Trump could drop out now & give the Reins over to Pence

If we want a Republican outsider we should vote mcmullin. All he needs is a state or two when no one manages to get to 270. We would have him as president with pence as VP.

Course if Johnson could get some blue states like nm I could live with that too.
You and other republicans are desperate, ridiculous, and delusional.

Fortunately, Americans won’t have to live with what you and other social conservatives can ‘live with.’
If we want a Republican outsider we should vote mcmullin. All he needs is a state or two when no one manages to get to 270. We would have him as president with pence as VP.

Course if Johnson could get some blue states like nm I could live with that too.

Johnson is even dumber about geopolitics than Sarah Palin. Think again.
He says there is zero chance that he will drop out, as he has "tremendous support."

The GOP is stuck with the pervert.
Can't see him gutting his pride and taking one for the team. That is a democratic move, do what is best for the party.
Yes, that would be a total waste of time and money, per the Orange Groper. (isn't that a type of fish?)
If democrats win this election the nation is finished. It will exist as a land mass. The country will dissolve into total corruption on every level and sabotage in every project.
Pence is also the perfect example of an establishment Republican.
Pence is a perfect example of someone just as unfit to be president as Trump, if not more so – a social conservative and rightwing ideologue hostile to citizens’ rights.

Who wants to defund Planned Parenthood so he can fund funeral homes to inter or cremate fetuses from abortions. He makes Rick Santorum look like a veritable renaissance man.
Pence is the typical social conservative: bigger government, more government control of citizens’ private lives at the expense of individual liberty.
Trump will not and should not drop out. The ballots have been printed. Millions have already voted. The ones who support Trump will not vote for someone else. It would be the biggest landslide in history for hilly.

I hate to break this news, but it will be anyway...
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

The Republicans are going to lose, with or without der Trumpendicken at the top of the ticket.

Pence is a loser, he cannot save the Republicans from the fate they so richly deserve.

What is so incredible is you act as if it has not been a democrat in the WH for the last 8 years. As if nothing that the democrats have done is their fault. That is just plain faulty thinking.

Really, is that the best you can do?

So, if Trump walked up to Your Mother, Your Wife, Your Sister or Your Daughter and grabbed them by the pussy you would be all open and happy he wanted to fuck them?
The difference is, Trump didn't actually DO anything.
Another blind partisan rightwing nitwit who just doesn’t get it.

The issue isn’t what Trump said over a decade ago.

The issue is Trump’s ‘apology’ devoid of contrition, his ridiculous reference to Bill Clinton, who isn’t running for anything, and Trump’s arrogant demeanor.
If we want a Republican outsider we should vote mcmullin. All he needs is a state or two when no one manages to get to 270. We would have him as president with pence as VP.

Course if Johnson could get some blue states like nm I could live with that too.
You and other republicans are desperate, ridiculous, and delusional.

Fortunately, Americans won’t have to live with what you and other social conservatives can ‘live with.’
If we want a Republican outsider we should vote mcmullin. All he needs is a state or two when no one manages to get to 270. We would have him as president with pence as VP.

Course if Johnson could get some blue states like nm I could live with that too.
You and other republicans are desperate, ridiculous, and delusional.

Fortunately, Americans won’t have to live with what you and other social conservatives can ‘live with.’

Actually you're right because if Clinton or trump is elected, chances are alot of other Americans wont be living long
If we want a Republican outsider we should vote mcmullin. All he needs is a state or two when no one manages to get to 270. We would have him as president with pence as VP.

Course if Johnson could get some blue states like nm I could live with that too.

Johnson is even dumber about geopolitics than Sarah Palin. Think again.

So we should give trump the nuclear codes or elect Hillary whose foreign policy has us on the brink of war with Russia?

Besides that's one of the reasons I'm leaning mcmullin. He has foreign policy experience from his time in the cia. And isn't responsible for our current mess.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

I have a friend, who is a columnist for a major newspaper, say this very same thing in his column that he forwarded to me. He is going to print with it. He said Pence needs to take over and Trump drop out.

Pence won't win, nobody knows who he is and he's also very, very way over the top anti-abortion, to the point of making it mandatory to hold funerals for aborted fetuses in Indiana. That just ain't gonna' fly with women, either.
Twisting the law on abortion. I looked it up after my daughter bitched about it.

The law requires the ABORTION PROVIDER to dispose of the body via internment or cremation to prevent it from being sold for parts.

A completely reasonable law that has been twisted by the hack left

Sorry, but that body-parts-for-sale thing has been completely debunked and the DA in Harris County dismissed the case and the Planned Parenthood victims of the video tape have been exonerated.

