Trump condemns 'all types of racism' after a week of racially tinged remarks

Nice link:

"Donald Trump has been obsessed with race for the entire time he has been a public figure. He had a history of making racist comments as a New York real-estate developer in the 1970s and ‘80s. More recently, his political rise was built on promulgating the lie that the nation’s first black president was born in Kenya. He then launched his campaign with a speech describing Mexicans as rapists."

From the first paragraph alone:

Trump has been obsessed with race. Totally without foundation. The MAIN campaign point is about illegal immigration, which has NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE (Mexicans are caucasian).

Trump promulgated the lie that O'Bama was born in Kenya. Absolutely false. He MOCKED Soetoro for being unable to come up with reasonable evidence that he was born in Hawaii. He was having fun with it, and the press was eating it up. Trump NEVER ONCE CLAIMED THAT O'BAMA WAS BORN IN KENYA, he merely pointed out that something that should have been easily provable was not being proved.

Trump NEVER referred to "Mexicans" as rapists. He merely pointed out that Mexican gang members who were illegally in this country were being credibly accused of rapes in large numbers.

So given the clear bias and disregard for truth that is manifested in the FIRST FUCKING PARAGRAPH, why would anyone waste the time to continue reading this hit piece?

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.

So you think illegal immigrants are Mexico's best? They don't have any problems, no education, poverty, they just left their country on top a train with the shirt on their back on a lark! And none of them use drugs, bring drugs or are connected with drugs? You really believe that? Please tell us so! And none of them bring crime? Please tell us that RIGHT NOW.

RIGHT NOW!!! LoL - Okay Mr Demando
But who said those things - NONE of them are bad people?
Perhaps you didn't hear - EVERY country has bad people and criminals.
And we too have poorly educated rubes.
Most of them voted for Trump :)
A liberal without a race card is no liberal at all.

There is only one reason that is all they use.

It is because that is all they have.

No proof of racism. No proof he is anti gay.

Nothing, but since it has been so hyped by the identity politicians through their pets in the media on a daily basis since he accounced in 2015 they think it is just so conclusive that he is.

Ask for proof. Nothing. If there was, that is all we would hear.

Instead they claim his campaign slogans are "dog whistles."

You think you are going to get anywhere with these programmed robots like the OP?
Post the

Yet another fail
Explaining he wants immigrants from Norway and not shithole countries

That's not racist.

Look, rather post a racist quite or try another're floundering again
Your excuses might work if you can show white countries he has referred to as shithole countries

Trump made it clear he wants immigrants from white countries
please link
Africa is a shithole--I have proven this beyond a doubt in many threads

Shithole? I see no shithole! I see a vacation capital of the world!

View attachment 209845 View attachment 209846

Nice - you found a couple of pictures circa 1972 - National Geographic.
Guess you'll rest your shithole country case now :rolleyes:
Is this the part where you deny any proof?

Post the

Yet another fail
Explaining he wants immigrants from Norway and not shithole countries

That's not racist.

Look, rather post a racist quite or try another're floundering again
Your excuses might work if you can show white countries he has referred to as shithole countries

Trump made it clear he wants immigrants from white countries

They pretend not to hear the dog whistles - but trust me, they do and come running fast as their little feets can fly :wink:


You nor anyone else has posted a single racist quote from're all over the map, you attempted Muslim and got slapped down and now it's dog whistle

You've failed, admit it, accept defeat and move on
Explaining he wants immigrants from Norway and not shithole countries

That's not racist.

Look, rather post a racist quite or try another're floundering again
Your excuses might work if you can show white countries he has referred to as shithole countries

Trump made it clear he wants immigrants from white countries
please link
Africa is a shithole--I have proven this beyond a doubt in many threads

Shithole? I see no shithole! I see a vacation capital of the world!

View attachment 209845 View attachment 209846

Nice - you found a couple of pictures circa 1972 - National Geographic.
Guess you'll rest your shithole country case now :rolleyes:
it's right there ---you can't deny it
total shithole
Is this the part where you deny any proof?

Post the

Yet another fail
Explaining he wants immigrants from Norway and not shithole countries

That's not racist.

Look, rather post a racist quite or try another're floundering again
Your excuses might work if you can show white countries he has referred to as shithole countries

Trump made it clear he wants immigrants from white countries

Show that Trump ever called a single country a shithole?

More fake news you swallowed like a dog turd. Trump referred to certain troubled countries as CESSPOOLS, and some jackass democrat ran out of the room to tell the media that shithole story, so his little guppies like you would swallow it.


