Trump could drop out now & give the Reins over to Pence

No one believes you were ever not a fat pig with a brain.
I'll take that as an admission that you never intended to vote for Trump.
Take it for whatever you want FATASS.

Thanks for the confirmation.
What's it like going through life being unable to see your dick without a wall mirror?
My my my, we are getting sooooooo nasty, aren't we?

Did that hit a nerve?
Why not? I still think he will. I don't believe Jill Stein or Gary Johnson supporters to me they are all really trumpsters
Trump could drop out now & give the Reins over to Pence
Are you kidding me? This is what trump lives for. He's not about to pass up this opportunity. The ratings he his going to get tonight far outweighs anything else!

He'll be up all night after the debate tweeting like a 13-year-old girl:

"Look at the ratings I got!!!"

"Look at the ratings I got!!!"
The above is how I know Trump will win. Hillary's supporters prove what morons they are every day.


Don't you mean:


They're all Douchebags!!!

Mod Edit -- Took out the token personal crap. Left the great content part...

Last edited by a moderator:
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

If he were smart, yes...

With that written not happening...
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?
Pence is more anti gay and anti black than Trump.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?
--------------------------------------------------- that might be accurate Grampa but i prefer for Trump to ride it out . Let the women that are stupid enough vote hilary and then let them and their kids get what they deserve .
I wish he would. I would eagerly vote for Pence. As it stands now I might as well vote for The Rent is Too Damn High party.

There are lots of flaws with Trump, lots. But forget those flaws there is only ONE really important issue and that is the SCOTUS nominations. If you like the way the country and the court have been moving then vote Hillary. But for me this ONE issue is just too important to give to Hillary. Trump will not start ww3, but Obama may have already. Trump isn't going to discriminate against women, he hasn't and will not. Trump is an outsider, Hillary is establishment. If you are going to let a few rash remarks that are in effect meaningless effect your decision I suggest you were just looking for reason to vote for Hillary in the first place. Buck up a world with Trump will be much better than a world with Hillary.
It's been a couple weeks since someone suggested I was a Hillary guy lol. And here I thought the board was getting smarter.

We deal with the empirical evidence.
Right now it appears that a couple of you are dealing in the land of pixi dust & unicorns
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

Look, we have all made stupid remarks which if recorded would be embarrashing. If your daughters are worried about Trump then just show them Lavanka Trump and the woman she turned out to be. For that matter show them any of the Trump children. What a person DOES is much more important than a stupid statement made years ago.
We don't judge a serial killer or rapist by how they treat their families.

Ivanca trump never had to suck Roger ailes dick to get a job. She has enough money to say no

You post sick twisted shit each and every day. Of all the posters you have to be the biggest of hypocrites. Hillary called those raped by her husband bimbos and insinuated they were trailer trash. She is actually worse than Trump but you'll never admit it.
--------------------------------------------------- that might be accurate Grampa but i prefer for Trump to ride it out . Let the women that are stupid enough vote hilary and then let them and their kids get what they deserve .
I wish he would. I would eagerly vote for Pence. As it stands now I might as well vote for The Rent is Too Damn High party.

There are lots of flaws with Trump, lots. But forget those flaws there is only ONE really important issue and that is the SCOTUS nominations. If you like the way the country and the court have been moving then vote Hillary. But for me this ONE issue is just too important to give to Hillary. Trump will not start ww3, but Obama may have already. Trump isn't going to discriminate against women, he hasn't and will not. Trump is an outsider, Hillary is establishment. If you are going to let a few rash remarks that are in effect meaningless effect your decision I suggest you were just looking for reason to vote for Hillary in the first place. Buck up a world with Trump will be much better than a world with Hillary.
It's been a couple weeks since someone suggested I was a Hillary guy lol. And here I thought the board was getting smarter.

We deal with the empirical evidence.
Right now it appears that a couple of you are dealing in the land of pixi dust & unicorns

don't you have another thread to start about how bad Trump is but you don't support hillary?
I wish he would. I would eagerly vote for Pence. As it stands now I might as well vote for The Rent is Too Damn High party.

There are lots of flaws with Trump, lots. But forget those flaws there is only ONE really important issue and that is the SCOTUS nominations. If you like the way the country and the court have been moving then vote Hillary. But for me this ONE issue is just too important to give to Hillary. Trump will not start ww3, but Obama may have already. Trump isn't going to discriminate against women, he hasn't and will not. Trump is an outsider, Hillary is establishment. If you are going to let a few rash remarks that are in effect meaningless effect your decision I suggest you were just looking for reason to vote for Hillary in the first place. Buck up a world with Trump will be much better than a world with Hillary.
It's been a couple weeks since someone suggested I was a Hillary guy lol. And here I thought the board was getting smarter.

