Trump claims we are no better than Russia

Yeah and we're completely innocent with absolutely no blood on our hands

List the American journalists and American political opponents Obama and Bush have killed and locked up.


oh so that's the line not the murder of civilians?

That's just the context of the discussion. Apparently you missed it.
Apparently you don't understand that murder is murder no matter who winds up dead
Putin’s is a killer," O'Reilly said in the interview.

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded. "Got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?".
This is only a guess, but maybe in his mind, Trump is trying to keep lines of communication open with Putin for the future.

Who knows. This is just a daily shit storm of pure madness at this point. A little overwhelming. Numbing.

Republicans screamed when Obama said negative stuff about America. How do they feel about this?

We heard endlessly about Rev. Wright's "negagative influence" on Obama because he said " God damn America".

President Trump himself basically just said the same thing and not a peep.

The hypocrisy of partisans is usually pretty transparent.
As this thread proves Trumpeters are thoughtless fucking lemmings who are going to just nod their little head at sitting president of the United States of America licking Putin's ass.


Asswipe. Whether you like it or not America's President no matter who he is has to deal with Russia. And that includes Putin.

Because no matter how hard the US has tried pushing up against the Bear, you will not witness McCain and Nulands dream of regime change.

It ain't happening. Now Russia is still a member of the G8 and the G20.
A multitude of US businesses have relations with Russia.

I think it's bloody time we stop this fucking charade that Putin and Russia are the new boogeymen on the planet and move on.

STFU Russian troll.

Obama and Hillary dealt with Putin exactly how he should be dealt with and smacked his regime upside the head when he got out of line in Ukraine, no ass licking required.

Putin is a two bit authoritarian oligarch, he does not share our values, he has own agenda that is often at odds with ours and he is no friend of United States.

His regime's illegal attacks on our election process does not deserve a pat on the head and lift of sanction Trump will be looking to give him, it deserves a RESPONSE. On this point Democrats and Republicans are now on the same page about and there are hearings underway now on this.
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What on earth is the purpose of trying to make Trump call Putin a killer? Seriously what is this fucking bullshit ?

Because Obama never dealt with killers. Castro was a saint most of his life..........

He seemed to do a good job with Bin Laden and the rest of his AlQaeda buddies
Missed out on all those drone attacks did you?

Yeah, he did a real good job. He carried through Bush's plan and then bragged how he sent Seal Team 6 to finish the job. Then the terrorists blew up Seal Team 6's helicopter killing many of the members.

Good job DumBama.
Once again, had President Obama said that, you lying bastards would have been calling him a traitor.

Obama???? Oh! You mean that guy that ran around the world apologizing for America? I remember him now.
He did no such thing. This is just another right wing myth, false news. he did make America look much better after the disastrous Bush years.

Interesting clips

Not a single one where he claims we are murderers on par with Russia

follow the thread and perhaps you'll understand why I posted the video.
Obama???? Oh! You mean that guy that ran around the world apologizing for America? I remember him now.
He did no such thing. This is just another right wing myth, false news. he did make America look much better after the disastrous Bush years.

He will never apologize, and he speaks honestly.

I'll give you libs one thing, you certainly are dense.

You only repeat the lies that you are told to repeat. And you call us dense?

Yes, dense. You claimed that DumBama didn't run around apologizing for America, and I posted a video with his ugly face and voice doing so, and you still deny it.
In an interview with Bill OReilly Trump said our actions are similar to Putins. How long before his spin doctors take it back and blame the media?

Trump says America isn't so innocent

Putin’s is a killer," O'Reilly said in the interview.

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded. "Got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?"

The president’s relationship with Russia and Putin have been under close scrutiny for months. Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election campaign dogged Trump throughout his election and transition, as intelligence agencies delivered increasingly urgent assessments of Russian efforts to hack emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee and advisers of Trump rival Hillary Clinton.

The excerpts drew condemnation from some conservatives, including the Wall Street Journal’s deputy editorial page editor, who tweeted that “Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this.”.

