Trump could drop out now & give the Reins over to Pence

Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

Look, we have all made stupid remarks which if recorded would be embarrashing. If your daughters are worried about Trump then just show them Lavanka Trump and the woman she turned out to be. For that matter show them any of the Trump children. What a person DOES is much more important than a stupid statement made years ago.
To me it's not about trumps asinine statements. Statements that seem to surface every week. It's about beating Hillary. I don't think Trump can do it.

Yes he can. It was said all through the primary that he would not win and he won with more votes than any candidate before him and he did it against 15 others.

So I am not sure your point. You are not voting for Trump because he can't beat Hillary? That does not make sense. Join the populist movement, vote Trump.

Trump will lose. The Republicans will lose.

You can delude your self all you want....Trump will lose and destroy the Republican Party at the same time.....which I think is great.

Your predictions have been so wrong for so long I think we ought to be calling them delusions.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

The Republicans are going to lose, with or without der Trumpendicken at the top of the ticket.

Pence is a loser, he cannot save the Republicans from the fate they so richly deserve.

What is so incredible is you act as if it has not been a democrat in the WH for the last 8 years. As if nothing that the democrats have done is their fault. That is just plain faulty thinking.

Really, is that the best you can do?

So, if Trump walked up to Your Mother, Your Wife, Your Sister or Your Daughter and grabbed them by the pussy you would be all open and happy he wanted to fuck them?
Odd. It seems only the infosluts on major 24 hour "news" Channels seem to be bothered by this. Then and the sheep who have to much time on their hands and need something to be pissed about. Who gives a shirt about this stupidity? This was released at the same time Hillerys done list comes out as well as some other comments like having to have one position on a topic in private and another opinion on it in public. What do Americans go to? Sex and a cat 1 hurricane. This is the point that I come to admit that America's good days are long gone.
-------------------------------------------- Americans are not a serious people anymore . The serious and thoughtful , America First people have pretty much all died off with the generation that fought ww2 Crixus .
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Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

The Republicans are going to lose, with or without der Trumpendicken at the top of the ticket.

Pence is a loser, he cannot save the Republicans from the fate they so richly deserve.

What is so incredible is you act as if it has not been a democrat in the WH for the last 8 years. As if nothing that the democrats have done is their fault. That is just plain faulty thinking.

Really, is that the best you can do?

So, if Trump walked up to Your Mother, Your Wife, Your Sister or Your Daughter and grabbed them by the pussy you would be all open and happy he wanted to fuck them?
------------------------------------------------ only problem here is the TAPE . Thing is that many many women are fine with that treatment if a guy is rich , famous or if the woman is looking for money , fame , an apartment , a car , movie fame or just some fun , where have you been you Naive Bravo ??
I hope to hell Trump doesn't drop out. Then he can actually do some good for the country and finally bring down the GOP like the walls of Jericho. Then maybe some sensible sane moderate conservatives can wrest the party away from the extremists and lunatics that have been pulling it ever farther to the right over the last 30+ years. Let Palin and the other knuckleheads and knuckle draggers form their own political party where science and common sense are rejected in favor of trickle down economic quackery and ideological purity.
Pence is also the perfect example of an establishment Republican.
Pence is a perfect example of someone just as unfit to be president as Trump, if not more so – a social conservative and rightwing ideologue hostile to citizens’ rights.
I hope to hell Trump doesn't drop out. Then he can actually do some good for the country and finally bring down the GOP like the walls of Jericho. Then maybe some sensible sane moderate conservatives can wrest the party away from the extremists and lunatics that have been pulling it ever farther to the right over the last 30+ years. Let Palin and the other knuckleheads and knuckle draggers form their own political party where science and common sense are rejected in favor of trickle down economic quackery and ideological purity.
-------------------------------------- feck those moderate , liberal and moderates are the problem Mustang !!
Not gonna happen. This latest faux outrage controversy will fade. It's still a 'Nationalism vs. Globalism' fight. Trump's clearly on the side of helping American Citizens. He's the Anti-Globalist Candidate. And that's good enough for me.
Do you ever hear any echo with your head shoved that far up your ass? Just curious!
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

Yeah I don't think he can even do that even if he was man enough. It's not up to him, it's up to the Party. He could (in theory -- he'd never do this IRL) start saying "forget it, don't vote for me, I quit" but the Party still has his name as the nominee so the Party would have to take the action --- the action they should have taken at their convention. Like they did in 1912.

I'm not sure how their own party rules and election laws sync on the calendar with all that though.

Why exactly are you forcing your daughters to vote for Rump anyway?
Yeah, it's probably some party statute or something, I have no idea really, plus it's probably too late as absentee ballot voting has already started.
Correct, along with early voting.

Even if Trump ‘drops out,’ he’ll still remain on each of the states’ ballots as the GOP nominee.

Indeed, there are voters who have already voted for Trump.

And it’s the states that run the elections, they decide who is on the ballot for president, not the RNC.

Yep. They had plenty of chances and plenty of warnings. They are stuck with him and they deserve everything coming
Bullshit. More people voted against him than for him in the primaries. The field was too big so no one could secure a majority.

