Trump Cuts Disability & Social Security Benefits


You Individualists just are shortsighted idiots.

Yea, that is what the British thought.

Also the Communists.

Government sucks, a welfare state sucks even more.

This stupid idea that the government is better at spending the money that you make than you are yourself is absolute loony tunes and destructive as hell. It destroys nations left and right.

Of course I wouldn't expect you to understand. Moon Bats don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Ethics, the Constitution or Biology.

Crapitalism & Communism both are terrible.

Only an intermediate, and hybrid system would solve our society.

LMFAO, its people like you who don't understand intellect very well.

Economics doesn't favor extreme Individualist Libertarianism, nor extreme Collectivist Communism.

But, rather the hybrid system is what's best for the economy.

FDR, and LBJ 2 Democrats who implemented social programs, saw some of the fastest GDP growth, and drops in poverty in 20th Century America.

Even though FDR was the crown champion of USA economic growth in the 20th century.

Franco's Spain, Nazi Germany, and modern China 3 Hybrid / Fascist / Mixed economies had dwarfed FDR's economic gains.
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You Individualists just are shortsighted idiots.

Yea, that is what the British thought.

Also the Communists.

Government sucks, a welfare state sucks even more.

This stupid idea that the government is better at spending the money that you make than you are yourself is absolute loony tunes and destructive as hell. It destroys nations left and right.

Of course I wouldn't expect you to understand. Moon Bats don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Ethics, the Constitution or Biology.

Crapitalism & Communism both are terrible.

Only an intermediate, and hybrid system would solve our society.

No, you are confused. Capitalism will do fine. Capitalism creates wealth while Socialism steals wealth. You learn that in Economics 101.

It is the government interference and thievery in our lives that fucks everything up.

It is too bad that you don't understand the concept of individual liberty. People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. Greed and stupidity are terrible things.

You Individualists just are shortsighted idiots.

Yea, that is what the British thought.

Also the Communists.

Government sucks, a welfare state sucks even more.

This stupid idea that the government is better at spending the money that you make than you are yourself is absolute loony tunes and destructive as hell. It destroys nations left and right.

Of course I wouldn't expect you to understand. Moon Bats don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Ethics, the Constitution or Biology.

Crapitalism & Communism both are terrible.

Only an intermediate, and hybrid system would solve our society.

No, you are confused. Capitalism will do fine. Capitalism creates wealth while Socialism steals wealth. You learn that in Economics 101.

It is the government interference and thievery in our lives that fucks everything up.

It is too bad that you don't understand the concept of individual liberty. People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. Greed and stupidity are terrible things.

How is that Liberty working out, as real wages flatline, and a bunch of Illegal Immigrants undercut jobs for Americans, and foot their tax tab onto the masses.
Liberty leads to outsourcing jobs, and facility tax base to China?

In both cases, they're hostile to us.

Capitalist is terrible, as is Communism.

At this rate Capitalism is probably even slightly worse.

At least Communists didn't outsource, and import a bunch of hostile intruders.

Like our idiotic greedy Crapitalist society does.

You Individualists just are shortsighted idiots.

Yea, that is what the British thought.

Also the Communists.

Government sucks, a welfare state sucks even more.

This stupid idea that the government is better at spending the money that you make than you are yourself is absolute loony tunes and destructive as hell. It destroys nations left and right.

Of course I wouldn't expect you to understand. Moon Bats don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Ethics, the Constitution or Biology.

Crapitalism & Communism both are terrible.

Only an intermediate, and hybrid system would solve our society.

No, you are confused. Capitalism will do fine. Capitalism creates wealth while Socialism steals wealth. You learn that in Economics 101.

It is the government interference and thievery in our lives that fucks everything up.

It is too bad that you don't understand the concept of individual liberty. People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. Greed and stupidity are terrible things.

How is that Liberty working out, as real wages flatline, and a bunch of Illegal Immigrants undercut jobs for Americans, and foot their tax tab onto the masses.
Liberty leads to outsourcing jobs, and facility tax base to China?

In both cases, they're hostile to us.

Capitalist is terrible, as is Communism.

At this rate Capitalism is probably even slightly worse.

At least Communists didn't outsource, and import a bunch of hostile intruders.

Like our idiotic greedy Crapitalist society does.

You are really confused about this, aren't you?

I trust a capitalist to deliver a good or service at a competitive price a lot more than I trust a stupid bureaucrat, who doesn't give a shit about me, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest group.

My life is full of the the good things that capitalism has provided. It gave me a good job for many years and a comfortable retirement. My home is full of goods and services supplied by capitalism. It has created tremendous wealth in this country and in the world. The capitalistic entities provide economic growth, jobs and government revenue.

Meanwhile Socialism doesn't provide jackshit and all the filthy welfare state does is steal my money and give it away to the special interest groups that elected the corrupt politicians that control the bueracrats that don't give a shit.

Only an idiot would try to justify a welfare state. It doesn't get any more stupid than that.

You really need to study up on history and economics so you won't be so ignorant when you post your sorry ass shit.
I am sorry but if you want disability insurance you should go buy it.

It is not my responsibility to pay for your disability. It is your responsibility.

When they take funds from SS to pay it then they are robbing somebody else of their retirement funds because the filthy government makes you pay into SS.

However, the best thing is not have SS or any forced government entitlement.

I'm not on disability, but my best friend is because he can't work.

Why should we let people who can't work just be homeless dying in the streets?

You're obviously very immoral, and illogical.

Social Security disability is spent back into the economy, which is more than can be said about most of the net worth of Trillionaires.

Forget about going to war in Iraq, I'm more concerned with going to war with the USA South.

I completely despise people in the Southern states, who impact my life far more negatively than Iraq ever did.