Does the truth bother you? He's right, is it now your opinion we BELONG in all of those countries killing their people?
Is it your opinion now that WE should be over there droning everything that moves? Is it?
We are in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Syria and Somalia that we know of shooting, bombing and killing people. I know who started it, I know who is continuing it.
In an interview with Bill OReilly Trump said our actions are similar to Putins. How long before his spin doctors take it back and blame the media?

Trump says America isn't so innocent

Putin’s is a killer," O'Reilly said in the interview.

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded. "Got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?"

The president’s relationship with Russia and Putin have been under close scrutiny for months. Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election campaign dogged Trump throughout his election and transition, as intelligence agencies delivered increasingly urgent assessments of Russian efforts to hack emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee and advisers of Trump rival Hillary Clinton.

The excerpts drew condemnation from some conservatives, including the Wall Street Journal’s deputy editorial page editor, who tweeted that “Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this.”


By Andy Borowitz
11:00 A.M.

The Borowitz Report)—In a blistering attack on the media, President Trump said on Monday that the press has consistently refused to report the voices he hears in his head every day.

Trump praised the “really terrific information” he gets from the voices, which often speak to him when he is roaming the White House in his bathrobe in the middle of the night.

“They tell me that I won by the most votes ever and had the biggest Inauguration crowd ever,” Trump said. “These are fantastic voices and they’re doing a great job.”

Trump said the refusal to report what the voices tell him makes the media “the most dishonest people on earth.”

“There might be a hundred people protesting outside the White House, and at the exact same time, five hundred voices talking to me inside my head,” he said. “Guess which the press will write about?”

Offering an example of the media’s deceitfulness, Trump referred to the widely circulated story about him hanging up on the Prime Minister of Australia. “What they didn’t say is that I had to hang up because I was getting an incoming call in my head,” he said.

Trump said that because the voices in his head “keep saying that I’m the best President ever,” he does not expect the media to quote them anytime soon.

“If you want to find out what the voices in my head are saying, don’t even bother reading the newspaper,” he said. “Follow me on Twitter.”

Borowitz Report for

What on earth is the purpose of trying to make Trump call Putin a killer? Seriously what is this fucking bullshit ?

Because Obama never dealt with killers. Castro was a saint most of his life..........

He seemed to do a good job with Bin Laden and the rest of his AlQaeda buddies
Missed out on all those drone attacks did you?

Yeah, he did a real good job. He carried through Bush's plan and then bragged how he sent Seal Team 6 to finish the job. Then the terrorists blew up Seal Team 6's helicopter killing many of the members.

Good job DumBama.
You are a fucking idiot. How can any one older than 8 not remember the way the Bin Laden assassination went down? Your head is so full of alt facts that reality has abandoned you completely. Seal team 6 suffered no casualties during the raid on Bin Laden's compound. And the helicopter crashed due to pilot error , again with NO casualties. It was destroyed by the team to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. If there were a race to be the dumbest person known hereabouts you are WAYYY ahead of the pack!
What on earth is the purpose of trying to make Trump call Putin a killer? Seriously what is this fucking bullshit ?

Because Obama never dealt with killers. Castro was a saint most of his life..........

He seemed to do a good job with Bin Laden and the rest of his AlQaeda buddies
Missed out on all those drone attacks did you?

Yeah, he did a real good job. He carried through Bush's plan and then bragged how he sent Seal Team 6 to finish the job. Then the terrorists blew up Seal Team 6's helicopter killing many of the members.

Good job DumBama.
You are a fucking idiot. How can any one older than 8 not remember the way the Bin Laden assassination went down? Your head is so full of alt facts that reality has abandoned you completely. Seal team 6 suffered no casualties during the raid on Bin Laden's compound. And the helicopter crashed due to pilot error , again with NO casualties. It was destroyed by the team to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. If there were a race to be the dumbest person known hereabouts you are WAYYY ahead of the pack!

Uninformed voter, I was talking about what happened after Bin Laden was killed and your big-eared idiot went on worldwide television to brag how Seal Team 6 killed Bin Laden. It was not long after they shot down the helicopter of Seal Team six. But of course you CNN watchers knew nothing of the tragic event, so here, learn something for a change:

Obama stonewalls SEAL Team 6 Extortion 17 helicopter crash probe, watchdog says
What on earth is the purpose of trying to make Trump call Putin a killer? Seriously what is this fucking bullshit ?

