Trump claims we are no better than Russia

Once again, had President Obama said that, you lying bastards would have been calling him a traitor.

Obama???? Oh! You mean that guy that ran around the world apologizing for America? I remember him now.
He did no such thing. This is just another right wing myth, false news. he did make America look much better after the disastrous Bush years.

He will never apologize, and he speaks honestly.

I'll give you libs one thing, you certainly are dense.
Once again, had President Obama said that, you lying bastards would have been calling him a traitor.

Obama???? Oh! You mean that guy that ran around the world apologizing for America? I remember him now.

Yes...tell us about that

Be Trump calling us killers of the order of Putin worse than Obama saying we have made mistakes?
Yes...tell us about that

Be Trump calling us killers of the order of Putin worse than Obama saying we have made mistakes?
He countered with do you think we are so innocent?
after calling Putin a killer, which we are not.

See, here's the problem...
In America, wrong is only wrong
if the government considers it wrong...
that's what our government does best, justify.

America comes off as self righteous
and a shining example of morals and virtues,
every country should look to as a role model.

We pick and choose our battles,
and the only countries we engage,
are the ones where there's something in it for us.

Not us, the people, us, the crooked politicians,
and their families and friends who will benefit from it.

The pretense is noble to justify wrong as right.

We kill babies legally by considering a fetus,
a lump of nothing and justify abortion
by calling it a personal choice a woman has
over her own body protected by the Constitution.

I don't care how you slice and dice it...
Killing is killing, justifying it legally,
doesn't change anything, it's still ending a life

We allow and protect criminals
by providing sanctuary cities
and not enforcing immigration laws,
yet, Trump's wrong for enforcing laws.

And, don't give me that shit,
not all illegal immigrants are criminals.
Yes they are! They entered the country illegally!
Fill out the required documents and wait!
Make sure there's a sponsor
to take responsibility for you too!

The U.S. has acted like a big, self righteous bully
and has the nerve to meddle with other cultures
as if, our culture is something to be proud of.

For over 16 years, we were way too cozy
with Middle Eastern governments and no one seemed to care
but, because it's Trump, Russia is suddenly a big problem

Really, who fucking cares whether or not
Russia was behind leaking the damaging emails...
Why is the problem with the messenger, not the message?

Then, there's this...
And that is the attitude that the orange clown would like adopted here. Especially concerning murdering journalists that report on what the government is doing.
Well, why would that be a problem here?
Journalists don't report what's really going on...
The ones that do are labeled bias or fabricators

I do know that potential whistleblowers
seem to have crappy luck staying alive
long enough to blow the fucking whistle though!

You got thousands of people tweeting
for Trump's assassination,
Madonna seriously considering blowing up the WH,
Soros paying people to cause mayhem,
Pelosi, well, just being her fucking self,
SS, the stupid bitch, trying to organize a coup, online
on and on I could go, and Trump is the problem

If this many people are pissed...
He's gotta be doing something right,
even if you say it's wrong!
Once again, had President Obama said that, you lying bastards would have been calling him a traitor.

Obama???? Oh! You mean that guy that ran around the world apologizing for America? I remember him now.
He did no such thing. This is just another right wing myth, false news. he did make America look much better after the disastrous Bush years.

He will never apologize, and he speaks honestly.

I'll give you libs one thing, you certainly are dense.

You only repeat the lies that you are told to repeat. And you call us dense?
Once again, had President Obama said that, you lying bastards would have been calling him a traitor.

Obama???? Oh! You mean that guy that ran around the world apologizing for America? I remember him now.
He did no such thing. This is just another right wing myth, false news. he did make America look much better after the disastrous Bush years.

Interesting clips

Not a single one where he claims we are murderers on par with Russia
What on earth is the purpose of trying to make Trump call Putin a killer? Seriously what is this fucking bullshit ?

Because Obama never dealt with killers. Castro was a saint most of his life..........