The South pays less taxes so we in the North have to pick up the tab, the South takes more in funds, and hand outs, goes to silly wars which kill Americans, and cause debt.

All you gave us in return is your Negro population, and that gift sucks & blows.

I hate your rabble of thuggish brute Protestants& British savages South of the Mason Dixon line.

It is your responsibility to pay your bills and my responsibility to pay mine.

It is oppressive to have the filthy government take the money that I earn by force and give it to you to pay your bills.

I don't have any respect for people that think they have an entitlement to use the filthy government to steal my money to pay their bills. That is thievery and it is immoral.

LOL, my household made an income of approx $300,000 last year.
We don't have a problem with paying for legit claims of disability.
Because we have sense, unlike extreme Individualists who lack sense.

People who can't work is what we're talking about.

Disability is pretty tough to get, many people wait years for it before a court.
Most people are rejected the first time, and then have to lawyer up.

Much of the homelessness in America is caused by people awaiting social security disability.

Being an Individualist is basically being a thoughtless savage without feelings, or commonsense.

Considering that the benefits of disability are spent back into the economy, anyways.

An economy is actually a collective, an organism of different roles, including between consumers propping up owners, and owners propping up consumers.

So, you might want more homeless, and dying people in the streets, because you're a fool.

I actually understand consumerism, and taking care of my fellow man.

I'm going to college for a Mental Health worker, and maybe onto Arts Therapy.
They've already gotten us involved with the field, pretty intensely.

Without Social Security disability many mentally ill will be out on the streets.
(Of course thicko Republicans would complain about that)

Without Medicaid, many mentally ill won't be able to get medicines for their mental illness, or be able to go to programs which help them.
(Of course thicko Republicans would complain about them causing issues from not being taken care of)

Individualism has no place in reality, its a primitive trait, and I don't respect such heartless idiots..

I don't give a shit if you are one of these dumbasses that thinks is dandy that the government steals your money and then gives it away to somebody else. Your a fucking moron but hey, you aren't the only moron in the country.

I'll be responsible for my disabilty and your friend can be responsible for his and we leave the government out of it. How does that sound Sport? It is called Liberty. Something you Moon Bats hate more than anything.

If we want to make cuts, why not start with the military?

A few years back 48% or nearly 1 half of the World's military budget was spent by the United States.
Are we trying to defend ourselves, or take over the entire World?

Besides, our biggest threat is from within at this point, groups like Illegals, Blacks, Islamic refugees, and Republican vs Democrat.

If we lose it, it will be by chaotic civil war, or by submissive immigration.

Another Individualist & Capitalist FAILURE.

How is someone who physically, or mentally can't work, supposed to take care of themselves?

That's a very goofy statement.

Typical idiotic, and heartless Individualist savages.
If your an American, GTFO!

You Individualists just are shortsighted idiots.

Yea, that is what the British thought.

Also the Communists.

Government sucks, a welfare state sucks even more.

This stupid idea that the government is better at spending the money that you make than you are yourself is absolute loony tunes and destructive as hell. It destroys nations left and right.

Of course I wouldn't expect you to understand. Moon Bats don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Ethics, the Constitution or Biology.

Crapitalism & Communism both are terrible.

Only an intermediate, and hybrid system would solve our society.

No, you are confused. Capitalism will do fine. Capitalism creates wealth while Socialism steals wealth. You learn that in Economics 101.

It is the government interference and thievery in our lives that fucks everything up.

It is too bad that you don't understand the concept of individual liberty. People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. Greed and stupidity are terrible things.

How is that Liberty working out, as real wages flatline, and a bunch of Illegal Immigrants undercut jobs for Americans, and foot their tax tab onto the masses.
Liberty leads to outsourcing jobs, and facility tax base to China?

In both cases, they're hostile to us.

Capitalist is terrible, as is Communism.

At this rate Capitalism is probably even slightly worse.

At least Communists didn't outsource, and import a bunch of hostile intruders.

Like our idiotic greedy Crapitalist society does.

You are really confused about this, aren't you?

I trust a capitalist to deliver a good or service at a competitive price a lot more than I trust a stupid bureaucrat, who doesn't give a shit about me, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest group.

My life is full of the the good things that capitalism has provided. It gave me a good job for many years and a comfortable retirement. My home is full of goods and services supplied by capitalism. It has created tremendous wealth in this country and in the world. The capitalistic entities provide economic growth, jobs and government revenue.

Meanwhile Socialism doesn't provide jackshit and all the filthy welfare state does is steal my money and give it away to the special interest groups that elected the corrupt politicians that control the bueracrats that don't give a shit.

Only an idiot would try to justify a welfare state. It doesn't get any more stupid than that.

You really need to study up on history and economics so you won't be so ignorant when you post your sorry ass shit.

There is a ton of evidence of the government propping up a ton of the economy.

You are too primate like to grasp the complexity of society, AKA an Individualist savage.

The economy of the 1950's & 1960's boomed, true.

At least part of this was because of Military spending creating jobs, as well as Welfare, like the GI Bill, and LBJ's Great Society,
helped create the Middle-Class.

That doesn't mean that Capitalism played no role, Capitalist manufacturing, and technology had bolstered the GDP.

Since the 1970's & 80's things have changed.
- Real wage incomes have stagnated.
- Outsourcing by Capitalists have increased.
- Hiring Illegal Immigrants have increased.

But, but, but its someone with a disability, living & consuming which is the main issue.

What a clueless buffoon.
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I'm not on disability, but my best friend is because he can't work.

Why should we let people who can't work just be homeless dying in the streets?

You're obviously very immoral, and illogical.

Social Security disability is spent back into the economy, which is more than can be said about most of the net worth of Trillionaires.