Because Obama never dealt with killers. Castro was a saint most of his life..........

He seemed to do a good job with Bin Laden and the rest of his AlQaeda buddies
Missed out on all those drone attacks did you?

Yeah, he did a real good job. He carried through Bush's plan and then bragged how he sent Seal Team 6 to finish the job. Then the terrorists blew up Seal Team 6's helicopter killing many of the members.

Good job DumBama.
You are a fucking idiot. How can any one older than 8 not remember the way the Bin Laden assassination went down? Your head is so full of alt facts that reality has abandoned you completely. Seal team 6 suffered no casualties during the raid on Bin Laden's compound. And the helicopter crashed due to pilot error , again with NO casualties. It was destroyed by the team to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. If there were a race to be the dumbest person known hereabouts you are WAYYY ahead of the pack!

Uninformed voter, I was talking about what happened after Bin Laden was killed and your big-eared idiot went on worldwide television to brag how Seal Team 6 killed Bin Laden. It was not long after they shot down the helicopter of Seal Team six. But of course you CNN watchers knew nothing of the tragic event, so here, learn something for a change:

Obama stonewalls SEAL Team 6 Extortion 17 helicopter crash probe, watchdog says

You are trying to commingle two separate incidents without properly separating them.
Initially you said the helicopter was blown up instead of shot down. That suggests you an ignoramus or a disingenuous bahs-turd. Without gallant warriors such as myself
patrolling these forums, the alt facts and faux news s pervasive amongst your ilk would sink the entire website.
As this thread proves Trumpeters are thoughtless fucking lemmings who are going to just nod their little head at sitting president of the United States of America licking Putin's ass.


Asswipe. Whether you like it or not America's President no matter who he is has to deal with Russia. And that includes Putin.

Because no matter how hard the US has tried pushing up against the Bear, you will not witness McCain and Nulands dream of regime change.

It ain't happening. Now Russia is still a member of the G8 and the G20.
A multitude of US businesses have relations with Russia.

I think it's bloody time we stop this fucking charade that Putin and Russia are the new boogeymen on the planet and move on.

STFU Russian troll.

Obama and Hillary dealt with Putin exactly how he should be dealt with and smacked his regime upside the head when he got out of line in Ukraine, no ass licking required.

Putin is a two bit authoritarian oligarch, he does not share our values, he has own agenda that is often at odds with ours and he is no friend of United States.

His regime's illegal attacks on our election process does not deserve a pat on the head and lift of sanction Trump will be looking to give him, it deserves a RESPONSE. On this point Democrats and Republicans are now on the same page about and there are hearings underway now on this.

Piss on you little wanker.

Obama and Hillary with others conspired to overthrow the President and the Ukrainian government which had been duly elected and hand over the reins of power to those who had donated millions upon millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.

Nuland and McCain and others were of course in on it because they are whacked out fucking hawks who actually were pushing for getting right in the Bear's face.

The arrogant sons of bitches actually thought they were going to snatch Crimea with crown jewel of the Ukraine with all of her ports which were leased to Russia.

Pfffffffft. No way the ethnic Russians of Crimea were going to be ruled by the new nazis in Kiev. Hence they asked and received Moscow's protection.

And Putin had every right to protect Crimea from the bastards the west has installed. And be righteously pissed off at the US and other western nations for getting in his face.

Did Putin hack the election? No.

Did Russians hack the DNC? Maybe. Or maybe it was Syrian hackers considering Obama tried to overthrow Assad and put in the Muslim Brotherhood.

Maybe it was Egyptian hackers for payback for Obama and Hillary getting rid of Mubarak and installing the Muslim Brotherhood. You know the Muslim Brotherhood that ran around killing Coptic Christians, burning down their Churches and their villages.

You never know it could have been a pissed off Libyan businessman who hired hackers to damage the US election considering Obama and Hillary overthrew Gaddafi and handed the country over to various terror groups.

Obama and Hillary made a lot of enemies in their short time together. :) You have a lot of potential suspects out there who really really didn't want the Clintons in power again.