You are wrong. From the ultra conservative National Review:

"""The clear intent of the law is not to jail women who miscarry; it’s to discourage abortion. HEA 1337 is an attempt by Indiana’s legislators to codify a moral consensus that lawmakers perceive in their state: namely, that a fetus is more than a clump of cells, and so fetal remains are more than medical waste. Since it’s possible that the “product of conception” might be a person, women should be discouraged from making a decision about it lightly. To the extent possible, Indiana is saying, err on the side of life."""

Read more at: Pence Mockery Syndrome
That is an interpretation of the law. I actually looked it up and what I posted is factual.

Wrong again. Show me in this law where it states that it's intention is to discourage the sale of body parts from the fetus.
House Bill 1337 - Abortion

You righties on here are so fucking lazy....Wait, that's HOW YOU GOT TRUMPED in the first place.

Requires a person or facility having possession of a miscarried or aborted fetus to ensure that the miscarried fetus or aborted fetus is preserved until final disposition occurs.

Quoted directly from the bill. What do you suppose the "preserved" part is speaking about? Preservation from what?

To put it bluntly it DIRECTLY PREVENTS THE HARVESTING OR SALE OF ANY PART OF THE FETUS and requires that it be preserved intact until burial or cremation.

Now tell me again who got Trumped, fool
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

The Republicans are going to lose, with or without der Trumpendicken at the top of the ticket.

Pence is a loser, he cannot save the Republicans from the fate they so richly deserve.

What is so incredible is you act as if it has not been a democrat in the WH for the last 8 years. As if nothing that the democrats have done is their fault. That is just plain faulty thinking.

Really, is that the best you can do?

So, if Trump walked up to Your Mother, Your Wife, Your Sister or Your Daughter and grabbed them by the pussy you would be all open and happy he wanted to fuck them?
The difference is, Trump didn't actually DO anything.

Trump bragged about to trying fuck a married Woman, within months of having Melania. Keep dreaming.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

Do you think your daughters think Pence is their hero? He's got some fairly rigid religious views. Then again...he's been able to toss them aside in his quest for power and who knows. Maybe he won't arrest gay people who try to get married or force people to have expensive funerals for miscarriages.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

Look, we have all made stupid remarks which if recorded would be embarrashing. If your daughters are worried about Trump then just show them Lavanka Trump and the woman she turned out to be. For that matter show them any of the Trump children. What a person DOES is much more important than a stupid statement made years ago.

That is awesome. You don't even know her name. I love nutbags so much.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

Do you think your daughters think Pence is their hero? He's got some fairly rigid religious views. Then again...he's been able to toss them aside in his quest for power and who knows. Maybe he won't arrest gay people who try to get married or force people to have expensive funerals for miscarriages.
My oldest daughter doesn't like Pence because of the abortion bill he backed. Long ago I gave up on having my cake and eating it too. Pence is the only reasonable candidate out of the four running. The odds of him pulling Trump across the finish line are nill.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

The Republicans are going to lose, with or without der Trumpendicken at the top of the ticket.

Pence is a loser, he cannot save the Republicans from the fate they so richly deserve.

What is so incredible is you act as if it has not been a democrat in the WH for the last 8 years. As if nothing that the democrats have done is their fault. That is just plain faulty thinking.

The last eight years have been pretty good. If you would pop that dopey bubble you are in, you'd be able to see that.
Not gonna happen. This latest faux outrage controversy will fade. It's still a 'Nationalism vs. Globalism' fight. Trump's clearly on the side of helping American Citizens. He's the Anti-Globalist Candidate. And that's good enough for me.
Do you ever hear any echo with your head shoved that far up your ass? Just curious!

Ah, back to your Safe Space there little halfwit.
Can't see him gutting his pride and taking one for the team. That is a democratic move, do what is best for the party.
Yes, that would be a total waste of time and money, per the Orange Groper. (isn't that a type of fish?)


So 20 years ago I was at this restaurant with a new girlfriend. We asked the waiter, who was very new at his job and trying to please, what the special was. He said "Groper" (meaning "Grouper"). I said "Grope 'er? I hardly know 'er!"

"Orange Groper" -- that's a great name. With your permission I'm gonna steal it.
Can't see him gutting his pride and taking one for the team. That is a democratic move, do what is best for the party.
Yes, that would be a total waste of time and money, per the Orange Groper. (isn't that a type of fish?)


So 20 years ago I was at this restaurant with a new girlfriend. We asked the waiter, who was very new at his job and trying to please, what the special was. He said "Groper" (meaning "Grouper"). I said "Grope 'er? I hardly know 'er!"

"Orange Groper" -- that's a great name. With your permission I'm gonna steal it.
Absolutely. You do know how to use a good name.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?
No he can't, dumbass.

Quit pretending to be a Republican.

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