Forget about going to war in Iraq, I'm more concerned with going to war with the USA South.

I completely despise people in the Southern states, who impact my life far more negatively than Iraq ever did.

The South pays less taxes so we in the North have to pick up the tab, the South takes more in funds, and hand outs, goes to silly wars which kill Americans, and cause debt.

All you gave us in return is your Negro population, and that gift sucks & blows.

I hate your rabble of thuggish brute Protestants& British savages South of the Mason Dixon line.

It is your responsibility to pay your bills and my responsibility to pay mine.

It is oppressive to have the filthy government take the money that I earn by force and give it to you to pay your bills.

I don't have any respect for people that think they have an entitlement to use the filthy government to steal my money to pay their bills. That is thievery and it is immoral.

LOL, my household made an income of approx $300,000 last year.
We don't have a problem with paying for legit claims of disability.
Because we have sense, unlike extreme Individualists who lack sense.

People who can't work is what we're talking about.

Disability is pretty tough to get, many people wait years for it before a court.
Most people are rejected the first time, and then have to lawyer up.

Much of the homelessness in America is caused by people awaiting social security disability.

Being an Individualist is basically being a thoughtless savage without feelings, or commonsense.

Considering that the benefits of disability are spent back into the economy, anyways.

An economy is actually a collective, an organism of different roles, including between consumers propping up owners, and owners propping up consumers.

So, you might want more homeless, and dying people in the streets, because you're a fool.

I actually understand consumerism, and taking care of my fellow man.

I'm going to college for a Mental Health worker, and maybe onto Arts Therapy.
They've already gotten us involved with the field, pretty intensely.

Without Social Security disability many mentally ill will be out on the streets.
(Of course thicko Republicans would complain about that)

Without Medicaid, many mentally ill won't be able to get medicines for their mental illness, or be able to go to programs which help them.
(Of course thicko Republicans would complain about them causing issues from not being taken care of)

Individualism has no place in reality, its a primitive trait, and I don't respect such heartless idiots..

I don't give a shit if you are one of these dumbasses that thinks is dandy that the government steals your money and then gives it away to somebody else. Your a fucking moron but hey, you aren't the only moron in the country.

I'll be responsible for my disabilty and your friend can be responsible for his and we leave the government out of it. How does that sound Sport? It is called Liberty. Something you Moon Bats hate more than anything.

If we want to make cuts, why not start with the military?

A few years back 48% or nearly 1 half of the World's military budget was spent by the United States.
Are we trying to defend ourselves, or take over the entire World?

Besides, our biggest threat is from within at this point, groups like Illegals, Blacks, Islamic refugees, and Republican vs Democrat.

If we lose it, it will be by chaotic civil war, or by submissive immigration.

Another Individualist & Capitalist FAILURE.

How is someone who physically, or mentally can't work, supposed to take care of themselves?

That's a very goofy statement.

Typical idiotic, and heartless Individualist savages.
If your an American, GTFO!

Catholics & Mainline Protestants in much of the North tend to support a welfare state.

Its mostly those dirty dreg Brits down South, Baptists / Evangelical, trailer trash rural White trash which don't support the welfare state.

I wholeheartedly support secession,

F*ck the South.
Yea, that is what the British thought.

Also the Communists.

Government sucks, a welfare state sucks even more.

This stupid idea that the government is better at spending the money that you make than you are yourself is absolute loony tunes and destructive as hell. It destroys nations left and right.

Of course I wouldn't expect you to understand. Moon Bats don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Ethics, the Constitution or Biology.

Crapitalism & Communism both are terrible.

Only an intermediate, and hybrid system would solve our society.

No, you are confused. Capitalism will do fine. Capitalism creates wealth while Socialism steals wealth. You learn that in Economics 101.

It is the government interference and thievery in our lives that fucks everything up.

It is too bad that you don't understand the concept of individual liberty. People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. Greed and stupidity are terrible things.

How is that Liberty working out, as real wages flatline, and a bunch of Illegal Immigrants undercut jobs for Americans, and foot their tax tab onto the masses.
Liberty leads to outsourcing jobs, and facility tax base to China?

In both cases, they're hostile to us.

Capitalist is terrible, as is Communism.

At this rate Capitalism is probably even slightly worse.

At least Communists didn't outsource, and import a bunch of hostile intruders.

Like our idiotic greedy Crapitalist society does.

You are really confused about this, aren't you?

I trust a capitalist to deliver a good or service at a competitive price a lot more than I trust a stupid bureaucrat, who doesn't give a shit about me, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest group.

My life is full of the the good things that capitalism has provided. It gave me a good job for many years and a comfortable retirement. My home is full of goods and services supplied by capitalism. It has created tremendous wealth in this country and in the world. The capitalistic entities provide economic growth, jobs and government revenue.

Meanwhile Socialism doesn't provide jackshit and all the filthy welfare state does is steal my money and give it away to the special interest groups that elected the corrupt politicians that control the bueracrats that don't give a shit.

Only an idiot would try to justify a welfare state. It doesn't get any more stupid than that.

You really need to study up on history and economics so you won't be so ignorant when you post your sorry ass shit.

There is a ton of evidence of the government propping up a ton of the economy.

You are too primate like to grasp the complexity of society, AKA an Individualist savage.

The economy of the 1950's & 1960's boomed, true.

At least part of this was because of Military spending creating jobs, as well as Welfare, like the GI Bill, and LBJ's Great Society,
helped create the Middle-Class.

That doesn't mean that Capitalism played no role, Capitalist manufacturing, and technology had bolstered the GDP.

Since the 1970's & 80's things have changed.
- Real wage incomes have stagnated.
- Outsourcing by Capitalists have increased.
- Hiring Illegal Immigrants have increased.