Oh and btw not a Russian troll. Third generation Ukrainian and pissed off as hell that the west gave the country to the pro Nazis and caused the upheaval and civil war.
Yeah and we're completely innocent with absolutely no blood on our hands

List the American journalists and American political opponents Obama and Bush have killed and locked up.


oh so that's the line not the murder of civilians?

That's just the context of the discussion. Apparently you missed it.
Apparently you don't understand that murder is murder no matter who winds up dead
Will someone tell the various police force across America THAT?
Good to see right wingers backing down and acknowledging the fact that they thought America really wasn't exceptional, that we were really no better than a trashy KGB Government.

So many years of lying about how great America is. At least they're taking it back now.
As this thread proves Trumpeters are thoughtless fucking lemmings who are going to just nod their little head at sitting president of the United States of America licking Putin's ass.


Asswipe. Whether you like it or not America's President no matter who he is has to deal with Russia. And that includes Putin.

Because no matter how hard the US has tried pushing up against the Bear, you will not witness McCain and Nulands dream of regime change.

It ain't happening. Now Russia is still a member of the G8 and the G20.
A multitude of US businesses have relations with Russia.

I think it's bloody time we stop this fucking charade that Putin and Russia are the new boogeymen on the planet and move on.

STFU Russian troll.

Obama and Hillary dealt with Putin exactly how he should be dealt with and smacked his regime upside the head when he got out of line in Ukraine, no ass licking required.

Putin is a two bit authoritarian oligarch, he does not share our values, he has own agenda that is often at odds with ours and he is no friend of United States.

His regime's illegal attacks on our election process does not deserve a pat on the head and lift of sanction Trump will be looking to give him, it deserves a RESPONSE. On this point Democrats and Republicans are now on the same page about and there are hearings underway now on this.

Piss on you little wanker.

Obama and Hillary with others conspired to overthrow the President and the Ukrainian government which had been duly elected and hand over the reins of power to those who had donated millions upon millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.

Nuland and McCain and others were of course in on it because they are whacked out fucking hawks who actually were pushing for getting right in the Bear's face.

The arrogant sons of bitches actually thought they were going to snatch Crimea with crown jewel of the Ukraine with all of her ports which were leased to Russia.

Pfffffffft. No way the ethnic Russians of Crimea were going to be ruled by the new nazis in Kiev. Hence they asked and received Moscow's protection.

And Putin had every right to protect Crimea from the bastards the west has installed. And be righteously pissed off at the US and other western nations for getting in his face.

Did Putin hack the election? No.

Did Russians hack the DNC? Maybe. Or maybe it was Syrian hackers considering Obama tried to overthrow Assad and put in the Muslim Brotherhood.

Maybe it was Egyptian hackers for payback for Obama and Hillary getting rid of Mubarak and installing the Muslim Brotherhood. You know the Muslim Brotherhood that ran around killing Coptic Christians, burning down their Churches and their villages.

You never know it could have been a pissed off Libyan businessman who hired hackers to damage the US election considering Obama and Hillary overthrew Gaddafi and handed the country over to various terror groups.

Obama and Hillary made a lot of enemies in their short time together. :) You have a lot of potential suspects out there who really really didn't want the Clintons in power again.

Oh and btw not a Russian troll. Third generation Ukrainian and pissed off as hell that the west gave the country to the pro Nazis and caused the upheaval and civil war.

Third generation Russian living in Ukraine you mean?

Yep, I called it.
Have you read any current events? Apparently not. The US has kidnapped dozens of people and put them in black prisons. We have killed people with drone strikes. We have done a lot of really bad things. Now how is it that in your mind those things are all just fine and dandy but when Russia does similar things they are terrible?

We've done it in war.

Putin has done those things to his own countrymen.

You won't hear about that watching RT and listening to Alex Jones.
we are not at war there has been no declaration of war
And yet, a cyber attack on our election process was an act of war.
As this thread proves Trumpeters are thoughtless fucking lemmings who are going to just nod their little head at sitting president of the United States of America licking Putin's ass.


Asswipe. Whether you like it or not America's President no matter who he is has to deal with Russia. And that includes Putin.