I've asked many members to prove that he is a racist and they all have failed
prove it

The proof is in the pudding harm - I'm not gonna spoon it up for you.
Well - WTF, only took 9/10 of a second
Opinion | Donald Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List
I have been denied loans as soon as I got out of the service/got bad service at restaurants-auto repair shops/etc and I'm WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!
your crap does not prove anything

To the far left, equality is racist.

Donald Trump “fires” a black guy on The Apprentice? RACIST
Responding to criticism with criticism for the criticizer? Well, if the criticizer is black it’s most definitely RACIST
Unhappy with economic relations between China and America? RACIST

I’m not kidding. These have all been used as evidence to “prove” Trump is racist. I just can’t with the idiocy.

Is Donald Trump Racist, Or Does The Media Just Paint Him That Way?
Barack Obama

While we intend to do the right thing by these children, their parents need to know that this is an incredibly dangerous situation and it is unlikely that their children will be able to stay. And I've asked parents across Central America not to put their children in harm's way in this fashion.

Barack Obama

If you look at the pattern of immigration into our country, we are at actually a significantly lower level in terms of overall immigration flow -- illegal immigration flow than we were when I took office.I think that the challenge we have that has really caused a spike is the significant security challenges in these Central American countries themselves and the fact that you've got smugglers who are increasingly recognizing that they can make money by transporting these folks, often in very dangerous circumstances, to the border, and taking advantage of the compassion of the American people -- recognizing that we're not going to simply leave abandoned children who are left at our doorstep, but that we've got to care for them and provide them some basic safety and security while we determine where we can send them.
President Obama Remarks Illegal Border Crossings, Jul 9 2014 | Video |
  • Focusing on the removal of national security, border security, and public safety threats. To better focus on the priorities that matter, Secretary Johnson is issuing a new DHS-wide memorandum that makes clear that the government’s enforcement activity should be focused on national security threats, serious criminals, and recent border crossers. DHS will direct all of its enforcement resources at pursuing these highest priorities for removal.
  • Implementing a new Priority Enforcement Program. Effectively identifying and removing criminals in state and local jails is a critical goal but it must be done in a way that sustains the community’s trust. To address concerns from Governors, Mayors, law enforcement and community leaders which have undermined cooperation with DHS, Secretary Johnson is replacing the existing Secure Communities program with a new Priority Enforcement Program (PEP) to remove those convicted of criminal offenses. DHS will continue to rely on biometric data to verify individuals who are enforcement priorities, and they will also work with DOJ’s Bureau of Prisons to identify and remove federal criminals serving time as soon as possible.
He didn’t use shithole. See post 54. They just keep claiming he did.
Explaining he wants immigrants from Norway and not shithole countries

That's not racist.

Look, rather post a racist quite or try another're floundering again
Your excuses might work if you can show white countries he has referred to as shithole countries

Trump made it clear he wants immigrants from white countries
please link
Africa is a shithole--I have proven this beyond a doubt in many threads

The only thing you prove around here is your stunning ignorance

Top 10 Most Beautiful Cities In Africa | Africa Facts
The 9 Most Beautiful Towns and Cities in Africa
The 12 Most Beautiful Places In Africa
NO basic sanitation--meaning SHIT----HOLE--literally/etc
all of black Africa in the red for no sanitation

they don't even have potable water



communicable/etc diseases

Muslim isn't a race.....this thread is going south faster than blue hairs to FL in October

I will be happy to rephrase just for you Tipsy -
Banning Muslims is BIGOTED

I would be happy to rephrase that for you, Turdsy-----

you're a freeking idiot. Restricting people from known terrorist nations based on risk is SMART LEADERSHIP.

I'm still waiting for you to show us where muslims have been banned! Whadda JERK.

Europe should probably ban extreme right wing, white nationalist Americans.
White American men are a bigger domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners
No wait - they should just ban all of us since those assholes represent a tiny percentage of Americans.
Whadda Jerk indeed

You people are amazing.
In this single thread I've heard that Trump didn't ban Muslims AND that banning Muslims is smart leadership.
Make up your minds :)
Muslim isn't a race.....this thread is going south faster than blue hairs to FL in October

I will be happy to rephrase just for you Tipsy -
Banning Muslims is BIGOTED

I would be happy to rephrase that for you, Turdsy-----

you're a freeking idiot. Restricting people from known terrorist nations based on risk is SMART LEADERSHIP.

I'm still waiting for you to show us where muslims have been banned! Whadda JERK.