We deal with the empirical evidence.
Right now it appears that a couple of you are dealing in the land of pixi dust & unicorns

don't you have another thread to start about how bad Trump is but you don't support hillary?
No need. There are plenty of threads for you to make a fool of yourself in by calling me a leftie without me creating any new ones
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

Look, we have all made stupid remarks which if recorded would be embarrashing. If your daughters are worried about Trump then just show them Lavanka Trump and the woman she turned out to be. For that matter show them any of the Trump children. What a person DOES is much more important than a stupid statement made years ago.
We don't judge a serial killer or rapist by how they treat their families.

Ivanca trump never had to suck Roger ailes dick to get a job. She has enough money to say no

You post sick twisted shit each and every day. Of all the posters you have to be the biggest of hypocrites. Hillary called those raped by her husband bimbos and insinuated they were trailer trash. She is actually worse than Trump but you'll never admit it.
You don't have to convince me you have to convince independents and you're not. And you've had 20 years to make your case.

And btw you're voting for a guy just like bill maybe worse
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?
--------------------------------------------------- that might be accurate Grampa but i prefer for Trump to ride it out . Let the women that are stupid enough vote hilary and then let them and their kids get what they deserve .
I wish he would. I would eagerly vote for Pence. As it stands now I might as well vote for The Rent is Too Damn High party.

There are lots of flaws with Trump, lots. But forget those flaws there is only ONE really important issue and that is the SCOTUS nominations. If you like the way the country and the court have been moving then vote Hillary. But for me this ONE issue is just too important to give to Hillary. Trump will not start ww3, but Obama may have already. Trump isn't going to discriminate against women, he hasn't and will not. Trump is an outsider, Hillary is establishment. If you are going to let a few rash remarks that are in effect meaningless effect your decision I suggest you were just looking for reason to vote for Hillary in the first place. Buck up a world with Trump will be much better than a world with Hillary.
It's been a couple weeks since someone suggested I was a Hillary guy lol. And here I thought the board was getting smarter.

We deal with the empirical evidence.
Don't use big words you obviously dont understand. The evidence is this. If I or Grandpa doesn't vote for Trump OR Clinton Nether get a vote... Only the retarded think so.
--------------------------------------------------- that might be accurate Grampa but i prefer for Trump to ride it out . Let the women that are stupid enough vote hilary and then let them and their kids get what they deserve .
I wish he would. I would eagerly vote for Pence. As it stands now I might as well vote for The Rent is Too Damn High party.

There are lots of flaws with Trump, lots. But forget those flaws there is only ONE really important issue and that is the SCOTUS nominations. If you like the way the country and the court have been moving then vote Hillary. But for me this ONE issue is just too important to give to Hillary. Trump will not start ww3, but Obama may have already. Trump isn't going to discriminate against women, he hasn't and will not. Trump is an outsider, Hillary is establishment. If you are going to let a few rash remarks that are in effect meaningless effect your decision I suggest you were just looking for reason to vote for Hillary in the first place. Buck up a world with Trump will be much better than a world with Hillary.
It's been a couple weeks since someone suggested I was a Hillary guy lol. And here I thought the board was getting smarter.

We deal with the empirical evidence.
Don't use big words you obviously dont understand. The evidence is this. If I or Grandpa doesn't vote for Trump OR Clinton Nether get a vote... Only the retarded think so.
------------------------------ you will be complicit in 'illarys' winning the election if you go anyone other than the TRUMP , imo Thantos !!
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

I have a friend, who is a columnist for a major newspaper, say this very same thing in his column that he forwarded to me. He is going to print with it. He said Pence needs to take over and Trump drop out.

Pence won't win, nobody knows who he is and he's also very, very way over the top anti-abortion, to the point of making it mandatory to hold funerals for aborted fetuses in Indiana. That just ain't gonna' fly with women, either.
Twisting the law on abortion. I looked it up after my daughter bitched about it.

The law requires the ABORTION PROVIDER to dispose of the body via internment or cremation to prevent it from being sold for parts.

A completely reasonable law that has been twisted by the hack left

Sorry, but that body-parts-for-sale thing has been completely debunked and the DA in Harris County dismissed the case and the Planned Parenthood victims of the video tape have been exonerated.

You are wrong. From the ultra conservative National Review:

"""The clear intent of the law is not to jail women who miscarry; it’s to discourage abortion. HEA 1337 is an attempt by Indiana’s legislators to codify a moral consensus that lawmakers perceive in their state: namely, that a fetus is more than a clump of cells, and so fetal remains are more than medical waste. Since it’s possible that the “product of conception” might be a person, women should be discouraged from making a decision about it lightly. To the extent possible, Indiana is saying, err on the side of life."""

