Trump condemns 'all types of racism' after a week of racially tinged remarks

Muslim isn't a race.....this thread is going south faster than blue hairs to FL in October

I will be happy to rephrase just for you Tipsy -
Banning Muslims is BIGOTED

I would be happy to rephrase that for you, Turdsy-----

you're a freeking idiot. Restricting people from known terrorist nations based on risk is SMART LEADERSHIP.

I'm still waiting for you to show us where muslims have been banned! Whadda JERK.

Europe should probably ban extreme right wing, white nationalist Americans.
White American men are a bigger domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners
No wait - they should just ban all of us since those assholes represent a tiny percentage of Americans.
Whadda Jerk indeed

You people are amazing.
In this single thread I've heard that Trump didn't ban Muslims AND that banning Muslims is smart leadership.
Make up your minds :)

He HASN’T banned Muslims. Muslims can still come but not if they’re coming from a country where Islamic extremism is prevalent. There are just reasons for these bans and if you were able to get past your inherent bias for even a minute or two maybe you’d get a clue as to why he’s doing it beyond just “He’s racist.”

We have enough dangerous people in this country without inviting more in and every country has their criminals. A lot of Middle Easterners hate the U.S. with a passion but you’re saying we need to accept them bc of the color of their skin? Let’s flood the country with foreigners from areas with heavy Islamic terrorism activity bc not doing so is racist? I don’t understand this mindset.

This whole feud between Trump and LeBron really gets to me bc the media’s reaction insinuates white people don’t have the right to respond to criticism if the criticizer is a minority—pure insanity.
Is it really any wonder that more Americans than not (49/47 Quinnipiac July '18) believe Trump is a racist and cannot take him seriously in these matters :confused-84: :confused-84: :confused-84:

President Donald Trump on Saturday condemned "all types of racism and acts of violence" on the first anniversary of the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, calling for the nation to "come together" after a week in which he stoked racial divisions with attacks on black athletes and other minorities.

Taking to Twitter ahead of a controversial "Unite the Right 2" white supremacist rally Sunday in Washington, Trump decried the "senseless death and division" spawned by what he called the "riots in Charlottesville." A counterprotester was killed when a man who police say identified himself as a Nazi drove a car into a crowd.​


Trump condemns 'all types of racism' after a week of racially tinged remarks

Trump is as much a coward as he is a racist.

His ‘both sides’ nonsense is an example of his cowardice and racism.

Trump must single out and condemn rightwing racism and hate, as it is the most virulent, pernicious, and dangerous – he won’t, of course, because they make up much of his base of support.

Perhaps YOU can provide a quote? Nobody else has

Watches Jones scurry off again after another drive by

Well, I do think there's blame -- yes, I think there's blame on both sides. You look at -- you look at both sides. I think there's blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don't have any doubt about it either. ... But you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. ... You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."
He never used shithole. See post 54.
That's not racist.

Look, rather post a racist quite or try another're floundering again
Your excuses might work if you can show white countries he has referred to as shithole countries

Trump made it clear he wants immigrants from white countries
please link
Africa is a shithole--I have proven this beyond a doubt in many threads

Shithole? I see no shithole! I see a vacation capital of the world!

View attachment 209845 View attachment 209846
He said shithole

Prove it or STFU.
Good thing we had the media to clear up that “They’re rapists” comment, otherwise it would have not been clear that’s what he meant. I mean, he totally cuts off from saying “they’re bringing their” to say “they’re rapists”?

Oh wait... anyone who’s seen the actual video and has a lick of sense AND is willing to be honest with themselves knows that’s not what he meant at all.

As for what that comment ACTUALLY meant, “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime... their rapists,” — it’s true. Illegals from Mexico have committed rape in America, but you and the media would rather ignore that in favor of smearing Trump. PATHETIC

Whenever I argue with people about this they’re never interested in showing the actual video footage. They always type it out in hopes the person they’re trying to convince will take their word for it, changing “their” into “they’re” LOL when you listen to what he actually said it doesn’t even make sense for him to all the sudden say “they’re rapists.”

Why not show the video instead of taking the time to type it out? No worries. I’ll do it for you.

And Americans have committed rape in Mexico - Your point?
US-born Americans commit more rape and murder than immigrants, Texas data show

What a waste of time you are.
Is it really any wonder that more Americans than not (49/47 Quinnipiac July '18) believe Trump is a racist and cannot take him seriously in these matters :confused-84: :confused-84: :confused-84:

President Donald Trump on Saturday condemned "all types of racism and acts of violence" on the first anniversary of the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, calling for the nation to "come together" after a week in which he stoked racial divisions with attacks on black athletes and other minorities.

Taking to Twitter ahead of a controversial "Unite the Right 2" white supremacist rally Sunday in Washington, Trump decried the "senseless death and division" spawned by what he called the "riots in Charlottesville." A counterprotester was killed when a man who police say identified himself as a Nazi drove a car into a crowd.​


Trump condemns 'all types of racism' after a week of racially tinged remarks

Trump is as much a coward as he is a racist.

His ‘both sides’ nonsense is an example of his cowardice and racism.