But, but, but its someone with a disability, living & consuming which is the main issue.

What a clueless buffoon.

You dumb shit. You stupid Moon Bats don't know any more about History as you do Economics, Climate Science, Biology, the Constitution or Ethics.

In the 1950s the total cost of combined Federal, State, and Local government was less than 20% of the GDP. Nowadays it is almost 40% of the GDP.
The greatest president of all time proves he is the man for the job by continuing to take benefits from those who need it the most the Elderly and Disabled. He continues to propose more spending cuts on these programs. The republicans really know how to save money, screw the people in this country who need those benefits the most the Elderly and Disabled. And I have to pat them on the back for making more disabled people have to go through more hoops just to get their benefits; review boards every few years to prove they really have a disability and aren't faking it or no longer need the money. We all know too many people in wheelchairs, on crutches, the blind, the deaf, the mentally retarded, and mentally ill are freeloaders and don't really need that money the government gives them. So many are just faking it after all. We also know way too many seniors are living high hog on those outrageously high social security checks they get, we need to slash those too.

I remember a woman I met who was disabled in wheelchair for severe back problems and deaf getting repeatedly denied disability benefits in her "Republican" state she lived in. She had to talk to the people denying her benefits through an interpreter who used sign language. It took 3 times going in person to try to get her benefits, writing letters to congressman, having doctors call in person stating why she needs these benefits, submitting medical records, and many months of stress. I specially remember a lady telling her over the phone "well I am disabled and I don't need benefits, I can work. Just because your disabled mam doesn't mean your entitled to benefits."

I remember all the loopholes and stress that poor woman had to go through just to get her benefits. Now the Republicans want these disabled American's to go through even more loopholes and stress just to get the benefits they need because too many Americans are faking a disability. So just to save some money we have to subject those disabled Americans who truly need those benefits too all this stress and hardship just to receive their benefits. Brilliant plan Republicans! Just Brilliant!
About time the do something. I used to have neighbor and his girlfriend got disability because she was stupid. Not that stupid because she was a stripper that made a killing.
Crapitalism & Communism both are terrible.

Only an intermediate, and hybrid system would solve our society.

No, you are confused. Capitalism will do fine. Capitalism creates wealth while Socialism steals wealth. You learn that in Economics 101.

It is the government interference and thievery in our lives that fucks everything up.

It is too bad that you don't understand the concept of individual liberty. People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. Greed and stupidity are terrible things.

How is that Liberty working out, as real wages flatline, and a bunch of Illegal Immigrants undercut jobs for Americans, and foot their tax tab onto the masses.
Liberty leads to outsourcing jobs, and facility tax base to China?

In both cases, they're hostile to us.

Capitalist is terrible, as is Communism.

At this rate Capitalism is probably even slightly worse.

At least Communists didn't outsource, and import a bunch of hostile intruders.

Like our idiotic greedy Crapitalist society does.

You are really confused about this, aren't you?

I trust a capitalist to deliver a good or service at a competitive price a lot more than I trust a stupid bureaucrat, who doesn't give a shit about me, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest group.

My life is full of the the good things that capitalism has provided. It gave me a good job for many years and a comfortable retirement. My home is full of goods and services supplied by capitalism. It has created tremendous wealth in this country and in the world. The capitalistic entities provide economic growth, jobs and government revenue.

Meanwhile Socialism doesn't provide jackshit and all the filthy welfare state does is steal my money and give it away to the special interest groups that elected the corrupt politicians that control the bueracrats that don't give a shit.

Only an idiot would try to justify a welfare state. It doesn't get any more stupid than that.

You really need to study up on history and economics so you won't be so ignorant when you post your sorry ass shit.

There is a ton of evidence of the government propping up a ton of the economy.

You are too primate like to grasp the complexity of society, AKA an Individualist savage.

The economy of the 1950's & 1960's boomed, true.

At least part of this was because of Military spending creating jobs, as well as Welfare, like the GI Bill, and LBJ's Great Society,
helped create the Middle-Class.

That doesn't mean that Capitalism played no role, Capitalist manufacturing, and technology had bolstered the GDP.

Since the 1970's & 80's things have changed.
- Real wage incomes have stagnated.
- Outsourcing by Capitalists have increased.
- Hiring Illegal Immigrants have increased.

But, but, but its someone with a disability, living & consuming which is the main issue.

What a clueless buffoon.

You dumb shit. You stupid Moon Bats don't know any more about History as you do Economics, Climate Science, Biology, the Constitution or Ethics.

In the 1950s the total cost of combined Federal, State, and Local government was less than 20% of the GDP. Nowadays it is almost 40% of the GDP.

1.) The top tax bracket was 91% in the 1950's.

2.) The approx 20% tax rate in the 1950's was actually just the Federal taxes.

3.)The approx Fed tax in 2018 was 24%.

Actually a lot of this increase was likely mostly military, but not entirely.

You Individualists just are shortsighted idiots.

Yea, that is what the British thought.

Also the Communists.

Government sucks, a welfare state sucks even more.

This stupid idea that the government is better at spending the money that you make than you are yourself is absolute loony tunes and destructive as hell. It destroys nations left and right.

Of course I wouldn't expect you to understand. Moon Bats don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Ethics, the Constitution or Biology.

Crapitalism & Communism both are terrible.

Only an intermediate, and hybrid system would solve our society.

No, you are confused. Capitalism will do fine. Capitalism creates wealth while Socialism steals wealth. You learn that in Economics 101.

It is the government interference and thievery in our lives that fucks everything up.

It is too bad that you don't understand the concept of individual liberty. People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. Greed and stupidity are terrible things.