That's true of EVERY primary that has a bunch of candidates. More people voted against Rump than for him, but more people also voted against every other candidate than for them too. That doesn't make a point.
Odd. It seems only the infosluts on major 24 hour "news" Channels seem to be bothered by this. Then and the sheep who have to much time on their hands and need something to be pissed about. Who gives a shirt about this stupidity? This was released at the same time Hillerys done list comes out as well as some other comments like having to have one position on a topic in private and another opinion on it in public. What do Americans go to? Sex and a cat 1 hurricane. This is the point that I come to admit that America's good days are long gone.
And then there are you and others on the right completely devoid of political acumen.

Why even bother participating on a political message board.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

I have a friend, who is a columnist for a major newspaper, say this very same thing in his column that he forwarded to me. He is going to print with it. He said Pence needs to take over and Trump drop out.

Pence won't win, nobody knows who he is and he's also very, very way over the top anti-abortion, to the point of making it mandatory to hold funerals for aborted fetuses in Indiana. That just ain't gonna' fly with women, either.
Twisting the law on abortion. I looked it up after my daughter bitched about it.

The law requires the ABORTION PROVIDER to dispose of the body via internment or cremation to prevent it from being sold for parts.

A completely reasonable law that has been twisted by the hack left

Sorry, but that body-parts-for-sale thing has been completely debunked and the DA in Harris County dismissed the case and the Planned Parenthood victims of the video tape have been exonerated.

You are wrong. From the ultra conservative National Review:

"""The clear intent of the law is not to jail women who miscarry; it’s to discourage abortion. HEA 1337 is an attempt by Indiana’s legislators to codify a moral consensus that lawmakers perceive in their state: namely, that a fetus is more than a clump of cells, and so fetal remains are more than medical waste. Since it’s possible that the “product of conception” might be a person, women should be discouraged from making a decision about it lightly. To the extent possible, Indiana is saying, err on the side of life."""

Read more at: Pence Mockery Syndrome
That is an interpretation of the law. I actually looked it up and what I posted is factual.

Wrong again. Show me in this law where it states that it's intention is to discourage the sale of body parts from the fetus.
House Bill 1337 - Abortion

You righties on here are so fucking lazy....Wait, that's HOW YOU GOT TRUMPED in the first place.
"Trump could drop out now & give the Reins over to Pence"


Trump can do no such thing; the ‘reins’ are not Trump’s to ‘turn over.’

Trump is the nominee because he won the required number of delegates, reflecting the will of Republican voters; Trump has no authority to ‘select’ a new nominee.

Those votes cannot be ignored or disregarded now because Republicans know Trump is going to lose the election.

Republicans had the opportunity during the convention to select someone else as the nominee, at that time it was in theory possible for the Party to reject the voters’ will and reject Trump – it’s too late for that now.

And again: voting has already started, in some states voters have already voted for Trump, those votes likewise can’t be ignored or disregarded.
Odd. It seems only the infosluts on major 24 hour "news" Channels seem to be bothered by this. Then and the sheep who have to much time on their hands and need something to be pissed about. Who gives a shirt about this stupidity? This was released at the same time Hillerys done list comes out as well as some other comments like having to have one position on a topic in private and another opinion on it in public. What do Americans go to? Sex and a cat 1 hurricane. This is the point that I come to admit that America's good days are long gone.
And then there are you and others on the right completely devoid of political acumen.


And you?...
If we want a Republican outsider we should vote mcmullin. All he needs is a state or two when no one manages to get to 270. We would have him as president with pence as VP.

Course if Johnson could get some blue states like nm I could live with that too.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?
Yeah, that will make the LMSM love us
It makes no difference one way or the other.

Even if he ‘quits’ Trump will remain on the states’ ballots as the GOP nominee.

The states run the General Election, the states vote for who the next president will be, state laws determine who will be on the ballot and the manner in which elections will be conducted, consistent with voting rights jurisprudence.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

The Republicans are going to lose, with or without der Trumpendicken at the top of the ticket.

Pence is a loser, he cannot save the Republicans from the fate they so richly deserve.

What is so incredible is you act as if it has not been a democrat in the WH for the last 8 years. As if nothing that the democrats have done is their fault. That is just plain faulty thinking.

Really, is that the best you can do?

So, if Trump walked up to Your Mother, Your Wife, Your Sister or Your Daughter and grabbed them by the pussy you would be all open and happy he wanted to fuck them?
The difference is, Trump didn't actually DO anything.
Pence is also the perfect example of an establishment Republican.
Pence is a perfect example of someone just as unfit to be president as Trump, if not more so – a social conservative and rightwing ideologue hostile to citizens’ rights.

Who wants to defund Planned Parenthood so he can fund funeral homes to inter or cremate fetuses from abortions. He makes Rick Santorum look like a veritable renaissance man.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

The Republicans are going to lose, with or without der Trumpendicken at the top of the ticket.

Pence is a loser, he cannot save the Republicans from the fate they so richly deserve.

What is so incredible is you act as if it has not been a democrat in the WH for the last 8 years. As if nothing that the democrats have done is their fault. That is just plain faulty thinking.

Really, is that the best you can do?

So, if Trump walked up to Your Mother, Your Wife, Your Sister or Your Daughter and grabbed them by the pussy you would be all open and happy he wanted to fuck them?
The difference is, Trump didn't actually DO anything.

Ha! That's what they used to say about Bill Cosby, numbnuts. Then the shoes started to drop.

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