Trump must single out and condemn rightwing racism and hate, as it is the most virulent, pernicious, and dangerous – he won’t, of course, because they make up much of his base of support.

Perhaps YOU can provide a quote? Nobody else has

Watches Jones scurry off again after another drive by

Well, I do think there's blame -- yes, I think there's blame on both sides. You look at -- you look at both sides. I think there's blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don't have any doubt about it either. ... But you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. ... You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."

That's not racist. I don't think you loons really know what racist is. You've used it to the point it's meaningless. Well done, dopes
Democratic senator Dick Durbin fired the opening shot in this new round of the Second Civil War by claiming that the president referred to “sh**hole” countries, meaning Haiti, El Salvador, and some African countries. Trump denied he said it, and was supported by Senators Sonny Perdue and Tom Cotton (Republicans), who are much more believable than Durbin. Senator Lindsey Graham expressed concern about the president’s disparagements of “poor and troubled” countries (Trump’s words), but has been commendably discreet. The Democrats have retreated to the slightly higher ground of acknowledging that the president might have said “sh**house.” Though absurdly picayune, and squalid, the difference excuses the president from the charge of applying a rectal slur to nationalities and makes clear he was using a socioeconomic description of the societies of origin of many migrants and immigrants. This ludicrous distinction alone knocks out the main prop, in so far as there was one, under the Democratic charge — that Trump is a racist. The charge is nonsense, and the campaign attempt to portray the president as hostile to anyone not of white pigmentation, or even to non-Anglo-Saxons, folded like a three-dollar suitcase long ago..
Donald Trump & Racism – Democrats False Charge | National Review
He never used shithole. See post 54.
That's not racist.

Look, rather post a racist quite or try another're floundering again
Your excuses might work if you can show white countries he has referred to as shithole countries

Trump made it clear he wants immigrants from white countries
please link
Africa is a shithole--I have proven this beyond a doubt in many threads

Shithole? I see no shithole! I see a vacation capital of the world!

View attachment 209845 View attachment 209846
He said shithole
The GOP being 90% white kind of tells the story.

This video is hilarious. Paul Ryan attacking and defending Trump. Back and forth. For anyone not knowing that the GOP will do anything to rip off America it's very confusing.
And you lie, once again.
The GOP being 90% white kind of tells the story.

This video is hilarious. Paul Ryan attacking and defending Trump. Back and forth. For anyone not knowing that the GOP will do anything to rip off America it's very confusing.
Democratic senator Dick Durbin fired the opening shot in this new round of the Second Civil War by claiming that the president referred to “sh**hole” countries, meaning Haiti, El Salvador, and some African countries. Trump denied he said it, and was supported by Senators Sonny Perdue and Tom Cotton (Republicans), who are much more believable than Durbin. Senator Lindsey Graham expressed concern about the president’s disparagements of “poor and troubled” countries (Trump’s words), but has been commendably discreet. The Democrats have retreated to the slightly higher ground of acknowledging that the president might have said “sh**house.” Though absurdly picayune, and squalid, the difference excuses the president from the charge of applying a rectal slur to nationalities and makes clear he was using a socioeconomic description of the societies of origin of many migrants and immigrants. This ludicrous distinction alone knocks out the main prop, in so far as there was one, under the Democratic charge — that Trump is a racist. The charge is nonsense, and the campaign attempt to portray the president as hostile to anyone not of white pigmentation, or even to non-Anglo-Saxons, folded like a three-dollar suitcase long ago..
Donald Trump & Racism – Democrats False Charge | National Review
He never used shithole. See post 54.
Your excuses might work if you can show white countries he has referred to as shithole countries

Trump made it clear he wants immigrants from white countries
please link
Africa is a shithole--I have proven this beyond a doubt in many threads

Shithole? I see no shithole! I see a vacation capital of the world!

View attachment 209845 View attachment 209846
He said shithole

Durbin Has a History of Lying About Private Meetings | RealClearPolitics!
so--Trump is not the racist you say he is

Oh trust me - he's a racist .. and more Americans than not concur.
New poll reveals 49% of Americans think President Trump is a racist

Even if one mere poll was enough to PROVE most Americans believe the president to be racist, 49% is NOT “more Americans than not.” LMFAO

Polls? LOL Worthless and for every poll one can fond another to debunk it

Nope - All you have is Rasmussen for that .. Not good enough ;)
Good thing we had the media to clear up that “They’re rapists” comment, otherwise it would have not been clear that’s what he meant. I mean, he totally cuts off from saying “they’re bringing their” to say “they’re rapists”?

Oh wait... anyone who’s seen the actual video and has a lick of sense AND is willing to be honest with themselves knows that’s not what he meant at all.

As for what that comment ACTUALLY meant, “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime... their rapists,” — it’s true. Illegals from Mexico have committed rape in America, but you and the media would rather ignore that in favor of smearing Trump. PATHETIC

Whenever I argue with people about this they’re never interested in showing the actual video footage. They always type it out in hopes the person they’re trying to convince will take their word for it, changing “their” into “they’re” LOL when you listen to what he actually said it doesn’t even make sense for him to all the sudden say “they’re rapists.”