How is that Liberty working out, as real wages flatline, and a bunch of Illegal Immigrants undercut jobs for Americans, and foot their tax tab onto the masses.
Liberty leads to outsourcing jobs, and facility tax base to China?

In both cases, they're hostile to us.

Capitalist is terrible, as is Communism.

At this rate Capitalism is probably even slightly worse.

At least Communists didn't outsource, and import a bunch of hostile intruders.

Like our idiotic greedy Crapitalist society does.

Okay, but who is doing better today, our capitalist society or Communism and Socialism?

You Individualists just are shortsighted idiots.

Yea, that is what the British thought.

Also the Communists.

Government sucks, a welfare state sucks even more.

This stupid idea that the government is better at spending the money that you make than you are yourself is absolute loony tunes and destructive as hell. It destroys nations left and right.

Of course I wouldn't expect you to understand. Moon Bats don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Ethics, the Constitution or Biology.

Crapitalism & Communism both are terrible.

Only an intermediate, and hybrid system would solve our society.

No, you are confused. Capitalism will do fine. Capitalism creates wealth while Socialism steals wealth. You learn that in Economics 101.

It is the government interference and thievery in our lives that fucks everything up.

It is too bad that you don't understand the concept of individual liberty. People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. Greed and stupidity are terrible things.

How is that Liberty working out, as real wages flatline, and a bunch of Illegal Immigrants undercut jobs for Americans, and foot their tax tab onto the masses.
Liberty leads to outsourcing jobs, and facility tax base to China?

In both cases, they're hostile to us.

Capitalist is terrible, as is Communism.

At this rate Capitalism is probably even slightly worse.

At least Communists didn't outsource, and import a bunch of hostile intruders.

Like our idiotic greedy Crapitalist society does.

Okay, but who is doing better today, our capitalist society or Communism and Socialism?

The fastest economic growth has never come from extreme Communism, nor extreme Capitalism, but rather the hybrid system, or mixed system.

The fastest economic growth in recent years have come largely from Socialist countries, China, Poland, and Russia (Prior to the sanctions)

Nothing new there, Franco's Authoritarian / Fascistic Socialist Spain, National Socialist (Nazi Germany, experienced far greater economic growth than had the USA in the 20th century.
The greatest president of all time proves he is the man for the job by continuing to take benefits from those who need it the most the Elderly and Disabled. He continues to propose more spending cuts on these programs. The republicans really know how to save money, screw the people in this country who need those benefits the most the Elderly and Disabled. And I have to pat them on the back for making more disabled people have to go through more hoops just to get their benefits; review boards every few years to prove they really have a disability and aren't faking it or no longer need the money. We all know too many people in wheelchairs, on crutches, the blind, the deaf, the mentally retarded, and mentally ill are freeloaders and don't really need that money the government gives them. So many are just faking it after all. We also know way too many seniors are living high hog on those outrageously high social security checks they get, we need to slash those too.

I remember a woman I met who was disabled in wheelchair for severe back problems and deaf getting repeatedly denied disability benefits in her "Republican" state she lived in. She had to talk to the people denying her benefits through an interpreter who used sign language. It took 3 times going in person to try to get her benefits, writing letters to congressman, having doctors call in person stating why she needs these benefits, submitting medical records, and many months of stress. I specially remember a lady telling her over the phone "well I am disabled and I don't need benefits, I can work. Just because your disabled mam doesn't mean your entitled to benefits."

I remember all the loopholes and stress that poor woman had to go through just to get her benefits. Now the Republicans want these disabled American's to go through even more loopholes and stress just to get the benefits they need because too many Americans are faking a disability. So just to save some money we have to subject those disabled Americans who truly need those benefits too all this stress and hardship just to receive their benefits. Brilliant plan Republicans! Just Brilliant!
What are you babbling about?

You Individualists just are shortsighted idiots.

Yea, that is what the British thought.

Also the Communists.

Government sucks, a welfare state sucks even more.

This stupid idea that the government is better at spending the money that you make than you are yourself is absolute loony tunes and destructive as hell. It destroys nations left and right.

Of course I wouldn't expect you to understand. Moon Bats don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Ethics, the Constitution or Biology.

Crapitalism & Communism both are terrible.

Only an intermediate, and hybrid system would solve our society.

No, you are confused. Capitalism will do fine. Capitalism creates wealth while Socialism steals wealth. You learn that in Economics 101.

It is the government interference and thievery in our lives that fucks everything up.

It is too bad that you don't understand the concept of individual liberty. People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. Greed and stupidity are terrible things.

How is that Liberty working out, as real wages flatline, and a bunch of Illegal Immigrants undercut jobs for Americans, and foot their tax tab onto the masses.
Liberty leads to outsourcing jobs, and facility tax base to China?

In both cases, they're hostile to us.

Capitalist is terrible, as is Communism.

At this rate Capitalism is probably even slightly worse.

At least Communists didn't outsource, and import a bunch of hostile intruders.

Like our idiotic greedy Crapitalist society does.

Okay, but who is doing better today, our capitalist society or Communism and Socialism?

Spain was arguably far better under Franco's Authoritarian Socialism, rather than today under Capitalism.

A.) Economic growth under Franco in the Spanish Miracle was the #1 economic boom in 20th Century Europe. ONLY Japan post WW2 surpassed Franco.

B.) Unemployment is higher today in Spain.

C.) Immigration is much higher today in Spain.
Yea, that is what the British thought.

Also the Communists.

Government sucks, a welfare state sucks even more.

This stupid idea that the government is better at spending the money that you make than you are yourself is absolute loony tunes and destructive as hell. It destroys nations left and right.

Of course I wouldn't expect you to understand. Moon Bats don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Ethics, the Constitution or Biology.

Crapitalism & Communism both are terrible.

