much the trump cult snowflakes whine and cry.
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.
Can you quote the lie and prove it is a lie?

Or, are you simply just another swamp-dwelling anti-USA "activist" shitting lies into the swamp water in DC, then sucking it up with your snorkel and giving your professional shit eater's opinion of the quality of your own shit?
Trump lied about how Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA family members. He was immediately rebuked and corrected by former members of Presidential staffs, news reports about families being notified under other Presidents, actual family members of KIA notified under other Presidents and eyewitness accounts, etc. How could you not know that? It is the crux and foundation of the news for the last few days.
In other words,you cannot quote the lie and prove that it is a lie.

Let me guess... you are a party of slavery supporter. Am I right?
I am not going to play your game. The issue has been in the news for almost a week. Makes no difference whether you believe it or not. To the trump cult, it makes no difference what he said or didn't say or whether what he said was a lie or not. All the non-cultist can do is make sure the trump brand continues to represent crude malicious dereliction and low character coupled with unethical ignorance. There is never enough mocking and degrading of trump. America can never accept a liar like trump to be its leader. He is PINO and will stay that way no matter how much the trump cult snowflakes whine and cry.
So, you AGAIN refuse to quote the alleged lie. Perhaps that's because it simply does not exist. :lol:

Your concession is respectfully accepted, jackass.
Somebody ask for links? The first 10 pages of this thread contain about a dozen links. The page with all the links above is post # 102. Ten separate links. So links are found throughout this thread. And, the same posters keep asking for links over and over and over. No matter how many links are provided. They simply wait for a little bit and come back with the same nonsense. Where are the links? It's a childlike game they play. This thread has been going on for days and the same posters are posting the same whining posts whining for more links and declaring the entire topic is fake news. Something is very wrong with those posters.
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Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.

or one would think you're just spreading hate cause that's all you got. :)

What a fucking liar you and this President are.

Links throughout this thread to confirm the OP. This one has a video of the trump lying.
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Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.
Can you quote the lie and prove it is a lie?

Or, are you simply just another swamp-dwelling anti-USA "activist" shitting lies into the swamp water in DC, then sucking it up with your snorkel and giving your professional shit eater's opinion of the quality of your own shit?
Trump lied about how Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA family members. He was immediately rebuked and corrected by former members of Presidential staffs, news reports about families being notified under other Presidents, actual family members of KIA notified under other Presidents and eyewitness accounts, etc. How could you not know that? It is the crux and foundation of the news for the last few days.
In other words,you cannot quote the lie and prove that it is a lie.

Let me guess... you are a party of slavery supporter. Am I right?
So, how many links do you need to shut you up and make you stop asking for them. They have been provided on a daily basis ever since this thread was started.

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