Trump condemns 'all types of racism' after a week of racially tinged remarks

Post the

Yet another fail
Explaining he wants immigrants from Norway and not shithole countries

That's not racist.

Look, rather post a racist quite or try another're floundering again
Your excuses might work if you can show white countries he has referred to as shithole countries

Trump made it clear he wants immigrants from white countries
please link
Africa is a shithole--I have proven this beyond a doubt in many threads
Show where Trump has referred to a white country as a shithole

Is Slovenia a shithole
please check out the maps I posted
Europe is nowhere close to the shithole Africa is--plain and simple
more Americans were murdered at 9-11 than at Pearl Harbor
blacks murder at over FOUR times the rate of whites
white supremacists have murdered a whopping 77------since 1995
that's less than 14 per year
blacks murder over 3000 per year

Educate yourself

The White and Black Murder Rates Are Both Rising, But for Different Reasons
blacks murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
fact--cannot be denied or argued

You can lead a horse to water - but they will still cite Jared Taylor :)

Samuel Jared Taylor (born September 15, 1951) is an American white supremacist.[2] He is the founder and editor of American Renaissance, a white supremacist online magazine. Taylor is also an author and the president of American Renaissance's parent organization, New Century Foundation, through which many of his books have been published. He is a former member of the advisory board of The Occidental Quarterly and a former director of the National Policy Institute, a Virginia-based white nationalist think tank.[3] He is also a board member and spokesperson of the Council of Conservative Citizens.[4][5]

Taylor, like many of the organizations he is associated with, is often described as promoting racist ideologies by, among others, civil rights groups, news media, and academics studying racism in the U.S.[6][7][8][9]

Educate yourself
White supremacists' favorite myths about black crime rates take another hit from BJS study
so--Trump is not the racist you say he is
Post the

Yet another fail
Explaining he wants immigrants from Norway and not shithole countries

That's not racist.

Look, rather post a racist quite or try another're floundering again
Your excuses might work if you can show white countries he has referred to as shithole countries

Trump made it clear he wants immigrants from white countries
please link
Africa is a shithole--I have proven this beyond a doubt in many threads
Show where Trump has referred to a white country as a shithole

Is Slovenia a shithole

I think he was talking about Norway - and HONEST .. he didn't say those things!
Trump referred to Haiti and African nations as 'shithole' countries
Nice link:

"Donald Trump has been obsessed with race for the entire time he has been a public figure. He had a history of making racist comments as a New York real-estate developer in the 1970s and ‘80s. More recently, his political rise was built on promulgating the lie that the nation’s first black president was born in Kenya. He then launched his campaign with a speech describing Mexicans as rapists."

From the first paragraph alone:

Trump has been obsessed with race. Totally without foundation. The MAIN campaign point is about illegal immigration, which has NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE (Mexicans are caucasian).

Trump promulgated the lie that O'Bama was born in Kenya. Absolutely false. He MOCKED Soetoro for being unable to come up with reasonable evidence that he was born in Hawaii. He was having fun with it, and the press was eating it up. Trump NEVER ONCE CLAIMED THAT O'BAMA WAS BORN IN KENYA, he merely pointed out that something that should have been easily provable was not being proved.

Trump NEVER referred to "Mexicans" as rapists. He merely pointed out that Mexican gang members who were illegally in this country were being credibly accused of rapes in large numbers.

So given the clear bias and disregard for truth that is manifested in the FIRST FUCKING PARAGRAPH, why would anyone waste the time to continue reading this hit piece?

You're quite FOS you know :)

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” -Trump Tower on announcement of presidential run

"His grandmother in Kenya said, 'Oh, no, he was born in Kenya and I was there and I witnessed the birth.' She's on tape. I think that tape's going to be produced fairly soon. Somebody is coming out with a book in two weeks, it will be very interesting."
- April 7, 2011, on MSNBC's "Morning Joe"

"He didn't know he was running for president, so he told the truth. The literary agent wrote down what he said ... He said he was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia ... Now they're saying it was a mistake. Just like his Kenyan grandmother said he was born in Kenya, and she pointed down the road to the hospital, and after people started screaming at her, she said, 'Oh, I mean Hawaii.' Give me a break."
- May 24, 2012, interview with The Daily Beast's Lloyd Grove, responding to an erroneous report about Obama

Good thing we had the media to clear up that “They’re rapists” comment, otherwise it would have not been clear that’s what he meant. I mean, he totally cuts off from saying “they’re bringing their” to say “they’re rapists”?