Europe should probably ban extreme right wing, white nationalist Americans.
White American men are a bigger domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners
No wait - they should just ban all of us since those assholes represent a tiny percentage of Americans.
Whadda Jerk indeed

You people are amazing.
In this single thread I've heard that Trump didn't ban Muslims AND that banning Muslims is smart leadership.
Make up your minds :)
more Americans were murdered at 9-11 than at Pearl Harbor
blacks murder at over FOUR times the rate of whites
white supremacists have murdered a whopping 77------since 1995
that's less than 14 per year
blacks murder over 3000 per year
Muslim isn't a race.....this thread is going south faster than blue hairs to FL in October

I will be happy to rephrase just for you Tipsy -
Banning Muslims is BIGOTED

I would be happy to rephrase that for you, Turdsy-----

you're a freeking idiot. Restricting people from known terrorist nations based on risk is SMART LEADERSHIP.

I'm still waiting for you to show us where muslims have been banned! Whadda JERK.

Europe should probably ban extreme right wing, white nationalist Americans.
White American men are a bigger domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners
No wait - they should just ban all of us since those assholes represent a tiny percentage of Americans.
Whadda Jerk indeed

You people are amazing.
In this single thread I've heard that Trump didn't ban Muslims AND that banning Muslims is smart leadership.
Make up your minds :)
...I forgot to say--these muslims/islamists/etc are more organized/have much, much more $$$$$ and more crazies that hate Europe and the US than whites do the muslims/etc are the BIGGER threat
..this is just common sense
You nor anyone else has posted a single racist quote from're all over the map, you attempted Muslim and got slapped down and now it's dog whistle

You've failed, admit it, accept defeat and move on

Face it Sassy - Trump could come out today with a tweet saying that Obama looks like a purple-lipped monkey who should carry around a spear and wear a bone in his nose and YOU would say that it wasn't racist.

You nor anyone else has posted a single racist quote from're all over the map, you attempted Muslim and got slapped down and now it's dog whistle

You've failed, admit it, accept defeat and move on

Face it Sassy - Trump could come out today with a tweet saying that Obama looks like a purple-lipped monkey who should carry around a spear and wear a bone in his nose and YOU would say that it wasn't racist.

we don't care anymore what he says
he could say:
fried chicken
and you people would call him RACIST!!!!!!
more Americans were murdered at 9-11 than at Pearl Harbor
blacks murder at over FOUR times the rate of whites
white supremacists have murdered a whopping 77------since 1995
that's less than 14 per year
blacks murder over 3000 per year

Educate yourself

The White and Black Murder Rates Are Both Rising, But for Different Reasons
blacks murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
fact--cannot be denied or argued
Is this the part where you deny any proof?

Post the

Yet another fail
Explaining he wants immigrants from Norway and not shithole countries

That's not racist.

Look, rather post a racist quite or try another're floundering again
Your excuses might work if you can show white countries he has referred to as shithole countries

Trump made it clear he wants immigrants from white countries
please link
Africa is a shithole--I have proven this beyond a doubt in many threads
Show where Trump has referred to a white country as a shithole

Is Slovenia a shithole
He never used shithole. See post 54.
Explaining he wants immigrants from Norway and not shithole countries

That's not racist.

Look, rather post a racist quite or try another're floundering again
Your excuses might work if you can show white countries he has referred to as shithole countries

Trump made it clear he wants immigrants from white countries
please link
Africa is a shithole--I have proven this beyond a doubt in many threads

Shithole? I see no shithole! I see a vacation capital of the world!

View attachment 209845 View attachment 209846
He said shithole
more Americans were murdered at 9-11 than at Pearl Harbor
blacks murder at over FOUR times the rate of whites
white supremacists have murdered a whopping 77------since 1995
that's less than 14 per year
blacks murder over 3000 per year

Educate yourself

The White and Black Murder Rates Are Both Rising, But for Different Reasons
blacks murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
fact--cannot be denied or argued

You can lead a horse to water - but they will still cite Jared Taylor :)

Samuel Jared Taylor (born September 15, 1951) is an American white supremacist.[2] He is the founder and editor of American Renaissance, a white supremacist online magazine. Taylor is also an author and the president of American Renaissance's parent organization, New Century Foundation, through which many of his books have been published. He is a former member of the advisory board of The Occidental Quarterly and a former director of the National Policy Institute, a Virginia-based white nationalist think tank.[3] He is also a board member and spokesperson of the Council of Conservative Citizens.[4][5]

Taylor, like many of the organizations he is associated with, is often described as promoting racist ideologies by, among others, civil rights groups, news media, and academics studying racism in the U.S.[6][7][8][9]

Educate yourself
White supremacists' favorite myths about black crime rates take another hit from BJS study

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