He seemed to do a good job with Bin Laden and the rest of his AlQaeda buddies
Missed out on all those drone attacks did you?
Once again, had President Obama said that, you lying bastards would have been calling him a traitor.

Obama???? Oh! You mean that guy that ran around the world apologizing for America? I remember him now.
He did no such thing. This is just another right wing myth, false news. he did make America look much better after the disastrous Bush years.

Interesting clips

Not a single one where he claims we are murderers on par with Russia

Interesting clips

Not a single one where he claims we are murderers on par with Russia
I'm interested to see a single clip that has Trump
claiming we are murderers on par with Russia.
Once again, had President Obama said that, you lying bastards would have been calling him a traitor.

Obama???? Oh! You mean that guy that ran around the world apologizing for America? I remember him now.
He did no such thing. This is just another right wing myth, false news. he did make America look much better after the disastrous Bush years.

Interesting clips

Not a single one where he claims we are murderers on par with Russia

We're there any of him sucking up to brutal dictators and calling them "strong leaders"?
As this thread proves Trumpeters are thoughtless fucking lemmings who are going to just nod their little head at sitting president of the United States of America licking Putin's ass.

As this thread proves Trumpeters are thoughtless fucking lemmings who are going to just nod their little head at sitting president of the United States of America licking Putin's ass.

Hey, yous had the last 8, we get the next 8
We're taking turns, play nice... it's our turn now!
As this thread proves Trumpeters are thoughtless fucking lemmings who are going to just nod their little head at sitting president of the United States of America licking Putin's ass.

Hey, yous had the last 8, we get the next 8
We're taking turns, play nice... it's our turn now!

Yep, Obama licked Putin's ass by slamming him with sanctions and Trump is licking Putin's ass by constantly talking nice about him, putting his regime on same moral grounds as US and lifting sanctions. No difference really.

Tt's a good thing you are keeping it so fucking real :rolleyes:
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As this thread proves Trumpeters are thoughtless fucking lemmings who are going to just nod their little head at sitting president of the United States of America licking Putin's ass.

Hey, yous had the last 8, we get the next 8
We're taking turns, play nice... it's our turn now!

Yep, Obama licked Putin's ass by slamming him with sanctions and Trump is licking Putin's ass by constantly talking nice about him, putting his regime on same moral grounds as US and lifting sanctions. No difference really.

Tt's a good thing you are keeping it so fucking real :rolleyes:
Yep, Obama licked Putin's ass by slamming him with sanctions and Trump is licking Putin's ass by constantly talking nice about him, putting his regime on same moral grounds as US and lifting sanctions. No difference really.

Well it's a good thing you are keeping it real :rolleyes:
Lol... Obama was licking plenty of ass and used 10 trillion
to wipe plenty of ass dry, and you thoughtless fucking lemmings
were just nodding your little heads at the once sitting president
of the United States of America...don't stop, more...more.
Like a peeping tom getting off on it.

Well, maybe you'll prefer watching getting it in the ass instead
As this thread proves Trumpeters are thoughtless fucking lemmings who are going to just nod their little head at sitting president of the United States of America licking Putin's ass.

Hey, yous had the last 8, we get the next 8
We're taking turns, play nice... it's our turn now!

Yep, Obama licked Putin's ass by slamming him with sanctions and Trump is licking Putin's ass by constantly talking nice about him, putting his regime on same moral grounds as US and lifting sanctions. No difference really.

Tt's a good thing you are keeping it so fucking real :rolleyes:
Yep, Obama licked Putin's ass by slamming him with sanctions and Trump is licking Putin's ass by constantly talking nice about him, putting his regime on same moral grounds as US and lifting sanctions. No difference really.

Well it's a good thing you are keeping it real :rolleyes:
Lol... Obama was licking plenty of ass and used 10 trillion
to wipe plenty of ass dry, and you thoughtless fucking lemmings
were just nodding your little heads at the once sitting president
of the United States of America...don't stop, more...more.
Like a peeping tom getting off on it.