Oh wait... anyone who’s seen the actual video and has a lick of sense AND is willing to be honest with themselves knows that’s not what he meant at all.

As for what that comment ACTUALLY meant, “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime... their rapists,” — it’s true. Illegals from Mexico have committed rape in America, but you and the media would rather ignore that in favor of smearing Trump. PATHETIC

Whenever I argue with people about this they’re never interested in showing the actual video footage. They always type it out in hopes the person they’re trying to convince will take their word for it, changing “their” into “they’re” LOL when you listen to what he actually said it doesn’t even make sense for him to all the sudden say “they’re rapists.”

Why not show the video instead of taking the time to type it out? No worries. I’ll do it for you.

When you say "SOME ARE" it means that you believe that most ARE NOT.

Oh? Is this an established fact? It’s not rocket science to see you’re hearing what you WANT to hear with no concern over what he actually means.
Good thing we had the media to clear up that “They’re rapists” comment, otherwise it would have not been clear that’s what he meant. I mean, he totally cuts off from saying “they’re bringing their” to say “they’re rapists”?

Oh wait... anyone who’s seen the actual video and has a lick of sense AND is willing to be honest with themselves knows that’s not what he meant at all.

As for what that comment ACTUALLY meant, “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime... their rapists,” — it’s true. Illegals from Mexico have committed rape in America, but you and the media would rather ignore that in favor of smearing Trump. PATHETIC

Whenever I argue with people about this they’re never interested in showing the actual video footage. They always type it out in hopes the person they’re trying to convince will take their word for it, changing “their” into “they’re” LOL when you listen to what he actually said it doesn’t even make sense for him to all the sudden say “they’re rapists.”

Why not show the video instead of taking the time to type it out? No worries. I’ll do it for you.

And Americans have committed rape in Mexico - Your point?
US-born Americans commit more rape and murder than immigrants, Texas data show
I've asked many members to prove that he is a racist and they all have failed
prove it
Is this the part where you deny any proof?

Post the

Yet another fail
Explaining he wants immigrants from Norway and not shithole countries

That's not racist.

Look, rather post a racist quite or try another're floundering again
Your excuses might work if you can show white countries he has referred to as shithole countries

Trump made it clear he wants immigrants from white countries

There is no such thing as a “white country.”
I've asked many members to prove that he is a racist and they all have failed
prove it

The proof is in the pudding harm - I'm not gonna spoon it up for you.
Well - WTF, only took 9/10 of a second
Opinion | Donald Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List
you bring up the same nonsense as the others--the exact same crap
you--also--do NOT know the definition of racist
  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
you prove NOTHING
you don't have anything even close
Trump did not personally deny renting apartments
banning muslims is NOT racist--it is for national security!!! out of a population of 600,000 with about one PERCENT islamist, 2 islamists committed the Boston Bombing
He spent years suggesting that the nation’s first black president was born not in the United States but in Kenya, a lie that Trump still has not acknowledged as such.
this is NOT being a racist are not even close

Sorry, but banning Muslims is indeed racist. Especially seeing as how of late, white supremacists have killed more people in this country than radical Islamists.

More Americans killed by white supremecists than Muslim extremists, studies show
he did not ban Muslims.....if you think he did,then explain why Muslim countries like Indonesia,Pakistan and others were not on that list....
"We live in the age of martyrs. Like the 1960s, we live in a time where men and women standing up for racial justice are being murdered by white supremacists. Heather Heyer was a white ally against racism & was murdered on this day one year ago." - Maxine Waters
Is this the part where you deny any proof?

Post the

Yet another fail
Explaining he wants immigrants from Norway and not shithole countries

That's not racist.

Look, rather post a racist quite or try another're floundering again

It is a dog whistle that's racist implications are OBVIOUS .. He wants more white Europeans.
4. there are black Europeans and white Africans

Well isn’t that an inconvenient fact...
Is it really any wonder that more Americans than not (49/47 Quinnipiac July '18) believe Trump is a racist and cannot take him seriously in these matters :confused-84: :confused-84: :confused-84:

President Donald Trump on Saturday condemned "all types of racism and acts of violence" on the first anniversary of the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, calling for the nation to "come together" after a week in which he stoked racial divisions with attacks on black athletes and other minorities.

