Trump Cracksdown On Illegal Immigrants---Gets 'Kates Law' & 'No Sanctuary For Criminals Act' Passed

This is indeed winning and the Trumpenfuhrer is living up to his campaign promises. Wielding his sharp negotiating skills, he's mustered Congress to pass these two very important bills that will crackdown on these illegal nasty third worlders who infiltrate into our country in order to rape, murder, and Rob legal American law abiding Citizens. This is all part in making America great again.
Do you get extra points for exaggerating and hyperbole? We despise Trump as a tax cheater. And a uber liar. And amoral and manipulative fraud. Reminds me of illegal aliens, who are uber immigration liars, manipulative frauds. All Trump or illegals have to do is be honest, and follow the rules anrespect people. Are we on the same page here?

if you want to talk about liars you should start with the clintons lying bitch killary .and now much money has slick willy stolen from his charity programe
get your own house in order first

Think about this.....

DEMOCRATS go into politics to GET RICH (Clintons, Obamas etc)
REPUBLICANS go into politics to help ensure that ANYONE CAN GET RICH

(well, not entirely accurate....but the gist is relevant and there IS some truth in it)
The sanctuary city thing will be challenged in court and struck down. I don't know what Kate's law is. Another daughter of Trump's that Congress is appointing small hands czar?

No kidding, don't know what Kate's law is....but for some reason you feel you know enough to post anything in regards to illegal
Basically, it just says that those illegals who have been deported two or more times can be jailed for 5 years.


I don't wanna have to F'n pay for those millions and millions of bastards!!
If they've been deported THAT many times and keep bouncing back....execute em! That'll stop the recurrence problem.

What the hell kind of stupid ass country are we running where people can come to this country, commit crimes, even kill people, get "sanctuary and protection", benefits and health care...then go back home for a while or get deported and return again to do it again over and over and over??

If that's not the definition of insanity what is?
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This is indeed winning and the Trumpenfuhrer is living up to his campaign promises. Wielding his sharp negotiating skills, he's mustered Congress to pass these two very important bills that will crackdown on these illegal nasty third worlders who infiltrate into our country in order to rape, murder, and Rob legal American law abiding Citizens. This is all part in making America great again.
Do you get extra points for exaggerating and hyperbole? We despise Trump as a tax cheater. And a uber liar. And amoral and manipulative fraud. Reminds me of illegal aliens, who are uber immigration liars, manipulative frauds. All Trump or illegals have to do is be honest, and follow the rules anrespect people. Are we on the same page here?

if you want to talk about liars you should start with the clintons lying bitch killary .and now much money has slick willy stolen from his charity programe
get your own house in order first

Think about this.....

DEMOCRATS go into politics to GET RICH (Clintons, Obamas etc)
REPUBLICANS go into politics to help ensure that ANYONE CAN GET RICH

(well, not entirely accurate....but the gist is relevant and there IS some truth in it)

My Bank Stocks have tripled since Trump was elected...
And it ain't chicken feed.
Cracking down on immigration cheats, that's bad? I recently was on jury duty and deported an illegal Mexican after he violently assaulted another Mexican that was a pervert that assaulted his wife. I had a week stolen out of my life I will never get back by a couple of wetbacks that thought they were in Mexico. I despise this issue, This is a perfect example of why we need immigration control, the courts , layers, interpreters, the whole nine yards. What a waste.
My Bank Stocks have tripled since Trump was elected...
And it ain't chicken feed.

I know it's been said before but.....
I have a feeling you're not going to be able to even feed the chickens after what some analysts are showing is an inevitable correction coming very soon.

There is absolutely no solid financial backing or foundation for the irrational growth we've seen for the last few years. It's just manipulation and it cannot last.

My bets are on tangibles...not on contrived values that don't exist except on paper.

But I wish you well.
This is indeed winning and the Trumpenfuhrer is living up to his campaign promises. Wielding his sharp negotiating skills, he's mustered Congress to pass these two very important bills that will crackdown on these illegal nasty third worlders who infiltrate into our country in order to rape, murder, and Rob legal American law abiding Citizens. This is all part in making America great again.