Well, maybe you'll prefer watching getting it in the ass instead

I love watching your head explode and the resulting gibberish diarrhea that ensues.

It's a very real experience. :thup:
In an interview with Bill OReilly Trump said our actions are similar to Putins. How long before his spin doctors take it back and blame the media?

Trump says America isn't so innocent

Putin’s is a killer," O'Reilly said in the interview.

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded. "Got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?"

The president’s relationship with Russia and Putin have been under close scrutiny for months. Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election campaign dogged Trump throughout his election and transition, as intelligence agencies delivered increasingly urgent assessments of Russian efforts to hack emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee and advisers of Trump rival Hillary Clinton.

The excerpts drew condemnation from some conservatives, including the Wall Street Journal’s deputy editorial page editor, who tweeted that “Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this.”


Obama was derided as an appeaser. This is unprecedented appeasement and nothing from the right.
Once again, had President Obama said that, you lying bastards would have been calling him a traitor.

Obama???? Oh! You mean that guy that ran around the world apologizing for America? I remember him now.
So, you think the same of this nation? Nice to know how you assholes really regard your nation.

Yes, we have killed innocents in this nation and others. But we acknowledge the evil that was done. Putin and Russia simply brush it off as 'Realpolitic'. And that is the attitude that the orange clown would like adopted here. Especially concerning murdering journalists that report on what the government is doing.

What journalist was murdered for reporting what the government was doing?

Lazy ass.

36 journalists have been killed in russia - Google Search
As this thread proves Trumpeters are thoughtless fucking lemmings who are going to just nod their little head at sitting president of the United States of America licking Putin's ass.

Hey, yous had the last 8, we get the next 8
We're taking turns, play nice... it's our turn now!

Yep, Obama licked Putin's ass by slamming him with sanctions and Trump is licking Putin's ass by constantly talking nice about him, putting his regime on same moral grounds as US and lifting sanctions. No difference really.

Tt's a good thing you are keeping it so fucking real :rolleyes:
Yep, Obama licked Putin's ass by slamming him with sanctions and Trump is licking Putin's ass by constantly talking nice about him, putting his regime on same moral grounds as US and lifting sanctions. No difference really.

Well it's a good thing you are keeping it real :rolleyes:
Lol... Obama was licking plenty of ass and used 10 trillion
to wipe plenty of ass dry, and you thoughtless fucking lemmings
were just nodding your little heads at the once sitting president
of the United States of America...don't stop, more...more.
Like a peeping tom getting off on it.

Well, maybe you'll prefer watching getting it in the ass instead

I love watching your head explode and the resulting gibberish diarrhea that ensues.

It's a very real experience. :thup:
I love watching your head explode and the resulting gibberish diarrhea that ensues.

It's a very real experience. :thup:
ROFLMMFAO...I've had snappier comebacks
from a bowl of rice krispies!
Putin’s is a killer," O'Reilly said in the interview.

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded. "Got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?".
This is only a guess, but maybe in his mind, Trump is trying to keep lines of communication open with Putin for the future.

Who knows. This is just a daily shit storm of pure madness at this point. A little overwhelming. Numbing.

Republicans screamed when Obama said negative stuff about America. How do they feel about this?

We heard endlessly about Rev. Wright's "negagative influence" on Obama because he said " God damn America".

President Trump himself basically just said the same thing and not a peep.
As this thread proves Trumpeters are thoughtless fucking lemmings who are going to just nod their little head at sitting president of the United States of America licking Putin's ass.


Asswipe. Whether you like it or not America's President no matter who he is has to deal with Russia. And that includes Putin.

Because no matter how hard the US has tried pushing up against the Bear, you will not witness McCain and Nulands dream of regime change.

It ain't happening. Now Russia is still a member of the G8 and the G20.
A multitude of US businesses have relations with Russia.

I think it's bloody time we stop this fucking charade that Putin and Russia are the new boogeymen on the planet and move on.

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