Trump challenges Tillerson to an IQ test

The test will never happen. Tillerson has too much class and dignity and trump has is too cowardly and just doesn't have the balls.
Can't make this stuff up

Trump Floats IQ Test Contest With Tillerson After `Moron' Report

President Donald Trump defended his intelligence after reports that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called him a “moron.’’

“I think it’s fake news, but if he did that, I guess we’ll have to compare IQ tests,” Trump said in an
interview with Forbes Magazine published Tuesday. “And I can tell you who is going to win.”

Trump has an IQ in the 90s....I doubt if he would consent to take a test

Trump and his stupid IQ tests. Have we yet seen him take an IQ test and gotten the results back? lol

He has called some very smart people stupid lol. I was cracking up laughing when he called Robert Deniro Stupid and made comments he didn't think he was a very smart guy, lol. He also called Mitt Romney "a dumb guy". Lets see Mitt has a JD and MBA from Harvard... yeah we all know Mitt Romney would totally own Trump on an IQ test any day of the week lol.

I think Trump is a smart guy, but he has a habit of making a fool of himself when his fragile ego feels threatened.
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Funny pick Lakhota
I honestly would be surprised if Trump's IQ was in the triple digits. I do belive he is the dumbest man to ever hold the office of president.
Can't make this stuff up

Trump Floats IQ Test Contest With Tillerson After `Moron' Report

President Donald Trump defended his intelligence after reports that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called him a “moron.’’

“I think it’s fake news, but if he did that, I guess we’ll have to compare IQ tests,” Trump said in an
interview with Forbes Magazine published Tuesday. “And I can tell you who is going to win.”

Trump has an IQ in the 90s....I doubt if he would consent to take a test

Trump and his stupid IQ tests. Have we yet seen him take an IQ test and gotten the results back? lol

He has called some very smart people stupid lol. I was cracking up laughing when he called Robert Deniro Stupid and made comments he didn't think he was a very smart guy, lol. He also called Mitt Romney "a dumb guy". Lets see Mitt has a JD and MBA from Harvard... yeah we all know Mitt Romney would totally own Trump on an IQ test any day of the week lol.

I think Trump is a smart guy, but he has a habit of making a fool of himself when his fragile ego feels threatened.

Actually Trump would not do very well in an IQ test... He shows little grasp for analytical reasoning, I have been tested between above 157 (did Actuary in college and that is just above norm for the class) and reading about Wharton and Military Academy record there is very little chance of him having a high IQ. High IQ comes with analytical problem and Trump has shown no interest in details like that.
He also shows little knowledge of what skills his staff need to be able to perform there tasks. Climate Change is a litmus test for a certain IQ as it presents ideology over facts.

What he could have is a reasonably high EQ... That is very possible. He understands how to convince people in certain scenarios even ignoring their values over self interest. How he grabbed the evangelical church to vote for him was very interesting. He managed to get a Christian Organisations to ignore the Bible for power, that is interesting.
Can't make this stuff up

Trump Floats IQ Test Contest With Tillerson After `Moron' Report

President Donald Trump defended his intelligence after reports that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called him a “moron.’’

“I think it’s fake news, but if he did that, I guess we’ll have to compare IQ tests,” Trump said in an
interview with Forbes Magazine published Tuesday. “And I can tell you who is going to win.”

Trump has an IQ in the 90s....I doubt if he would consent to take a test

Trump and his stupid IQ tests. Have we yet seen him take an IQ test and gotten the results back? lol

He has called some very smart people stupid lol. I was cracking up laughing when he called Robert Deniro Stupid and made comments he didn't think he was a very smart guy, lol. He also called Mitt Romney "a dumb guy". Lets see Mitt has a JD and MBA from Harvard... yeah we all know Mitt Romney would totally own Trump on an IQ test any day of the week lol.

I think Trump is a smart guy, but he has a habit of making a fool of himself when his fragile ego feels threatened.

Actually Trump would not do very well in an IQ test... He shows little grasp for analytical reasoning, I have been tested between above 157 (did Actuary in college and that is just above norm for the class) and reading about Wharton and Military Academy record there is very little chance of him having a high IQ. High IQ comes with analytical problem and Trump has shown no interest in details like that.
He also shows little knowledge of what skills his staff need to be able to perform there tasks. Climate Change is a litmus test for a certain IQ as it presents ideology over facts.

What he could have is a reasonably high EQ... That is very possible. He understands how to convince people in certain scenarios even ignoring their values over self interest. How he grabbed the evangelical church to vote for him was very interesting. He managed to get a Christian Organisations to ignore the Bible for power, that is interesting.