Taking to Twitter ahead of a controversial "Unite the Right 2" white supremacist rally Sunday in Washington, Trump decried the "senseless death and division" spawned by what he called the "riots in Charlottesville." A counterprotester was killed when a man who police say identified himself as a Nazi drove a car into a crowd.​


Trump condemns 'all types of racism' after a week of racially tinged remarks

Trump is as much a coward as he is a racist.

His ‘both sides’ nonsense is an example of his cowardice and racism.

Trump must single out and condemn rightwing racism and hate, as it is the most virulent, pernicious, and dangerous – he won’t, of course, because they make up much of his base of support.
Muslim isn't a race.....this thread is going south faster than blue hairs to FL in October

I will be happy to rephrase just for you Tipsy -
Banning Muslims is BIGOTED

Bigot and racist are two different animals, asshole.

You're floundering

Racism is a form of bigotry, but let’s try not to confuse them too much LOL

Nearly everyone on the planet is bigoted towards some faction, racism not so much.
Trumps reaction to Charlottesville last summer sealed his racism
Is it really any wonder that more Americans than not (49/47 Quinnipiac July '18) believe Trump is a racist and cannot take him seriously in these matters :confused-84: :confused-84: :confused-84:

President Donald Trump on Saturday condemned "all types of racism and acts of violence" on the first anniversary of the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, calling for the nation to "come together" after a week in which he stoked racial divisions with attacks on black athletes and other minorities.

Taking to Twitter ahead of a controversial "Unite the Right 2" white supremacist rally Sunday in Washington, Trump decried the "senseless death and division" spawned by what he called the "riots in Charlottesville." A counterprotester was killed when a man who police say identified himself as a Nazi drove a car into a crowd.​


Trump condemns 'all types of racism' after a week of racially tinged remarks

Trump is as much a coward as he is a racist.

His ‘both sides’ nonsense is an example of his cowardice and racism.

Trump must single out and condemn rightwing racism and hate, as it is the most virulent, pernicious, and dangerous – he won’t, of course, because they make up much of his base of support.

Perhaps YOU can provide a quote? Nobody else has

Watches Jones scurry off again after another drive by
Is it really any wonder that more Americans than not (49/47 Quinnipiac July '18) believe Trump is a racist and cannot take him seriously in these matters :confused-84: :confused-84: :confused-84:

President Donald Trump on Saturday condemned "all types of racism and acts of violence" on the first anniversary of the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, calling for the nation to "come together" after a week in which he stoked racial divisions with attacks on black athletes and other minorities.

Taking to Twitter ahead of a controversial "Unite the Right 2" white supremacist rally Sunday in Washington, Trump decried the "senseless death and division" spawned by what he called the "riots in Charlottesville." A counterprotester was killed when a man who police say identified himself as a Nazi drove a car into a crowd.​


Trump condemns 'all types of racism' after a week of racially tinged remarks

Trump is as much a coward as he is a racist.

His ‘both sides’ nonsense is an example of his cowardice and racism.

Trump must single out and condemn rightwing racism and hate, as it is the most virulent, pernicious, and dangerous – he won’t, of course, because they make up much of his base of support.
he is as much of a coward as you are jones.....dont agree?....prove me wrong...
Dr. Love, you, and others on the left, refuse to respond to anyone’s posts proving you wrong. You fly right past, posting furiously, as though they will disappear. Take note. People do read and know the truth. It is a lie you and the left keeps pushing, but fails every time. When will you get that into your thick skull. No need to answer. You’d rather smear others in your zest for power, over all, rather than speak any truth. Carry on, but know those seeking the truth see it for what it is and it isn’t yours.
135,000 members in the #walkaway movement. And those are just the ones who bothered to sign up.
Muslim isn't a race.....this thread is going south faster than blue hairs to FL in October

I will be happy to rephrase just for you Tipsy -
Banning Muslims is BIGOTED

I would be happy to rephrase that for you, Turdsy-----

you're a freeking idiot. Restricting people from known terrorist nations based on risk is SMART LEADERSHIP.

I'm still waiting for you to show us where muslims have been banned! Whadda JERK.

Europe should probably ban extreme right wing, white nationalist Americans.

They already are, you idiot. And you don't even have to be extreme, right wing, white or nationalist, you just have to have a willingness to speak the truth.

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