He is living up to his promise of being a thug. The fact is that states are not required to enforce immigration law and he cannot require them to do so. This bill is blatantly unconstitutional. Apparently some people who chant state rights only believe in it when states do what they want. I believe in state rights and even if it means that states do things I do not like and are not in violation of the US Constitution. Bigotry like yours is un-American.
My Bank Stocks have tripled since Trump was elected...
And it ain't chicken feed.

I know it's been said before but.....
I have a feeling you're not going to be able to even feed the chickens after what some analysts are showing is an inevitable correction coming very soon.

There is absolutely no solid financial backing or foundation for the irrational growth we've seen for the last few years. It's just manipulation and it cannot last.

My bets are on tangibles...not on contrived values that don't exist except on paper.

But I wish you well.

It's all about knowing when to sell.....
My Bank Stocks have tripled since Trump was elected...
And it ain't chicken feed.

I know it's been said before but.....
I have a feeling you're not going to be able to even feed the chickens after what some analysts are showing is an inevitable correction coming very soon.

There is absolutely no solid financial backing or foundation for the irrational growth we've seen for the last few years. It's just manipulation and it cannot last.

My bets are on tangibles...not on contrived values that don't exist except on paper.

But I wish you well.

It's all about knowing when to sell.....

And I ain't talking...
More illegals invited and given sanctuary by the left....

Georgia police arrest 3 teens who scalded then raped woman near her kids
Georgia police arrest 3 teens who scalded then raped woman near her kids

The face of liberalism / socialism / progressivism


If Hillary had been elected these honor students would be given citizenship, scholarships, free EBT cards for life and Viagra for life.
The Left collectively wants this to be the new "Face of America"
(Or at least the majority of them have been fooled into THINKING they do)
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I had jury duty multiple times, and the first and the middle and the last all involved illegal Mexicans. Illegals eat up much of our time, they neither understand this culture nor it's laws. They must cost us billions, I am at a loss as to what we are gaining real time from illegal Mexicans. And the loss of our culture, which has no monetary value, but I see it every day. And the liberals that are so brainwashed, they accept this as "normal". That's just one more sign of what we have lost as a culture.
My Bank Stocks have tripled since Trump was elected...
And it ain't chicken feed.

I know it's been said before but.....
I have a feeling you're not going to be able to even feed the chickens after what some analysts are showing is an inevitable correction coming very soon.

There is absolutely no solid financial backing or foundation for the irrational growth we've seen for the last few years. It's just manipulation and it cannot last.

My bets are on tangibles...not on contrived values that don't exist except on paper.

But I wish you well.
I got hit hard when the Nasdaq bubble burst. My broker told me, "There's the Bull, the Bear and the Pig." I should have listened. Be careful.
The sanctuary city thing will be challenged in court and struck down. I don't know what Kate's law is. Another daughter of Trump's that Congress is appointing small hands czar?

No kidding, don't know what Kate's law is....but for some reason you feel you know enough to post anything in regards to illegal
Basically, it just says that those illegals who have been deported two or more times can be jailed for 5 years.

We taxpayers have to pay for that. That is ridiculous. If they have criminal records they should be detained. Otherwise they should be sent back.
This is indeed winning and the Trumpenfuhrer is living up to his campaign promises. Wielding his sharp negotiating skills, he's mustered Congress to pass these two very important bills that will crackdown on these illegal nasty third worlders who infiltrate into our country in order to rape, murder, and Rob legal American law abiding Citizens. This is all part in making America great again.
The progressives are very upset about this law, they love violent illegals...
This is indeed winning and the Trumpenfuhrer is living up to his campaign promises. Wielding his sharp negotiating skills, he's mustered Congress to pass these two very important bills that will crackdown on these illegal nasty third worlders who infiltrate into our country in order to rape, murder, and Rob legal American law abiding Citizens. This is all part in making America great again.

He is living up to his promise of being a thug. The fact is that states are not required to enforce immigration law and he cannot require them to do so. This bill is blatantly unconstitutional. Apparently some people who chant state rights only believe in it when states do what they want. I believe in state rights and even if it means that states do things I do not like and are not in violation of the US Constitution. Bigotry like yours is un-American.
so you are all for states not forcing their people to buy healthcare or else?

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