While I agree that Trump does not have a very high IQ, I just feel the need to point out that anyone that quotes their IQ on the internet instantly loses any credibility.
I'd be surprised if Trump could even score higher than me, let alone Tillerson.

I believe most of the posters on this board would score higher on an IQ test than Trump

I have read their posts compared to Dotard Donnies tweets and poor Donnie comes in last
Very few posters here post at the level of Trump
I honestly would be surprised if Trump's IQ was in the triple digits. I do belive he is the dumbest man to ever hold the office of president.

Nothing in what Trump says or writes indicates an IQ above 100

"I have the best words"?
Can't make this stuff up

Trump Floats IQ Test Contest With Tillerson After `Moron' Report

President Donald Trump defended his intelligence after reports that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called him a “moron.’’

“I think it’s fake news, but if he did that, I guess we’ll have to compare IQ tests,” Trump said in an
interview with Forbes Magazine published Tuesday. “And I can tell you who is going to win.”

Trump has an IQ in the 90s....I doubt if he would consent to take a test

Trump and his stupid IQ tests. Have we yet seen him take an IQ test and gotten the results back? lol

He has called some very smart people stupid lol. I was cracking up laughing when he called Robert Deniro Stupid and made comments he didn't think he was a very smart guy, lol. He also called Mitt Romney "a dumb guy". Lets see Mitt has a JD and MBA from Harvard... yeah we all know Mitt Romney would totally own Trump on an IQ test any day of the week lol.

I think Trump is a smart guy, but he has a habit of making a fool of himself when his fragile ego feels threatened.

Actually Trump would not do very well in an IQ test... He shows little grasp for analytical reasoning, I have been tested between above 157 (did Actuary in college and that is just above norm for the class) and reading about Wharton and Military Academy record there is very little chance of him having a high IQ. High IQ comes with analytical problem and Trump has shown no interest in details like that.
He also shows little knowledge of what skills his staff need to be able to perform there tasks. Climate Change is a litmus test for a certain IQ as it presents ideology over facts.

What he could have is a reasonably high EQ... That is very possible. He understands how to convince people in certain scenarios even ignoring their values over self interest. How he grabbed the evangelical church to vote for him was very interesting. He managed to get a Christian Organisations to ignore the Bible for power, that is interesting.

While I agree that Trump does not have a very high IQ, I just feel the need to point out that anyone that quotes their IQ on the internet instantly loses any credibility.

I generally agree with you too.. But this is the internet (would not say it in the pub) and we are talking about Trump and IQ.
You have to kind of say your own IQ when Trump is around due to the crap that comes out of his supporters....

I wasn't saying it to boast but to point out that I have knowledge in the area. If Trump said he was a doctor I would expect a Doctor to tell us he isn't...

Here are some Trump Quotes:

"Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure,it's not your fault"

"I'm much smarter than them. I think I have a much higher IQ. I think I went to a better college — better everything."
IQ tests are rigged, bleev me. The Trump name alone is worth 150 IQ points, but the Establishment Test Givers are elitists who won't ever let Donald get a passing grade. The whole IQ testing process is a total. Disaster. Bleev me. Just ask the
I might be able to hold a very short contest for Trump and Tillerson...starting with...

What do the letters I. Q. stand for?

If either one doesn't get it, they lose.

I do not know much about Tillerson but there is no way Trump knows what the Q stands for. He has never used a word that advanced in his life. Doubtful if he saw it written down he would know how to pronounce it.

Remember he is the moron that gave us 'This is an ISLAND, surrounded by water. Big water. Ocean water"
I might be able to hold a very short contest for Trump and Tillerson...starting with...

What do the letters I. Q. stand for?

If either one doesn't get it, they lose.

I would bet on Trump not knowing what IQ stands for
Can't make this stuff up

Trump Floats IQ Test Contest With Tillerson After `Moron' Report

President Donald Trump defended his intelligence after reports that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called him a “moron.’’

“I think it’s fake news, but if he did that, I guess we’ll have to compare IQ tests,” Trump said in an
interview with Forbes Magazine published Tuesday. “And I can tell you who is going to win.”

Trump has an IQ in the 90s....I doubt if he would consent to take a test

Say, didn't Trump beat Hillary with just 1/10th the money to spend on his campaign?

Makes you wonder the IQ level of Dims.
Every huckster I've ever encountered was dumber than a box of rocks. It doesn't take intelligence to con people the way Trump does. It just takes a total lack of conscience.

He is most certainly the right guy for lack of a conscience.

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