Only an intermediate, and hybrid system would solve our society.

No, you are confused. Capitalism will do fine. Capitalism creates wealth while Socialism steals wealth. You learn that in Economics 101.

It is the government interference and thievery in our lives that fucks everything up.

It is too bad that you don't understand the concept of individual liberty. People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. Greed and stupidity are terrible things.

How is that Liberty working out, as real wages flatline, and a bunch of Illegal Immigrants undercut jobs for Americans, and foot their tax tab onto the masses.
Liberty leads to outsourcing jobs, and facility tax base to China?

In both cases, they're hostile to us.

Capitalist is terrible, as is Communism.

At this rate Capitalism is probably even slightly worse.

At least Communists didn't outsource, and import a bunch of hostile intruders.

Like our idiotic greedy Crapitalist society does.

Okay, but who is doing better today, our capitalist society or Communism and Socialism?

The fastest economic growth has never come from extreme Communism, nor extreme Capitalism, but rather the hybrid system, or mixed system.

The fastest economic growth in recent years have come largely from Socialist countries, China, Poland, and Russia (Prior to the sanctions)

Nothing new there, Franco's Authoritarian / Fascistic Socialist Spain, National Socialist (Nazi Germany, experienced far greater economic growth than had the USA in the 20th century.

And yet through capitalism, nobody has the economy we have today. In fact most are suffering some sort of slowdown.

Remember that we are a country only a few hundred years old. In that short time, we became a world power and economic leader, and we didn't do it by any other means than capitalism. It's also the reason we have the most wealthy in this country, and the best opportunity for the average person to accumulate wealth.

There is no better economic system around, because capitalism allows people to be rewarded for their work. It encourages investment and innovation. It doesn't discriminate, and anybody can play the game, not just the rich.
Crapitalism & Communism both are terrible.

Only an intermediate, and hybrid system would solve our society.

No, you are confused. Capitalism will do fine. Capitalism creates wealth while Socialism steals wealth. You learn that in Economics 101.

It is the government interference and thievery in our lives that fucks everything up.

It is too bad that you don't understand the concept of individual liberty. People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. Greed and stupidity are terrible things.

How is that Liberty working out, as real wages flatline, and a bunch of Illegal Immigrants undercut jobs for Americans, and foot their tax tab onto the masses.
Liberty leads to outsourcing jobs, and facility tax base to China?

In both cases, they're hostile to us.

Capitalist is terrible, as is Communism.

At this rate Capitalism is probably even slightly worse.

At least Communists didn't outsource, and import a bunch of hostile intruders.

Like our idiotic greedy Crapitalist society does.

Okay, but who is doing better today, our capitalist society or Communism and Socialism?

The fastest economic growth has never come from extreme Communism, nor extreme Capitalism, but rather the hybrid system, or mixed system.

The fastest economic growth in recent years have come largely from Socialist countries, China, Poland, and Russia (Prior to the sanctions)

Nothing new there, Franco's Authoritarian / Fascistic Socialist Spain, National Socialist (Nazi Germany, experienced far greater economic growth than had the USA in the 20th century.

And yet through capitalism, nobody has the economy we have today. In fact most are suffering some sort of slowdown.

Remember that we are a country only a few hundred years old. In that short time, we became a world power and economic leader, and we didn't do it by any other means than capitalism. It's also the reason we have the most wealthy in this country, and the best opportunity for the average person to accumulate wealth.

There is no better economic system around, because capitalism allows people to be rewarded for their work. It encourages investment and innovation. It doesn't discriminate, and anybody can play the game, not just the rich.

The USA has been a hybrid system throughout almost all of its history.

Corporate charters were very strict in the United States until the 1880's, as well as welfare in the terms of Homestead Acts.

In the early 1900's Teddy Roosevelt had trust busted, or broke apart Corporate monopolies.

1920's Harding's Welfare act.

In the 1930's FDR pushed Socialism direct micromanagement over Capitalism + Social Security & Minimum Wage
& FDR actually achieved champion growth for 20th century USA history.

In the 1950's the GI Bill & a 91% top tax bracket.

1960's LBJ's Great society, continued until today & had achieved the #3 economic GDP growth, and presumably the biggest drop in poverty rates in United States history.
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No, you are confused. Capitalism will do fine. Capitalism creates wealth while Socialism steals wealth. You learn that in Economics 101.

It is the government interference and thievery in our lives that fucks everything up.

It is too bad that you don't understand the concept of individual liberty. People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. Greed and stupidity are terrible things.

How is that Liberty working out, as real wages flatline, and a bunch of Illegal Immigrants undercut jobs for Americans, and foot their tax tab onto the masses.
Liberty leads to outsourcing jobs, and facility tax base to China?

In both cases, they're hostile to us.

Capitalist is terrible, as is Communism.

At this rate Capitalism is probably even slightly worse.

At least Communists didn't outsource, and import a bunch of hostile intruders.

Like our idiotic greedy Crapitalist society does.

You are really confused about this, aren't you?

I trust a capitalist to deliver a good or service at a competitive price a lot more than I trust a stupid bureaucrat, who doesn't give a shit about me, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest group.

My life is full of the the good things that capitalism has provided. It gave me a good job for many years and a comfortable retirement. My home is full of goods and services supplied by capitalism. It has created tremendous wealth in this country and in the world. The capitalistic entities provide economic growth, jobs and government revenue.

Meanwhile Socialism doesn't provide jackshit and all the filthy welfare state does is steal my money and give it away to the special interest groups that elected the corrupt politicians that control the bueracrats that don't give a shit.

Only an idiot would try to justify a welfare state. It doesn't get any more stupid than that.

You really need to study up on history and economics so you won't be so ignorant when you post your sorry ass shit.