Because no matter how hard the US has tried pushing up against the Bear, you will not witness McCain and Nulands dream of regime change.

It ain't happening. Now Russia is still a member of the G8 and the G20.
A multitude of US businesses have relations with Russia.

I think it's bloody time we stop this fucking charade that Putin and Russia are the new boogeymen on the planet and move on.

STFU Russian troll.

Obama and Hillary dealt with Putin exactly how he should be dealt with and smacked his regime upside the head when he got out of line in Ukraine, no ass licking required.

Putin is a two bit authoritarian oligarch, he does not share our values, he has own agenda that is often at odds with ours and he is no friend of United States.

His regime's illegal attacks on our election process does not deserve a pat on the head and lift of sanction Trump will be looking to give him, it deserves a RESPONSE. On this point Democrats and Republicans are now on the same page about and there are hearings underway now on this.

Piss on you little wanker.

Obama and Hillary with others conspired to overthrow the President and the Ukrainian government which had been duly elected and hand over the reins of power to those who had donated millions upon millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.

Nuland and McCain and others were of course in on it because they are whacked out fucking hawks who actually were pushing for getting right in the Bear's face.

The arrogant sons of bitches actually thought they were going to snatch Crimea with crown jewel of the Ukraine with all of her ports which were leased to Russia.

Pfffffffft. No way the ethnic Russians of Crimea were going to be ruled by the new nazis in Kiev. Hence they asked and received Moscow's protection.

And Putin had every right to protect Crimea from the bastards the west has installed. And be righteously pissed off at the US and other western nations for getting in his face.

Did Putin hack the election? No.

Did Russians hack the DNC? Maybe. Or maybe it was Syrian hackers considering Obama tried to overthrow Assad and put in the Muslim Brotherhood.

Maybe it was Egyptian hackers for payback for Obama and Hillary getting rid of Mubarak and installing the Muslim Brotherhood. You know the Muslim Brotherhood that ran around killing Coptic Christians, burning down their Churches and their villages.

You never know it could have been a pissed off Libyan businessman who hired hackers to damage the US election considering Obama and Hillary overthrew Gaddafi and handed the country over to various terror groups.

Obama and Hillary made a lot of enemies in their short time together. :) You have a lot of potential suspects out there who really really didn't want the Clintons in power again.

Oh and btw not a Russian troll. Third generation Ukrainian and pissed off as hell that the west gave the country to the pro Nazis and caused the upheaval and civil war.

Third generation Russian living in Ukraine you mean?

Yep, I called it.

Pffft. 3rd generation Ukrainian/Irish living in the third largest population of Uks outside Ukraine and Russia up here in the middle of nowhere Canada.

Current status: dual citizen of Canada and the US.

Before most even knew what was going on in the Ukraine, I'd been flagged by reports out of Kiev on these bogus protests supposedly held by students. Then I found out who was actually leading them.

Svoboda and the Right Sector. Neo nazis with a strong alliance to Stepan Bandera their hero who fought with the Nazis and was a war criminal. His crew in WWII took out over 70,000 Polish women and children and elderly in an ethnic cleansing.

At the same time Western Ukraine where the Kiev nazis come from was involved heavily in the Holocaust of Bullets. Lviv was shameful. Disgustingly shameful but these nazi lovers have no shame.

The coup was violent. The propaganda here is we were all going to help the Ukraine find democracy which was a total fucking crock of shit.

The elections had been monitored and approved for years by an international committee. It was a violent overthrow of a duly elected President and his government and we backed it.

Kiev would have removed Crimea's autonomy and made the Russian language as well as few others illegal. This is why Crimea feared the west and separated from the Ukraine. And for good reason.

This is also why eastern Ukraine is rebelling.

I know my shit having followed events intensely. Going around all the propaganda our governments have been shoving down our throats.

That's the Ukraine. Suffering now under EU quotas. But the oligarchs we gave the country to are still holding most of their heads above water. To date.

But they are panicking now because they interfered in the election on Hillary's behalf. All the millions upon millions they donated to the Clinton Foundation is all for naught now.

The Ukrainian oligarchs gave more money to the Foundation than eve the Gulf states.

Whoopsies. :)

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