Why not show the video instead of taking the time to type it out? No worries. I’ll do it for you.

And Americans have committed rape in Mexico - Your point?
US-born Americans commit more rape and murder than immigrants, Texas data show

What a waste of time you are.

This from perhaps the most vacuous poster on the board :)

so--Trump is not the racist you say he is

Oh trust me - he's a racist .. and more Americans than not concur.
New poll reveals 49% of Americans think President Trump is a racist

Even if one mere poll was enough to PROVE most Americans believe the president to be racist, 49% is NOT “more Americans than not.” LMFAO

Polls? LOL Worthless and for every poll one can fond another to debunk it

Nope - All you have is Rasmussen for that .. Not good enough ;)

You're just ignorant of facts....probably why you think an opinion is one. You're a total waste of time
Is it really any wonder that more Americans than not (49/47 Quinnipiac July '18) believe Trump is a racist and cannot take him seriously in these matters :confused-84: :confused-84: :confused-84:

President Donald Trump on Saturday condemned "all types of racism and acts of violence" on the first anniversary of the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, calling for the nation to "come together" after a week in which he stoked racial divisions with attacks on black athletes and other minorities.

Taking to Twitter ahead of a controversial "Unite the Right 2" white supremacist rally Sunday in Washington, Trump decried the "senseless death and division" spawned by what he called the "riots in Charlottesville." A counterprotester was killed when a man who police say identified himself as a Nazi drove a car into a crowd.​


Trump condemns 'all types of racism' after a week of racially tinged remarks

Trump is as much a coward as he is a racist.

His ‘both sides’ nonsense is an example of his cowardice and racism.

Trump must single out and condemn rightwing racism and hate, as it is the most virulent, pernicious, and dangerous – he won’t, of course, because they make up much of his base of support.

Perhaps YOU can provide a quote? Nobody else has

Watches Jones scurry off again after another drive by

Well, I do think there's blame -- yes, I think there's blame on both sides. You look at -- you look at both sides. I think there's blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don't have any doubt about it either. ... But you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. ... You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."

That's not racist. I don't think you loons really know what racist is. You've used it to the point it's meaningless. Well done, dopes

What was his intent?
Condemn violence by spreading blame equally

It was not equal. Protesting racism is not the same as marching in favor of it
Is it really any wonder that more Americans than not (49/47 Quinnipiac July '18) believe Trump is a racist and cannot take him seriously in these matters :confused-84: :confused-84: :confused-84:

President Donald Trump on Saturday condemned "all types of racism and acts of violence" on the first anniversary of the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, calling for the nation to "come together" after a week in which he stoked racial divisions with attacks on black athletes and other minorities.

Taking to Twitter ahead of a controversial "Unite the Right 2" white supremacist rally Sunday in Washington, Trump decried the "senseless death and division" spawned by what he called the "riots in Charlottesville." A counterprotester was killed when a man who police say identified himself as a Nazi drove a car into a crowd.​


Trump condemns 'all types of racism' after a week of racially tinged remarks

Trump is as much a coward as he is a racist.

His ‘both sides’ nonsense is an example of his cowardice and racism.

Trump must single out and condemn rightwing racism and hate, as it is the most virulent, pernicious, and dangerous – he won’t, of course, because they make up much of his base of support.

Perhaps YOU can provide a quote? Nobody else has

Watches Jones scurry off again after another drive by

Well, I do think there's blame -- yes, I think there's blame on both sides. You look at -- you look at both sides. I think there's blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don't have any doubt about it either. ... But you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. ... You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."

That's not racist. I don't think you loons really know what racist is. You've used it to the point it's meaningless. Well done, dopes

What was his intent?
Condemn violence by spreading blame equally

It was not equal. Protesting racism is not the same as marching in favor of it
Good to see you condemning BLM.
He HASN’T banned Muslims. Muslims can still come but not if they’re coming from a country where Islamic extremism is prevalent. There are just reasons for these bans and if you were able to get past your inherent bias for even a minute or two maybe you’d get a clue as to why he’s doing it beyond just “He’s racist.”

We have enough dangerous people in this country without inviting more in and every country has their criminals. A lot of Middle Easterners hate the U.S. with a passion but you’re saying we need to accept them bc of the color of their skin? Let’s flood the country with foreigners from areas with heavy Islamic terrorism activity bc not doing so is racist? I don’t understand this mindset.

This whole feud between Trump and LeBron really gets to me bc the media’s reaction insinuates white people don’t have the right to respond to criticism if the criticizer is a minority—pure insanity.

You are a massive fail - Is your Mama proud?

Trump may add more countries to his ban, but the current roster includes Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen. Four countries are noticeably missing from that list: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates. They're located in the same region as the countries subject to the ban and they're home to large Muslim populations. They also have something else in common: They all do business with Trump.

If the president was as dedicated to national security as he suggests, it would be logical for his list of banned countries to look a little different. After all, 15 of the 19 hijackers involved in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, were from Saudi Arabia. Two of them were from the U.A.E., and one was from Egypt. More recent attacks in the U.S. haven't involved immigrants from any of the countries on Trump's list.​

Look Who’s Not in Trump’s Travel Ban

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