There is a ton of evidence of the government propping up a ton of the economy.

You are too primate like to grasp the complexity of society, AKA an Individualist savage.

The economy of the 1950's & 1960's boomed, true.

At least part of this was because of Military spending creating jobs, as well as Welfare, like the GI Bill, and LBJ's Great Society,
helped create the Middle-Class.

That doesn't mean that Capitalism played no role, Capitalist manufacturing, and technology had bolstered the GDP.

Since the 1970's & 80's things have changed.
- Real wage incomes have stagnated.
- Outsourcing by Capitalists have increased.
- Hiring Illegal Immigrants have increased.

But, but, but its someone with a disability, living & consuming which is the main issue.

What a clueless buffoon.

You dumb shit. You stupid Moon Bats don't know any more about History as you do Economics, Climate Science, Biology, the Constitution or Ethics.

In the 1950s the total cost of combined Federal, State, and Local government was less than 20% of the GDP. Nowadays it is almost 40% of the GDP.

1.) The top tax bracket was 91% in the 1950's.

2.) The approx 20% tax rate in the 1950's was actually just the Federal taxes.

3.)The approx Fed tax in 2018 was 24%.

Actually a lot of this increase was likely mostly military, but not entirely.

No dumbsnhit. It is the combined cost of Federal, State and Local cost of government.

In 1950 the cost of all government spending was 20.88% of the GDP.

The chart goes to 2015 where it is at 33% Now it is almost 40%. Tremendous burden on our economy. No wonder American families have a hard time. The cost of combined government is usually the highest annual burden on the family. More than housing or food or anything else. Regardless of income when you look at direct and indirect. Our combined cost of government is more than the GDP of all but three or so more countries on earth. Despicable!

Government Tax and Revenue Chart: United States 1950-2015 - Federal State Local Data

I know you have trouble with things like this because you are dumbass Moon Bat but in that chart total government revenue includes Federal, State and Local.

You are really embarrassing yourself with your ignorance Moon Bat.

Go study a little History and Economics. That way you won't look like a fool when you post your commie dribble.

Defense is one of the few legitimate cost of government. We have spent $15 trillion on the filthy ass welfare state and we have just as much poverty now as we had before we spent the $15 trillion. Just like education. Before we created that dumbass Department of Education the US was rated 1st in the world. Now, after spending hundreds of billions we are rated about 20th.

Government sucks. Dumbass Moon Bats like you that support big government are fucking up this country.
How is that Liberty working out, as real wages flatline, and a bunch of Illegal Immigrants undercut jobs for Americans, and foot their tax tab onto the masses.
Liberty leads to outsourcing jobs, and facility tax base to China?

In both cases, they're hostile to us.

Capitalist is terrible, as is Communism.

At this rate Capitalism is probably even slightly worse.

At least Communists didn't outsource, and import a bunch of hostile intruders.

Like our idiotic greedy Crapitalist society does.

You are really confused about this, aren't you?

I trust a capitalist to deliver a good or service at a competitive price a lot more than I trust a stupid bureaucrat, who doesn't give a shit about me, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest group.

My life is full of the the good things that capitalism has provided. It gave me a good job for many years and a comfortable retirement. My home is full of goods and services supplied by capitalism. It has created tremendous wealth in this country and in the world. The capitalistic entities provide economic growth, jobs and government revenue.

Meanwhile Socialism doesn't provide jackshit and all the filthy welfare state does is steal my money and give it away to the special interest groups that elected the corrupt politicians that control the bueracrats that don't give a shit.

Only an idiot would try to justify a welfare state. It doesn't get any more stupid than that.

You really need to study up on history and economics so you won't be so ignorant when you post your sorry ass shit.

There is a ton of evidence of the government propping up a ton of the economy.

You are too primate like to grasp the complexity of society, AKA an Individualist savage.

The economy of the 1950's & 1960's boomed, true.

At least part of this was because of Military spending creating jobs, as well as Welfare, like the GI Bill, and LBJ's Great Society,
helped create the Middle-Class.

That doesn't mean that Capitalism played no role, Capitalist manufacturing, and technology had bolstered the GDP.

Since the 1970's & 80's things have changed.
- Real wage incomes have stagnated.
- Outsourcing by Capitalists have increased.
- Hiring Illegal Immigrants have increased.

But, but, but its someone with a disability, living & consuming which is the main issue.

What a clueless buffoon.

You dumb shit. You stupid Moon Bats don't know any more about History as you do Economics, Climate Science, Biology, the Constitution or Ethics.

In the 1950s the total cost of combined Federal, State, and Local government was less than 20% of the GDP. Nowadays it is almost 40% of the GDP.

1.) The top tax bracket was 91% in the 1950's.

2.) The approx 20% tax rate in the 1950's was actually just the Federal taxes.

3.)The approx Fed tax in 2018 was 24%.

Actually a lot of this increase was likely mostly military, but not entirely.

No dumbsnhit. It is the combined cost of Federal, State and Local cost of government.

In 1950 the cost of all government spending was 20.88% of the GDP.

The chart goes to 2015 where it is at 33% Now it is almost 40%. Tremendous burden on our economy. No wonder American families have a hard time. The cost of combined government is usually the highest annual burden on the family. More than housing or food or anything else. Regardless of income when you look at direct and indirect. Our combined cost of government is more than the GDP of all but three or so more countries on earth. Despicable!

Government Tax and Revenue Chart: United States 1950-2015 - Federal State Local Data

I know you have trouble with things like this because you are dumbass Moon Bat but in that chart total government revenue includes Federal, State and Local.

You are really embarrassing yourself with your ignorance Moon Bat.

Go study a little History and Economics. That way you won't look like a fool when you post your commie dribble.