Read more at: Pence Mockery Syndrome
No it hasnt.
I don't know who you are talking to but anyone who doesn't vote for the TRUMP is voting for the 'illary' Thantos .
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?
Pence is more anti gay and anti black than Trump.
Thats Odd I didn't know he was a democrat.
--------------------------------------------------- that might be accurate Grampa but i prefer for Trump to ride it out . Let the women that are stupid enough vote hilary and then let them and their kids get what they deserve .
I wish he would. I would eagerly vote for Pence. As it stands now I might as well vote for The Rent is Too Damn High party.

There are lots of flaws with Trump, lots. But forget those flaws there is only ONE really important issue and that is the SCOTUS nominations. If you like the way the country and the court have been moving then vote Hillary. But for me this ONE issue is just too important to give to Hillary. Trump will not start ww3, but Obama may have already. Trump isn't going to discriminate against women, he hasn't and will not. Trump is an outsider, Hillary is establishment. If you are going to let a few rash remarks that are in effect meaningless effect your decision I suggest you were just looking for reason to vote for Hillary in the first place. Buck up a world with Trump will be much better than a world with Hillary.
It's been a couple weeks since someone suggested I was a Hillary guy lol. And here I thought the board was getting smarter.

We deal with the empirical evidence.
Don't use big words you obviously dont understand. The evidence is this. If I or Grandpa doesn't vote for Trump OR Clinton Nether get a vote... Only the retarded think so.

Please learn English then reply, thanks.
I wish he would. I would eagerly vote for Pence. As it stands now I might as well vote for The Rent is Too Damn High party.

There are lots of flaws with Trump, lots. But forget those flaws there is only ONE really important issue and that is the SCOTUS nominations. If you like the way the country and the court have been moving then vote Hillary. But for me this ONE issue is just too important to give to Hillary. Trump will not start ww3, but Obama may have already. Trump isn't going to discriminate against women, he hasn't and will not. Trump is an outsider, Hillary is establishment. If you are going to let a few rash remarks that are in effect meaningless effect your decision I suggest you were just looking for reason to vote for Hillary in the first place. Buck up a world with Trump will be much better than a world with Hillary.
It's been a couple weeks since someone suggested I was a Hillary guy lol. And here I thought the board was getting smarter.

We deal with the empirical evidence.
Don't use big words you obviously dont understand. The evidence is this. If I or Grandpa doesn't vote for Trump OR Clinton Nether get a vote... Only the retarded think so.
------------------------------ you will be complicit in 'illarys' winning the election if you go anyone other than the TRUMP , imo Thantos !!
The Biggest NeverTrump supporter is Donald Trump because he doesn't know when to shut the fuck up.
I wish he would. I would eagerly vote for Pence. As it stands now I might as well vote for The Rent is Too Damn High party.

There are lots of flaws with Trump, lots. But forget those flaws there is only ONE really important issue and that is the SCOTUS nominations. If you like the way the country and the court have been moving then vote Hillary. But for me this ONE issue is just too important to give to Hillary. Trump will not start ww3, but Obama may have already. Trump isn't going to discriminate against women, he hasn't and will not. Trump is an outsider, Hillary is establishment. If you are going to let a few rash remarks that are in effect meaningless effect your decision I suggest you were just looking for reason to vote for Hillary in the first place. Buck up a world with Trump will be much better than a world with Hillary.
It's been a couple weeks since someone suggested I was a Hillary guy lol. And here I thought the board was getting smarter.

We deal with the empirical evidence.
Don't use big words you obviously dont understand. The evidence is this. If I or Grandpa doesn't vote for Trump OR Clinton Nether get a vote... Only the retarded think so.

Please learn English then reply, thanks.
then your ignorant ass wouldn't understand it.
Poor ignorant dupes. You believe a pile of bs, especially about Hillary. Factcheck ANYTHING you "know". Including that fact checkers are commies lol...
There are lots of flaws with Trump, lots. But forget those flaws there is only ONE really important issue and that is the SCOTUS nominations. If you like the way the country and the court have been moving then vote Hillary. But for me this ONE issue is just too important to give to Hillary. Trump will not start ww3, but Obama may have already. Trump isn't going to discriminate against women, he hasn't and will not. Trump is an outsider, Hillary is establishment. If you are going to let a few rash remarks that are in effect meaningless effect your decision I suggest you were just looking for reason to vote for Hillary in the first place. Buck up a world with Trump will be much better than a world with Hillary.
It's been a couple weeks since someone suggested I was a Hillary guy lol. And here I thought the board was getting smarter.

We deal with the empirical evidence.
Don't use big words you obviously dont understand. The evidence is this. If I or Grandpa doesn't vote for Trump OR Clinton Nether get a vote... Only the retarded think so.
------------------------------ you will be complicit in 'illarys' winning the election if you go anyone other than the TRUMP , imo Thantos !!
The Biggest NeverTrump supporter is Donald Trump because he doesn't know when to shut the fuck up.
------------------------- not shutting up is what got the Trump to where he is Thantos .

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