Trump claims presidents can declassify documents ‘even by thinking about it

Liberals really don't see what's going on here. Trump wasn't selling secrets, and he wasn't keeping the documents for any nefarious purposes. He was merely fucking with the Justice Department. They asked him for the documents and deliberately held some back, goading them into raiding Mar-a-lago to get them. I suspect he even instructed whoever informed on him to do so.

That's right, the whole thing is just trolling. He loves the negative attention and so does his troll army. It keeps his name in the news, keeps liberals enraged and his followers jerking off in front of the television.

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Hey if you can attack and sue Trump because you "think" he did something wrong, then he can declassify documents by "thinking" about it.
And Biden can reclassify them by thinking about it. And when Biden heard Trump had documents with classification markings, he would have thought they were classified.
‘Several GOP senators raised new concerns Thursday about former President Donald Trump’s handling of classified documents, rejecting his claim that he could simply declassify the secret records by “thinking about it.”

In interviews with CNN, the senators broke from Trump’s claim that everything was handled appropriately, diverging from many in the party who have sidestepped questions about the matter or have vigorously defended the former President.

Asked about Trump’s claim on Fox News that he could simply declassify documents by thinking about it and there’s no process for him to follow to do that, Senate GOP Whip John Thune told CNN there’s a process for declassifying documents.’

All ‘RINOs,’ no doubt.
Did it? There was a deed/action in your illustration, was there not?
Yep. The thought preceded it. Ergo, the action was lawful.
And also, was the document declassified or was the person given the temp clearance to look at it?
Doesn’t matter. It amounts to the same thing. Just like the President can declassify, so to he can give another person clearance.
Is the expert now free to share said document with others since it is no longer classified? Is the expert now allowed to tell everyone about said document since it is no longer classified?
It depends on whether it was declassified for all purposes or just for that purpose.

“There doesn’t have to be a process, as I understand it,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “If you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying, ‘It’s declassified.’ Even by thinking about it.

So, do you all agree with this? Is just the mere thought of something being declassified enough to make it so?
So, what's the code, statute, law, legislation, rule, etc that spells out, exactly, the process a president is required to utilize to declassify documents; oh, and post the government forms required to document those declassifications.
It’s a misleading question.

Just picture this. The President (any President) is seeking advice from some expert in a particular field, like troubles with a certain foreign power in a certain region and it’s complicated by other weighty considerations like energy, the prospect of military action and the feelings of other neighboring nations.

To get the advice he needs, the expert needs to be “in the know” about some presently classified material. So, without much ado, the President hands the expert (who has never received clearance for this level of classification) a top secret intel report.

Has the President thereby divulged a state secret? Or, as I maintain, has he effectively (and without a fucking word being uttered) declassified that too secret document for the expert?
In your example the President is not declassifying the document. He's granting access by a previously unauthorized person, which he totally can do. But he did not change the document's security designation. If someone else were to publish the info..they would be guilty of a crime.

Now that he's a private citizen, divulging any classified info would be a crime, not that I think he has. I do think that people are losing sight of the real issue here, which is not whether the documents were or were not classified..but his possession of them illegally. the security level is moot..if the documents were not legally in his possession.
In your example the President is not declassifying the document. He's granting access by a previously unauthorized person, which he totally can do. But he did not change the document's security designation. If someone else were to publish the info..they would be guilty of a crime.

Now that he's a private citizen, divulging any classified info would be a crime, not that I think he has. I do think that people are losing sight of the real issue here, which is not whether the documents were or were not classified..but his possession of them illegally. the security level is moot..if the documents were not legally in his possession.
Maybe. Maybe not.

Maybe he did declassify it. That was my example. And either way, he has a unique right to make the determination — either one of them — unilaterally.
When I started this thread I thought I might get a couple diehards in here defending Trump's power to telepathically declassify documents, but it turned out even better than I expected.
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It’s a misleading question.

Just picture this. The President (any President) is seeking advice from some expert in a particular field, like troubles with a certain foreign power in a certain region and it’s complicated by other weighty considerations like energy, the prospect of military action and the feelings of other neighboring nations.

To get the advice he needs, the expert needs to be “in the know” about some presently classified material. So, without much ado, the President hands the expert (who has never received clearance for this level of classification) a top secret intel report.

Has the President thereby divulged a state secret? Or, as I maintain, has he effectively (and without a fucking word being uttered) declassified that too secret document for the expert?

And when that "president" lives in Florida and still has these secrets?
Once again, how exactly did Trump get the Classified Documents without someone recording the transaction?

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