Defense is one of the few legitimate cost of government. We have spent $15 trillion on the filthy ass welfare state and we have just as much poverty now as we had before we spent the $15 trillion. Just like education. Before we created that dumbass Department of Education the US was rated 1st in the world. Now, after spending hundreds of billions we are rated about 20th.

Government sucks. Dumbass Moon Bats like you that support big government are fucking up this country.

There's a far bigger burden by the loss of manufacturing jobs, importation of Illegals, and loss of Unions.

I don't think you grasp the economical data.

The biggest economic growth in 20th century Europe came from a Right-Wing Socialist Monarchist Franco of Spain.

The biggest economic growth in 20th century USA history came from a Right- Wing Socialist FDR.

Yes, FDR was a Socialist, and in reality a Right-Winger, having not supported Liberal rights to immigrants, Blacks, Gays, or abortion, and the garbage the modern Democrats push for.
No, you are confused. Capitalism will do fine. Capitalism creates wealth while Socialism steals wealth. You learn that in Economics 101.

It is the government interference and thievery in our lives that fucks everything up.

It is too bad that you don't understand the concept of individual liberty. People like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. Greed and stupidity are terrible things.

How is that Liberty working out, as real wages flatline, and a bunch of Illegal Immigrants undercut jobs for Americans, and foot their tax tab onto the masses.
Liberty leads to outsourcing jobs, and facility tax base to China?

In both cases, they're hostile to us.

Capitalist is terrible, as is Communism.

At this rate Capitalism is probably even slightly worse.

At least Communists didn't outsource, and import a bunch of hostile intruders.

Like our idiotic greedy Crapitalist society does.

Okay, but who is doing better today, our capitalist society or Communism and Socialism?

The fastest economic growth has never come from extreme Communism, nor extreme Capitalism, but rather the hybrid system, or mixed system.

The fastest economic growth in recent years have come largely from Socialist countries, China, Poland, and Russia (Prior to the sanctions)

Nothing new there, Franco's Authoritarian / Fascistic Socialist Spain, National Socialist (Nazi Germany, experienced far greater economic growth than had the USA in the 20th century.

And yet through capitalism, nobody has the economy we have today. In fact most are suffering some sort of slowdown.

Remember that we are a country only a few hundred years old. In that short time, we became a world power and economic leader, and we didn't do it by any other means than capitalism. It's also the reason we have the most wealthy in this country, and the best opportunity for the average person to accumulate wealth.

There is no better economic system around, because capitalism allows people to be rewarded for their work. It encourages investment and innovation. It doesn't discriminate, and anybody can play the game, not just the rich.

The USA has been a hybrid system throughout almost all of its history.

Corporate charters were very strict in the United States until the 1880's, as well as welfare in the terms of Homestead Acts.

In the early 1900's Teddy Roosevelt had trust busted.

1920's Harding's Welfare act.

In the 1930's FDR pushed Socialism direct micromanagement over Capitalism + Social Security & Minimum Wage
& FDR actually achieved champion growth for 20th century USA history.

In the 1950's the GI Bill & a 91% top tax bracket.

1960's LBJ's Great society, continued until today & had achieved the #3 economic GDP growth, and presumably the biggest drop in poverty rates in United States history.

The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure
How is that Liberty working out, as real wages flatline, and a bunch of Illegal Immigrants undercut jobs for Americans, and foot their tax tab onto the masses.
Liberty leads to outsourcing jobs, and facility tax base to China?

In both cases, they're hostile to us.

Capitalist is terrible, as is Communism.

At this rate Capitalism is probably even slightly worse.

At least Communists didn't outsource, and import a bunch of hostile intruders.

Like our idiotic greedy Crapitalist society does.

Okay, but who is doing better today, our capitalist society or Communism and Socialism?

The fastest economic growth has never come from extreme Communism, nor extreme Capitalism, but rather the hybrid system, or mixed system.

The fastest economic growth in recent years have come largely from Socialist countries, China, Poland, and Russia (Prior to the sanctions)

Nothing new there, Franco's Authoritarian / Fascistic Socialist Spain, National Socialist (Nazi Germany, experienced far greater economic growth than had the USA in the 20th century.

And yet through capitalism, nobody has the economy we have today. In fact most are suffering some sort of slowdown.

Remember that we are a country only a few hundred years old. In that short time, we became a world power and economic leader, and we didn't do it by any other means than capitalism. It's also the reason we have the most wealthy in this country, and the best opportunity for the average person to accumulate wealth.

There is no better economic system around, because capitalism allows people to be rewarded for their work. It encourages investment and innovation. It doesn't discriminate, and anybody can play the game, not just the rich.

The USA has been a hybrid system throughout almost all of its history.

Corporate charters were very strict in the United States until the 1880's, as well as welfare in the terms of Homestead Acts.

In the early 1900's Teddy Roosevelt had trust busted.

1920's Harding's Welfare act.

In the 1930's FDR pushed Socialism direct micromanagement over Capitalism + Social Security & Minimum Wage
& FDR actually achieved champion growth for 20th century USA history.

In the 1950's the GI Bill & a 91% top tax bracket.

1960's LBJ's Great society, continued until today & had achieved the #3 economic GDP growth, and presumably the biggest drop in poverty rates in United States history.

The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure

The 1950's poverty rate stood at 22%, give or take, LBJ cut that poverty rate in nearly half, presumably approx 40% less poverty.
LBJ is the biggest GDP growth champion USA President since 1950.

ONLY, FDR, and Harding can compare for USA Presidents in the 20th Century, for economic GDP growth.

Not only did FDR, and Harding support welfare implementation.

But, Authoritarian Right wing Socialists like Franco & Hitler had 20th century growth, that dwarf anything the USA had done.

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